I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 210 You are wrong in trying to challenge the gods with a human body

Chapter 210 You Are Wrong in Trying to Challenge the Gods with a Human Body (Subscribe)


"Brother, this way."

"Brother, why are you here?" Fu Nian looked at Chu Zihang who appeared in the ice cellar passage in surprise.

"Norma sent me a message, asking me to bring you out of it when you are lost." A trace of helplessness flashed in Chu Zihang's expressionless eyes.

He remembered that this was not the first time Fu Nian got lost in the ice cellar.

"Ah!" Fu Nian was stunned.

If I was taken out by my senior brother, wouldn't I have to help the principal.Fight the invaders?
How can this be? !
Fight yourself?
"Junior brother? This way." Chu Zihang looked at Fu Nian who was in a daze, and reminded him aloud.

Fu Nian woke up suddenly, and walked towards Chu Zihang in the distance.



Angers watched his attacks again and again, frowning deeply,
In Kassel College, they have many opportunities to kill the Dragon King,

Specifically aimed at the Philosopher's Stone of the Dragon King, Samson died under the bullet of the Philosopher's Stone.

But the Philosopher's Stone has a great limitation, that is, once the spiritual element is refined into a spar, it also has a shape.Its infinity is only for the spirit of speech, but as a tangible thing, if it hits the surface of something as tough as metal, it will still shatter.

So he had to open a wound on the Deadpool in front of him, and then fight for the opportunity to send the Philosopher's Stone into the other's wound.

But the crux of the problem is that he can't break through the opponent's defense at all!

It has been nearly a minute since he started the third burst of blood. In the field of zero spiritual time, he has swung at least a thousand heavy blows, various changes, and various weaknesses. up.At this frequency, with this strength, even if the opponent is wearing ten layers of alloy armor plates, he will be chopped into pieces by himself.But the current situation is that none of his attacks can break through the opponent's defense.Even if it is the weakest part of the opponent.Under the blessing of an inexplicable speech spirit, the opponent's body became better than steel and steel.Don't give him a chance at all.

It just left a white mark at a position where repeated attacks had been repeated many times.

In addition to the Philosopher's Stone, they also have alchemy weapons specially made for dragon slaying by the Seven Deadly Sins.

But the Damascus alchemy folding knife in Angers' hands also has the ability to kill the first generation species.But still unable to break through the opponent's defense.

Of course they also bombed with head-heavy missiles, but that's also not practical for the current situation.She has the same ability as the Dragon King Norton, and covering it with heavy firepower is a disaster for the academy.

For a moment, Angers frowned.

If this continues, sooner or later, I will be exhausted to death here.

Unless, someone can break through the opponent's defense.

Break through the opponent's defense? !

For a moment, Fu Nian's figure inexplicably appeared in Angers' mind.

In the end, he sighed helplessly. If possible, he definitely didn't want Fu Nian to activate the burst blood mode at this moment.



Angers eyes changed, and he actually found that the little girl who had been fighting with him had put away her offensive posture. She hugged Norton's keel cross and headed towards the school gate not far away.

Regardless of Ange's attack behind her.

Ange's eyes froze, and for a moment, he really felt uncomfortable.

Is this being ignored? ! !

The little girl moved forward very fast. If she was walking around the corner of the campus in a strolling posture before, she is now rushing towards the gate in a charging posture.The whole person is like a big black epee.At every moment of landing, the heavy force can sink a deep footprint on the ground.

Anger looked at the back of the opponent's progress, and stood still.

The opponent's goal seems to be the Norton Keel Cross in the opponent's hand, because no casualties have been caused so far.

If let go?


Ange's eyes suddenly flashed a gleam.

Absolutely not!


Four degrees!

A flash of determination flashed in Ange's eyes, just as the decision was about to emerge in his heart.

The little girl who was advancing at a high speed in front suddenly stopped, and turned around like a tiger, her fierce golden pupils threatening to kill.

Angers felt a strong shock in his brain.

At this moment, the whole person was under an extremely vast coercion, as if a huge mountain appeared out of thin air and smashed on his head, the world became in a trance.

In the next moment, Angers only felt a dark light flash in front of his eyes.

The figure ten meters away from him appeared in front of his chest in an instant, and Ange only felt that his whole body was imprisoned by a stream of solidified air, and the heavy force suppressed every cell in his body.Even the lawn on the ground began to sag downward at a rapid rate.

The little girl didn't hesitate at all, and didn't despise Angers in the slightest, she directly boosted the gravity to an extremely terrifying state.

This is the first time he has felt this huge gravitational field from the opponent, so powerful that the defense that exploded three times is unbearable.

The whole body was cracking everywhere, and the scarlet blood was mixed with black goo.Angers linen black suit was soaked in black and red in an instant.

A sharp black claw suddenly pierced through his body.

The ruptured wound collapsed instantly, and Ange's tight mouth suddenly spewed out a stream of scarlet.The whole person bent his body and looked at the little girl who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes with an incredible look.

The little girl's icy light shone on Ange's pale lips, reflecting a different color.

"You are wrong in trying to challenge the gods with a human body."

The little girl stood in front of Angers, put her little head next to the other's ear, and whispered softly with her red lips.

A stream of scarlet blood spewed out from Ange's mouth again.In an instant, his whole body instantly became extremely sluggish.

But his will became extremely tenacious, and the light that bloomed in his eyes became more and more dazzling.

A flash of surprise flashed across the little girl's eyes. Without the slightest hesitation, she pulled out the palm inserted into the opponent's body, and quickly appeared on the opponent's shoulder.
with a snap.

Juli and Ange's body suddenly fell to the ground.A huge pit was left on the ground.

The little girl looked up and glanced somewhere in the distance.

At this moment, the commissioners of the executive department far away in the sky froze in place one by one as if fear had descended.Feel the suffocation in the air.Silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The small figure only glanced over there, then walked towards the school gate in the distance.

Waiting for them to recover again,
It was already 3 minutes later, and there was no other figure in the distance at this moment.

"Principal!" The vice minister woke up suddenly.

He rushed towards the lawn in the distance.
At this moment, the lawn is like a ball of paper that has been ravaged by force, and it is full of wrinkles after the battle.Broken grass clippings were everywhere.

Angers was lying alone in the center of the pit, scarlet blood flowing slowly along the body and surrounding.

The old man was lying on his back on the ground, looking at the sky, his eyes were indescribably deep.

next to the principal,
Two figures were standing quietly beside him.

"Fu Nian! Chu Zihang! How is the principal?!" The vice minister staggered and rushed towards him in a desperate manner.

He was the person who directly witnessed the battle, and he deeply understood what the principal had just experienced.

"Emergency personnel are on their way very quickly, please don't worry, Deputy Minister."

Fu Nian stepped out of the way that blocked the deputy minister's advance, and stopped the opponent's rampant body.

Now the headmaster is seriously injured. If this guy accidentally fell into the road because of Buping and gave the headmaster the final fatal blow, wouldn't he be a sinner in the history of Kassel College?

So for the sake of the college, for the principal, and for the sake of the deputy minister, it's better not to let him in.

"How is the principal injured?!" The vice minister anxiously tried to get past Fu Nian.

"The injury is not fatal. Please don't worry." Fu Nian explained patiently.But not fatal does not mean no danger.

"You know so well that it's not fatal, I want to confirm it with my own eyes!!" But the deputy minister's current state is obviously not very good, and his tone is a bit serious.

how could I know?Fu Nian couldn't accept it for a while.

I did it, I don't know why.

I do it myself, but it's very serious.

But Fu Nian believed that if he said so.

The deputy minister would definitely not believe it.

Just when he was a little difficult to deal with the deputy minister, another burly body appeared next to Fu Nian.

In an instant, the surrounding air instantly lowered its temperature.

Chu Zihang's expressionless handsome face appeared in front of the deputy minister.

"Minister, please be quiet." The voice did not fluctuate at all.But the effect is surprisingly effective.

At this moment, the deputy minister only felt that he had fallen into the ice cellar, and his state calmed down instantly.

He stood still and looked at the two people standing in front of him.

After Chu Zihang finished speaking, he stopped talking. From top to bottom, there was an aura that strangers should not get close to.

The commissioners of the executive department who followed the deputy minister also fell silent.Standing motionless behind the deputy minister.

"Warn the surrounding area and block the news." Chu Zihang's voice paused, and he spoke like Schneider's voice.

Coupled with this germ-killing temperament at the moment, it gives people an extremely convincing feeling.The executive department commissioner below immediately started to act.

Fu Nian also glanced at the senior brother next to him in surprise. To be honest, the current senior brother really has the leadership temperament of the president of the Lion Heart Society.

After everyone around started to act.

Only then did Chu Zihang slowly approach Fu Nian, glanced around, and whispered,
"Brother, what should we do next?"

"Ang?" Fu Nian was taken aback.Looking at Chu Zihang who was sullen at the moment, he was a little confused for a moment.

"Isn't the brother's arrangement very good?"

"This is just a stopgap measure, and it can only temporarily stabilize the situation. Now there are not only our Kassel Academy in the academy. There is also the Gattuso family, and the Henkel mixed-race family. The news of the principal's accident must not be hidden for long. "

"so we?"

"So we need to have a powerful hybrid that shocks them."

An old voice came from below.

Fu Nian and Chu Zihang paused at the same time.


 Thank you [suit or white shirt] for the 5000 point reward!
  This is the Mid-Autumn Festival update brought to you by the white shirt book friends!Once again, I wish everyone and the white shirt book friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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