I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 215 We Need an Agent

Chapter 215 We Need an Agent

Frost frowned. He knew that the vice-principal was right. An opponent who was seriously injured by Angers, an ordinary mixed-race was simply unbearable.

But that is the keel cross, the only keel cross they have obtained for thousands of years!Through that keel cross, they can extract too many substances that kill the Dragon King, and can make too many alchemy weapons.This is comparable to studying Deadpool, there are too many.

In the end, Frost stared at the screen and said nothing.

"Ange is our elected agent. Although there is a little difference of opinion with us to a certain extent, his strength is unquestionable," Frost changed the subject.Today's time requires them to make an accurate formal judgment
"Cassel College is currently lacking a top-notch leader. We need to ensure that there is a strong leader during the time when Angers is injured so that Kassel College will not be invaded by dragons again." Rost stopped his voice and looked at a figure on the screen.

"The college is now replaced by the vice-principal, Mr. Flamel, as the principal of Angers." Elizabeth Laurent said.

"Lisa, I understand your actions, but what we need is a guardian with strong combat capabilities, not a power holder who seems to be highly respected but has little ability to protect the academy." Frost did not hide his disapproval at all. The vice-principal's dissatisfaction directly put the problem on the table in an extremely explicit manner.

Elizabeth subconsciously glanced at the vice-principal on the opposite side, only to see that the other party didn't seem to hear him, and he was looking at the screen, with a light of indifference in his eyes.

"Moreover, to avoid the next invasion of the Dragon Clan, I think the current Executive Department of Kassel College is not enough to deal with it calmly, so I also suggest that our school board family send corresponding elites to help. To deal with the crisis. ' continued Frost's voice.


Here, the very old man on the screen slowly raised his arms, his voice was slow but firm.Although he knew that Frost's words were very purposeful, this was indeed the choice the school board should make under the current state of emergency.

Frost looked at the face of the girl on the other side of the screen, and the girl looked hesitantly at the butler behind him, who nodded at her.

The girl stretched out her hand, "Agreed."

Frost looked at the chicken coop office worker on the other side of the screen,
"I agree too." The man hurriedly said.He was an ordinary person who came to exercise voting rights, and their big events had nothing to do with him.

"Where's Lisa?" Frost asked.

"It's already passed, hasn't it?" Of the six people present, four passed.

"The resolution is passed." Frost looked at the camera and continued, "We need to choose the current strong leader of Cassel College, who will act as the agent of Cassel College in the event of a change in Angers. The right to participate in the decision-making of Kassel College instead of Angers, and even participate in the school board meeting.”

Frost looked at every face on the screen, and everyone had no objection, even the vice principal nodded in agreement.

"I recommend Caesar, a third-year student at Kassel College. And Percy Gattuso, who is now at Kassel College." Frost opened his mouth.

"I remember that Caesar is the heir of your Gattuso family. Passy should be your secretary." The elderly man on the screen said.

"Although Caesar is the heir of our Gattuso family, he is now a student of Kassel College, and even his leadership and combat ability are extremely outstanding in Kassel College, and Passi is even more powerful. Combat ability, at this critical moment, I think Caesar is most suitable to be assisted by Passy as the leader."

"I don't agree." The vice principal rejected Frost's proposal without hesitation.

"Although Kaiser is a student of our Kassel College, if you say that he is the most suitable, I, as the vice principal of the college, disagree.
In the current Kassel Academy, there is at least one equally outstanding student Chu Zihang who is evenly matched with Kaiser.Caesar is the president of the student union, and Chu Zihang is also the president of the Lionheart Club. They are evenly matched in various competitions in the academy.So Caesar is not the best choice. "

"The Chu Zihang you mentioned, we have studied him before." Frost looked at the corner of the vice principal's mouth and smiled. "He has activated blood explosion many times during the battle, and the destructive power caused each time is extremely amazing. According to the mission information we have obtained so far, we seriously suspect that his state is in an extremely dangerous state. It is impossible for us to It is agreed that a half-breed who will turn into Deadpool at any time will be our temporary agent in Kassel College. Even after this matter is over, we will conduct a specific research report on him to judge whether he needs We focus on monitoring, and even execute directly!"

The vice-principal looked at Frost with the corner of his mouth raised, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

"Then have you forgotten the other two S-class students of our Kassel Academy?" The vice principal smiled wantonly.

"The two S-level students are freshmen who just entered school this year. They are not as good as Caesar in terms of comprehensive strength and leadership. As far as the single-round participation in the execution is concerned, the two of them together are even worse than Caesar. No one is as good as Caesar." Frost said.

The vice principal was taken aback, "Did your secretary show you false information? Or are you pretending not to know?"

Frost was taken aback.

"Lisa, ask your butler to tell him." The vice principal sat unsteadily on the spot.He spoke towards Elizabeth Laurent who was opposite.

The butler glanced at Elizabeth, who nodded.

"Cassel College enrolled two S-level students this year. This is something that all the school managers are very aware of. However, because the principal of Angers evaded their grades, we have not received any information about their grades in some matters. Accurate positioning." The butler's voice was rhythmic yet polite and respectful.

Frost frowned.This is what Angers often does at school board meetings.

"Our first S-level student, Lu Mingfei, just entered school this year. He has indeed never participated in the operations of the Executive Department of Kassel College. Even he is usually in an extremely lazy and ordinary state, but this It doesn't mean that he doesn't have a good record.

On the first day of school, during Freedom Day, Lu Mingfei once held a sniper rifle and killed Chu Zihang, the president of the Lionheart Society, and Caesar, the president of the Student Union, on the battlefield.This is not to say that the two presidents are not strong, but that the S rank is too strong.

Late last night, the Dragon King Norton invaded Cassel Academy, and Lu Mingfei killed the Dragon King alone with the sword of wrath of the Seven Deadly Sins. "

The butler's voice was not high, but it rang in the ears of the school directors like thunder.

This is not the first time they heard the news, but when they heard it again, it was still difficult to calm down the shock and excitement in their hearts.

"However, our S-level Lu Mingfei student has also suffered severe trauma and is lying in Kassel Academy for treatment."

In fact, what the housekeeper didn't know was that Lu Mingfei didn't get hurt at all when he was slaying the dragon, but when Fu Nian led him out of the group of dead servants, because the little devil withdrew his power.He was rubbed with blood everywhere by deadpool's limbs flying around inadvertently.

Under unbearable pain, he was sent to the Kassel Academy Hospital.

"Fu Nian, the second S-level student of Kassel College. I believe Frost knows something about it. When the other party enrolled, you also focused on asking Principal Angers to disclose the detailed information about the other party at the school board meeting. "

Frost nodded, he remembered this incident, and for this incident, he and Angers had a collision so intense that the relationship broke.

Although in the end, both sides compromise together and each end with a step back.But the name Fu Nian left a big impression on Frost.

"In the few months since he entered school, although Fu Nian has not reached the level of Mr. Caesar in terms of the number of missions, among the fifteen missions he has participated in, eight of them are A-level missions." After a pause, he looked at Frost, who was slightly surprised, and continued,
"The rest are all S-level missions and one SS-level mission. All of them were successfully completed, and the executive department's post-evaluation of the mission has reached an unprecedented S-level level. This is the secret information that was included in the SS-level archives of Kassel College .Principal Angers just passed us by."

The moment the butler's voice fell, the surrounding perennial became quiet in an instant,

They are all directors of Kassel College, although Angers told them many things after consideration,

But they still have the right to know about the task rating, and Frost will use this as a standard every year to train and request the mixed race of the Gattuso family.

However, in such a difficult task, it is simply incomprehensible that the opponent's rating can still reach the S-level quality, and even in Frost's opinion, it is almost impossible.

"According to the data we obtained about Mr. Kaiser from Professor Manstein, the director of the Disciplinary Committee of the Kassel College, the other side has more missions than the other side, but it can't reach this level in any other aspect.

even. "The butler glanced at Frost.

Frost: "Say."

"On the first day of school, during the free day specially prepared by the principal, Fu Nian, as a high school student, crushed Mr. Caesar in a one-on-one battle, although Fu Nian relied on the absolute advantage of physical blood. , but what we need is someone with the ability to be suppressed by absolute power like the principal?"

"You can't just rely on the fact that Fu Nian defeated Caesar to put him and Angers together." Frost glanced at Elizabeth Laurent and said.

"Then Mr. Frost will make a speech after listening." Elizabeth said.

"Oh? The curiosity of everyone around was instantly pricked up."

"Two things happened today and last night. The first thing is that Fu Nian rescued Lu Mingfei from the deadpool. Norma relied on satellites to shoot the video at that time. We will show it to everyone next. .

The second thing is that Fu Nian just violently destroyed Henkel, the leader of the North American Mixed Race Alliance. "

(End of this chapter)

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