I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 218 "I have to watch my brother!"

Chapter 218 "I have to watch my brother!"


The meeting ended quickly. This meeting was a bit like an emergency meeting held by the board of directors on the appointment of the acting general manager after the general manager was hospitalized. By the way, the company also conducted a unified discussion and research on the problems that the company will face later.

Facts have proved that their follow-up discussions and research decisions have no effect at all in front of Fu Nian.

The main entrance of Kassel College,

Right in front of the Bermuda lawn, Fu Nian's upright figure stands tall and straight under the bright white lights on the roadside, like a lost lighthouse on the edge of Tokyo Bay, in the endless black ocean, shining with warm and soft light on the incoming "" guest".

But the person who came did not realize how warm and gentle the figure of the other party was, and could even clearly feel the erection and trembling of the hairs on the back of the neck when he turned his head inadvertently, like a deep-sea monster hidden in the dark ocean , the giant mouth has already opened in a corner unknown to him, just waiting for himself to rush into the trap of the opponent's mouth.

But when he knew that there was a trap ahead, and when he was alerted to remind himself for the [-]th time, he still planned to take his left foot with difficulty.

"Where is the person!!" The captain, Mr. Charlie Gattuso, yelled coldly from the opposite phone.The other party seemed very dissatisfied with his execution speed. In fact, he had indeed stayed at the door for a long time.

The Gattuso family sent another elite team within the family to Chicago the day before the emergency meeting.Prepared to "support" Kassel Academy for the second time when Captain Charlie Gattuso had an accident.

"The main entrance of Kassel College."

The man silently glanced at the handsome face in front of him that was still smiling at him.Silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Come in! Mr. Frost has allowed us to enter Cassel College. No one will stop you, and no one dares to stop you!" Charlie's voice was loud, obviously not for the man alone.

The man silently glanced at the handsome young man standing in the middle of the entrance of the college. Where he was, the gate of Kassel College was at least seven meters wide. This width was enough to withstand the simultaneous entry and exit of two side-by-side armored heavy tanks. ,
And that man only occupied less than one-seventh of the space of the gate, but it was only less than one-seventh of the length, so that he didn't change his expression when facing the joint attack of the three deadpools. No man has the courage to cross that door.Didn't even have the courage to take a step.

The door in front of him seemed to be a moat, the last barrier between heaven and hell.

"Sir, we are here to support Kassel Academy at the invitation of Mr. Charlie Gattuso." The man looked at the nearly fifty elite Gattuso family members behind him, and he felt a little calm in his heart. He spoke to the man in front of him.

"I don't know Charlie." Fu Nian's eyes fell on the man opposite him,
The moment his eyes fell on his shoulders, the man felt as if something was about to rush out of the air, the air became thicker, and even his shoulders seemed to be bearing an inexplicable and horrifying force .

This feeling is like letting him stand on the edge of a cliff, with thick hot and bubbling magma underneath, and the person behind him kicked him into it.He'd never felt this way in a human being,
very bad!
Unknowingly, his golden pupils opened subconsciously automatically, not only him, but all the mixed races following behind him flashed a pale golden light at this moment,
This is an extremely shocking picture. Under the meager light in the middle of the night, the pairs of golden lights are like densely opened eyes in the black abyss, with a strange evil spirit in the mystery.Ordinary people would be terrified into the psychiatric department of the hospital if they witnessed this scene.

The moment he sensed the light curtain behind him, the man suddenly felt bad. Although the golden pupil is a symbol of mixed race, it has different meanings at certain special moments.
For example, in the grim present, the first party to light up the golden pupil is the party that expresses its willingness to take the initiative to attack.This is an extremely wrong signal!

More importantly, he didn't think he would launch an attack!

But as soon as this idea arose in his heart, a sense of vigilance from instinct automatically controlled his body to dodge sideways in an instant.

The violent wind and waves are like a tornado hurricane from the North American Tornado Corridor. In the afterglow of the man's dodge, a blue transparent light shield spreads rapidly towards the surroundings, covering all the companions behind him who have no time to react in the scope of the light shield. Inside.

At the very center of the mask, a black figure leaped into the mixed-race group in a charging posture carrying a large sword wrapped in bandages.

At this moment, time gave the man enough vision of God. At the moment when he flew sideways, he saw Feng Qi's companion, saw the swung sword, saw the scarlet swaying in the air, and saw...
5 minutes later,
The man looked at the sky above his head in a daze, the dark night sky seemed to be a little closer to him, and he could occasionally see a trace of red flowing clouds among the flowing clouds,
It was his swollen and bleeding eyes, and his body piled on top of his companions.

"Is it really good to hit so hard?"

Chu Zihang looked at Fu Nian who was walking towards him, and then at the group of mixed races piled up behind him, his expressionless face didn't make a sound.

"It's not like what a senior brother can say. If it were a senior brother to do it, according to your words, I'm afraid few of them are alive?" Fu Nian looked at his Han Bafang, without a trace of eyes Emotional swings.This is his emotional expression after the battle.

This battle gave him a little bit of a sense of substitution. To put it simply, he went crazy, and when he reached his state, he ended up disappearing.

It's a little depressing.

"This doesn't seem like something you can do, Junior Brother. If I remember correctly, Junior Brother, you would rather spend time with them than take action." Chu Zihang and Fu Nian walked side by side towards the dormitory direction.The two slender shadows were stretched very long under the light.

"Am I usually so gentle?" Fu Nian looked sideways at Chu Zihang slightly, and a slight ripple flashed in his indifferent and cold eyes.

"No, it's just that you're lazy." Chu Zihang said.

Fu Nian glanced at his mouth.

"Is it the emotion that the school director will bring to you?" Although Chu Zihang was asking a question, he spoke in an extremely positive tone.He is a delicate person who can always feel a different world in some details.

"The principal will settle it, won't he? He even said that violence will be used."

Chu Zihang was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look at the mixed races behind him who were too painful to make a sound, and nodded thoughtfully.


"What!!" Frost slammed his hand on his desk suddenly, and the documents that were thrown up fell like snowflakes.

"True?!" Frost roared angrily in his eyes, as if he could press the nuclear missile button in his hand as long as the other party nodded.

The secretary swallowed silently, hesitated for a moment, and nodded slowly.

Frost's eyes narrowed suddenly, like a wild animal concentrating before hunting.The whole person instantly became dangerous.

"Connect me to Passy." Surprisingly, Frost restrained his rage, and spoke into the air in an extremely cold manner.

"Sir, according to the information sent back by Captain Charlie, Mr. Passy is experiencing serious trauma at the moment."

"Huh?" Frost frowned.

"Mr. Percy and tonight's Dragon King have encountered each other." The voice exploded in Frost's ears like thunder.


Fu Nian did not return to his apartment with Chu Zihang, but wandered around the campus in the name of inspecting the campus, even though inspecting the campus is the task of the executive department.

Fu Nian walked into a remote jungle corner of the college, and used his authority to close a certain monitoring area.

Then he slowly sat on the stone chair on the grass, looking at the sky.

Time passed by in the surrounding air, and Fu Nian sat quietly in place as if petrified.

There was an unusual quietness in the air.


"Things are in hand."

After a long time, Fu Nian opened his mouth slowly, but what was strange was that there were no other figures around.

"Brother I know. Someone has been sent to take over."

"They've started to accept me."

"Did brother mean the school board?"

"Of course." Fu Nian's voice was taken for granted.

"Don't fool me, brother. The head of the Gattuso family wants to kill brother directly." Xia Mi's voice was full of helplessness that could not be concealed.

"Huh? How do you know?" Fu Nian was taken aback. He felt that Xia Mi was not involved in the school board meeting, or she wouldn't let herself into any school board meeting.

"Do you really think my sister is blind? Or do you really think my brother thinks that the group of mixed races outside can find out where I am?"

"Uh." Fu Nian was a little embarrassed. Originally, he was thinking of something to fool Xia Mi with this matter, so that Duo would leave the academy to absorb Norton's keel.

After all, his own battle just happened in less than a minute, and he didn't find any trace of Xia Mi's smell around at that time.

So decisively guessing that the other party doesn't know what happened just now, and the bet is right, so that the other party will not worry about himself and can eat with peace of mind.

"How did you know?"

"Judging from here."

Fu Nian heard the sound of fingers tapping on the small milk bag.

Fu Nian sighed silently.

"Okay, there's nothing to do here. Even if the old guy wants to kill me, he still needs to have the strength. Xia Mi should go to eat." Fu Nian didn't hide anything, and took the initiative to expose his purpose.

"No!" Xia Mi said firmly.

"I have to watch my brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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