I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 208 is the foot of a mountain! !

Chapter 208 is the foot of a mountain! ! (seeking subscription)


Angers also heard the crisis facing the executive department through Norma's call.

The live ammunition imprisoned by the other party is a time bomb one by one. Once the live ammunition melts and explodes, all the executive department commissioners on the scene will become living targets.

If there is no real large-scale AOE defense, their Kassel Academy will suffer heavy losses again, and Kassel Academy can no longer withstand such a blow.

"Where's Fu Nian? Hasn't he rushed to the battlefield yet?" Anger asked Norma to transfer Fu Nian's academy position.

For a moment, Ange's face turned dark.

During the monitoring, Fu Nian was like a headless fly, wandering around in the all-round passage of the ice cellar. This was originally a defensive passage to confuse the intruders, but now it has become a barrier that prevents soldiers from reaching the battlefield. North Labyrinth.

"Didn't anyone tell him the map of the ice cellar?!" Anger stared at Norma with mixed emotions.

"Sorry, principal, we don't have a map that might expose danger in the deepest route of the Well of Annihilation in the ice cellar," Norma said.


Ange sighed heavily, looking at Fu Nian's cell phone that had fallen on the table.

"I'm afraid he is not a spy sent by the Dragon King. The vest is disconnected at a critical moment..."

Norma remained silent, she knew that the principal at the moment was just making complaints and venting her helplessness.

"In this case, it can only be done by me."

Ange slowly propped up his knees with his hands, and slowly got up from the chair.

At this moment, the silent air space in the room suddenly became violent, like a boiling river, and there seemed to be some giant beasts in the river, which were tightened by iron chains, slowly breaking free from their shackles.


Finally, Ange stood tall and straight in the air, with sharp golden pupils undulating up and down in the darkness, like a candle just lit.

"I'm an old guy, I haven't moved my body for a long time."



"Fenrir, he's gone. Be careful not to make too much noise."

A picture suddenly flashed in Fu Nian's mind, a dark corner on a high place, through the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of the principal's office.

An extremely gentlemanly old figure slowly put on his linen black suit jacket, and was standing in front of the mirror arranging his sleeves.There is a touch of elegance in the slow movement.It seems that it will be an aristocratic social ball that will appear in a while, facing a plump young woman who still has charm, not a dead waiter covered in black and white on the battlefield.Although this Deadpool is equally cute and petite in the human state.

But the principal might not like little loli.


Fu Nian, who was wandering indifferently inside the ice cellar, paused, looked at the flickering passage ahead, and then glanced at the pitch-black passage beside him.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and walked towards the pitch-black passage beside him.

Norma's expression froze, and her eyes showed a rare helplessness, looking at the correct passage she had pointed out to the other party.In the end, I could only sigh.


The little girl stopped her progress slowly, her bare white feet stepped on the Bermuda lawn not far from the school gate, and looked at the tall and straight figure standing in front of her.

The old man has gray hair at the temples, and his face is covered with wrinkles. The moment he sees the other party, people can somehow think of the oak bark between the Spanish hills. Time has carved traces on his face, but these traces are not only It didn't make him weak like an old man.On the contrary, it made him more energetic, those eyes as deep as the sea were staring at the young figure standing in front of him with radiance.

The little figure has been walking here along the direction of the library, holding a baseball bat in one hand and the body of Norton Dragon in the other, taking one step at a time, like a traveler walking in the park on a rainy night, with a careless expression in his expression.

But in the eyes of Angers, this is not laxity at all, but arrogance!

Staring at the densely packed large-caliber brass bullets covering the opponent's body.Angers frowned,
Sure enough, as they said in the executive department, this dead waiter has the ability of a dragon king. If the opponent's body shape is not exactly the same as the dead waiter they know, Ange will treat him as a dragon king.

The little girl hung her head and stood there without speaking.

But Angers clearly sensed the changes in the surrounding environment.

The wind died down.The flowing air was imprisoned, and even the swaying grass on the lawn was firmly attached to the ground.

There was a suffocating sense of oppression in the air.

It seems that there is a faint field spreading from the figure's body to the surroundings.


From the very beginning, from the moment he arrived, the little girl will enter a fighting state.Neither side spoke a word.

In the next second, the little figure started to take steps.

The moment he lifted his foot.

Angers felt that the whole air was lifted upwards, as if his whole body was firmly grasped by a pair of big hands, every inch of hair on his body stood up at this moment.The surrounding air became more and more viscous and solid, so that in the end, the area covered by the domain seemed to be deprived of the real world,
Outside the domain, the air floats like flowing water, fresh and natural, while inside the domain, the air is as solid as a rock, making it difficult to breathe.

Angers stood where he was, unable to move his whole body, and the floating silver-white hair was tightly suppressed between the scalps, without any gap.

The little girl's little feet slowly pressed down.The lifted air instantly turned into a huge mountain, and the huge gravity field was as suffocating as a heavy tank falling from a thousand-meter altitude.

Everything was falling, suits, buttons, grass, dirt, even Angers' wrinkled skin was being pulled by the downward air.

A dazzling golden light shone, and the shrill knife neighed like an eagle dove.

It was as if there was a gust of wind blowing away Ange's neatly combed white hair behind his head.The loose suit flapped back in his gust of wind.

The golden golden pupils opened under the stimulation of the outside world.A sharp edge field is as sharp as a knife, instantly cutting a tapered gap in the surrounding imprisoned field.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger...

Angers frowned in a rare frown.Staring at the other party's little feet that were about to fall completely, a trace of tyranny flashed across his eyes.

A field of confrontation suddenly spread towards the surroundings, and pieces of blue-black scales also covered Angers' whole body.

The second blood burst!

open! !
In an instant, the domain cut out a sharp blade glow in the solidified golden light,
Ling Ling!Time zero! !

The howling wind around him suddenly slowed down, and even the feet of the little figure slowed down.

Everything around.

Ange's eyes were shining brightly like fire.

Flicking his sleeves, a pocket knife gleaming with a cold light shone brightly in the golden light.

Ange's body bowed slightly downwards. At this moment, the aura of the whole person changed drastically.
The elegant breath is restrained, and the sharp edge is revealed.The next moment, a gentle gentleman instantly transformed into a blue beast hunting time.

The flickering light in Ange's eyes became more and more dazzling.

The thigh muscles of the lower body suddenly tensed inward, and a deep pit immediately appeared on the lawn on the ground, and the soil sunk inward.

Angers disappeared!

The distance between the two was already very short, and the process of launching an attack from Angers was only a short moment.

Under the cover of the domain of zero spiritual time, this short moment is not even enough time for a thought outside.

Under the binoculars of the deputy head of the executive department in the distance, only a row of grass fell down on the lawn, and the principal's figure disappeared from the spot.What appeared together with it was a burst of dazzling crimson flames, as bright as fireworks.

Gone in an instant.

The air seemed silent for a moment.

The deputy minister only felt that all the surrounding sounds disappeared.In the distance, only the figure of the little girl remained, still keeping her footsteps.

A sharp blade cut the ground into a thigh-thick gully.The lawn was torn apart the moment Angers took out the knife.In the cracked gap, the little girl stood in the center.


The deputy minister swallowed hard.

The principal is too strong!
With this knife, even the defense of the third generation will be cut off!No, the next-generation species must be cut off!

But at the same time, the deputy minister also let out a heavy breath, and it was over.

An academy with the headmaster is indeed invincible!

But before the deputy minister's tone, he was completely relieved.

The next moment, in the deputy minister's sight, the little girl's body that was supposed to crack with the ground suddenly fell down.

Do not!It fell hard to the ground.

That's right!

It just fell hard to the ground.

From such a long distance, he clearly felt the sense of vision being impacted by a huge force. When he fell, the air was exploding, as if it was not a little girl's foot at all, but the foot of a giant elephant.
Do not!It's the foot of a mountain! !
In an instant, a bottomless pit appeared on the soft soil lawn, and the pit spread across the soil like a sea tide.

The ground is collapsing, the earth is turning.

The majestic air wave suddenly shook the lawn on the ground out of the soil.

 I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ! (Remember to eat the moon and watch mooncakes.)
(End of this chapter)

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