Chapter 223 Leave it to me

Fu Nian glanced helplessly at Xia Mi, who had serious eyes, and silently walked to her side and reached out to touch her head.

He sighed slightly.

"Don't sigh, don't be coquettish, don't be wronged. It's useless." Xia Mi curled his mouth, as if you don't talk, I don't listen.

"Where is it?" Fu Nian asked.

Xia Mi's ears perked up, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Fu Nian, his tense little face instantly bent upwards.There is a smile in the crooked eyes.

"Come with me!" Xia Mi grabbed Fu Nian's palm and led him to the living room outside.

Although there are many rooms here, they are not that big, and the living room is only the size of two rows of larger tables.Put a little luggage in it, put one or two chairs and it will be full.

But at this moment, the center of the living room is empty and clean.It was even covered with a layer of black cloth.

Xia Mi walked to a corner of the cloth, grabbed it with one hand, and suddenly grabbed the whole cloth.

The black lines inside are densely packed, showing in front of Fu Nian in the shape of a huge world tree.One section of the trunk of the World Tree is connected to a circular open space, and the densely packed branches on the other side are connected to another circular open space.Between each other, the lines meander like snakes.

Fu Nian has seen this figure, or this alchemy matrix. This is the figure that Xia Mi prepared for him when Fu Nian absorbed Constantine last time.

"Are you ready?"

"I've been preparing for more than ten days! I didn't expect you, brother, to be so stubborn! You really took me off for so long!!" Xia Mi raised her head and looked at Fu Nian, with a hint of helplessness and warmth in her dissatisfied tone .

She naturally knew the reason why Fu Nian was competing with her. If possible, she naturally didn't want to be Fu Nian's weakness, but this is not something they can decide at the moment.

"Go. I will support my brother for all the troubles that will follow." Xia Mi walked to the end of a section of the trunk with Norton's keel cross, then pointed to the end of the other section and looked at Fu Nian.

Fu Nian stepped forward silently.

The corner of Xia Mi's mouth was raised, and a black drop of blood slowly dripped down the end of the World Tree on the ground along her fingertips.


The moment the black blood drops fell, the surrounding air instantly began to boil, like a violent reaction between concentrated acid and water, and the transpiring white air instantly turned the cabin space into a steamy bathhouse.

The surrounding fire elements began to boil, and the thick white mist became denser, viscous, and solidified.

On the periphery of the cabin, denser steam began to appear, which was the collision between the release of the fire element and the surrounding dense water element.The more the steam gathers, the more it gathers,

Suddenly, in the stormy sea, a faint golden light curtain spread from the sailboat, and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.Completely shroud the surrounding white mist.

With the small boat as the center, the entire surface of the sea seemed to be gently brushed by a pair of huge hands. All the folds and all the wind and waves calmed down at this moment. waves.In the next second, he crawled under the sea like a good baby, and even the clouds in the sky became still.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States, the staff who are observing the weather movement glanced at the changes in the meteorological data that have undergone drastic changes,

In the next second, the entire eyeball almost popped out.

In the sight of the other party, a typhoon that just passed by Japan has weakened to the level of a tropical storm. While moving at high speed and making it impossible to land on the planned route, it suddenly reversed its direction, as if it had encountered something terrifying. , made an unfounded ninety-degree turn, and headed directly towards Japan to the west.

The staff rubbed their eyes and stared dumbfounded at the groundless scene. His nearly 20 years of work experience told him that it was unreasonable, but his eyes told him seriously that this was the truth.


two months later.

Kassel College

Principal's office,
Angers looked at the documents in front of him with a gloomy expression, and smiled wryly for a while.

Fu Nian "give enough" Frost's face at the school board meeting at the beginning, and even afterward, he completely blocked the Gattuso family as a mixed race trying to enter Kassel College from the campus, and even A kind regards to everyone who came.

At that time, Frost didn't say anything more about this matter. Although he found a lot of questions afterwards, he didn't even mention this matter at the school board meeting.

It doesn't mean that Frost held back his breath and pretended it didn't happen.But he knew that his subsequent anger was meaningless. Fu Nian carried out Angers' will, and no matter what his anger was spilled on him, it didn't hurt or hurt. In the end, the other party slapped his ass and left. impotent roar,
Unless I can really send out a powerful faction that can crush Fu Nian.No room was left to charge him with the crime of obstructing the school board's work and forcibly execute it violently.

But he couldn't find a powerful hybrid in the Gattuso family that could match the opponent.

That own anger meant nothing.

But Frost is not some kind of philanthropist, he is a politician, and what he wants to wait for is for the Lord to come up, so that Frost can use various reasons to investigate Angers in the name of the school board, to embarrass the other party,

Regardless of whether other school boards agree or not, as long as he can find evidence, he can investigate Angers on behalf of the school board.

For this reason, he gave Passy and Charlie enough time to stay in Kassel College, and also sent their family's professional lawyer team to Kassel College.

Andrew Gattuso.It was a key hand he played.

The chief legal adviser of the Gattuso family, graduated from Yale University Law Department, the same school as several US presidents, and is also of mixed race.It's a pity that his talent in language and spirit is limited, so he spent the first half of his life in charge of the legal affairs of the consortium, and did not directly get involved in the family's largest investment project, the "Academy".

But he clearly understood the meaning of "academy". It was a money-burning institution, but it was more important than all the money-making institutions of the family.There are mixed-race elites in all aspects gathered there, a mixed-race who has never set foot in the academy, never sat down with those tenured professors and got their approval, no matter how successful you are in the world of pure humans, the mixed-race In his eyes, he was only second-rate.

"What are they going to do again? Want to add an engineering team to us in the name of repairing the Hall of Valor at Kassel College? But their profession is lawyers, and the equipment department will think it too late for them to move bricks!"

The vice-principal looked at the document in front of him, which clearly stated that Kassel College would welcome the investigation team of the school board in a week.

"They are top students from the law majors of prestigious universities, and the construction team is not their strong suit." Anger drank the coffee in his hand calmly, looking at the opposite side of the vice principal's mouth helplessly.

"They're probably here to fire me."

The vice-principal stared blankly at Angers, as if his brain hadn't turned around for a moment.

"What! Fire you?" The vice-principal suddenly stood up, "Don't be kidding, whoever they fired you to be the principal, that old guy Frost is almost bald. You expect him to go to the battlefield to slaughter Dragon?! Even if the Gattuso family agrees, it is impossible for other school boards to agree, and they are not fools."

"But in fact, this is indeed their attitude." Anger pushed the document in front of him, "Yesterday, I was accused of three major mistakes and [-] detailed mistakes. The most direct point is that the school board said Seriously dissatisfied with my work report, doubting that I have no ability to continue to serve as principal.”

"It seems sudden, but we've been arguing about it a lot in the last few annual school board meetings, and I was as confident as you were that they couldn't find a replacement for me, and I couldn't be bothered to talk to them Talking about it, I have been more gentle and try to talk as little as possible."

"You're just playing hooligans and don't bother to pay attention to it. You are so elegant in what you say." The vice-principal gave Angers a blank look. I have already seen through you as a monster!

"Don't digress."

"Oh. Then why are they planning to fire you now? They have also sent out such an excellent professional team. It would cost a lot of money to hire them for a day. What a waste. Why don't you let me open a game in the academy? It’s a pleasure to come to a beauty pageant.”

"It's the theft of the keel this time." Angers said in a low voice. "They think I'm old, I've failed. I'm no longer able to lead the future of Kassel College."

"A bunch of guys are confused." The vice-principal frowned, "They experienced the battle between you and the Dragon King with their own eyes. At that time, Frost was so frightened that his eyes almost popped out. It was nothing ordinary at all. Dragon King, even in Norton's heyday, he wouldn't be that guy's opponent!"

"Besides, if they fire you, who will take over as the next principal, even if you are not the opponent of the Dragon King, who can be the opponent!"

"It doesn't matter who they use to replace me. Those people in the school board can't fight against the Dragon Clan. You know it, and I know it too. Only they don't know it. They don't understand how cruel war is. Even if they have experienced that incident, they can still be full of confidence, thinking that they can completely bury the Dragon Clan by relying on the mixed race in their hands, relying on the big cards of technology, and then they can grasp the power of the world with peace of mind. "Ange silently looked at the opposite vice principal.

"But the war is only just beginning."

The vice principal shrugged helplessly, "They are politicians, and politicians always think of building a new world before the war is over, just like the United States and the Soviet Union have already considered how to divide their spheres of influence in Europe before they conquered Berlin."

"But I'm a soldier, and I just need to live until the end of the war. I want to watch the last fireworks!" Anger looked at the vice principal, "My friend, I still need your support before the end of the war."

The vice-principal sighed, "My friend, you are already old enough to die, why do you persist?"

"You know, why ask again?"

The vice-principal nodded, "Indeed, you are a mourner, so you wear black all the time, with a jackknife in your sleeve, and every moment for 100 years you want to kill, ah no, dragon slaying. You are the kind of person who holds a grudge , whoever forms hatred with you and becomes your enemy will only die. Unless they kill you first. I just wonder that you are so stubborn."

"Then what are you thinking of doing? Why have you stayed at Kassel College for so many years? Don't tell me you are drinking and retiring here." Anger turned his head to look at the round belly of the vice principal, and shook his head .

The vice principal scratched his head, "I won't tell you...I don't want to make up a lie."

"I need your support." Anger brought the topic back on track.

The vice-principal sighed helplessly, "Old guy, Frost has long regarded you and me as the same breed, a fellow who wears a pair of pants. At the school board meeting, the other party despised me bloody. "

"Frost can't bear to see you drunk at the meeting. He calls himself a gentleman, and he only talks with gentlemen."

"But you are also an old hooligan." The vice principal retorted.

"Going off topic."


The air is silent.No one spoke anymore.

After a while, Angers stood up silently, looking at the rain dripping outside who didn't know when it had started.Walk slowly to the umbrella at the door.

Then prepare to leave.In his eyes, the silence of night watchman Flamel is also interpreting an attitude.

"Hi! Angers!"

Suddenly, the vice principal's voice sounded behind him.

Angers stopped without speaking or looking back.

"I don't like the chaebols and politicians in the school board. They can sacrifice anyone out of interest. Politicians don't care about morality and bottom line.

But they still think about building, building a new hybrid era and taking power.And you are just going to bury the Dragon Clan...

I know for so many years, according to your nature, no matter how powerful the dragon clan is, no matter what difficulties you face, you never back down, because you have a force that supports you to the last moment,

If possible, you need to detonate all nuclear bombs in the world for the funeral of the dragon. I believe you will definitely detonate all nuclear bombs in the world without hesitation.
When the world ends, you light a cigar and pour a glass of champagne in honor of your old friends.Your life is waiting for the moment full of performance art, "

The vice principal lowered his head,
"But Angers, if you think about it carefully, all you want is destruction, and you don't care about anything else. You have reached a dead end. In the eyes of those outside, you are a pure outlaw fanatic, an avenger!"

Rain fell from the window next to him.The iron-gray sky was clouded with mist.

Angers stood still and did not speak.He doesn't need to speak, his silence is the best response to that.

"Tell me a word. Are you really confident to kill that guy?" The vice-principal's voice was very low, very low, as if someone around was peeping at the conversation between them, but in fact, if they wanted to, this An area where not even a mosquito can fly in.

"You know I don't want to hear the ending of the same death." The vice-principal added.

"I need time to prepare." Ange's voice fell slowly.

Then came the low footsteps of leather shoes on the solid wood floor, and the stretching sound of an elegantly opened umbrella...

The raindrops exploded on the umbrella, and the night watchman slowly reached out to pick up the cowboy hat he put on the table,
Buckle it on your head.

"Then let me help you again."

(End of this chapter)

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