I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 232 "Otherwise, how could you be my brother."

Chapter 232 "Otherwise, how could you be my brother."


Yuan Zhisheng raised his eyebrows.

Looking at the opposite side, Fu Nian frowned,
"It's true that the Sheqi Bajia is a gangster force, but we never engage in illegal transactions. We are the law enforcement officers of the gangsters. The gangsters will recognize us as their own family and accept our management. We are in charge of the law of the Japanese gangsters. So you There may be some misunderstanding about us."

Fu Nian looked at the other party helplessly, is this what I want to hear?

I don't want to hear your young master wave your hand and say, what is a sports car, give each of them one!
But looking at Yuan Zhisheng's serious expression on the opposite side, Fu Nian sighed silently. He felt that the other party was a bit different from the young master he imagined. Some very valuable earnestness.Serious about everything.

It's like the kid from the neighbor's house running wild outside, saying, don't treat Tutu like this, Tutu is so cute...

"never mind,"

Fu Nian took out a black opening card from the suit pocket inside his windbreaker, and threw it at Sakura next to Yuan Zhisheng.

Sakura relies on the ninja's excellent reflexes to get the card stuck on her fingertips in an instant.

"Use my card. Ask your people to help us prepare an extended version of Lexus, and it will probably be delivered at sunset this afternoon," Fu Nian said, looking at the serious-looking Fengxue in the white sky.

"If you can, please prepare a driver for us. It doesn't matter if it's yours or not, and it doesn't matter if you come to monitor our behavior. It's just a driver who can drive." Fu Nian watched Yasha beside him become more and more darker face,

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it."

After thinking about it, Fu Nian looked down at Xia Mi who was next to him, asking if there was anything else he wanted?
Xia Mi looked up at Fu Nian and shook his head.

"That's it. Let's go first." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng who was stunned, smiled and waved, carrying his schoolbag and walking along the track towards the white wind and snow ahead.

"Remember to send the car over early, if it is delivered by helicopter, then I will definitely pay for the shipping fee." Fu Nian waved his hand as he left, not forgetting to remind him.

"I've got a bad temper! I'm a gangster, not a fucking waiter!!" Yasha couldn't help it in an instant, raised the revolver in his hand, and pointed it at Fu Nian's back.

In the next second, Yaksha felt an illusion that suffocated him. The surrounding air seemed to freeze in an instant, so frozen that even his breathing became extremely stagnant.The whole person seemed to be immersed in fear, and he was so depressed that he couldn't breathe.

"Put it down!" Yuan Zhisheng's voice did not show any emotional ups and downs.Looking at the gun in one hand, pointing directly at the revolver of Fu Nian's heart.

The spider in his hand rises and falls instantly, and the revolver instantly splits into two halves.

Only then did Yasha know that it was the young master next to him who made him feel the suffocating aura,

He had never felt such terrifying oppression from the young master.I have never seen the young master in such a state.

He is angry? !
The four of them stood silently in the wind and snow, silently watching the figures of Fu Nian and the two gradually disappearing from sight.

"Young master, why did you let them go?" Crow finally said.In his subconscious mind, this is the commissioner sent by the headquarters to their executive bureau, and he should obey their commands and orders.They should report to their executive board as soon as possible.Isn't this the obligation that all the exchange students of Kassel Headquarters should fulfill in the past half century!

But the current situation is obviously different. Instead of reporting in time, the commissioner of the Kassel College headquarters asked them to cooperate with the other party in a gesture of order.

It is also unacceptable for the crows to have such behavior on their own home court.

"They are guests." Yuan Zhisheng still stared at the front, his gaze was impartial.

"Then we are still the masters! I haven't seen them showing respect."

"He has shown his attitude to be very respectful." Yuan Zhisheng's voice continued.

"What?" Crow and Yasha didn't understand, so even Sakura, who had never spoken next to Yuan Zhisheng, looked curiously at Yuan Zhisheng's profile.Asking why the other party would answer like this.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't speak, but slowly unbuttoned his black suit, and as Yuan Zhisheng moved down, the white shirt inside was gradually exposed in front of everyone.

The white shirt continued to be unbuttoned, and the rigid abdominal muscles that men envied under the well-defined chest were slowly exposed in front of the three of them.

Crow and Yasha silently swallowed their saliva, watching the young master's strong figure gradually exposed to the air, a figure full of fatal temptation to women, they both looked at Sakura next to him at the same time.

Sakura was blushing slightly at the moment, avoiding her eyes and looking at the snow falling in the sky.

Big snowflakes of goose feathers fell, evaporated and melted in Yuan Zhisheng's abdomen.

The moment the buttons were completely undone, the expressions of Crow and Yasha suddenly changed.

The two of them no longer had the righteous indignation they had before, and frowned in extreme concern, looking at the scorching wound on Yuan Zhisheng's abdomen.

The wound seemed to be a red-hot soldering iron, and the bright red and whitish temperature completely melted the surrounding snowflakes.It is hard to imagine that human skin can withstand such high temperatures.

It was a footprint, a footprint about 43 yards in size.Slanting across the muscles of Yuan Zhisheng's abdomen, a scorching light flickered on and off between breaths.

"Young master, this...!!" The crow suddenly rushed towards the Hummer behind him to prepare the first aid kit.

"No need." Yuan Zhisheng stopped the crow from moving.

"It doesn't affect me much." Yuan Zhisheng looked up at Crow and Yasha, "This is a battle injury that happened the moment I came into contact with the opponent. I felt a very powerful threat in the car, which is inexplicable. It aroused my emotions, and I instinctively regarded it as my imaginary enemy, trying to cut off the carriage with the spider and fight it.

But I miscalculated the opponent's strength. The moment I cut off the carriage, I was locked by an extremely powerful force. "Yuan Zhisheng looked at the crow,

"It's more terrifying than what I just made you feel murderous."

The crow's expression changed.

"And then you should have seen that I was kicked out." Yuan Zhisheng pointed to the long gully on the other side, "30 meters away."

The surrounding air stagnates for an instant.

"This is a powerful hybrid that I have never seen before. He gives me an unfathomable feeling, and I am not even sure to defeat him! This is an unusual exchange student from the headquarters of Kassel College." Source Zhisheng looked at the footprints slowly buried by the wind and snow in the distance, holding the ancient knife in his hand.

"I don't mean to speak for him, but I want you to recognize a reality. His strength allows him to completely ignore any existence of you, but he has given you enough respect. At least your behavior, he did not Embarrass me. If we could, we wouldn't have to disagree on such a small matter."

"Young Master!" Yasha and Crow suddenly knelt down behind him.

"You don't need to do this, you are my retainers, and you will have good eyesight in the future. As long as you don't cause me too much trouble, I can settle it for you." Yuan Zhisheng opened his hands, and Sakura unfolded Yuan Zhisheng's long trench coat, slowly Slowly help it put on.

"Sakura! According to his request, help him prepare, and the money will be deducted from my account. If it is not enough, it will be credited to the Yuan family's account first, and I will make up for it later."

"Young master, he is a guest of the family, so he should let the family..."

"The family will not agree until they understand what kind of guy this is. But once the family understands what a terrifying guy this is, it will be too late."

Yuan Zhisheng put on the long windbreaker, stepped on the boots and walked slowly towards the Hummer behind him.



white awning snow,

next to the railroad tracks,

One big and one small figures stepped on the snow flakes on the ground step by step.The crunching sound of rubbing against each other has a pleasant sense of grounding.

"Do you know the way?" A man wearing a long windbreaker and a T-shirt was carrying a huge schoolbag, looking at the navigation in his hand with one hand, and holding the little hand of the girl next to him with the other.

"Look down."

The girl cleaned her chest bag with one hand for a long time, and finally took out two black sunglasses with satisfaction.

The man lowered his head obediently, and the girl carefully helped him put it on.Afterwards, he took a closer look and nodded.

"Walking along the railway will always lead you there, won't you?" The girl tilted her head and looked at the flickering red on the man next to her.

The little hand grabbed the snow on the ground and wiped it gently.

But the snow began to melt the moment it touched the other party, and the melted juice began to flow down the man's arms, but no drop of water could flow out five centimeters in length, let alone completely drip into the embrace of the earth.

"Are you okay, brother." The girl raised her head, her black hair cascading down like a waterfall.

"It's in a very delicate state." The man looked at himself holding the girl's right hand, and nodded after seeing that the temperature was under control.

"One step to heaven, one step to hell."

"Then why didn't my brother fight against that person? The half-breed with a purity close to that of a dragon, although lacking the heart of a dragon king, will be the best whetstone for my brother in terms of comprehensive strength."

"It is precisely because I know that he is the strongest hybrid I have met so far, so I chose to leave voluntarily. I am afraid that I will accidentally destroy him completely." The man looked at his palm, and the lava flowed and intertwined like red mud.

"This is really a strange place. If the people in the headquarters find out that there are so many super hybrids that exceed the critical value, they will definitely be so anxious that they can't sleep."

"If they know that there is a Dragon King of absolute purity like my brother, they will really not be able to sleep!" The girl gave the man a white look.

"It's not the same as Xia Mi." The corner of the man's mouth curled up.

"How else would you be my brother?"

"Hey! Your words are very dangerous. If I'm not pure, I won't be your brother!" The man stopped and looked down at the girl's eyes.

"That's not."

The corner of the girl's mouth curled up.

"Hey!" Fu Nian was dissatisfied, drooping his mouth visibly
"I don't listen."


(End of this chapter)

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