I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 214 Emergency School Board Meeting

Chapter 214 Emergency School Board Meeting


"Principal, it's over."

Fu Nian looked at the vice principal who was slowly swaying over and said.

The vice-principal's eyes fell on Henkel's body, and the tone of tsk tsk radiated from the other party's body from time to time.

Henkel brought a total of 130 mixed races into Kassel College, but they were the only ones left in the subsequent evacuation.In the end, Fu Nian took it all at once.

Fu Nian did not look at the vice-principal's actions against Henkel, but once again looked at Professor Schneider at the door.

Schneider's eyes are fixed on Charlie Gattuso at the moment. When the principal is around, they naturally don't have to worry about what the Gattuso family will do in the academy.

But at this moment, the principal was seriously injured and entered the emergency room, losing the strong support that could deter them, Schneider had to consider what the Gattuso family might do.

After all, their current surrogate owner has long been sympathetic to the executive department of Kassel College, trying to bring it into the purview of the school board.

It's just that what Schneider doesn't know at the moment is that Charlie Gattuso has already dispelled this idea in his heart.Witnessing Fu Nian's gravitational blow just now, he couldn't think of imitating Henkel's behavior at this moment.

"Close the campus." Schneider ordered towards the executive department behind him.


"Fu Nian protects Miss Elizabeth and Mr. Charlie Gattuso and goes back to the apartment. We can protect the principal's safety." Schneider's voice was still cold and emotionless.

But everyone didn't have any opinion on this, and Fu Nian also heard the voice of Schneider's voice.

This is what it means to let him supervise the two of them.Reminiscent of the true meaning of 'violence' that Angers told himself.He felt that this matter could not be any easier.


Angers was seriously injured 5 minutes later.

italy late night
In a spacious and luxurious office above the Gattuso Family Council Hall.

Frost was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, frowning as he reviewed the family's affairs, large and small.Occasionally, he would pick up the gold-rimmed Cartier (Cartier) pen in his hand and sign his flamboyant 'reading' at the end of the transaction.


A burst of hurried footsteps suddenly came from behind him, and the leather shoes stepped on the solid wood board to make a low and thick conductive sound.

"Sir, urgent call." The young man tried his best to calm and suppress his shortness of breath, and stretched out the document in his hand in front of Frost.

Frost's frown became even more twisted.

He doesn't like the way his own people lose their composure when facing things. This is not the quality that a top family should possess at all.

But thinking that this is a new secretary, who has not even adapted to the noble atmosphere of the Gattuso family, a tolerant kindness flashed in the corner of Frost's aged eyes.

Young people, no matter what they do wrong, they should be given a chance.Although he was much different from Patsy in terms of tolerance, and even more incomparable to himself, he was still an excellent secretary after all, and he was also a tolerant person.

"Remember in the future, no matter what you face, you must be calm. As my personal secretary, you must have the quality of not changing your face in the face of landslides." Frost took the document, and opened his mouth to educate the young secretary.

"Yes." The secretary lowered his head and said cautiously.

"No matter what the big thing is, we have to..."

Suddenly, Frost's voice suddenly stopped, like a speeding sports car slamming on the brakes.

It was followed by a harsh and sharp ground-air friction sound.


Frost stood up from the spot with a jerk, a surge of anger flushed from his neck at a speed visible to the naked eye,
The documents were slammed on the table by him, and all kinds of documents flew around for a while.

"Hurry up! Put me through the call of Kassel College Angers!! Angers is an old man, I must impeach him and remove his proxy position!
He actually let the keel cross snatch it from under his nose, what is he doing for it! !Call, hurry up and call me! ! "

Frost looked at the secretary who was still in a daze, and a wordless anger was like an exploding volcano.

"Mr... sir," the secretary said tremblingly, "Principal Angers has been seriously injured and sent to the emergency room."

Frost froze suddenly.He looked at the secretary as if he was looking at a fool again.

"What rumors are you talking about!"

"It's true sir, Mr. Passy personally confirmed it."

"Such important news, why didn't you say it earlier!!" Frost became emotional again.

"On the next page of the file." The secretary's voice became smaller and smaller.

Frost suddenly picked up the documents on the table, flipped through the first page frantically, looked at the huge scarlet headline "Ange was seriously injured" on the second page, and stood there in a daze...


The scene at this moment also took place in the conference halls of several school board families.

5 minutes later.

An emergency temporary online meeting of the Kassel College Board of Directors was launched.

Kassel College Library,

In front of the huge long table in the central conference room, on the screen dominated by Norma.

Four pictures side by side,

Among them was a picture of a very old man. The man was too old to tell his age, but he was wearing a crisp black suit with a dark red handkerchief tucked into his coat pocket. He was leaning on a cane in one hand and twisting red sandalwood beads in the other. Sitting at the table in a slightly dim room, muttering words.

The other picture shows the same man, about 40 to [-] years old, wearing bright yellow Kodak pajamas, staring at the chicken nest head, yawning with tiredness on his face, apparently he was too much tossed by the emergency meeting just now .

Another picture is a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, with pale golden hair coiled on top of her head, and a small face with a little baby fat, with a serious expression, like a delicate doll.Also behind her, there is also a butler wearing white gloves standing behind her with his head held high.

The last picture is that Gattuso's acting owner, Frost Gattuso, is staring at the distant camera with a frown on his face.

In front of the huge table in the conference room,

There are also two groups of figures sitting opposite each other, namely Flamel, the vice-principal of Kassel College who represented Angers this time,

As well as Elizabeth Laurent, the leader of the Laurent family, on the opposite side. Behind Elizabeth also stood a butler in a black suit and white gloves.They are the housekeepers of the previous generation of family heads who tutored the young ones.

Although the current Elizabeth no longer needs this counseling assistance.

"Gentlemen, I'm sorry to disturb everyone's rest in the dead of night, but we have to choose this time to start an impromptu meeting in this form." Elizabeth looked at the camera in front of her and said first.

In fact, according to the original rules, it would never be her turn to speak in this kind of conference room, because Ange would always be the first to explain today's theme to everyone in the simplest and most rogue way.

Then he started a war of words with the surrogate parents of the Gattuso family.

At most, she just helped Ange when he fell into a weak position.

But today is different. Now Angers is lying in the ICU of the school hospital of Kassel College and undergoing thrilling rescue operations.

The vice-principal who attended the meeting on behalf of Kassel College today was lying on the table in a drunken sleep.

"Lisa, the matter is urgent. Please describe the incident at Kassel College in the shortest possible words." Frost said through Elizabeth's voice.

Elizabeth nodded, and then briefly summed up the language, and told the school directors in front of him as quickly as possible about what happened tonight.

After listening to it, the quiet scene became even more silent. Even one of the school managers forgot to breathe. With his head on his head, he stared at Elizabeth in the video with a pair of big eyes. It's unbelievable to listen to fantasy and mythology.

Although he is a member of the board of directors of Kassel College, he will come to perform official duties every year to attend the board meeting of Kassel College, and listen to the large-scale saliva scene of the world's top decision makers with a humble attitude.

He is indeed a commoner. Although he is also an aristocrat, that is just a position obtained by the great contribution of his ancestors' Tulong family. Now he is just an office worker.

He has always known that there are dead servants in the world, and he has listened to a lot of Kassel Academy's summary reports over the years, knowing that they have achieved remarkable results.

But the existence of the dragon has always looked at this matter with a skeptical attitude.

But what happened tonight not only refreshed his values, but also made him feel horrified.

One dragon king took the keel cross of another dragon king, severely injured Principal Angers, and fled Kassel College.

What a horrible thing this is!
What an awakened dragon king can do in human society, horror will appear in the headlines tomorrow.

For a moment, he felt that his surroundings became unsafe.

"What's the status of the executive department now?" Frost asked.Glancing at the drunken Flamel, he frowned and looked at Elizabeth.

"The executive department is on standby and is gradually closing down the Kassel Academy. It is expected that no one will be allowed to enter or leave within the next hour," Elizabeth said.

"What! The loss of the keel, how can Schneider sit in Kassel Academy with such peace of mind?!! They don't want to do it!" Frost yelled.

"This is Angers' request." The vice-principal sat up suddenly, looking at Frost drunkenly.

Although he has been sleeping again, he is actually awake to be able to sit here.

"And! What Angers can't do, why do you think that sending the executive department can take the keel back from the hands of a suspected dragon king?"



 Thank you very much [Orange Warm Pinellia] for the reward of 1500 points!
(End of this chapter)

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