I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 225 Oops, it's so beautiful.

Chapter 225 Oops, it's so beautiful.


"Little Lord!"

"Little Lord."

"Let him raise his head and speak." The man's voice continued.

"Hay!" The burly guy wearing crocodile leather shoes among the two men in black bowed and agreed, and lifted Noda Daikichi out of the sandpit.

"Crow, wash his face," said the man again.

The cold and pale man in black with thin-rimmed glasses poured the remaining gasoline in the bucket on Noda Daikichi's face, and helped him wipe off the sand with a few handfuls.

Noda Daikichi could finally open his eyes to see the environment he was in.
This is a construction site by the sea, with a long concrete pier extending out to the sea.The sea is rising at night, and the black waves beat against the canine-toothed tidal wall, leaving fine white foam, and the brightly lit Tokyo can be seen faintly in the distance.

Noda Daikichi probably knew his location. This place should be a remote coast near Tokyo. There are few people in the middle of the night. Even if he shouted for help, it would be futile.

A black Hummer off-road vehicle was parked at the end of the pier. A young man in a long black windbreaker sat on the bumper and looked at the sea. The sea breeze blew his forehead.

The man was smoking, and the butt of the cigarette lit up his slender eyes.The temperament of a man is completely different from Yasha Crow.

He was handsome with a touch of femininity, his fair skin had a marble-like texture, his brows were straight and straight, and his long black trench coat was also quite elegant, making him feel like a young teacher in a certain college.He was not involved in the hijacking of Noda Daikichi, but appears to be in charge.

Noda Daikichi looked at the man and didn't speak. He was a little afraid to speak. Due to his years of street fighting experience, his intuition made him feel that this man was more terrifying than the man he saw for the first time.

The man crushed the cigarette butt with his feet, walked slowly to Noda Daikichi, looked into his eyes and said,
"Let me introduce myself, Kassel College Japan Branch, my name is Yuan Zhisheng.

Do you know why I asked you to come? "

Please? ! !Are you in charge? ? ?

But Noda Daikichi never dared to speak out like that. He believed that as long as he asked, the two guys named Yasha and Crow behind him would definitely throw the lighter at him.

You have to know that you are now covered in gasoline all over your head!

Noda Daikichi tried hard to speak, but in front of this man, he seemed to have lost all his courage. He felt that what he was facing was not a human being, but an angry lion, and it seemed that he would swallow himself in one bite in the next second. Down.The kind that doesn't even spit out the bones.

"Speak!" The man shouted loudly.It seems that he is not in a good mood now.

"I really don't know, I don't know anything, I..."

"Not cooperating. Young Master." Yasha looked at the man who kowtowed vigorously and curled his lips.He took out the lighter in his hand, "Let's burn it."

"Don't kill me, I'll say anything, I'll say everything..." The man's voice was choked with sobs.

"Give him some hints." The man sighed helplessly, rubbed his cheeks that were a little numb from the sea breeze, and slowly stepped back two steps.

"Where did your brother go?!" Crow grabbed Noda Daikichi's hair, looked at his tearful mouth, and wondered for a moment whether he was really Street Fighter!
"You killed Fujino's family and the courage of the entire gang?! Don't be like a mother, pretending to be pitiful, and explain quickly, why did you kill Fujino's group? What about your other seven brothers? You kill What method did they use?"

For a moment, the crow bombarded a series of questions into the eyes of the man opposite.

The man suddenly stopped crying.

He stared blankly at the man with fierce eyes on the opposite side.

"I... I killed Fujino's team?" Noda Daikichi looked at the other party a little bit unacceptably for a while, what and what, we obviously just had a fight with them, and we collected a little protection fee by the way.

"I didn't kill... them."

"Look, I don't admit it." Yasha spread his hands and looked at the crow, then took out his own lighter,
"Burn it."

The crow ignored the other party, he looked at the man's blank eyes, and for a moment he knew that the other party might be telling the truth.He has been in the underworld since he was a child. Since he was a child, he has always stared at the other person's eyes when interrogating people, because other places can deceive people, but the eyes alone cannot.

"Where are your other brothers?"

"I don't know." The man shook his head blankly, but soon he knew that he couldn't say that, so he hurriedly continued, "I really don't know where they went. When I came back after collecting the protection money, I found that they were all It's gone, I really don't know."

"Trash!" The crow kicked the opponent's chest.Kick it out for more than two meters.

"Young master, this guy doesn't know. I guess he doesn't know about the special medicine either."

The man sighed helplessly, looked at the undulating waves in the distance, and shook his head.He raised his head and walked towards the hummer. He knew that this would be the result. Those seven guys must have run away with money and special medicine.There was only one idiot who didn't know anything left. "

"Young master, burn it." Yasha looked at Yuan Zhisheng who was going further and further away and shouted.

"Don't burn it! Don't burn it," Noda Daikichi immediately crawled to Yasha's feet, "I know, I know. I know what a special medicine is."

Yuan Zhisheng paused in his forward steps.


10 minutes later,
"Sakura, the use of pharmaceuticals has been found. Search for Noda...these names. The seven people have been addicted to hallucinogenic drugs for a long time, and they belong to the third-level way of mildly improving genetic medicine to strengthen bloodlines, but they have now gone berserk due to unknown reasons. , is evolving, has a strong aggressive and killing urge, from now on Noda Shichiro's color scale will be adjusted to red, an extremely dangerous target.

Inquire me about the airport, railway network, road network and waterway network, as well as hot spring hotels, hotels and hospitals, and find them as quickly as possible.

They may use aliases and fake documents, but he will not be able to restrain the urge to kill. You can find traces of them when you investigate the areas where homicides have occurred recently. According to the possibility of drug effects, their victims should all be women. Raped, the body is incomplete.It is preliminarily judged that it is a drug to amplify their lust. Immediately contact Mr. Masamune, please allow us to kill them collectively! "Yuan Zhisheng was on the phone while racing.

It was impossible for Noda Daikichi to give such a detailed account just now, because he didn't know what it was, only that their seven brothers had long-term addictions,

But Yuan Zhisheng dialed the phone number of an expert in pharmacology from the Executive Bureau of the Japan Branch when he explained.This is what they told Yuan Zhisheng.

"What is the target's current blood class?"

"It's A-level! A berserk A-level hybrid!" Yuan Zhisheng said in a voice,
"It's seven." His voice was a little heavy.

"Understood, then I will be arrested from now on!" Sakura's voice came.Stable as if they hadn't heard about the seven A-level hybrids at all.




The weather is snowy, with a maximum temperature of 3 degrees Celsius and a minimum temperature of minus 2 degrees Celsius.

train corner.

"Do you eat this?"

The girl puts a large portion of ice cream in her hand to the man's mouth,

The man lowered his eyes and closed his eyes, his long eyelashes were suffocatingly beautiful in the flow of air.

If there were other girls beside her, they would definitely be speechless by this stunning scene and this handsome face.

In fact, there are already many people who are so amazed that they are speechless women, but they are not girls, but a group of big dads and aunts who go out to travel.

Aunt grabbed Daddy's hand vigorously, looked at the man sitting in the corner with his eyes closed, and was so excited that he couldn't speak.The face of the big dad next to him was black, and he held the hand of the aunt tightly and stared at the beautiful and youthful girl next to the man.

"In the current weather, it's better for you to eat less." The man slowly opened his eyes, his trembling eyelashes fluttering to connect with the goose feather-like snow outside the window.

I don't know why the heavy snow in Hokkaido came so early this year. It was only November, and there was already such a heavy snowfall.

"I won't."

The girl bit the top of the ice cream with one bite, and brought her crackling voice to the man's ear, accompanied by a chill visible to the naked eye.

But the next moment, an inexplicable thing happened, and the cold air suddenly disappeared about one centimeter from the man's cheek.Completely and without warning, it disappeared.That feeling is like walking alone on the road and disappearing in a blink of an eye.

"Oh, I was vaporized by you again." The girl looked helplessly at her sudden disappearance.Shake your head.

"It's always necessary to adapt to the time." The man spoke, his voice was very low and deep, but it was full of suppressed emotions.It's like a giant trying to suppress a volcano that's trying to erupt.The two are evenly matched, but they are also checking and balancing each other.

The scorching temperature even raised the surrounding air by a few degrees.

"Stop talking!" The girl stepped forward and covered the man's mouth, as if the man had bad breath, and waved the surrounding air in disgust.

"It's so hot! You're saying something, my ice cream is going to melt!" The girl looked at the man with a complaining expression.

But this scene has become another scene in the eyes of the surrounding aunts,
"Don't look at it, you can see that you have bad breath." The elder brother next to him persuaded the elder mother.Although their eyes are still lingering on the face of the girl next to them.Shaking his head regretfully.

Although they could not understand what the other was saying,
But human emotional actions are sometimes the same, like, oops, that stinks.

The aunts also looked at the man in the corner with complicated expressions, and shook their heads, "Such a handsome man, why does he have bad breath. It's a pity. I have wronged the girl too."

Immediately, the aunt turned her head away from the happy expression of the father. They all came to travel, and they all came to Otaru to see the snow scene.Of course, be happy and harmonious.

Thinking about it, he glanced at the young girl leaning on the man's shoulder.

Oops, it's so pretty.

(End of this chapter)

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