I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 222 Don't you feel any guilt!

Chapter 222 Don't You Feel A Little Guilty!

After half a month,
The sound of stamping fell, and Ange stamped the document of Fu Nian's exchange student.

He handed it to Professor Manstein on the opposite side.

"Let Norma send this thing to the Japanese distribution in the fastest way, just say, our S-class is here to visit them."

"Principal, isn't this a bit inappropriate? After all, you also know that not only is the place over there small, but some things are also relatively narrow. If you offend them, Fu Nian..."

"Wouldn't that be better? Our trip to Japan would be more convincing to the school board, wouldn't it?"
You don't have to worry too much about Fu Nian. His strength is obvious to all of us, and it is different from the commissioners we usually send over. "

"The principal may have misunderstood it. I'm worried about the Japanese branch." Professor Manstein continued after a pause, "After all, our Japanese branch is still our subordinate. Although the relationship is not very close, it's okay. They are allies, if Fu Nian directly exposes them, wouldn't it be..."

"It's okay. Tell him to let him go, and I'll take care of the mess." Angers turned the swivel chair and looked at a certain area on the world map behind him.The corners of his mouth suddenly rose.

"It's as bad as it was when I landed on the island in 1945?"

"He should have been in contact with the Japanese branch by now, right?" Anger looked at the date next to him, half a month had passed.At this time, the injuries on his body are almost healed.

After Fu Nian and himself applied, the other party left the academy.Although I don't know why the other party brought a girl from the preparatory class.But the principal didn't care either.The girl's bloodline had already entered the Kassel College when the other party entered the preparatory class. After all, an A-level bloodline is rare in Kassel College.

"No." Professor Manstein shook his head slowly. "The Japanese executive department has asked our executive department several times about Fu Nian's news. They want to know when Fu Nian will arrive. They said that they will hold a grand welcome ceremony. You know, this is what they like Consistent style."

Ang Hot nodded.

Professor Manstein: "But we cannot give the other party an accurate answer."


"Because we don't know when Fu Nian will be able to reach it. Or to be more precise, we don't know where Fu Nian's next stop will be at all?"

"Where is he now?"

"According to Norma's satellite, the Pacific Ocean!"

"The Pacific Ocean?!" Angers frowned, "Sailboats across the ocean?"

Professor Manstein nodded.

"I remember that Fu Nian didn't participate in much sailing competition or even common sense knowledge during his enrollment, right?" Anger flipped through the files. According to the records above, Fu Nian was either on the way to missions or on the way to the dormitory most of the time. .

There is not much time to participate in club competitions.

"It's not that there are not many, but there are none at all!" Professor Manstein said affirmatively, his intended student, he naturally understood.

"Then him?"

"That's why I said that we don't know when Fu Nian will reach the mainland of Japan at all, and we are not even sure whether Fu Nian will reach the mainland of Japan. And we can't contact them at all now."

"Wait! He's not going in a schooner, is he?"

"No, no, no," Professor Manstein quickly shook his head, "If he uses a small sailboat that has no place to store food and water, and no place to go to the toilet, Schneider's executive department will immediately send a special plane to the rescue Well, Fu Nian has no experience in operating a sailboat. Letting a person with no experience enter the Pacific Ocean in this way, even if he is a mixed race, is completely suicidal.

On the contrary, his sailboat has been reviewed by us. In terms of safety, it not only has radar and navigator, but also has comfortable sleeping cabins, bathrooms, living rooms, kitchens, water and electricity systems and equipment in terms of comfort. "

"Then why is there no signal?"

"Because he turned off everything, not only that, but also blocked our signal. In our last call, Fu Nian said that he wanted to give himself an exciting new experience. In order to prove to the academy his determination to enter Japan .

If we didn't know that Fu Nian did have the strength to realize this possibility, the executive department would have sent a special plane to Japan long ago. "

"How exciting?" Anger grasped the point.

Manstein hesitated.
"According to the forecast report of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Tropical Storm Lubi was changed to Ramil (Ramil) a few days ago and has entered the Philippine Sea. The Japan Meteorological Agency has named the approaching tropical storm a typhoon ,

However, according to Norma's forecast, Ramil will rapidly upgrade to a typhoon of category 48 to [-] within the next [-] hours, and may even reach the level of a typhoon of category [-].After that, it will go all the way through the sea south of Japan.At the same time, the cloud belt gradually cut away to the northeast, so judging from the typhoon's route and the speed of Fu Nian's travel, there is a high probability that they will meet the typhoon.Although the power of the typhoon will continue to decline in the subsequent process, it cannot be resisted by a small sailboat. "Manstein looked solemn.

"Maybe they were just lucky enough to miss it." Ange said casually.

Manstein seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by Anger waving his hand, "We must have confidence in our S-class students. This is just a small storm. Even if it really happens, I can still be very proud Throwing this resume in front of that old fellow Frost,

Ask him, my students can prop up a sailboat across a four-level typhoon.can you? ! "

Manstein curled his lips, wanting to say that when a typhoon entered the Pacific Ocean, it could no longer be called a typhoon.

"Okay, let's focus on the follow-up investigation of that old guy Frost. Fu Nian will let him go and do it. As long as he doesn't make an urgent call, there is nothing we can do."


Central Pacific.

On a certain sailboat, a man stared at the gust of wind blowing towards the wind with piercing eyes,
The strong smell of the sea made him feel like a few lively and fishy tropical mullet had been stuffed into his mouth.The whole person has a feeling of being uncomfortable for a while.

And the oncoming wind and waves, Fu Nian felt a little sorry for calling it a squall.Have you ever seen a strong wind that can lift the waves nearly six meters high?Anyway, it is impossible for Fu Nian's second life to be a landlubber.

Shaking his head helplessly, if Xia Mi hadn't warned himself not to use the spirit of speech when he was in the cabin just now, he would have come out to suffer this anger.

Facing the strong wind, he stepped forward and looked at the violent waves slowly approaching from him. Fu Nian lowered his eyes slightly, and a trace of seriousness gradually appeared in his casual eyes.

The turbulent waves were less than two meters away from them, and the sails floated up in an extremely inclined posture. From a close distance, the small sailboat under their feet was like a leaf floating in the middle of the lake, and he was more like an ant on the leaf.

But this ant stood motionless on the leaf, which angered the raging waves at the moment, and the howling hurricane became more shrill and piercing, and the height of the waves climbed again for a while.

With all his might, he snapped at Fu Nian,
The light curtain is shining.Like the dawn breaking through the mist.

The surrounding time was stopped, the nearly [-]-meter-long waves stopped abruptly, and the huge and boundless sea stopped flowing in an instant.

The sky, the birds, the clouds...

The splashing water curtain was like an exploding depth charge, and a nearly [-]-meter-long water gully and waves appeared in a cross shape in the middle of the waves in an instant, blasting it out of thin air into a path that could allow small sailboats to pass.

The turbulent hurricane waves encountered a more violent force than them, and the power, together with the subdued air, suppressed the trembling hurricane and calmed down the arrogant water waves.

In the middle of the nearly [-]-meter-wide waves, a gap was created out of thin air, and the small sailboat passed through it safely.

Fu Nian turned his head to look at the wind and waves passing behind him, and shook his head.

Get up and walk towards the comfortable sleeping cabin below.


Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian who walked in, took out a dry towel from behind him, walked behind Fu Nian, searched for a long time, but did not see any traces of sea water on the other party's body.

"Solved." Fu Nian nodded.

"Then hurry up and wash off the smell on your body. It smells like a fishy sea. It smells so bad." Xia Mi covered the tip of his nose with a disgusted expression on his face.

"But our water is limited. If it is wasted in the shower, there is no way to do other things."

"What else do you want to do? You don't rush to take a bath and change clothes, and prepare to eat, what are you thinking about doing? Brother Norton has been waiting for you for so long, don't you feel any guilt!"

Xia Mi sat cross-legged on the bed again and looked at the fashion magazine in his hand, cast a glance at Fu Nian who was opposite, and said dissatisfied.

Fu Nian pouted.

He does feel guilty.But not to Norton, but to Xia Mi.Obviously Norton was a gift he had prepared for the other party, but in the end he still had to absorb the other party's power.

Although Xia Mi made himself understand by saying that he should protect her well, but understanding is understanding, not wanting is not thinking, these are two different things.

But he didn't say anything more. It has been more than ten days since they came out of Kassel College, and they have been arguing with each other for more than ten days. After each argument, Fu Nian has to be "educated" by Xia Mi for nearly two hours.

Over time, calluses are coming out of the ears.

He also understood that he seemed unable to change Xia Mi's thoughts, and coupled with the limited time, today was the last time Xia Mi set for himself.

If she still doesn't agree, then she will "threat" herself.

For example, driving a gun to his neck.

It was Xia Mi's neck.

 Thank you very much [Orange Warm Pinellia] for the reward of 1500 points!
(End of this chapter)

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