I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 231 Do the underworld still need to pay?

Chapter 231 Do the underworld still need to pay?


Suddenly, a ripple appeared on the calm, waveless lake.

The falling blizzard seemed to be cut by a sharp knife, and the world was cut in half in an instant.

The split world stopped in front of Fu Nian, as if there was an invisible field that cut off the space of this world, and Daomang was not allowed to enter the field.

Fu Nian tilted his head and looked at the man who was stabbing with a sharp blade in front of him. There was a very heavy smell on him. This smell was not how heavy his strength was, but how strong his faith was. firm.This is a sure-to-kill knife, carrying the justice held by the opponent.

Just like the knife in his hand, when it falls, no one can stop his strength.

Fu Nian withdrew his golden pupils, and the area covered by the golden light dissipated, and the power to stop the ancient sword also dissipated.

But Yuan Zhisheng didn't want to attack again, but took two steps back silently, looking at the face of the person coming, now at close range, he could clearly see the identity of the person coming.

This is a face that he can hardly forget, not because it is so special, but purely because the other person's appearance is too amazing. At that time, he still remembered the crow's amazement when he saw the other person's photo, and Yasha's scream.

But now, the moment he sees the real person of the other party, he can only feel the power of the other party, a kind of surging and vast power from the inside out!It is like a giant mountain located in the magma ocean, with overwhelming suffocating heat waves.

The man stood in front of him, in the middle of the separated carriages, surrounded by broken iron debris,

Even on the top of the carriage two meters away from the other party, there is a hideous behemoth, but this behemoth has no life, and even has no upper body, only a broken head and mutilated lower body embedded in the middle of the iron box .

Yuan Zhisheng's gaze changed again, and his attention fell on the seat on the right side of the man. There was a pure white long wool blanket on the seat, and a beautiful little head was exposed on the top of the blanket. The girl stared intently at the man opposite Yuan Zhisheng. The profile of his face, in the bright black pupils is the gentleness he was once familiar with.

"The head of the Japanese branch of Kassel College, Yuan Zhisheng!"

After a long silence, Yuan Zhisheng took the initiative to put away the blue ancient knife in his hand, breaking the silence around him.

He had no choice but to take the initiative to break the silence around him, because the person on the opposite side was not the enemy he expected at all, but an exchange student from the headquarters of the Kassel Academy that he was supposed to receive from the executive bureau a few months ago.

It has been a long time since Kassel College and the Japanese branch have exchanged students, but after this task came out, the Japanese branch still attached great importance to it.

Because they sent an S-class hybrid from Kassel College.

Even in Angers' e-mail, he arrogantly said provocative words such as going to visit them.

So the Japanese branch made a lot of preparations to welcome this S-level commissioner from the headquarters.

But to their surprise, they had prepared for two full months, and the exchange students didn't even see a shadow.Even after another month passed, I asked the headquarters,

The headquarters doesn't know where their S-level students have gone.He said that when there is any news, he will definitely notify the Japanese branch as soon as possible, and ask them to wait patiently.

Later, because of the frequent incidents of domestic evil spirits at that time, Yuan Zhisheng also put this matter behind him.

Who would have thought that on the train of this operation, he actually saw the other party's face.

And the girl next to the other party who has been staring at the other party seems to be an exchange student who came with the S class.

"Cassel College, S-level commissioner Fu Nian." Fu Nian tilted his head and looked at the man across from him, slightly taken aback.

Japanese branch?minister?
"S-level executive officer, Yuan Zhisheng." Yuan Zhisheng re-introduced.

Saying that, Yuan Zhisheng took a step forward, stretched out his hand,
Fu Nian hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand to hold each other's hand.

In the next second, Yuan Zhisheng's expression became a little abnormal.

It's so fucking hot!This is not a hand, it is completely like a piece of soldering iron that has just been cooked! !

Although Yuan Zhisheng frowned inwardly, he looked at Fu Nian with a smile on the surface as if nothing had happened, and secretly increased the strength in his hand.

But soon he found that he seemed to have underestimated the other party again. When he had used all his strength, he found that the other party was still looking at him sadly, as if nothing had happened.

Fu Nian had no intention of tripping Yuan Zhisheng up in such a matter.He didn't want to shake hands with the other party.Because his body is a little hot now.Some buffer time is required.But because the other party persisted, Fu Nian had no choice but to feel wronged.

Fu Nian let go of the opponent's hand, looked at the surrounding cars that could no longer continue, and looked down helplessly at Xia Mi who was still curled up on the seat.

"There is no other way. People have found us, it seems that the plan is about to be cancelled." Xia Mi puffed out his mouth with a little regret.

Stretched out his arms from under the blanket and stretched his waist.

Fu Nian walked to the other party, folded the blanket neatly, put it back in his bag, and then cleaned up the garbage on the ground again.

Behind the crow, Yasha, and even Yuan Zhisheng's blank eyes, the two began to pack their things in tacit understanding.

"Young master. This..."

The crow watched the movements of the two, and then looked at the dilapidated train behind him, which could be called a broken train.I couldn't react for a while.

"Go and drive!" Yuan Zhisheng didn't seem to be in a particularly good mood at the moment, looking at the ghost embedded on the roof of the car, he silently walked towards the cracked car.

Sakura followed closely behind.

Yuan Zhisheng stood among the blood that still had a place to stay, and looked up at the flesh-like limbs above. It wasn't that the upper body of the other party was missing, but it was completely smashed into pieces and merged with the carriage skin, making it impossible to get out.

From a close distance, the body of a ferocious ghost was inlaid on the carriage. According to Yuan Zhisheng's visual inspection, it was about two meters tall, and the other person's body was completely inlaid on it.

It's just that the lower body is still complete, with the outline of the bones, but the upper body has been completely turned into a puddle of mud, and even the strengthened bones have been crushed and mixed with the flesh like powder, and the shape cannot be distinguished.

Black blood flowed slowly along the side of the carriage, and finally dripped onto the floor.

"Did you kill them all?" Yuan Zhisheng asked Fu Nian, who was packing his luggage behind him.

"If you're talking about those three people who are neither human nor ghost, I did indeed kill them." Fu Nian tried hard to open the pocket of his schoolbag.He replied nonchalantly.

Xia Mi tried hard to stuff something inside.

"It seems that I can't fit it."

"What?" Yuan Zhisheng was taken aback.

"I can pretend a little more." Xia Mi tilted his head and looked at it for a long time, as if he was calculating something.

Yuan Zhisheng sighed helplessly for a while.Pointing at the rotten flesh on the ceiling.

"Let them come and deal with it,"

Sakura nodded.

"There are also those ordinary people who are frightened outside, let the executive bureau send hypnosis experts to wash away their memories."

Sakura continued to nod.

"As for the rest..."

"I think you can prepare another sports car." Fu Nian reminded Yuan Zhisheng, who was thinking about something.

"Yes, there seems to be not enough space in our car..."

"My brother didn't mean that, but you guys want to prepare a sports car that we can travel alone." Xia Mi interrupted Yuan Zhisheng's voice and explained.

Yuan Zhisheng's tone faltered.She turned to look at Fu Nian in surprise.

"I really mean that." Fu Nian nodded slowly under Yuan Zhisheng's questioning eyes.

"We were supposed to be reporting in December. So that's when we travel, but things went a little off and a bunch of winking guys wrecked our train. We took care of them for you , according to the habit of reciprocity in Chinese civilization, you should also make some compensation."

"But it's too much for you to want a sports car!" Yasha shouted dissatisfiedly from behind.

"Emm, this." Fu Nian hesitated for a moment, then smiled sheepishly, "I've only driven sports cars before, and I may not be used to other cars, which are prone to accidents."

Yuan Zhisheng staggered.

Then he grabbed Yaksha's fierce attempt to beat someone, and shook his head.

"Yes. Crow will buy him a sports car, and the cost will be deducted from my personal income."

"Young master!" Crow wanted to say something.

"Execute! Our client's request, we will naturally go all out." Yuan Zhisheng glared at the crow.

The crow hesitated to speak, and was silent for a while and glanced at Sakura next to him.

Sakura stepped forward and walked to Yuan Zhisheng's side, and whispered, "Young master, what the crow means is that your personal account does not have money to buy a sports car."

Yuan Zhisheng's expression froze suddenly!
For a moment, he stood there unreal, staring at Sakura blankly.He has never been interested in money since he was a child, or he has no big needs.This point was more thoroughly reflected after arriving in Tokyo.

As an executive officer, he will receive a fixed income from the executive bureau every month. Of course, in order to motivate the fighting spirit of the subordinates, the executive bureau will pay an extra sum of money after killing ghosts every time.

For a long time, money was not something that Yuan Zhisheng should consider, and he even handed over his account to the three of them to manage.

In fact, it is management, in fact, it means letting them spend whatever they want.He knew that crows and yakshas sometimes cost a lot.

But when Sakura told him that he had no money, he really had an unreal illusion.The first thought was that Yasha and the others had spent all of them on him.

But soon he vetoed this idea by himself. He still trusted the crows and the others, and believed that they would report to him if they really did such a thing.

When Fu Nian heard this moment, he also felt unreal for a while.

Staring at Yuan Zhisheng who was stunned on the opposite side,
"Aren't you gangsters? Do gangsters still need to pay?!"

 Thank you very much [Orange Warm Pinellia] for the reward of 5000 points!
  This is an update brought to you by Ban Xia Book Friends! !I wish Pinellia and everyone a happy National Day!
  (Wish I still had the holidays to hang out.)
(End of this chapter)

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