I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 221 Xia Mi: Let's Live Alone

Chapter 221 Xia Mi: Let's Live Alone

"Can you understand my old fellow's mood, Lisa, Fu Nian." Anger looked at them with a strange color in his eyes.

Fu Nian was silent,

Elizabeth nodded.

"There is no one more suitable than you, Fu Nian." Anger looked at Fu Nian and said, "Your existence gave me a hope of solitude, even if I really failed, our business, I have been running it for nearly a hundred years The academy will also continue.

At that time, you only need you to conquer them with absolute violence like that night, and then lead them to charge! "

Fu Nian looked at the light in Ange's eyes, which was an indestructible torch of faith.That is the belief he insisted on all his life.

In fact, at this moment, Fu Nian felt that it was not impossible for them to cooperate. After all, in a sense, their starting point was the same.

"Isn't there still Lu Mingfei?" Fu Nian looked at Angers.

Anger was silent, "Lu Mingfei is a good boy. He is very kind."

Fu Nian: ...

"What about the way to make them quickly agree with Fu Nian?" Elizabeth changed the topic and said.

"It's very simple, those old guys think that Fu Nian, who only has high school experience, is not enough to have the experience to lead an academy.

Then what we should do is to make them feel Fu Nianyou. "

Fu Nian looked up at Angers.

Elizabeth also looked at Angers curiously.

"I will send you to the Japanese branch to be an exchange student. No matter the time, there is only one task. Conquer them, and use your strength to conquer them. Like I did back then, I believe in you, you will only do better than me .When you come back, I will use your record to gag them hard."

Angers looked at Fu Nian's firm face.

"Japan branch?" Fu Nian was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know that Kassel College had branches all over the world.

"Isn't the Japanese branch... enjoying autonomy?" Elizabeth looked at Angers with doubts.

"That's right, this task is not that easy, and it can even be considered very difficult. The Japanese branch of Kassel College, in a certain sense, belongs to an alliance with Kassel College. The college can't force them, and can only take joint measures. Way. For the superficial relationship, every year we select some people from the executive department and college students as exchange students.

But there is a problem in Japan. The Japanese branch likes to abuse the commissioners sent by the headquarters. Coupled with the local people’s worship of the strong and wanton treatment of the weak, many of the colleges we filmed in the past few years have not been treated fairly. manner.So we have gradually reduced the number of people exchanging between the two sides over the years. "

"Can you be more specific?" Fu Nian looked at Ange and asked.

"The Kassel College branch in Japan was established in cooperation with Japanese mixed-race families. Or I established it all by myself.

The mixed-race families there are very complicated, known as the "Snake Eight Family", divided into three surnames and five minor surnames, all of them are mixed-race, they have been in charge of the Japanese underworld for thousands of years, and any underworld leader will be killed after he has established a territory. You have to go to the shrine of Sheqi Hachiya to 'burn incense' in person, and express your compliance with the underworld laws formulated by Sheqi Hachijia, so that you can develop the gang in a legitimate way.

Later, the power of the Snake Ba Family was so strong that even the European mixed-race family had to be formalized. They were not the same as us. They had a bloodline different from ours. Outnumbered by our academy, their bloodlines give them an advantage,
But it is also full of disadvantages. Compared with our stable blood, they are easy to lose control and become murderous violent elements. The Japanese branch calls them 'ghosts'!
For the rest of the more specific information, Norma will inform you by text message on your way to the Japanese branch.What I can tell you now is that being an exchange student will put you under a lot of pressure,"

Angers hesitated, "It's pressure, anyway, that's how we describe the commissioners we sent over. These pressures not only enriched their insights, but also allowed them to grow a lot. But I Think you might be different from them."

"I understand." Fu Nian nodded.

"But I need to think about it." Fu Nian looked at Angers opposite and said.

"No problem, if you think about it, please call me and I will arrange it for you."

"Okay." Fu Nian nodded.

Immediately, Fu Nian turned his gaze to Elizabeth next to him,
"I may not be able to agree to your request to join the Laurent family."

"It doesn't matter. It's the same if you can become Angers' agent. The only difference is that we will no longer be the relationship between the housekeeper and the owner, but the relationship between the partners."

Elizabeth Laurent stretched out her small hand towards Fu Nian.

Fu Nian hesitated for a moment, then tightened his grip.

"What's the situation?" Anger looked at the two of them curiously.

Fu Nian glanced at Elizabeth, who looked down at the coffee.


"Go to Japan?" Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian's expression and was obviously taken aback.

"What's wrong?" Fu Nian looked curiously at Xia Mi who had a very strange expression.

"That's that guy's fiefdom!" Xia Mi's eyes shone with a strange light, and Fu Nian was taken aback for a while.

"That guy led her dragon clan to launch the biggest rebellion in history," Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian,


"Ah. Of course she encountered the supreme taboo." Xia Mi met Fu Nian's curious eyes abruptly. "My brother also said 'serve it' at that time, have you forgotten?"

Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi, looked at, looked at,

A bubble slowly emerged from the deep sea of ​​memory, and the picture of history was shattered in his mind.

The earth is trembling, the air is trembling, even the sea of ​​clouds on the top of the mountain is trembling, the whole world is filled with the wailing and pain of dragon roars...

A pair of black wings that cover the sky and the sun block the sun's rays, and black shadows shroud every corner of the world.

The black king destroyed the white king with great power, nailed her to death on the copper pillar of the sky, and threw her into the depths of the roaring ice sea.

The black figure drew two hundred-kilometer-long cracks on the frozen sea, the cracks criss-crossed, forming a huge cross,
He ordered that the ocean currents at the two poles change direction and converge into the ice sea, turning that sea into the coldest sea in the world. It was the "place of execution" set up for Emperor Bai. Migration will be diverted.

That sea was frozen for six epochs, never seeing the light of day. During those six epochs, every time I looked north on the European continent, I would see copper pillars reaching the sky rising from the sea of ​​ice. There are always dark clouds above the earth, and the roaring blizzard is constantly strengthening the ice cage...

"I remember." Fu Nian's voice slowly echoed in the air.

At the same time, he also once again felt the huge power emanating from the Black King, which was an oppressive force that made him feel suffocated!

This power!

Could Hela really kill him back then! !

Fu Nian was instantly pulled together by a force.

"I heard from Angers that there are a group of mixed races with different bloodlines in Japan, and their bloodlines are strong."

"That should be the test product she left behind at that time. Different from our Earth Fire Feng Shui bloodline, that guy is in a school of his own. She has a spirit that is different from our power, and can use a line of speech spirit that we know.

It cannot be denied that she was only one step away from success at that time, if it was really accomplished by her, the world would be different. "

"What will it be like?" Fu Nian was curious.

"Heh." Xia Mi pouted, looked at Fu Nian and asked, "What will be the outcome of the test product?"

"Try... the experiment, the outcome of the experiment." Fu Nian really didn't know what the outcome of the experiment was for a while.

The corners of Xia Mi's eyes were helpless.

Fu Nian: "Will you go then?"

"Go. Of course I did. The old guy in Angers sincerely asked my brother to go to practice, of course my brother will go.

Besides, at that time, her territory was completely defeated by that battle, and what was left on the small island was just a group of mixed races left over from the beginning. Taking a step back, even if she was still alive, she would still be killed in front of her brother. Headshot. "Xia Mi waved her small fist in front of Fu Nian's eyes.

"Really?" Fu Nian recalled the scene he had just seen, the guy who could fight with the Black King would not be so weak.The current self is really...

"Of course it's fake." Xia Mi chuckled.Mischievousness rippling in the small dimple.

"So brother, you have to eat Norton quickly. Only in this way can you protect me in Japan! Otherwise."


"Be alone forever."

Fu Nian: ...

and many more!

Fu Nian suddenly looked at Xia Mi on the opposite side, "What does it mean to protect well in Japan..."

"Are you going too?"

"Where is brother going, of course Xia Mi has followed." Xia Mi walked behind Fu Nian as a matter of course, grabbed his neck, and pressed her body against his back.

She seems to like this position very much, just like the scene where she used to take a nap and eat potato chips on top of Fenrir's dragon body.

"However, this time I will go with my brother as a student of Kassel College."

"What do you mean?"

"Of course I want my brother to take the initiative to apply to Angers to take me with him."

"Isn't your prep class over yet?"

"Oh, the things in high school should not be too simple. I have already skipped half a semester of classes, but I was still No. 1 in the exam, and the genius who fell to No. 2 has a mental breakdown. I dare not do it again. Going on to the class exam, I'm really afraid that he will choose to hang himself next time." Xia Mi grabbed Fu Nian's hair in annoyance, as if I was doing this for everyone, for the class, and for the prosperity of the world...

"OK then."

Fu Nian nodded.He did know that Xia Mi often skipped classes, because in the past six months, he could always feel Xia Mi's presence around him.

And she was still in the preparatory class of Kassel College, unless Xia Mi didn't want to, otherwise her university could only be Kassel College.

 Thanks to [_Kaifengzinan_] for the reward of 1500 points!
  Thanks [LZZ] for the 3332 point reward!
  Thanks to [Gong Luohen] for the 500 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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