I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 209 Junior Brother, this way

Chapter 209 Junior Brother, Go This Way (Please Subscribe)


Ange stood outside the field with a knife in his hand, the golden light shining in his eyes was as dazzling as light.

He looked down at the scorched and rolled dragon scale wound on his abdomen.His brows furrowed inadvertently.

Even at this time, he still underestimated the opponent's combat power.

Through the blessing of Time Zero's field, he broke through the opponent's gravity field, but only broke through.

Not far from being destroyed.Angers is well aware of this.

The moment an opportunity appeared in the field, he launched an attack.

time zero.As the name suggests, time stops flowing.But this is limited to his time. Within the scope of the domain, his time scale is greatly extended, and he can do what the other party does for tens of seconds in one second.

In addition to his destructive power after a century of sharpening his sword and his second burst of blood, this is a very terrifying thing.

Imagine, fighting with a person, you suddenly stop the flow of time, then slowly walk to the opponent's side, and plunge the knife into the opponent's heart.The enemy is dead.The death is inexplicable.I don't even know why I died.

Time recovers, and in the eyes of outsiders, all this is even more inexplicable.

The two faced each other for life and death, and at a certain moment, a breeze blew by.

One side leaned back to the sky, and a series of blood burst out of his chest.The spectators didn't even know what was going on.Looking at the inexplicable knife wound, but no trace of the knife can be seen.

At this time, you turned around silently, put the knife back into its sheath, and the sharp-eyed spectators saw a trace of blood slipping from the tip of the knife.

The heart is horrified and regards you as a heavenly being.

This is Time Zero, which is also Angers before.

On the battlefield of the dragon clan, the headmaster is regarded as a mythical existence by the Cassel Executive Department.Each of his appearances will be regarded as a classic case in the combat practice class of the Executive Department of Kassel College.

The headmaster's powerful analysis is thorough, but no matter how he analyzes it, no one can break the headmaster's myth.There wasn't even a powerful mixed race standing side by side with it.

It was a battle where the appearance was the peak, and the beginning was the end.

The bright spark has always been only a moment in the principal's hands.

With one strike, Deadpool falls.

But today.

Anger looked at the back of the little girl in front of her, and finally frowned tightly.

His lore failed.

In just a short moment, he swung his knife 360 ​​times, each of which had the destructive power to split the ground, but none of them could break through the opponent's defense.

Didn't even stop the opponent's falling feet.

The bluish-black scale armor on the other party's body seemed to be the hardest alloy steel in the world, and it was indestructible but also had a desperate scorching heat.
The coercion was released around, and a larger golden field spread around.The majesty of the Dragon King was completely stabilized the moment the opponent's feet fell.Make up for the fields that have torn themselves apart.

Angers once again felt that the wind around him had stopped.

Not only the wind, but even the fluctuating black blood energy in his body was stopped.

The surging blood was suppressed on the surface of the body under this tyrannical majesty.

Ange felt that the dragon scales all over his body were trembling, but this trembling was silent trembling.The rules around them don't allow them to make a sound.

"Is this fear?!" Anger felt the dragon scale on his chest.A premonition from the heart is getting worse.

Something doesn't seem quite right with Deadpool tonight!Powerful people feel hopeless!
The little girl turned around slowly, and the red light curtain finally landed on Angers.

At this moment, the surrounding air seemed to be a chain, entwining every inch of Ange's body in mid-air.

The little girl's drooping head was slowly raised, and at the same time, the power of confinement became stronger and stronger. In the end, Ange found that she couldn't bear the coercion at all.

The skin all over his body was chapped and bleeding.

The little girl raised her chin, and her expressionless face revealed a cold will.The golden golden dragon pupils illuminate every inch of air in front of him.

She raised her wrist slowly.

The surrounding air began to tremble, the still air began to boil,
What trembled more violently were the large-caliber brass bullets.

The air behind them became hot and hot, as if the flames were burning, as if the energy was accumulating, and at this moment the air became the chamber of the bullet.

The moment the little girl's wrist fell, all the bullets here would gather towards Angers in front.

The expression of the deputy minister who witnessed this scene in the distance changed instantly.

But he was powerless at all, this Deadpool had the same ability as Norton, their long-range fire control weapon attack was useless at all, but close attack.

The principal was trapped inside, wouldn't they, ordinary mixed races, die as many as they wanted? ! !

For a while, the deputy minister wished that he could not replace the principal.He stood there anxiously, with impotent rage revealing between his brows.

Anger is also well aware of this, staring at the violently trembling bullets, and now he is under the oppression of the opponent's Longwei, and his words can't be used at all.

Although he has dragon scale armor, facing these densely packed large-caliber bullets, they can still easily penetrate his body and break his bones.

If I was lucky, I might not have died, but at that time, I was seriously injured, completely lost my fighting power, and became a lamb that ordinary people could kill.

"Is it still going to be used after all!" Anger stood in place, feeling the huge pressure on his shoulders. Without the blessing of bursting blood, he would not be able to stand here intact.I'm afraid that I will be directly crushed by this pressure and kneel here.

He remembered that more than ten minutes ago, Norma was still telling him to use Explosive Blood with caution, but instead of not doing it, he wanted to directly open the Dragon King's Heart!
"Blood explosion! Three times!"


Ange's eyes instantly became hot and dazzling, like two hot stars.

At this moment, the little girl's wrist suddenly dropped.

The densely packed bullets roared out with a manic roar.

However, a more manic and violent will roared towards the surroundings like a whirlwind, whizzing past the surface of the bullet.

The bullets flying around at high speed become slow, extremely slow.

Anger's body is like a black sharp sword, with the brutality and tyranny that bursting blood must have,

ding, ding...

Dense ding-dong sounds resounded in the surrounding air, and all the bullets flying in mid-air were knocked down by the gong.

But Ange's actions didn't stop there, he once again attacked the little girl in the distance, like a red-eyed bull, with an indomitable sharp edge,
With the heart of a tyrannical dragon king trampling the lawn.

The little girl felt the sharp threat from the impact, and raised her arm little by little, but at this moment her movements were like a stuck cartoon, the baseball bat in her hand was waving little by little, with pauses.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, and the cold light on Angers wrist became more and more suffocating.

The little girl's movements became smoother.

at last,

Angers appeared in front of the girl, and a Damascus alchemy folding knife made of cold-forged patterned steel appeared in the raised black wrist. The folding knife shone with murderous determination in his piercing and tyrannical eyes.

He waved down with one hand fiercely, with an indomitable momentum, as if he had a blood feud with the enemy there that spanned time!
The baseball bat swung by the girl became completely natural, swung from bottom to top, with a majestic aura like mountains and seas.

The white light was dazzling, and the sharpness of the edge collided with the thickness of the baseball bat.Like the collision of the mountain of knives and the earth.


However, the jackknife split the body of the baseball bat like cutting tofu, and passed through the cracks of the baseball bat without hindrance.

The tyranny in Ange's eyes became even stronger.The glare is brighter and more dazzling.

The girl continued to wave the half of the baseball bat in her hand as if nothing had happened.

After a pause in the gesture, he pushed up with half of the tip of the stick.

Angers' pocket knife appeared on the girl's neck without any suspense.

The tip of the girl's half stick also appeared on Angers' abdominal wound without any violation.

Intense sparks bloom.It's like a steel stone hitting each other.

The jackknife did not cut through the girl's defenses, nor did the tip of the girl's stick break Angers' belly scales.

The two passed by each other, and only sparks confirmed their past with each other.

"Still not cut?!"

A trace of helplessness flashed in Ange's eyes.The opponent's defense made him feel powerless, and he had already activated the third burst of blood.

But his body did not hesitate at all. Under the influence of the tyrannical will and the Dragon King's Heart, his whole body turned his head with extreme speed and started to fight back.

The jackknife slashed at the little girl below her again and again, but the little girl didn't dodge at all, she threw down the half of the baseball bat in her hand, and held Norton's huge body in one hand, showing her sharp claws, and then met Ang on the other side. Hot battles come together.

Unlike Anger's attack, which did no harm, the little girl couldn't keep up with Anger's speed at all. She could barely stretch her arm in front of the opponent when the opponent swung ten knives.

But the speed of the opponent's dodging and reaction was also astonishing. Eight out of ten times Wanzi's attack could not be realized at all.

The only few times that it fell to the ground, it would also be offset by the opponent's scale armor defense.


In the library, Fu Nian's eyes became helpless for a moment.

Anger's speed was too fast. After obtaining the Dragon King's heart with three bursts of blood, his complete Dragon King's coercion was no longer enough to have much impact on the opponent's strength.

This inevitably allowed Angers to maximize his advantages.

It's also true that he is the king of the earth and the mountain. Although speed is not his strong point, defense is.

Although I can't keep up with the opponent's speed, the opponent can't break through my own defense.

The blood explosion that Angers opened must last for a long time, as long as he delays the time.


For a moment, Fu Nian's mouth showed a villain's silly smile.

But in the next second, the corner of Fu Nian's mouth froze in place.

He looked at the figure at the end of the passage in amazement.

There, Chu Zihang's figure was as tall and straight as a peak.

"Brother, this way."

 eat the moon!eat the moon!

  Thanks to [Metaverse 27] for the 500 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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