I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 220 Can You Understand My Old Guy's Mood

Chapter 220 Can You Understand My Old Guy's Mood


That night, when Fu Nian returned to the dormitory, he also did not find Mai Tokuku.

Only Chu Zihang lay quietly on the bed and slept.

Fu Nian didn't care much about this, because in the third layer of ice cellar, Fu Nian didn't do anything to Mai Jiude,
During the subsequent inspection of the campus by the executive department, Fu Nian also did not receive an emergency notification that the executive department found the enemy.

That must mean that Jiu Toku Mai is safe for the time being, coupled with the gradual withdrawal of the peripheral executive department, the defense circle has been greatly shortened.Although the difficulty of entering the campus has not decreased much.

But the difficulty of going out to campus is much less, as long as the other party has a black card.Getting in and out of the campus is naturally not a problem.

In the next few days, the anger of the Gattuso family that Fu Nian had expected did not come, and even the mixed-race elites of the Gattuso family who were blocked by Fu Nian withdrew from Kassel Academy one after another Within the range, and returned to the Gattuso family on a special plane the next day.It was as if what happened that night didn't seem to happen.

As for Xia Mi, he is naturally still at Kassel College.According to Fu Nian's black card, he wandered around in every corner.

The dragon invasion expected by Kassel College did not come, and even Henkel, who was found imprisoned after waking up, didn’t say anything, sitting quietly in the cage specially prepared for him by Kassel College, without any noise or noise. noisy.

After Kassel College experienced two dragon invasions, everything seems to have returned to the once quiet and peaceful campus, just like the surface of a lake after a storm, with gentle breeze rippling in it.Only the rising water surface still proves the traces of the storm.

The Hall of Valor is being repaired with the assistance of the school engineering department and the construction team of the equipment department.

Students are back in teaching mode again,
Professor Manstein was busy awarding medals to the martyrs who died in battle, and helping them fill out the plane tickets for returning home.

Professor Schneider is busy globally carrying out the dispatch orders of the Ministry.

Fu Nian sat quietly on the roof of the first teaching building of the college, looking at the place where the sun fell in the distance.

Green lawns, round cobblestones, dark green students walking, and European-style buildings that can be seen everywhere.

Time seems to have really forgotten the tense emotions that permeated the college during those two nights, and a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere appeared after that.

But Fu Nian's mood at the moment was not affected much by the surrounding environment.Sitting on the edge of the rooftop tens of meters high, the depressed brows are tightly knit between the brows.

Staring at the shiny lake center underground, Xia Mi's voice that night kept echoing in his mind.

"Brother, are you tired..."

"That was not what I meant……"

"I think that's what brother means!"

He is a little irritable, very rarely a little irritable, few people can make him have violent mood swings, but Xia Mi is definitely the most useful one among them.

Even though it's been nearly two weeks since that day.

Although the injured principal will be discharged from the hospital today, Fu Nian feels that time does not seem to be attached to him, and the clear irritability is still as strong as that night.

He knew that Xia Mi was being stubborn, using this method to make himself make up his mind, but how could he make up his mind.

Once I promise Xia Mi that I have absolute power, then only Xia Mi will bear the risk.Although she doesn't care.

But he cared, Xia Mi said that when he clenched the sword of arrogance, he clenched his own weakness, but Fu Nian felt that that weakness was negligible at all. Fenrir's real weakness was Yemengard!
What Xia Mi said is also very reasonable. I am the guardian of the throne of power. If the earth and mountains want to have absolute power, I must need absolute power.The dispersion of power will only bring about a disadvantage in the collision between the earth and the mountains and the enemy.

"What are you thinking? So depressed."

Suddenly, just when Fu Nian was about to get tangled up in his heart, a voice that surprised him appeared behind him.

Fu Nian turned his head suddenly, and saw an old figure standing tall and straight behind him,
The old man was dressed in a black suit, and his elegant temperament was exactly the same as that night. Beside the old man, there was a woman wearing a court dress, high heels, and a light veil.The woman held his arm, like an old but still handsome father entering the social circle with his beautiful daughter.

The woman's figure is very tall and enchanting. With the high heels, her figure is already about the same height as Angers.

"Principal! How did you get out of the hospital?" Fu Nian looked at Ange who was the same as before. The other's complexion, the other's mental state, and even the other's aura had nothing to do with the seriously injured patient.

But Fu Nian knew that this was only on the surface. In close perception, Anger's blood was completely different from before, in a state of extreme depletion.That was the aftereffect of his blood explosion, and it took time to cultivate slowly.

"I can't stay in the hospital, let me take him out to get some air." Elizabeth on the side took the initiative.But there was a hint of dissatisfaction in the voice.An injured Angers seemed reluctant to go out for a walk.

At this time, there was no butler behind Elizabeth.

"Lisa, my injury has been repaired very well, and my personal doctor said that I can be discharged from the hospital." Anger turned her head and looked at the woman next to her with a kind smile in her eyes.

"Your personal doctor is completely a staunch defender of your will. I won't believe a word of his words." Lisabeth glanced at Angers, her tone was not polite.

"Hahaha." Angers laughed happily, his eyes were like a kind grandfather looking at his grown-up granddaughter.

"My personal team of doctors is on the way, and I'm asking them to give you a complete physical examination this afternoon," Lisa said, clutching Angers' sleeves, "I won't let you run away. "

The smile on the corner of Ange's mouth was even brighter.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fu Nian inexplicably felt that there was a reason for Anger to do whatever he wanted in the school board, at least there was a school board family standing firmly behind him.

The girl still has to be raised from an early age.


The three sat at a round table on the balcony.

Fu Nian looked at the principal opposite,
"The principal shouldn't have come out."

Angers frowned,
"Your injury is still serious, at least the current work pressure is not suitable for the principal," Fu Nian looked at a certain part of Angers' abdomen.

Elizabeth glanced at Angers.

"Come out to get some air. It's too stuffy in the hospital. You know, I don't like watching a white coat dangling in front of my eyes." Angers said the first half of the sentence while looking at Fu Nian, but the second half of the sentence is Watching Lisa talk about it.

Elizabeth knew this, at least Angers' personal doctor had never worked in a white coat in front of him.Angers developed an extremely distrustful feeling towards doctors in white coats very early on.

Although this sequelae gradually eased over time, it still had a heavy impact on him after all.

"It's not just these, is it?" Fu Nian looked at Ange and said.

"You really are in a bad mood today." Anger looked at Fu Nian as expected.

Fu Nian didn't speak, but just silently looked at the two people opposite.

"Okay, okay, I thought I could ease your mood. Seeing that this problem can't be alleviated by humor. Then I'll get straight to the point."

Angers looked at Fu Nian and said.

"En." Fu Nian nodded.

"How?" Anger asked inexplicably.

Fu Nian's expression remained unchanged, he knew what Angers was asking about. "Is the principal talking about the identity of the school board's agent or the use of violence to manage the campus?"

"Both." Angers said. "Lisa has already told me what happened in the past few days."

"It's all okay, but Frost is a bit boring. He clings to some powers that he doesn't have every day, as if giving him can really make him the hegemon of the world. But in the face of real power, everything is nothing. It's a false castle in the air." Fu Nian spoke slowly, without hiding his emotions.

In the next few days, they continued several online school board meetings, and Fu Nian attended with the vice principal.Frost showed his sharp edge as a politician to the fullest. If it weren't for the screen, Fu Nian really wanted to slap him to death.

"Hahaha, you can actually see things that Frost can't understand now at the age of 20," Anger looked at Fu Nian who was indifferent and even a little cold at the moment with a surprised expression and laughed.

"He just hasn't seen the real world yet." Fu Nian shook his head.

"What about the result? Do you want to be my real agent?" Anger looked at Fu Nian and said seriously.

"Didn't they say they didn't agree, and the principal, you are still very motivated."

"But I'm already very old. Calculated according to time, I'm over 130 years old this year, and my life span is already very short. Who knows if I will die on the next dragon-slaying battlefield?" Go to see God." Angers said a very serious thing in a very joking tone.

"No." Fu Nian shook his head.

"Death is not up to you." Ange's lips curled up.

"But they won't agree in a short time. They won't even see me as your successor." Fu Nian didn't want to discuss this issue too much, so he changed the topic immediately.

"Indeed. Even if I agree. Those few are extremely cautious in determining the agent. Your status is proven by time." Elizabeth nodded, "I think Fu Nian can be my housekeeper. Go to board meetings, wait enough time, and they won't say anything."

"Your experience is a disadvantage to them, but it's not a big deal." Angers shook his head.

"We don't have much time. I urgently need a successor who I think can continue the dragon slaying business. I have waited for nearly a hundred years for this, and even once lost hope."

"Can you understand my old fellow's mood, Lisa, Fu Nian." Anger looked at them with a strange color in his eyes.

 Thank you [Suit or White Shirt] for your 1500 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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