I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 224 "Yaksha! Stop!"

Chapter 224 "Yaksha! Stop!"


A 45-yard foot trampled hard on the back of the man's neck, crushing his head into the sand. The man could hear the cartilage between his cervical vertebrae wailing, and only the hard bone was struggling to support the fragile blood vessels and neural tube.

"Hell, why do I wear these Ferragamo handmade custom leather shoes to do this kind of dirty work? If blood splashes on the shoe, will it affect his life span!" The man with big feet complained loudly while stepping on it.
"This is the best old crocodile skin! It's such a waste to step on you!!"

"Don't baby your shoes like a woman, hurry up! The young master's patience is almost exhausted! An ordinary gang fights a little upgrade, but the young master has to go there in person. It's really embarrassing to this guy! Hurry up, set him on fire! Stir the ashes and throw them into the wall to make him immortal!"

Another man came over with a plastic bucket full of gasoline, unscrewed the cap of the bottle without any hesitation, and made a gesture of pouring it on the head of the man lying on the ground.

"Damn it! You fucking know it every day. We haven't found out why they fought. We haven't found out the clues of the others!
The young master came all the way to know that you were the only clue to burn the fire, and now I will burn you too! "The man with big feet looked at the man holding gasoline, with disdain in his voice.

"He didn't speak! The young master's time is precious! Then what do you say?!"

The gasoline man looked at the man with big feet who was trampled on his throat and couldn't speak a word.

"We have to be gentle!"

The gasoline man glanced at his companion next to him.

"Why don't you hang him with a rope, tie your sailor's knot, and watch the guy kick his legs out of breath?"

The gasoline man curled his mouth.

"Not good! Hurry up! All we care about is time! Aren't we the kind of perverts who play abuse?" The gasoline man poured the whole barrel of gasoline on the back of the man's head.

The gasoline-soaked soil blocked the man's mouth and nostrils, and he couldn't breathe. The sweet smell came up along the trachea, which should be bleeding from the cracked alveoli.

The man really wanted to say something, but the two men didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

The man is going crazy, are these two guys really trying to extract a confession?They are simply enjoying the fun of killing, right?Extorting a confession also pays attention to the method, okay?

To extract a confession, people must be able to speak! !
The man's name is Noda Daikichi.The eldest in the family, of course there are seven brothers under him, named Noda Erji, Noda Sanji, Siji... all the way to Baji.

Of course, this is not their brothers with the same father and mother, but good half brothers with the same father and mother.

Their father, Noda Jiro, is the leader of a well-known gang member in the local area. Every day, he takes a group of brothers to roam the streets to collect protection fees. They have also dropped out of school since junior high school and followed their father to fight in the north and south. In just a few years, relying on the brave and militant characters of a few brothers, they more than doubled the scope of their father's protection fees, and even recruited a group of good brothers and good brothers.This also fueled their greater ambitions,
But the good times didn't last long, and their behavior was controlled by the family. He still remembered the scene that day, when they planned to attack another group in Kabukicho, the other party called the family's emergency number.

5 minutes later,
Noda Daikichi saw the endless pitch-black car that completely surrounded their area. Men in black trench coats and black sunglasses swarmed in the car. Nearly a hundred people were in a mighty force, and the two of them were surrounded. The small family groups who are about to start the Rush came to surround them tightly,

Each of their faces has a decisive and hostile look, and each of them has a bulging waist. Noda Daikichi heard from his father that the law enforcement officers in the family carry guns with them.

The kind of law enforcement officer who can shoot anyone in the face if they don't like it, turn around and leave.

At that time, all the brothers in the Noda family were shocked by the professional and powerful aura they radiated from their bodies. No one dared to speak, even his father's once arrogant and serious face showed a flattering smile.

Looking at the man who came out of the rows of black law enforcement officers, all kinds of flattering voices emerged one after another.But the man didn't even look at him, he slapped the two patriarchs who were about to start a war, and pointed his black muzzle directly between the heads of his father and the other patriarch.

Controlling violence with violence is the consistent style of the disobedient younger brother of the opponent.

But the effect was surprisingly effective. Since then, the arrogant father restrained his arrogance and domineering, and even he who had never paid for eating out would ask his sons to pay.

Not long after, my father pushed down the position of team leader and handed it over to him, Noda Daikichi.

This is the first time he has seen the prestige of his family, leaving an indelible arrogance in the heart of the second-year middle school boy.

Of course, if there is a first time, there will be a second time.

It was tonight, and they had fought another gang and won part of each other's territory.

So he happily collected the protection fee and prepared to distribute the dividends to the brothers, but found that there was no one among the seven brothers.

What's even more frightening is that no one knows where they went.

Noda Daikichi just thought that they went to the dance hall together to find a woman to have fun, and didn't care much, after all, they often did this.

But let's not expect it.He had just been in bed not long ago.

Then I heard heavy footsteps outside, the sound shook the entire apartment building, followed by the bang of a shotgun,

The thick anti-theft door of Noda Daikichi's house was kicked open, and two men in black suits rushed in, dragged his leg across the corridor and boarded the car without hesitation.

Noda Daikichi couldn't even call for help. When he was lifted out of the bed, he was punched in the lower abdomen. The opponent accurately hit his ganglion, and he was so painful that he couldn't even make a sound.

No one dared to call the police because the doors of the entire apartment building were closed, because the black suits of the two men were open to the wind,

The lining is embroidered with blue Yaksha ghosts and naked female ghosts, which are as gorgeous as Ukiyo-e.The residents immediately understood that these men were gangsters, and everyone guessed that the Noda family must have provoked some serious person and came to seek revenge.

Then, when Noda Daikichi slowed down, he found himself lying on the ground, and another man was still trampling his face with his feet, and his big feet couldn't even breathe with his throat.I even heard the discussion that they were going to burn themselves directly...

"Yasha! Stop!"

Suddenly, another voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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