I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 219 Xia Mi: I think that's what my brother means!

Chapter 219 Xia Mi: I think that's what my brother means! (seeking subscription)


"I have to watch my brother!"

"Why?" Fu Nian was taken aback.

"Your arrogance is prone to accidents." Xia Mi quietly put his voice in Fu Nian's ear.

"What if something goes wrong, they can't beat me..."

Fu Nian's voice suddenly stopped.

"Brother found out." Xia Mi's voice came out. "I'm not here, so accidents are easy."

"Then I'll be more careful." Fu Nian hesitated and said.

"No, brother, your strength has already created a gap like a gap between them. This is the gap between a dragon and an ant.
Maybe you care about the life and death of an ant because of pity, but you will never change anything for an ant.Not even willing to accommodate him. "

Fu Nian frowned, in fact it was true.

"What is the solution?"

"Yes." There was a hint of cunning in Xia Mi's voice.

Fu Nian froze for a moment, and glanced at the dark place where Xia Mi was.He always felt that something was not right.

"for example?"

"For example, my brother controls a more powerful force, so even if my brother tramples to death an ant, there is nothing in this world that can stop my brother's will."

"A more powerful force?"

"Such as eating Norton. Thoroughly mastering the Bronze and Fire Thrones."

"Impossible!" A gleam of light suddenly flashed in Fu Nian's eyes.The laziness wrapped around the whole body was instantly torn apart by a sharp edge.

After the edge is the serious golden vertical pupil that Xia Mi seldom sees.The sternness of Fu Nian's older brother finally appeared in front of Xia Mi.


"Oh, okay, okay, I know, don't be so fierce."

Fu Nian only felt a soft body coming from behind him, and the next moment his neck was tightly strangled by a pair of white arms on his chest.


"Not negotiable."

Xia Mi pouted.

Whoever wants to discuss it with you, I will let you eat it sooner or later!
Xia Mi hugged Fu Nian's neck from behind, and his small teeth creaked in Fu Nian's ears...

Fu Nian: "Tonight you go to the meatball's side..."



Fu Nian was taken aback, and turned his head sideways to look at Xia Mi's fragile skin. There was a familiar fragrance on the other side, and every time he smelled it, he always felt very at ease.Even at this moment, the seriousness he had just risen from was gradually eroded into silent helplessness.

He reached out and touched the other person's head.

"Because I... I'm not ready yet."

"Ye Mengjiade." Fu Nian said helplessly.

"Oh!" Xia Mi was still annoyed after all,
"Fenrir, you have to listen to me on this matter!" Xia Mi held Fu Nian's neck even tighter, as if he would strangle him to death if he disagreed with him.

"Although my brother ate Constantine, my brother's current strength is not enough to deal with other crises safely. Because our enemies have never been mixed races, our enemies are them!! Brother!"

Fu Nian was silent and didn't speak.

"Brother, you need to know that there is an unknown force behind everything that is driving the development of everything, the appearance of the King of Bronze and Fire, the exposure of our Nibelungen, and even the inexplicable burst of dragon-slaying monsters." Lu Mingfei of Strength,
Behind all of this, there is a pair of hands slowly promoting the development of things.The current world is a world of undercurrents, and all parties are in charge of a big game of chess. We are pawns!

The reason why we were able to see all this in advance was not because we became chess masters, but because the opponent's goal this time was the King of Bronze and Fire, and we participated in their actions precisely because of some coincidences.

Their purpose is to kill the Dragon King, none of us know whether their next target is the sky and the wind, or the ocean and water, or even our earth and mountains!

We don't even know who the opponent standing in the shadows is,

Maybe Odin, maybe an early awakened monarch like us, even! "Xia Mi looked into Fu Nian's eyes.

"It might even be Him!"

Fu Nian's eyes were slightly startled. "I can't."

"After all, counting the time, it's almost time."

"My current strength..."

"Brother who is not enough, you are blinded by those weak hybrids. In the face of real power, Hela's power is powerless! Even the power of technology developed now can seriously injure my brother through some unaware of insidious plans. .”

"But Odin doesn't..."

"Brother, haven't you guessed it? If that is really the real Odin, he will definitely not choose to retreat! Even if he knows that I am outside, and knows that when my brother's life is in danger, he will recklessly tear apart The Nibelungen and my brother fought side by side. Because the two of us at the time were not much of a threat to the real Odin."

"Why then?"

Xia Mi smiled mysteriously at Fu Nian.

"Brother is obedient, I will tell you."

"Jermengard, since you know how terrifying the enemy we are about to face is, you should fuse Norton's power, only in this way can we fight side by side!"

"No! Brother, what we need now is strength. The condition for breaking the chess game of a chess master and becoming a chess master is strength!
rights are enough.As long as you, brother, completely fuse the throne of bronze and fire, even if we face the monarch of the dark plane head-on, we will have the strength to fight, because the throne of the monarch has already been balanced. "

Fu Nian knew that Xia Mi currently regarded the other two monarchs as imaginary enemies.In the order of the eight thrones, they are currently halfway there.

"Even if our luck is bad, and we are not facing the monarch, the elder brother who has absorbed the Bronze Throne will still have the strength to fight against him who has not yet fully grown. At that time, even if we unite them again, It's not impossible!"

"Brother, you shouldn't hesitate. The power of the earth and the mountain is the same. When my brother is strong, I will also become stronger."

"It's different!" Fu Nian frowned.

"We have no choice, brother, none of us want to continue sinking in the boundless darkness, don't we! There is our cage, the shackles that imprison us!"

"You will become my weakness!" Fu Nian turned his head to look at Xia Mi's pupils, with a kind of stubbornness in his eyes.

Xia Mi avoided Fu Nian's sight and looked at the dark silence ahead.

After a while, the corner of Xia Mi's mouth suddenly burst into a smile.

"My very clever brother."

"It's useless. In the face of the destruction of power, everything is an illusory castle in the air."

"My brother will protect me. What I have is power, and power is to serve power, right?

Or, did brother stop thinking about protecting Xia Mi?Is brother tired? "

Fu Nian frowned.

"That was not what I meant……"

"I think that's what brother means!"

Fu Nian: "I..."

 Thanks to [Feng Xiaobai] for the 1666 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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