Chapter 229

The scarlet liquid was sprinkled all over the snow like splashed ink.

Yuan Zhisheng pressed his legs down, and kept his arms in a downward split position.

The strong wind turned up the black suit under his windbreaker.On the lining is a magnificent ukiyo-e painting, the giant's skeleton is lying on the ground, the clear spring flows through the left eye of the corpse, and a naked goddess emerges from it, she is clothed with her long golden hair and holds the sun in her hand.

The body of the ghost in front of him slowly separated, extending from the neck to the thighs, the scarlet liquid spread along the thighs to the bottom, and the corrosive liquid spread along the snow surface towards the distance, and the snowflakes evaporated instantly when they fell in the sky. into water droplets, and then melted into the air...

Yuan Zhisheng slowly put the ancient knife spider back into the scabbard, and inserted the short blade back.Looking at the man in front of him who gradually faded away from the blue and black scales and hideous mask, there was an indescribable heaviness in his eyes.

This is an ordinary life, but because of the deliberate use of some people, it has become a lonely soul under his knife, although this cannot say that he is not wrong,
It's just that he can do no wrong.

After a long time, until the wind and snow began to cover his shoulders, Yuan Zhisheng slowly turned around and returned to the Hummer behind him.

"Sakura, tell them to come and collect the corpse. Let's keep chasing!"

"Yes." Sakura's voice was decisive and crisp, like a capable secretary.

"Young master, something seems to have happened ahead. I just asked the executive bureau, and they said that they can no longer perceive the signal of the train ahead." A man in a black windbreaker with fine lines opened the mouth.

"Hey, crow, don't open your eyes and talk nonsense. What does it mean that something happened? It must have happened. Otherwise, a ghost crashed into our car for no reason. Could it be embarrassing to us? Do you want to play?" Yasha asked.

"I..." Crow made a gesture to retort.

"Okay! Shut up." Yuan Zhisheng's voice sounded.

The voices of the two quarreling guys behind him subsided instantly.

They were keenly aware that something was wrong with the young master's mood.

"Intercept them, I'll solve it."



Fu Nian stared at the person sitting opposite him, his eyes gradually narrowed together.

This is a relatively seated structure. There was no one before because everyone obeyed the rules here and sat in their seats peacefully, looking at the scenery outside the window.

But it's different now.

Because of the broken door, a large area of ​​the carriage here was swept by the howling cold wind, and the only place where there was warmth was the space around Fu Nian.

Before the train conductor arrives, this will be the best place for them to gather.

If it's the tourist aunts around, it's fine.Fu Nian and Xia Mi didn't mind having one or two passengers across from them.

But it was the two young people who came in, they walked leisurely from the corridor to the end, and stood up straight in the corridor next to Fu Nian.There is an undisguised lust in the eyes and a madness that is almost uncontrollable.

As the executive board investigated, this batch of evolutionary medicines is still in the stage of experimental products, and there will be many uncertain external factors that will directly affect them.

The factor that inspired Noda Miyoshi's complete evolution into a ghost was the stress response when the body was on the verge of death.But the current Noda Erji and Noda Siji are because of Natsumi.

The eyes of the two of them shone with crimson light like hungry wolves. In the light, Xia Mi's small figure curled up beside Fu Nian was like a goddess who came out of a fairy tale.That white jade-like skin, that rosy cherry-like mouth, and even the other party's delicate body that was invisible under the blanket were full of fatal temptation to them.

At this moment, the lingering scene has completely covered their minds. On this warm snow train, they want to tear the girl's clothes one by one, using the most violent way, the craziest gesture, and the most impactful of……

In the horrified eyes of all the passengers, the burst liquid was like snowflakes flying wantonly outside the window.The only thing that makes them feel different is.

The liquid that spilled on the cheeks was so warm, and there was a hint of red in the warmth.It's like cinnabar moles all over the white paper.There is a disgusting iron smell in the charm.

what! !

The scene went out of control in an instant, and the screeching sound was even crazier than seeing the train break apart just now.

They hugged each other in horror, looking at the corpse that exploded in front of them with their eyes, and the blood in their pupils covered them like a spring.

Fu Nian casually threw the headless corpse out of the window.

Not a single drop of the liquid splashed like a balloon landed on him, let alone on Xia Mi who was curled up in the seat.

Fu Nian slowly set his gaze on the face of the only remaining man. The state of the man was a bit different from that of the other passengers. Compared to their horrifying screams, the man was obviously much calmer.

To be precise, there were many surprises and many joys.

He looked at the red liquid scattered on his face a little unresponsively. At that moment, he didn't even know what happened.
The man who was sitting there suddenly appeared in front of them, and the second child died immediately.

The second child died.

He just died suddenly.

He felt that he should be frightened, should be afraid.But he found that he didn't have it. On the contrary, he looked at the blood scattered on his hands with interest, and looked at the girl curled up in front of him.

The girl is weak like a cute and pitiful little rabbit. He really wants to hold her in his arms, hold her tightly in his arms, and use the cruelest strength and craziest gestures to turn her into a bright and beautiful girl in his hands. color.

Hey hey hey.

The corners of the man's mouth frantically raised upwards, bringing out the golden color that filled his pupils.Suddenly, he put his hand into the position between his crotch.

He suddenly took out a black test tube and swallowed it into his body.

Fu Nian narrowed his eyes, and was about to throw it out of the window like a trick.

But a small hand suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes.

A small hand appeared on the place where Xia Mi originally only showed a small head.

The little hand tugged at the corner of his clothes and shook his head.

This time, Fu Nian was very obedient and did not act, staring at the man in front of him who started to go crazy.

A hybrid race that he met in the underground tunnel of BJ appeared in his mind. The other party seemed to be able to enhance his own strength by improving his own bloodline.

It's just that the means of men's enhancement now seem a little too simple and rude. To describe it more specifically, the way the two sides use drugs to enhance is like the gap between bronze and king.

A thing that is so rough that even a street stall can't produce it, and a thing that is so delicate that a top-notch big company can barely produce it.

The gap between the two is heaven and earth, but in essence they are similar in purpose.

They all want to use foreign objects to improve their combat effectiveness by improving bloodlines.

Consistent with what Fu Nian had imagined, the guy in front of him started to twitch crazily and screamed crazily.

It seemed that the glass shard he had just swallowed had cut his esophagus, traveled down his stomach, and cut his intestines.

It seemed that the liquid he just swallowed was some kind of sulfuric acid, which flowed through the blood into the limbs and bones along the glass shards, eroding the cut internal organs together, and the corrosive pain made him lose his mind instantly.

Really lost my mind.

Before the effect of the medicine was fully exerted, the other party started to rush towards Xia Mi in front of him, impatient like a hungry wolf.

He was greeted by a size 43 leather shoe. Under Fu Nian's deliberate control, the other person's body fell to the end of the carriage with a whoosh like a cannonball.The strength just made his face completely collapse into his brain.

An ordinary person would die instantly.

But what made Fu Nian proud was that the other party was not an ordinary person, not even an ordinary mixed race.

Among the ruins at the end of the carriage, the man stood up slowly, his rotten face was like crushed garlic, he couldn't tell what was what!
This scene made the passengers even more dumbfounded, and they even forgot to scream.Staring at a pair of big eyes, stay in place.

Under Fu Nian's gentle kick, the other party seemed to have completely aroused the effect of the medicine.The clothes of the whole body began to pop up one after another, the muscles began to expand rapidly under the clothes, and the power spread rapidly on his body,
He completely turned into a ferocious beast, a beast without a brain.Because his brain was kicked by Fu Nian.

It's useless to keep it though.

"Is this the end of evolution?"

Fu Nian glanced at the beast that came out of the ruins. It was nearly two meters tall and covered in blue-black scales. What was more exaggerated was the muscles in front of the opponent's chest.From a distance, it looks like a small hulk in black armor.

"It seems to be." Xia Mi seriously looked at the opposite ghost whose eyes were fixed on him.The corner of the mouth is a little helpless.

"It's a little different from that thing." Fu Nian compared the other party with the guy he met in the tunnel below. The two are like the gap between the King Kong gorilla and the Green Goblin.

Not at the same level at all.

"The drug problem. It should be an experiment done by the person behind it. He is just a sample brought by the other party." Xia Mi tilted his head for a while and said.

"It's useless."

"It's useless." Xia Mi nodded.

The moment the sound fell, the ghost on the opposite side began to attack like a bison, and every inch of his body showed the profound meaning of power.Although the roaring speed is not fast, every foot will leave a deep snow-covered footprint on the ground.

When the other party was about to walk to Fu Nian's side, he stepped on the whole carriage like a long bread of briquettes, and the whistling wind and snow whizzed towards the room from all directions and corners.

The ghost hissed!The sound shook the sky, and the already dilapidated carriage seemed to be shattered into pieces in the next second.

Fu Nian didn't even look at the behemoth rushing towards him, and just slapped him casually with his left hand.

The floor of the carriage was snapped off in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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