I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 228 The Ruler of Justice

Chapter 228 The Ruler of Justice


Yuan Zhisheng stood on the spot and looked at the man rolling all over the ground with indifferent eyes.

He naturally knew that this was not the reaction after being hit by a car just now,
And according to the impact force superimposed by the two sides just now, the other party can knock the Hummer driving at full speed off the predetermined track. That kind of impact force can definitely make an ordinary person explode in place.

According to the investigation of the Noda family by the executive bureau, although they have mixed blood, they are too thin, so thin that in front of the family, it is simply the difference between a mayfly and an elephant.

This kind of mixed blood, my family completely treats them as ordinary people.


Yuan Zhisheng frowned and looked at the man crying in pain on the ground. A black test tube was broken beside the man's wrist, and the remaining black liquid was like ink dripping on the spotless white paper.

Heart-wrenching throbbing in the darkness.

In the eyes of Yasha and Crow who came out from behind, this thing seemed not to be a liquid at all, but a drop of concentrated explosives that might explode at any time.

"This is?" Yasha looked at the crow beside him, with a wave in his voice.

There is no way not to be turbulent, starting from this month, this is already the third batch of cases they have discovered in which ordinary people with mixed blood blood turned into ghosts and went berserk

And in every case, without exception, they will find broken test tubes and residual liquid. Without exception, all hybrids who are entered into the body by this liquid will become crazy, kill, and be killed by a wave of blood. The inexplicable power stimulates the dark side of the heart, turning into a monster who has no reason but only knows how to release emotions.

The first one they met for the first time was inspired to become a crazy murderer. Every person he killed, without exception, could not find a single muscle larger than the size of a fingernail. .

The second ghost who was executed by them was also a certain emotion in the dark side of the heart that was aroused by this evolutionary special effect liquid, and this emotion was bloodthirsty.From committing the crime to being executed, a total of 11 people were killed, and everyone's death was like a mummified corpse, which made people feel inexplicably chilled.When beheading this ghost, the executor also found a bag of scarlet that hadn't been drunk on the other person.

The third one should not be the third group, because the third one was found to be a group of people. So far, they have fled outside for two days. According to the preliminary investigation of the executive bureau last night, there is clear evidence that, Twenty-seven people have died at their hands.

Death is all female, brutal killing.They were judged to have aroused their inner lust.

The number of violent ghosts and the number of ghosts killing humans completely alarmed Yuan Zhisheng, the current director of the executive bureau.

On the same day, the hunting and beheading operation against them was launched.

Because according to their current understanding, this evolutionary medicine does not change directly, but is stimulated step by step over time.As for the passing time, it depends entirely on the external conditions, the amount of internal genetic medicine and the speed of genetic modification.

Miyoshi Noda, who was struggling in front of them, was because of the huge stimulus from the outside world. The impact of the Hummer made him instantly reach the point where his life was dying, and his body instinctively responded to the stress.In addition, the other party poured the remaining evolution medicine into the body in one breath, which directly strengthened the effect of evolution again, and directly made the other party crazily accelerate on the road of death and degeneration.

Noda Miyoshi's painful screams and wails spread towards the surroundings in the howling wind and snow. He frantically scratched the snow layer on the ground, scratched the soil, his fingertips were broken in the frantic movements, and blood flowed down the fingernails towards him. overflow.

The pained expression almost tore the face apart.

He was suffering from an extremely painful torment.

"Boss, burn him!" Behind Yasha stepped forward, holding a gun in one hand and a gasoline tank in the other.

"Stand back!" Yuan Zhisheng's voice was emotionless, "It's too late."

"Ah?" Yasha looked at the other party puzzled.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't explain to him.

But soon, Yasha knew why.

The second after he blinked, the screams in front of him suddenly changed, and turned into piercing laughter, the sound was like a broken air vent, with a piercing sound that made eardrums burst.

"Back off!!"

Yuan Zhisheng stepped forward with one leg.The knife that was pressed under the windbreaker was unsheathed in an instant.

Yasha only felt the white light shining in front of his eyes, and in the dazzling light, his whole body was swept by a rigid force, as if a wall suddenly appeared on his face, and he was slapped hard.

He bumped into the side of the crow who was obedient and about to get into the car behind him, and the two rolled into the snow together.

"Stupid!" Sakura glanced at the two people who were snowballing in embarrassment, and chased after them without hesitation.

At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng was holding a Japanese-style blade knife with one hand, and the blade of the knife had a bluish-white cold light flowing in the surrounding snowflakes.

The knife inscription is engraved on the surface of the knife stem, and the knife inscription is "a fierce night in the spider mountain",
The name of this knife is "Spider Cut", and it has been passed down in an orderly manner for thousands of years. The holders of generations have used it to kill many incredible things, leaving magnificent legends on its blade.

Yuan Zhisheng used him to behead the heads of countless ghosts and pierce the hearts of countless ghosts. He is the righteous leader of the Qishe Eight Families, and the family's much-anticipated "Amaterasu!"

Today he will also use this sharp blade that has killed countless ghosts to pierce Noda Miyoshi's chest.

The human on the opposite side can no longer be regarded as a human being. The ferocious bony protrusions became his mask, and the black scales covered his skin. Even the fingers that were worn out by the ground grew sharp claws. bone spurs.

His muscles are still expanding, and the muscle bundles are filled with the wanton force in the body and rapidly expand. The ordinary muscles on the back swell uncontrollably, the clothes are torn, the snowflakes are broken, and even the snow on the ground Melted in the high temperature emanating from the opponent.

In the blink of an eye, a 1.7-meter-long man turned into a ferocious giant beast nearly two meters tall. The eyes of the giant beast shone with an evil crimson, and the long vertical pupils of the beast revealed the madness of desire without concealment.

He has completely transformed into a ghost, Yuan Zhisheng believes that if there is a woman around at this moment, this guy will absolutely pounce on him immediately, tear his clothes like a wolf, and open his mouth like a tiger.

Yuan Zhisheng's complexion became more and more ugly. It wasn't the opponent's strength that made him feel threatened, but the opponent's state had already touched his bottom line.

The means behind this guy made him feel even more angry!
The ghost roared vigorously at Yuan Zhisheng, and what greeted him was a cold light shining between the sky and the earth.Yuan Zhisheng's body jumped up suddenly, and the spider roared down with a powerful momentum.

The flashing red light in the ghost's eyes became more vigorous, and it seemed that men and women had been forgotten for a while, and only greed remained in the world.

The spider blade and the ghost's sharp blade collided suddenly, and the power carried by the blade spread towards the surroundings like a falling tsunami, and the surrounding snow began to undulate like ripples.Snowflakes flew in all directions, blocking the line of sight between the two of them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuan Zhisheng quickly landed on the ground without thinking, his body exploded, he drew his knife, and waved it in a circle!
When this ancient knife was swung, it seemed as if a thunderbolt exploded in the air. The light of the knife showed a different kind of bluish white in the surrounding snowflakes. It seemed that what Yuan Zhisheng pulled out was not a knife, but an empty blue cold air!

At the same time, it was as if a round of golden sun enveloped Yuan Zhisheng. He stood in the glorious sun disc like King Kong descended into the world, and the arc cut by the ancient knife was the edge of the sun disc!

A series of sparks flowed from the blade, which was the tangential collision between the ghost's sharp claws and the blade.

The ghost's other deformed giant claw clawed at the top of Yuan Zhisheng's head. The intention of the attack was obviously to cut off Yuan Zhisheng's entire head from his neck with its sharp claws.This is the attack and defense of wild beasts, and every blow is aimed at killing the enemy.

In just a few seconds, the dragon-shaped ghost had obviously transformed into a beast monster that only knew how to fight with instinct.He has completely lost the sanity possessed by human beings.

Yuan Zhisheng opened the windbreaker and pulled out the short knife from his waist in an instant, and the incredible golden sunlight enveloped him again,
The short knife directly pierced the demon's claw with absolute strength by surprise.

Yuan Zhisheng flew up sideways, knocked the ghost's stone-hard chest with his knee, knocked him out, and pulled out the dagger with the strength of the opponent's retreat.

The force that hit the ghost's chest sent him flying backwards like a cannonball, drawing a huge gully in the snowflakes all over the ground.

Yuan Zhisheng's body speed didn't slow down, and he leaped into the air like an owl floating in the treetops. He turned around and came behind the ghost.

The air was covered by Qingyue's sword cry and howling wind, and the ghost instinctively sensed the threat of life. The whole body twisted from the waist in an extremely crazy posture, and the originally backward body appeared in the forward posture.

Ten pairs of flashing sharp claws dazzled chillingly in the surrounding white world. The light flickered, the ancient knife and the sharp blade collided fiercely, and the dazzling light shone between the sky and the earth.

Yuan Zhisheng's right hand, the ancient sword spider, was heavily stuck on the opponent's neck, and the ghost relied on its sharp claws and thick scales to hold on to the ancient sword so that it would not fall.Another sharp claw blocked the short blade in Yuan Zhisheng's left hand.

Under Yuan Zhisheng's calm face, everything around stopped still, the sound of the wind stopped, the snowflakes drifting down, everything seemed to be paused by God.

It seems that God is also watching this battle between good and evil, and it just makes God wonder why there is not a single snowflake falling within half a meter of their battle body.

After a while, God suddenly realized.It turned out that I forgot.

Yuan Zhisheng pressed his eyebrows, and the play button was suddenly pressed in the still world. His left hand stabbed forward fiercely, and the ancient knife in his right hand fell down, and a collapse that made the earth feel pressure began to appear.
The scarlet liquid was sprinkled all over the snow like splashed ink.

(End of this chapter)

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