I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 213 Save me!Fu Nian!

Chapter 213 Save me!Fu Nian!


"You can try."

Fu Nian stared at the burly man in front of him. Like the executive department, they also like to wear black trench coats and black sunglasses.The posture of a professional bodyguard.

But the difference is that they don't have the exclusive World Tree badge of Kassel College on their chests.

"I'll give you a little reminder, one step forward, all of you will have the same ending." Fu Nian smiled brightly at them.

But this smile is as chilling as a devil's grin in their eyes.They didn't know why, but instinctively took a step back.

"Trash!" Feng stared at the half-breeds retreating in front of him, his brows furrowed instantly.

Pushing away the companion standing in front of him, looking at the rotating dial in his hand, his azure blue eyes instantly turned pale gold.

The whole person strode towards Fu Nian like a giant bear.

The moment he saw his figure, Finger and Chu Zihang appeared in Fu Nian's mind inexplicably.

This guy is simply a fusion of two people, Fingal's bear-like burly muscular body, and Chu Zihang's cold and embryo-killing aura.

If I'm not mistaken, this guy's speech spirit is probably also the speech spirit of the Earth and Mountain series.

Fu Nian tilted his head, looking at the figure striding towards him.

Taking a step forward, he raised his right arm and made a standard starting movement of military boxing.

Feng only felt that the air around him was emptied in an instant, and an illusion of weightlessness emerged under his feet, but before he could react, he suddenly found that the figure in front of him had disappeared.What immediately appeared in front of him was a series of strong winds that made the scalp tingle.

Followed by a burst of dizziness, the world tilted at this moment,

Fu Nian kept moving, recalling the simple movements of the military boxing of the Kassel Academy that he had just seen a few days ago, and it was done in one go.

Another hybrid with dislocated limbs and distorted expression appeared on the ground.

It's just that this block is much stronger than the previous two.

Fu Nian did not stop his actions this time, what he just said was actually very serious,

They took a step forward alone, and all of them needed to bear the serious consequences.

After all, he still needs to be dignified as an S-class of Kassel Academy.Otherwise, how can I get along in Kassel College in the future.

When I met someone, he quietly pointed at his spine and said, look, this S-level speech has no weight.

He will be very sad.Xia Mi will also, and Fenrir will also lose face.

So for the sake of Fenrir's face and to maintain the S-class dignity of Kassel Academy, Fu Nian bravely threw his first punch.

Then there's the second punch, the third punch...

The continuous sound of dislocation of bones cracked everywhere like fried beans, wailing, screaming, muffled groaning sounds, ribs, hips, and joints clattered to the heart.

Half a minute later, when Schneider, director of the executive department of Kassel College, led a group of executive department commissioners to surround the entire school hospital.

What they faced was a half-breed who was silently wailing in pain and ferocious.

The deputy minister stood stunned behind Schneider, looking at Fu Nian who was standing in the middle of the mess.Not only him, but the commissioner of the executive department who just entered the venue, Elizabeth Laurent who witnessed all this, the housekeeper, and even Charlie Gattuso, who had known this before, all looked dumbfounded and led Fu Nian who was standing in the middle. .

At this moment, Fu Nian was wearing a neat white suit, elegantly rolling up his sleeves, and tidying up the folds of the clothes on his body.

"This... This is a group of mixed races! It's not a group of stray dogs!" The deputy minister couldn't help but exclaimed loudly while covering his mouth.

"Actually, there is not much essential difference." Fu Nian raised his head, restrained the golden pupils in his eyes, and set his gaze on Henkel who was at the front.The deputy minister said slowly.

"There is really no essential difference. The stray dogs and their ending are the same ending in his eyes." The vice principal was completely out of tune with the surprised atmosphere around him, and stepped over Henkel's side with his chubby body.

Head towards the principal's emergency room.

"Henkel, you are not Angers' opponent after all, do you know why Angers has not killed you?" The vice principal said as he walked, "Because you are still useful, he is a person who bears a big grudge, in order to destroy the Dragon Clan, He can completely put aside the matter that you once gave him a black gun."

"In that era, you lost to Angers, and today, you lost to our S-level freshman of Kassel College."

The vice principal suddenly turned to look at Henkel behind him.Laughed out loud.

"Isn't it sad?"

As soon as the vice-principal's voice fell, a whirlwind suddenly sounded in his ears, and then his heart was locked by a deep crisis.

Henkel twisted his body instantly, and the Remington revolver in his hand exploded with a bang.Without any hesitation,
Henkel's old face and hair were shrouded in a pair of pale golden lights. The muzzle of the gun made the surrounding air hot instantly due to the tremor of the fire, and a red burst of light emerged from the muzzle of the gun. The pistol bullets roared forward like an angry giant lion.

The vice-principal's loose hair sticking to his scalp instantly stood up, and every hair on his body trembled with it.

"Damn! How could you shoot without saying hello!" At this moment, the vice principal's chubby body showed the mobility of Bolt in a [-]-meter race, and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"Ahhh... help me! Fu Nian!!"

Fu Nian was full of black lines, and originally thought that he could take over the overall situation in place of the principal.But looking at the nonsensical vice-principal who had regained his nerves again, Fu Nian felt that he really overestimated the other party.

Tucao is to complain, but his body did not hesitate at all. The moment the bullet was ejected, his upper body suddenly bent downwards, his thigh muscles began to exert force, and the transmitted force crushed the marble floor of the hospital into pieces in an instant. Flour,
The vice-principal only felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and the impacted air wave threw his chubby body backwards at this moment.

Bullets and heavy objects sent out a burst of explosive impact in mid-air, like two sports cars colliding at full speed. Everyone only felt the roar of steel and the roar of grenades in their ears, and they lost their hearing in an instant.

Immediately, a figure was blown away heavily.

Chu Zihang only felt as if he had returned to the battlefield where he was facing the glorious mixed race, and the dead waiter on the opposite side was also instantly blasted away by unimaginable power.

Fu Nian stood where Henkel had been standing before, holding Han Bafang in his hand, looking at Henkel who was slowly standing up from the ruins of the wall, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Just at this moment, the other party gave him a very familiar feeling, which reminded him of the masked man in black he met yesterday when he was protecting the keel cross.

"You were the one that day?" Fu Nian asked Henkel. Opposite him was an ordinary-looking old man, but when he shot, he looked like a ruthless killer who didn't care about life or death.

Henkel looked at the other party and didn't speak, but the golden pupils blooming in his eyes became hotter.A feeling that Fu Nian was very familiar with emanated from the other party.

He's going to explode!

This idea appeared in Fu Nian's mind instantly, but it hadn't fully appeared in Fu Nian's mind yet.Fu Nian's figure disappeared from the spot.

A surging force was concentrated in his fist, and a loud bang was transmitted from the ground around the ruins, and all the huge stones were instantly blown into the air by this force.

Elizabeth Laurent, who was blocked by the butler, opened her small mouth wide and looked at the scene in front of her with an incredulous expression.

The butler looked down at Elizabeth Laurent's eyes.

Elizabeth obviously also noticed the horror in the housekeeper's eyes.

"Can't you do it too?" Elizabeth asked softly.

"Except for him, no one here can do it. The principal can't do it either." The butler's voice was very small, but it was clearly conveyed to Elizabeth's ears.


"He must be ours! Miss needs such a strong and ignorant protector." The butler's eyes burst into burning heat.

Except for Schneider and Chu Zihang who stood coldly outside the door, Fu Nian's behavior once again refreshed their awareness of mixed races.

The huge stone ruins that flew up crashed down, and the thick dust rolled in the hall in the shape of waves.

Fu Nian's figure slowly came out from the thick dusty ruins, holding an old body that had completely fallen into a coma in his hand.There is a circle of broken clothes on the opponent's abdomen. Under the clothes, the scarlet liquid exudes warmth in the air.

Fu Nian stood in the center of the hospital hall, with the ruins of the battlefield on one side and the emergency room shining brightly on the other.Between the two is a young man in an elegant suit with a serious and tight mouth.His sharp black pupils slowly swept over everyone.

The sharply contrasting images made everyone present have a sense of sight of a [-]D blockbuster.

All eyes were on Fu Nian who came out of the smoke.

Throwing the Henkel in his hand in front of Schneider, Fu Nian's tight mouth was suddenly replaced by a smile. Although this smile was very bright and beautiful, Schneider somehow felt a sense of arrogance and strength from it.

Not sure if it was the relief after the crisis was resolved, or the exaggerating power of Fu Nian's smile, Schneider's tense nerves also slowly relaxed.

The corners of his cold mouth were raised upwards, and a very penetrating sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Fu Nian shuddered inexplicably, although he knew that Schneider was expressing kindness to him.

He glanced at Chu Zihang next to Schneider.

Fu Nian inexplicably felt that this pair of master and apprentice was very suitable.

 Thank you [狐米] for your 500 point reward!
  Thank you [Orange Warm Pinellia] for the 2000 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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