I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 230 Yuan Zhisheng and Fu Nian [I wish the motherland a happy 72nd birthday! 】

Chapter 230 Yuan Zhisheng and Fu Nian [I wish the motherland a happy 72nd birthday! 】



parking! !
Yasha watched the snowflakes suddenly splashed from the blizzard ahead.

The whole person understood what was going on in an instant.It was like this before the scene just happened.Turned snowflakes, stagnant air pressure.

The crow remained silent. He grabbed the handle of the car, quickly took out a pistol from his waist, and gestured forward to shoot.He is a sharpshooter in the team, and he is confident that with his precise shooting percentage, something may hit next.

But the only thing that is uncertain is that the "King Cobra" produced by Colt in his hand at the moment can completely smash it. If he can predict the key position of the opponent, assuming he is still a human being, relying on the power of the King Cobra revolver The impact force hits the hardest bone in the opponent's skull, and it should be able to knock the opponent out of the Humvee's intended track.
At that time, according to...


The crow's eyes lit up suddenly, because in the snowstorm in front of him, a body he had imagined suddenly appeared.

When the index finger in his hand was about to quickly move the trigger, the crow froze suddenly.

The ear-piercing sound of rubbing suddenly resounded in everyone's ears. It was Sakura. Where the crow could think, Sakura could also think of it.

But Sakura used a different method from the crow, because she knew what the crow would do, and within half a second, she gave the crow a chance.

But when she saw the high-speed body in front of her clearly, she immediately took her own action.

It's not because he doesn't trust crows, but because this body has no head!
The hummer deflected violently on the ground again, and the crow's whole body was instantly hit by the leaning Yaksha on the carriage, and the left wheel in his hand did not press the trigger anyway.

TMD, why does this ghost have no head! !
With the first experience, Sakura quickly took control of the Hummer skidding and drifting on the snow, quickly opened the door,

A group of people rushed towards the outside direction.

Looking into the eyes, a headless corpse was falling steadily on the predetermined track of their car, and the scarlet liquid that was not completely cold was flowing on the two clear car marks.

Snowflake covered the broken neck with a layer of snow-white frost.This should be due to the heavy snow outside during the flight.

"Young master, the time of death may have happened just now. Considering the surrounding weather, the time of death should not exceed 1 minute at the latest." Sakura stepped forward and looked at the wound on the corpse with a serious expression. "The wound is crushed by gravity."

"Gravity crushing?" The crow stepped forward.

"But looking at the gap in the neck, it doesn't look like it was shot by something. Could it be run over by a train wheel?" Crow's eyes were full of curiosity.

"It's a bit like being smashed by a punch." Yasha also looked at the wound carefully, with a hint of doubt in his expression.He's from street fighting.Have some understanding of this.

"Are you kidding, look at the debris on this person's body, his head was completely smashed by a punch. This is completely the effect of a large-caliber bullet. Who can punch the effect of a large-caliber bullet Can you change it to you?!" The crow pushed the glasses above the bridge of his nose.There was a trace of Sherlock Holmes Conan's rigorous reasoning in his expression.

"I can do it." Yuan Zhisheng walked behind them, looked at the corpses on the ground that had begun to freeze, hesitated, and continued, "Yasha is right, this should be punched and shattered." The wound. It should be a more casual punch from the opponent."

After speaking, Yuan Zhisheng's face became very serious.

"There is an even scarier ghost on the train! Hurry up and get on the train, let the executive bureau intercept the train now!"

Sakura immediately took out her mobile phone to follow Yuan Zhisheng's words, but she didn't wait for her to dial the number.

The white ocean covered in snow and snow suddenly exploded in the distance.

It was as if a deep-water torpedo exploded near the surface of the water, and the splashing ripples moved towards the periphery at extreme speed.

The snowflakes flying around instantly changed direction, and the power erupting from the center rippled towards the surroundings like ripples.

The train moving not far away suddenly stopped, and one of the carriages was cut off from the middle with a bang.

Followed by a more surging air wave, the air wave carried the snow layer nearly five centimeters thick to the ground.

The splashing snowflakes whizzed past the few of them in an instant, and the snowflakes all over the sky piled up on every corner of their bodies like money.

It's so cold!

The crow pushed away the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and glanced at the position of the young master next to him. In the next second, he froze instantly.
Because he found that the young master was gone, and even Sakura next to him!
"Damn it, don't pretend to be a snowman. The young master is gone!" Crow kicked the thick snow on Yasha's body, and rushed towards the broken train ahead.

Sakura followed the man in front. She was a ninja, and ninjas were always known for their speed and dexterity.But even if he accelerated to the extreme at this moment, he still couldn't catch up with the man in the windbreaker roaring in front.

A man is like a black panther chasing prey on the grassland, his vigorous posture can completely surpass a train of cars every time he rises and falls.This is the first time Sakura has seen Yuan Zhisheng's terrifying speed, which is so terrifying that it makes people desperate.

Sakura can only rely on her excellent willpower to chase behind the opponent, facing the faint black shadow in the wind and snow, biting her gums tightly, shining like a ghost.She doesn't want to fall behind, nor will she allow herself to fall behind!

Today's trains have stopped, of course they were forced to stop.The train conductor who received the news was horrified at first.He actually received a warning from the underworld, and he hurriedly stopped the train without any hesitation.

Yuan Zhisheng appeared in front of the stalled train, in front of the broken train door, one by one passengers ran out of the room in horror, as if there was some great fear inside that made them fearful, making the already blocked passageway even worse in an instant. narrow.Passengers rushed out one by one.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the congested train, frowning.Relying on instinct, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly locked his eyes on a certain position.There he felt the scorching heat of a volcano about to erupt.

In the blink of an eye, amidst the whistling wind and snow, his windbreaker swung suddenly, and he pulled out an ancient blue sword from somewhere around his waist,

The cold light reflected the shattered train carriage, and it slashed down suddenly.The ear-piercing sound of piercing the air suppressed the whistling wind in an instant, and Qingyue's saber sounded like a soaring eagle, slashing down with lightning speed.

The blizzard gathered behind him to form a circle, with a scorching light like the sun, carrying an indomitable belief in justice.

This scene shocked Sakura who came behind her again.She seemed to see the gods descending to earth again, pitying all living beings...

The ancient knife turned into a round blue light blade, and before it was about to fall on the carriage, the murderous intent had already crushed the steel down.
If there is no accident, this car may be completely cut in half.

The crow watched this scene from a distance, and the worship of the young master in his heart reached the extreme.

The sound of gold and iron clashing is like the roar of the impact on a Hong bell, and the vibrato ring after ring carries an indomitable determination to move forward.

The saber energy exploded instantly, splitting the entire carriage in half from top to bottom.

But before the crow cheered excitedly, a familiar black figure disappeared from the spot like a cannonball.

It appeared on the snow field tens of meters away.

The crow looked at this scene in disbelief, at Yuan Zhisheng who staggered up from the snowdrift, at the stretched gully, the spider was half-inserted in the soil beside him, Yuan Zhisheng covered it with one hand On the chest, extremely rare golden pupils were exposed in the eyes that the crow had never seen before.

The pupils are like the scorching sun, reflecting a golden ocean in the snow-white world.

Yuan Zhisheng slowly straightened his body, his entire face was covered with an extremely serious expression, and he slowly looked at the carriage that was divided into two halves by himself in the distance.

The carriage is slowly splitting and opening slowly.Like a cherry blossom bud that is about to bloom, it carries the gentleness of the rising sun in the spring breeze.

Yuan Zhisheng's expression was also unprecedentedly serious at this moment. In his feeling, it was not a cherry blossom blooming at all, but a demon born!The position there has brought him unprecedented pressure, which is a feeling he has never had before. He has never had such a moment of physical tension after being in the executive board for such a long time!

Finally, at a certain moment, the snow-white world was blown by the breeze, and a golden ripple bloomed towards the world along the crack.

Yuan Zhisheng's body suddenly disappeared from the spot, and together with him, the ancient knife spider pierced obliquely on the snow ground disappeared, leaving only a black windbreaker waving in the air,

The inner lining of the black windbreaker was opened in the wind, and on the lining was an extremely grand Ukiyo-e painting, the skeleton of a giant was lying on the ground, the clear spring flowed through the left eye of the skeleton, and a naked goddess emerged from it, wearing her golden Clothes with long hair, hold the sun in hand...

Fu Nian stood in the middle of the cracked gap in a black windbreaker,
The whole person is like a tall and straight mountain. Although the wind is howling and the snow is raging in front of him, but no wind or rain dares to fall in front of him.

The air is oppressive without a trace of waves

Just standing there, there is an invisible aura spreading towards the surroundings, pressing the surrounding wind and snow under the soles of the feet...

 Happy National Day to everyone!Have fun! !

(End of this chapter)

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