I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 227 I can walk behind your back.

Chapter 227 I can walk behind your back.


Suddenly, a pair of slender hands grabbed Fu Nian's arm.

"Brother, don't get angry, it's just one or two small bugs, if you want to see them, let them see, anyway, all they see is my face."

Xia Mi curled up in the soft seat, covered with a white blanket, raised his head and looked at Fu Nian with soft eyes.

"I'll be careful." Fu Nian gently pushed Xia Mi's hand down.

Just kidding, the desire in the eyes of the three guys in the distance is about to turn into water, he can let them continue? !
"Don't. I'm afraid my brother won't be able to hold it." Xia Mi's pushed palm reappeared on Fu Nian's wrist, looking at Fu Nian's standing body.

She sighed helplessly, she really didn't care, but these were not the most important thing at all, the most important thing was that she was afraid that if Fu Nian lost his grip a little bit, the carriage would be melted by him in one breath. It was a good time, and the evil guys got the punishment they deserved, but they were miserable.

Otaru they are going to is still tens of kilometers away from here, so don't they want to walk there on foot.

Ah, don't do this.She still wants to sleep lazily in the car, look, it's snowing outside the window, and the fragrance is flying in the car,

Blankets, a small stove, and ice cream are all ready.

As long as I let Fu Nian play a TV series for a while, the two of them can enjoy the wonderful travel time comfortably, can't they?
But things are often not satisfactory, the train stopped just 5 minutes ago, and a few young people came up,

So far, things have completely deviated from Xia Mi's prediction, not because these three guys have deviated from Xia Mi's prediction, but because Fu Nian has escaped Xia Mi's prediction, which is actually not accurate, it should be that they ignited Fu Nian's current emotions, It happened that there was a breakthrough in his suppressing power.

Young people are angry, and Xia Mi, a ten thousand-year-old goblin, can naturally understand it. Everyone has a love for beauty. When they meet a beautiful girl, everyone will look at her with admiration. Xia Mi can also understand it. Anyway, Xia Mi didn't pay much attention to the unavoidable things at Daddy's age.

But the fault was that these young people were too reckless and their eyes were too evil. From the moment they got in the car, the attention of the three of them fell on this side of the corner in an instant.Who knows, where did they get such a sharp sense of smell!This is simply an evil cat smelling fishy,
There are so many women in the car, why do you have to pay attention to this corner? Is it because the aunt can't give you kind care or the big dad can't give you gentle education?
Anyway, Xia Mi didn't know.Why are you three old perverts acting so blatantly and recklessly!Xia Mi burst into tears inwardly.

Even after the wickedness, there is a tinge of unrelenting desire for catharsis among them.Their eyes are like a hungry beast meeting a delicious lamb, and the next second it will appear on Xia Mi in the way of a wild beast.

Although this way they die faster and more miserable.

But if they tried to make such a move, Xia Mi would not be surprised at all.

In fact, Xia Mi didn't bother to speculate on what they were thinking, what would happen to you if an ant expressed lust to you?
Just laugh it off, and even think the other party is interesting?

Stamped to death, nothing happened?

It can't be cramps and broken bones, and they should be executed piece by piece.

But Xia Mi feels that Fu Nian has this attitude now, this is Fu Nian who can't suppress his rage.

"I will hold on to it, they are not ordinary humans." Fu Nian glanced at the state of the three guys, and made a decision in his heart instantly. "Try your hands, you can't always treat the theory as the truth and don't practice it. They should help me better improve my ability to control power."

"What if brother misses?" Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian persistently. "You are going there with emotions now. If you don't pay attention, the fire will be out of control, and I will have to stay far away by then."

"The Throne of Bronze and Fire won't let me get out of control. I feel that I will survive this wave of shocks, and I will completely grasp the power of the Throne of Bronze." Fu Nian paused, "If I can't stand it, then We can only turn this place into a sea of ​​flames." Fu Nian spread his hands and said that he had no choice.

"I don't want to walk tens of kilometers on foot!" Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian aggrievedly.

"I can carry you behind my back." Fu Nian thought for a while and said.

"You have such a big schoolbag on your back, where is my place?"


"You sit back and give them some eyes, let them experience it for themselves. Get out of the car as you please." Xia Mi thought of a compromise.

Fu Nian hesitated for a moment, frowned and glanced over there to discuss with his head lowered. From time to time, he raised his head to look at the three guys here. The guys with wretched eyes hesitated and nodded, letting Xia Mi sit on the back seat. Location.

"Hey, second child, look, that kid and that girl have switched places." One of the young people patted his companions around him over and over again, and looked up at Fu Nian's position over and over again.

"Hey, let me tell you, I want that man, don't snatch it from me, do you hear me!" Noda Erji looked at Noda Sanji's voice with undisguised seriousness.They met a top-notch man some time ago, and the second child who had agreed not to steal his things threw away the woman in his hand and walked towards them.

"Oh, who do you take me for, I know..."

At this moment, Noda Erkichi only felt that his eardrum was torn by the strong wind, and then there was a burst of breaking sound that made him tremble all over.The man beside him flew backwards from the spot like a kite with a broken string.

It was followed by the icy howl of the blizzard piercing the crack.

"The third one smashed the glass and went out?" Noda Erkichi froze in place in a daze.

The sudden scene made the passengers in the carriage feel at a loss for an instant. They looked blankly at each other's companions, followed by a panicked noise.

At the position where the door of the carriage entered, a humanoid shape appeared.

Noda Erkichi guessed wrong again. It wasn't the sound of Noda Miyoshi breaking through the glass, but the sound of him piercing through the door of the train carriage directly with his body.

As the shattered gate opened, the wind and snow howling outside instantly roared in from here like a cat smelling fishy.Under the severe temperature difference and the raging wind and snow, the temperature in the compartment began to drop rapidly.

Xia Mi looked helplessly at Fu Nian, who had shining golden pupils, slowly moved his waist to get close to Fu Nian, and hugged his arm.

"Alas." Sighing, he tightened the blanket on his body, raised his head to look at Fu Nian's burning golden eyes, and said, "You have to use your body temperature to compensate me for the temperature."

Fu Nian stared at the two guys in the distance with cold eyes and did not speak.

In the next second, Xia Mi felt that the surrounding heat sucked by the vacuum cleaner began to pick up.

The cold air condensed just now, visible to the naked eye, began to disperse towards the surroundings like a tide.

But that range only includes the corner of the seat between the two of them.

At this moment, the room was polarized, one side was bone-chillingly cold, with white frost and sleet filled with chilling horror, while the other side was warm as ever, with the comfort that could only be relieved by ice cream.


outside the carriage.

A black Hummer roared like a black panther in the snow, and a man in the car sat casually in the co-pilot's seat and watched the traveling train that was about to catch up next to him.

The speed of the train is not particularly fast, which is why they can catch up so quickly.

"Sakura, let them intercept this box and park it in a remote place. I'm going to enforce the law." The man put one hand on the knife in his hand, and his fair fingers left a striking contrast on the dark red scabbard.

"The order has been issued. In 5 minutes, the train will enter the valley. People from our executive bureau..."

Before Sakura's voice could speak, the fast-moving Hummer was suddenly jolted.

A huge monster suddenly appeared in the oncoming wind and snow. A black figure rushed out of the white world, and with the courage to smash bones, it directly hit the front of the high-speed Hummer with its body.

The Hummer, which was advancing at high speed, was instantly stopped by the short impact. The violent impact was like two bulls fighting to the death, and the high head of the Hummer collapsed in an instant.The body began to flip and drift violently on the ground.

The violent shaking of the car made Crow and Yaksha in the back seat hug each other suddenly, face to face in horror and bewilderment.

But their horrors are after all but a passing cloud,

Soon, the vehicle came to a stop in a circle at an extremely steady speed.As if nothing happened around her, Sakura controlled the Hummer to stop on the snowy ground beside the road with superb skills and calmly, looking at the frowning man next to her.

"Young master. It should be alone. Judging by the situation, he should not be dead yet. I'll go and catch you." Sakura was about to get out of the car, but she didn't wait for her to leave the car door.

A man's voice came over.

"I'll just get down." Yuan Zhisheng sat firmly on the co-pilot, as if nothing happened just now, looking at a photo of the file in his hand.There was a hint of doubt in the frown.

Although it was very fast at the moment, Yuan Zhisheng still saw clearly what was hitting.

Even the other person's face was clearly seen by him.

Don't know about others, but at least this person is exactly the same as the photo in his hand.

The moment he opened the Hummer, the howling wind and snow instantly confused Yuan Zhisheng's eyes, and the long windbreaker was stretched behind him.

According to the weather report from the Meteorological Department of the Executive Bureau, it is the time when the wind and snow are the heaviest, and it is also the time when Yuan Zhisheng is most suitable for law enforcement.

Because the wind and snow will help him cover up the traces and cover up the sound of the battle.It will not let subsequent troubles spread among ordinary people.

Yuan Zhisheng looked forward.

What appeared in front of him was a man, a man who was full of madness and pain, rolling wildly in the snow.

(End of this chapter)

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