I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 216 Fu Nian: The principal said, I should sit across from Mr. Frost Gattuso.

Chapter 216 Fu Nian: The principal said, I should sit across from Mr. Frost Gattuso.



Frost stood up abruptly.

"Quick Hand Henkel!" The butler paused every word.

The scene became extremely quiet in an instant, and even the old man on the screen straightened his back and looked at him in horror.

Henkel has been developed in the same era as Angers, and it is a role that is evenly matched with Angers in terms of combat power.

Although Kassel College relied on some opportunities to surpass the opponent, the North American mixed race led by Henkel is still a force that cannot be ignored.Relying on the excellent financial power of the Kassel College Board of Directors, they support the Henkel Alliance family to be active in every corner of the world.

The reason why Henkel was able to become the agent they introduced was not only because of the age and experience of the opponent and Angers, but more importantly, the opponent had the same outstanding combat ability as Angers.

"Word Spirit·Sacred Judgment" This is an extremely terrifying word spirit. After so many years of immersion in Henkel, it has basically reached the state of perfection, and the gun can kill people.As long as Henkel locks you and wants you to die, even if the muzzle of the gun is aimed at the ground, the bullet will still pass through your skull.

Unless the opponent's speed is fast enough to intercept the opponent's bullet, it is difficult to avoid even the extreme speed of Anger's opening time of zero.

But intercepting bullets is not such a simple matter. An ordinary bullet that explodes at a high speed can reach 340 meters per second, not to mention that Henkel has developed its own language for so many years. The speed per second, you must know that Barrett's speed per second is no more than that.

Kassel College also has a "Spirit of Words·Sacred Judgment" hybrid, Chen Xiaoxiao, but at present she is completely unable to reach the point where the other party can do whatever she wants.

It was true that he met Fu Nian in the academy, who could swing Han Bafang and collide with the opponent's bullets with his pure strength.If it were any other mixed race, they would not dare to hit the bullet.

That is no different from taking the initiative to die.

"Are you sure?" the old man asked.

"I'm sure, Miss was there at the time and witnessed this scene with her own eyes." The housekeeper nodded affirmatively.

"Is there a satellite video of Norma?" Frost was silent for a long time before slowly opening his mouth.

"Their battle happened under surveillance, so we have prepared related videos for everyone." The butler said.

The moment the other party's voice fell, the scene in front of all the school managers present changed.It was a surveillance video of the spacious hall of the Kassel Academy Hospital.

Finally, at the end of the video, a handsome and tall young man is bending down and punching. In the center of the ruins, there are ruins of walls that have been smashed everywhere. Everything is flying in mid-air.

The picture freezes at this moment.

They didn't even need to watch the ending, they were already deeply shocked. Is this the power that human beings can have?

But it did happen in front of them.

"The moment before Principal Angers entered the emergency room, he handed over Kassel Academy to Fu Nian and Chu Zihang. In other words, Principal Angers will have already found an agent for us. Status. All we need is to respect the opinion of the Principal of Angers."

The butler looked at the surveillance camera in front of him and said.

"Are you expressing your attitude on behalf of the Laurent family for Lisa?" Although Frost's voice was talking to the housekeeper, his eyes were extremely serious at Elizabeth Laurent, who was sitting elegantly next to him.

"It's my attitude." Elizabeth said.

"Let's vote, gentlemen. We are in a hurry, aren't we?" Elizabeth's eyes slowly swept over the eyes of every school manager present. "The companions outside are waiting for our orders."

"I support Caesar! Although Fu Nian is outstanding in combat power, it is inevitable that he is a high school student. In terms of decision-making ability and leadership ability, he is far from the vision that Caesar has cultivated over the years, and even less. Angers has been so cunning for so many years. With Passy's help, I believe he can achieve perfection." Frost looked at the elderly man.

It seems that the choice of the other party is related to the major decision of this meeting.

Leaning on crutches, the old man stared at the violent scene on the screen, speechless.

"On behalf of the principal, I believe in Angers' vision." The vice-principal suddenly jumped up from the spot.

"I also believe in Principal Ange's vision." The man in office followed closely behind. At this moment, he really wasn't following the trend, but the video just now was so shocking that he couldn't think of anything else People can defeat each other.

The girl looked at the butler behind her, and then turned her gaze to the old man on the screen. The meaning was obvious, that is to let the other party make a choice first.

At this moment, all eyes were on the old man.

"Although Fu Nian is very powerful in terms of combat power and his actions are extremely good, it is undeniable that his experience and experience are indeed a shortcoming that cannot be ignored. So..."

The vice principal frowned.I have a bad feeling,
"I decided to trust Angers' vision."

The moment the voice fell, Elizabeth felt that the air in front of her was pulled away in a large area. The air flowed extremely fast, and the golden hair at the tip of her hair floated forward together.

This is the vice principal taking a deep breath.

At this moment, the last remaining school managers were only the little girl and the housekeeper, but it turned out that they had already appeared.

The little girl glanced at the butler behind her, and the two nodded,


"Okay! Unanimous vote passed, then we will invite our acting school manager Fu Nian to appear on the stage." The heavy breath was full of burning alcohol,
Elizabeth's beautiful brows subconsciously frowned.However, his education quality since he was a child made him not have any special reaction to this.

The moment the second voice fell, the vice principal jumped up from his chair and yelled towards the door of the meeting room.

Frost stared at the vice-principal's brow and frowned. In fact, he had been trying to win Fu Nian from Angers from the very beginning, and wanted him to play for the Gattuso family while playing for Kassel Academy.

But he didn't pay much attention to this task, because although Kassel College rarely had S-class hybrids, it was not like they didn't have them. Their attitude towards S-classes still remained at the same level as before.

What he didn't expect was that this year's two S-ranks both had shocking performances, one slaying dragons, and the other capable of handling deadpools with ease.Even directly defeated Henkel.

And seeing the attitudes of Angers and the Laurent family, he realized that he had fallen into a disadvantage in the competition to win Fu Nian, and the opponent might even have joined Angers' faction.

If the other party is really the case, after becoming the agent of Angers in the board of directors of Kassel College, then Gattuso will not have any improvement after losing Angers in the board of directors.

So he couldn't let the other party become the heir of Kassel Academy Angers.What cannot be obtained will be destroyed.It is the ancestral motto of their Gattuso family.

When Frost was thinking about something in his heart,
There was an extremely forceful push on the door at the door of the conference room behind him.

Under the gaze of everyone, a young man in a black suit slowly walked out of the light.

The rhythmic footsteps finally stopped in front of the long table in the conference room, and the slender eyes slowly scanned every face in the video screen.

At this moment, the originally quiet air atmosphere instantly became anxious.

Frost subconsciously put his hand on the pistol on his waist.Because the other party's gaze made him feel a sense of horror.

It seemed that those were not the eyes of a hybrid at all, but the eyes of a beast.

Everyone's nerves were aware of the strangeness around them at this moment, and they all looked at Fu Nian in front of the table warily.If the vice-principal hadn't shouted Fu Nian's name, they would have thought that Kassel College had been invaded again!

Beneath those stern and tight lips, they seemed for a moment to see in each other the shadow of Angers' youth.

That elegant yet pompous attitude.

At this moment, an invisible aura slowly landed in every corner of the conference room.

Through the video surveillance, it spread to the hearts of every school manager.

At this moment, their eyes finally became formal, and under the great threat of subconsciousness, they had silently listed each other as the same status as Angers.

Fu Nian looked at their straight waists and serious eyes, and nodded slowly inwardly.

What Xia Mi said was indeed correct. In the natural world, only the strong will win the right to mate. This also applies to human society. If you want to have the right to speak, you must show your strength in front of them.

So when I came in, I inadvertently released a little arrogance that I would only reveal when I was in the underground tunnel of BJ, or facing Xia Mi alone.

Seems to be working great.Fu Nian looked at them and nodded inwardly.

"Sit here." The vice principal looked at Fu Nian and waved his hand, pointing to his seat.

Fu Nian looked at the seat opposite to Elizabeth, and slowly shook his head.

Under the inexplicable eyes of everyone, he slowly walked to the C position at the end of the long table.

"The principal said I should sit across from Mr Frost Gattuso."

Fu Nian stepped on the leather shoes, his cold voice filled with strength in the low footsteps.

Upon hearing this sentence, every face on the screen changed in inadvertent details.

The corner of the vice principal's mouth curled up visibly.

But Frost bent down extremely in sync with him, his brows were lowered, and there was an undisguised coldness in his eyes.

Fu Nian sat on a chair and looked at the screen he was facing, with a dark and deep look in his eyes.

Of course, the principal did not tell him this sentence. The principal is lying in the emergency room, so it is impossible to come out and tell him.

Xia Mi told him this sentence, as for the reason, Fu Nian did not ask.Xia Mi didn't say anything either.

(End of this chapter)

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