I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 217 "You can try."

Chapter 217 "You can try."


"Although this final vote is in favor, it is limited to this time. After Anger recovers from his injury, everything needs to return to normal. He will no longer be allowed to attend the school board meeting." Frost looked at the crowd in front of the screen and said.

"I have no objection." The elderly man said.

They looked at each other on the screen, and no one raised any objections.Not even the vice-principal offered any rebuttals.

Fu Nian is powerful and has the support of the Angers and Laurent families, which is his pass to enter here.

But that's all. A real person in power not only needs absolute shocking strength, but also needs foresight and foresight, as well as a calm and calm attitude in the face of problems.These are things that need to be proved by practice. Although Fu Nian's achievements in the tasks completed so far have made them unable to find any problems, there is no big event that shocked them enough.

In other words, these tasks are not enough to cover up his inexperienced shortcomings.What he lacks is a big event that makes them feel right.

"After we have determined the next agent of Kassel College, our next topic is what attitude Kassel College should take to face this evening."

Frost looked at the crowd and spoke.

"Our responsibility is to slay the dragon. Even Kassel College spends a lot of money every year on finding the Dragon King. Now that the Dragon King has shown himself at the headquarters of Kassel College, we can't sit still because of the danger." .

Even the other party took the dragon bone cross openly and aboveboard. "

"Do you have any misunderstandings about what happened tonight, or what misunderstandings do you have about the Dragon King's strength?" The vice principal glanced at the stinky face on Frost's screen with a hint of disdain in his eyes look.

"Norma, let our honorable Mr. Gattuso feel the visual impact of the Dragon King's majesty." The vice principal shouted behind him.

The moment the sound fell, the scene of the battle between Kassel Academy and Norton appeared on everyone's screens last night, and the air in the room changed drastically instantly, like a necessary condition thrown into a chemical reaction equation ,
The whole room exploded suddenly.Even across the screen, everyone can feel the coercion from Norton's body,
It was a scorching force directly applied to their bloodlines. The huge dragon pupils, the dazzling golden light curtain, the huge dragon body with jet-black wings, and the shining black blue-black scales gleamed in the firelight. An inch no longer shows a strong charm.

The moment the picture landed on the screen, the atmosphere became completely quiet. This was not the first time they saw this scene. From the moment the Dragon King invaded, they, as the school board, received an emergency call from EVA. Telephone.

But when they saw this scene again, they couldn't help being shocked in place.

"This is the Lord of Bronze and Fire, Norton, who invaded our Kassel College last night." The vice-principal looked at the silent crowd, "The other party has already been killed by our S-class member Lu Mingfei in the Hall of Valor. over the ruins."

There was still no sound in the room, and the screen continued to play. It was the scene where Fu Nian was notified by the principal, Angers, and jumped into the group of dead servants, swaying Han Bafang wantonly.
Scarlet black corrosive liquid, broken limbs flying around, and dragon scales falling from the sky in large pieces like snowflakes.

The room is still silent,
"This is the picture of Fu Nian receiving Ange's order to rescue the weak Lu Mingfei."

The picture changes again,

The scene switched from the ruins of the Hall of Valor to the Bermuda lawn of Kassel College.
An old man with gray hair in a black suit was standing gracefully on the lawn, and opposite him was a little girl who was only about 1.5 meters tall.

But this is not the focus of their attention at all. The point is that all the densely packed brass bullets around the little girl are suspended in mid-air, like bees waiting for the order of the queen bee, trembling and neighing, making everyone present Everyone inexplicably felt a chill that tensed their bodies.

"You see, she looks like a deadpool." The vice principal looked into Frost's eyes, his tone full of charm.

The light curtain in the video flashed, and the battle broke out immediately, but in the eyes of everyone, Ange appeared directly behind the little girl. The only change he had was that the black scales formed a jet-black suit like flakes. armor.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that Ange's speech is a bit special, and ordinary people may not be able to see his battle screen. Norma, can you slow down the frame rate?"

The picture began to slow down under the influence of Norma, but even if Norma slowed down a little bit, the figure of Anger in the video was still blurred, so that in the end, even the little girl in the picture became blurred Clear up.

"Explain." The vice principal looked at Frost. "It's not that there is something wrong with Norma, but that the little girl on the opposite side is getting faster, and he is adapting to the field of Anger's speech."

The words of the vice principal surprised everyone present.

But neither of them spoke, as the battle in the picture became faster and faster,

Even through the video screen, they still felt the bitterness of the sword and Angers' resolutely killing fighting eyes. Those were the eyes of a pair of tigers. They had been dealing with Angers for so many years, but they had never seen it on each other. This pair of eyes makes people lose all courage at a glance.

But what surprised them even more was that no matter how fast Angers swung the knife and how fiercely he swung the knife, the little girl opposite seemed to have never had any scars on her body.

While everyone was wondering why the little girl turned and ran towards the door,
An aura burst out that made everyone present stand up suddenly, and the aura enveloped the room of each school manager along the network cable through the screen, like a pair of nameless big hands holding them tightly in the palm of their hands through the air ,
The oppressive power made everyone present stop breathing for an instant, and in all areas covered by the golden pupils, an invisible black dragon slowly formed in their hearts.

Stretch your wings, lift your head,
Roar! !

The dragon's chant is delivered to the souls of everyone present in the form of blood through space.

Pairs of pale golden golden pupils were forced to open, and in the trembling air around them, cold sweat drenched the clothes of all of them.

Everyone present, including the vice principal, became inexplicably terrified.This is not the first time he has felt this scene, even though he was mentally prepared, he was inspired by this force again. This is the first time he deeply agrees with the correctness of Angers' decision.

Only Fu Nian sat alone at the end of the long table, watching their gaffe with pale golden eyes indifferently.

a long time,

The room slowly returned to its previous state.
Elizabeth took the handkerchief from the butler behind her and slowly wiped the cold sweat off her palms.

At this moment, she really felt what kind of pressure Angers was going through at that time. Is this the first scene of contact? The power conveyed through the video can only be regarded as residual power. She couldn't find a reason why she could survive.

"I see, the principal asked us to retreat to the campus for no reason," it was no longer the vice principal who spoke this time, but Fu Nian, who was the only one who was calm in the face of this situation.

"Everyone is a top decision-maker of mixed race, so we naturally have the vision that we should have. We cannot stop the principal's full attack. At least I think that my current strength still does not have the way to deal with the principal's words.

But even so, the Dragon Bone Cross was easily taken away by the opponent, without even a little injury. The Dragon King that appeared has far exceeded the range of combat power we can deal with.Therefore, I will definitely implement the principal's decision to the end. "

Fu Nian's pale golden pupils slowly swept across every school manager present, and Elizabeth felt that the pupils of the other party were so dazzling.

And she noticed that Fu Nian was talking about implementation.

"I agree. This dragon king is far beyond what we can handle." Elizabeth nodded.

"Wait a minute," Frost looked at the office man who was about to make a statement and the elderly man beside him.

"Maybe it's not necessarily beyond our ability to deal with it. We may not be able to find a hybrid race that can compete with it in terms of personal combat power, but our hybrid races have survived for thousands of years, and it's not just as simple as brainless fighting. Our Technology has given us the ability to destroy the world. If we use that thing to deal with the Dragon King," Frost's eyes flickered for a moment.

"Frost!" Suddenly an aged voice interrupted the other party's voice, "Things are far from reaching that point!! Besides, will that thing really work for her!" The old man looked at the frozen girl's back in the picture , the voice was very stern, but also very decisive, and seemed to be very resistant to the method mentioned by the other party.

"I also agree with Angers' decision." The old man expressed his opinion.

Frost frowned suddenly.

"I agree too." The working man raised his hand.

Another sixteen or seventeen-year-old female school manager next to him looked at the butler behind him, and the butler nodded.


"Okay, unanimous vote, let's move on to the next topic." The vice-principal announced the result without saving face for Frost at all.

In fact, this is also the case. Only Frost present did not vote, and everyone else had already voted.

"There is nothing to talk about. As you can see, I am only the executor of the principal's will.
Kassel College will be closed for the next period of time. " Fu Nian looked at everyone present and said.

"As the name suggests, no one can come in, and no one can go out until the principal recovers." Fu Nian looked at the frowns,
"Everyone, don't worry about the implementation, because I will personally implement this matter."

"We, Gattuso, will send additional staff to Kassel Academy." Frost seemed to have not heard Fu Nian's words, looking at the screen with a cold face. "In the name of the school board!" This was the resolution they had just made when Fu Nian came in.

Frost slowly put his gaze on Fu Nian, and at this moment, a rush of arrogance from the superior rushed towards Fu Nian along the screen.

The corner of Fu Nian's mouth suddenly burst into a smile,

"You can try."

 Thank you very much [Orange Warm Pinellia] for the reward of 1500 points!
(End of this chapter)

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