I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 212 You Can Take One Step To Try

Chapter 212 You can take a step and try


Fu Nian looked at Chu Zihang next to him dumbfounded.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two rushed towards the apartment where Manstein was staying.

But just halfway through the run, Fu Nian suddenly remembered something, and instantly stopped his body that was advancing rapidly.The already fragile lawn was immediately pulled out of a long gully.

"Brother! Go to Professor Schneider and ask the professor to take the executive department to control the campus immediately. I will go to the school hospital to visit Professor Manstein." Fu Nian had a flash of inspiration. During the call just now, he clearly heard Elizabeth's eagerness Calling, this is obviously the result of being taken to the hospital.

"Okay!" Chu Zihang didn't hesitate at all, and immediately turned around and rushed towards the headquarters of the executive department.
The school hospital was not far from the student apartment. Under Fu Nian's full power, he arrived at the door of the hospital almost at the same time as the ambulance.

Fu Nian looked at the unconscious Manstein on the stretcher. Beside him, the butler figure of Elizabeth Laurent took the lead to open the way for the passage.

After that, the vice principal, Charlie Gattuso, Elizabeth Laurent and others followed closely behind.Behind them, a group of mixed races in black suits followed closely behind them.

Fu Nian followed behind them alone.

Everyone followed the stretcher into the emergency room.

There is also an emergency room working on the other side of the emergency room.

That was the headmaster who arrived here one step ahead of time. His personal doctor was doing the surgery, and at the moment he was calmly arranging the division of tasks for the staff below.


A figure appeared very abruptly on the path that the private doctor must pass.

It was an old figure. The old man was wearing dark khaki denim, and he was stepping on long boots with shiny Martin on the boots.

The personal doctor frowned, the headmaster was seriously injured, and he was in a hurry.

"Sir, can I meet my old friend?" The old cowboy asked the doctor in English with a western cowboy accent.

"No!" The doctor decisively rejected the other party's request, and hurriedly turned away to walk towards the room behind him.

But in the next second, the doctor found that the figure in front of him was still standing motionless in front of him.Mingming smiled again but there was a threatening look in the corner of his mouth.

The doctor paused, he is also a mixed race, although his speech ability is not suitable for fighting, but he can still detect the bad thoughts of others extremely keenly.

"Henkel! What are you doing!!" The vice-principal looked up at Henkel who was blocking the doctor, his round face suddenly pressed down, and a powerful aura radiated from the other person without any concealment.

In the campus where Angers is not there, he is the highest command!
"Of course I want to meet my old friend? Gentleman, is it difficult?" Henkel turned his head to look at the vice-principal, but the smile on his face was in place.

"You seem to be stopping me?" Henkel looked at the vice principal and suddenly took a step.

At this moment, all the mixed races behind Henkel surged from behind to behind Henkel, forming a row of standing behind Henkel with cold eyes.The surrounding aura instantly became severe to the extreme.

A smell of gunpowder was exposed undisguised.

The Kassel Executive Department who came together also felt the drastic change in the surrounding atmosphere. Although each of them didn't understand why, they stepped forward without hesitation and confronted each other.

But the Executive Department of Kassel College is still too rare in the hospital at the moment.There was an instant disadvantage in terms of numbers and aura.

Elisabeth Laurent was about to command the half-breed family behind her to come forward to support Kassel College, but before she could give the order, the butler next to her grabbed her arm.

He glanced at Charlie Gattuso, who was motionless next to him.shook his head.

The mixed races of the Gattuso family were all standing behind Charlie Gattuso at this moment, and no one stepped forward.

"Flamel, you are an alchemist, not suitable for fighting. Angers is the only one who has been able to dominate me for so many years at Kassel Academy. Now my old friend is injured, I have to ask Go in and have a look."

Henkel looked at Flamel opposite with a smile, but his expression was full of undisguised provocation.

He and Anger are cooperative in the position of the Dragon Clan, but they are competitors in the battlefield outside the Dragon Clan, not even ordinary competitors.

At least, as a young man, he nearly killed Angers with a single shot.

Angers is a person who bears grudges, which is well known to their older generation. The enmity of the Dragon Clan is enmity, and his enmity is also enmity. Angers has always wanted to find a chance to kill him.

Just like on the battlefield of the Normandy landing in World War II, the heavy tanks of the Allied forces directly bombed his location.At that time, he was almost sent to see God directly.

Of course, this matter was not done by Angers. Angers has always been an upright warrior. He knew Angers, and Angers would not use such indecent means to seek revenge for himself.


During the period when he was seriously injured and sent to the rear hospital, the mixed race under him was hit by the half race of Kassel College at that time.For a time, the North American mixed-race family, which was evenly divided with the European Kassel Academy at that time, fell into a disadvantage.

This weakness lasted nearly half a century.The College of Kassel thrived under Angers' iron-fisted leadership, backed by the Board of Trustees' family.

But today!

An opportunity arose, a trend arose that would allow North American biracial families to rise.Without the Cassel College in Angers, is it still the Cassel College?

"Henkel, you need to know that this is Kassel College, and any action you take will face the wrath of the executive department."

"They haven't arrived yet, haven't they?" Henkel smiled even brighter.At the same time, he slowly stretched out his arms towards his waist.

In the next second, an old-fashioned Remington revolver appeared in the opponent's palm,

The gun pointed directly at the vice principal's forehead.

"Flamel, your words are commandments, but." The smile on the corner of Henkel's mouth became wanton. "Will it really work for me?"

The vice-principal's face remained unchanged, but the eyes he looked at each other became more and more cold.

This is an extremely rare mood swing, at least from school to now, even when the other party is facing the Dragon King, he has not shown this kind of coldness.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, although my revolver is a little behind now, but the Magnum large-caliber revolver is not behind at all."

But Henkel was confident, holding the revolver with one hand and pointing at the air in front of him, while the other hand was behind the commander, and the mixed race headed towards the emergency room where Angers was.

at this moment!The Gattuso family behind Charlie finally moved.Although Gattuso represents Gattuso, he also represents the school board. Charlie Gattuso is the elite leader of the Gattuso family, and Angers is their agent. They are proud that they will never allow Ange appeared to die in front of them!

Also acting together with the Gattuso family are the mixed races of the Laurent family.But even if their numbers add up, there are only six people, and the mixed-race people in the executive department are only 11 people.

But there are more than [-] mixed races behind Henkel.

The moment Henkel's gesture fell, nearly half of the mixed-race people behind him headed towards the principal's emergency room.

In this case, it is an extremely dangerous situation.The vice principal believes that Henkel can definitely do such a thing!
"Henkel! Do you know what your behavior means?!" Charlie's burly figure suddenly took a step forward, his pale golden pupils gleaming with cold murderous intent.

The corner of Henkel's mouth twitched with disdain, and he didn't even look at Charlie, who was in front of him. All his attention was on Flamel in front of him.

Although Flamel is an alchemist, he is also a famous cowboy in the west, and he cannot ignore the opponent's marksmanship.But now he is the only one who can see him.

other people?Ah!
A muffled sound of criticism suddenly came from behind Henkel.

What followed was a scream, a shrill scream, the sound seemed to be the fear of piglets in a slaughterhouse facing a meat grinder.Then a twisted limb was thrown out from behind him.

Henkel frowned at the twisted thighs that fell in front of him.

"what happened?"

He turned his head and asked the mixed race next to him.His attention was still on Flamel in front of him.

"In front of the door of the emergency room, a person appeared, preventing us from entering."

Next to Henkel, a brown-haired man with a straight nose and deep eyes was standing there. He exuded an aura of calmness and arrogance. With his height of nearly two meters, he had a kind of domineering that could not be expressed in words. a.

His name is von Rothschild, a famous dragon-slaying hybrid family in North America, and also a pillar family of the Henkel Alliance family in North America.

"Speed ​​up, don't waste time. Clear out the blockers!" Henkel said with his back to the man, staring at the vice principal.

"The situation may not be good." Feng turned his head and looked at the handsome young man blocking the door.

He didn't know the other party, and he couldn't even find the other party's identity in the elite list of Kassel Academy they prepared in advance.


Feng looked at the two of his own people lying on the ground.The bones of their whole body were bent in place in an extremely twisted posture.The golden pupils in his eyes widened with a painful expression.But he didn't dare to twist his body at all.There was even a person whose leg was torn out because of the opponent's excessive strength.

The mixed-races in the room were completely shocked by this scene. Not only the mixed-races under Henkel, but even the executive department of Kassel Academy frowned and looked at the figure standing at the door.

Although they perform various tasks in various places all year round, the cruelty they face is not rare all the year round.But the current scene is a bit... rough.

Elizabeth was blocked by the housekeeper in front of her, her pretty brows frowned.It was not that the cruelty of the scene had a great impact on her young heart, but because she knew that the school board had an admission standard specifically for Kassel College.

They will not allow violent hybrids to enter the academy, because the violent tendencies of hybrids represent that they are affected by the dragon's emotions.itself would be classified as a very dangerous concept.

She didn't want the other party to be put on the dangerous blacklist because of this matter.

"hurry up!"

Feng gave orders to the mixed race in front of him.Their time is not enough.According to the executive power of the executive department of Kassel College, they only have less than 1 minute.

"You can take a step and try."

Fu Nian watched their eager steps forward, and slightly raised his eyelids upwards.

The shining golden light curtain moves forward slowly like a newborn sun.Shine brightly on the marble one meter in front of you.

The reflected light reflected that brilliant smile, and in the undisguised cold and murderous pupils, the scarlet lips slowly showed a hint of slipperiness on the tip of the tongue.

Seeing this, the vice-principal's brewing aura instantly dissipated, he rolled his eyes, and returned to the state of that decadent old guy.

 Thanks to [Zhou Yu] for the 500 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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