I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 233 Brother, kill them!

Chapter 233 Brother, kill them!



Fu Nian slowly parked the car in the parking lot. It was indeed a stretched version of Lexus, which was landed by Qishe Bajia on their way forward by helicopter.
"Sir. The reservation has been made successfully." The moment Fu Nian stopped the car, a man in a black suit opened the door for him.

This is the driver of Qishe Bajia who came with the car.Said to be a driver is actually just a part-time job, and his job is just a bodyguard in the Sopranos.

"Thank you." Fu Nian nodded at the other party in the simple Japanese he had just learned.

Now the weather outside is not so big anymore, but it got dark early, the orange lights on the side of the road were lit up in rows, and the houses were covered with a thick layer of snowflakes, Fu Nian slowly carried on his back bag, glanced at Xia Mi who was next to him and walked towards the restaurant ahead.

Xia Mi chose a sushi restaurant, which is next to the Otaru Canal,
"We'll go around the canal after dinner. According to the travel guide, it will take at least three hours to fully explore the canal. I figured it out. It's five o'clock in the afternoon. We finished eating. The meal is..." Xia Mi took the brush that the grandfather in front of the store handed over to sweep the snow, and helped Fu Nian brush it, the sound continued.

This brush is actually the brush used by the grandfather to let the travelers come in to sweep away the snowflakes on their bodies, and there is no such thing on Fu Nian.But Xia Mi thought it was fun, so he played with it for a long time.

Then handed it to Fu Nian, which meant that the other party would brush it for her too.

"Should we go to Tiangou Mountain tomorrow? Or go to the Music Box Hall? Or the sightseeing boat Jianzaka, which is the filming location of the movie "Love Letter" you just saw..."

"Oh, of course we all went there. I spent a lot of money to buy a camera in Akihabara Electric Street two days ago. It was [-]% off and I gave away a camera case. I feel distressed."

"Huh? Why didn't I know you bought a camera?"

"What do you know?! You don't know anything except the schoolbag you carry every day." Xia Mi turned her head and looked at Fu Nian who was sweeping the snow for her.

There was indeed a little snowflake on Xia Mi's body, the reason was that she plunged headfirst into a thick depression in the snowdrift, exposing her whole body with only a small head.

Fu Nian remained silent.

The old man next to him also smiled and said nothing.

Walking into the store, Xia Mi immediately took a fancy to the place near the window. It was a good viewing position. Sitting in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, one could enjoy the snow-covered street view outside the window while dining.

After dinner, as Xia Mi said, the two of them started to walk around the canal on foot. As for the backpack, they had already handed over the driver sent by Qishebajia behind.


"Where are they?"

Yuan Zhisheng stood by the river and looked at the slowly flowing river below.There was a trace of soft melancholy in the eyes.

"According to the latest intelligence analysis of the executive board, the seven of them seem to have the same goal, divided into several groups from the same location, different routes, and rushed to the same location. It seems that there is something that attracts them. The first The second batch was found by us in the hotel in Otaru."

"Tell them to disperse the surrounding passengers. This time, the speed must be fast to prevent them from noticing, and at the same time, be careful to prevent their irrelevant personnel from entering. In a short period of time, it is difficult for our psychiatric department to accommodate more patients. " Yuan Zhisheng's voice came out.

Sakura nodded.He turned around and walked towards the Hummer behind him. The Hummer was still the same Hummer. After being devastated, he was still tough and invisible. Under the crow's angry step on the accelerator, his whole body swung down like an epee that pierced the darkness.

The place where they gather is Otaru, and the place where they travel is also Otaru.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the orange lights on both sides, his eyes flashed with thoughts of thought.



Fu Nian looked at the two young men who appeared in front of him, and was speechless. He saw their identical faces, their crazy eyes in the same frame, and even the deep black test tubes around their waists. .

"Call your boss! Aren't you looking for them all over the world! Why do you come to touch us every day!" Fu Nian yelled at the driver behind him who was so crushed by his schoolbag that he couldn't straighten up.

He was really a little helpless, the two of them had a good leisure time was interrupted again, and it was the same group of people.

Xia Mi stood beside Fu Nian, but stared at the two people who appeared in front of them with deep eyes.

This kind of incident full of coincidences made her always sensitive heart a little alert.Are the Qi She Bajia showing their muscles in this way, or are they planning to use this method to test their brother's level, or to test something?
"The call has been dialed, and the young master is on his way. Please wait a moment, sir."

"When you come here, the yellow flowers will be cold!"

The corner of Fu Nian's mouth twitched.I glanced at Xia Mi next to me
Xia Mi nodded.

Fu Nian let go of Xia Mi's hand, and the whole person slowly stepped forward, the long black trench coat stretched in the gust of starting wind.

The two guys on the opposite side were stunned and looked at each other, obviously they didn't expect that this guy would dare to come forward to provoke them.

They have met too many couples on such a long journey from Tokyo to Otaru, and of course they split up many couples back then. It can be said that the journey along the way really made them realize what the world full of power is. What kind of existence.

The two of them just got together and analyzed for a long time, and the initial conclusion was that the man next to her was just a show, with a strong body, and he must not have a brave and fiery heart, as long as they show off their muscles , will definitely be frightened and scream, and then take out their mobile phones to call the police. They just need to take this opportunity to take the girl away openly, and the whole process will not be hindered.

The reason why they are so confident and they think clearly about the process of the script is entirely because they have experienced this journey more than once.

The corners of their mouths burst into laughter, looking at Fu Nian who stopped halfway, their mocking tone could no longer be suppressed.Then there was a burst of extremely fast Japanese pronunciation. Fu Nian said that with his current Japanese level, he could not keep up with the other party's thinking logic.You can only feel the sarcasm from head to toe from the attitude of the other party.

Fu Nian tilted her head and looked at them.


They couldn't stop laughing.

It wasn't Fu Nian who punched them into the wall, but a group of men in black wearing black windbreakers, sunglasses, and field boots appeared from all corners of the street.

The people who appeared surrounded them from all corners, and they were very keen to find the traces of guns on each other's waists.

"Law enforcement officer?" One of the men asked around.

No one answered him.A chilly wind howled through the air all around.

Yuan Zhisheng's figure slowly walked out from the opposite side of Fu Nian in the middle of the crowd.

appeared behind the two men.

"I have reason to suspect that you did it on purpose!" Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng opposite and said mercilessly.

"Fu Jun, we are very sorry for this situation. Allow me to take the two of them down and give you a reasonable explanation."

Fu Nian frowned, and stared intently at Yuan Zhisheng opposite. At this moment, he saw a different kind of taste in the other party's eyes, and the eyes of Yuan Zhisheng who left in the morning were completely different.

This look is like... like, the vigilance of a hunter looking for prey,

But this vigilance was aimed at Fu Nian.

At this moment, Fu Nian completely ignored the behavior of the two guys around him who were about to take drugs, and Yuan Zhisheng didn't seem to notice the scene where the two of them eagerly took out the test tube from their pockets and stuffed it into their mouths.

He just stared at Fu Nian who was opposite him intently.

"Brother, kill them!" Xia Mi's voice sounded at the right time.

The flowing air stagnated suddenly.

The moment the sound fell, two bursts of sonic booms appeared in the air.

One in front of the other, the air on both sides seemed to be compressed up and down, bursting up in the shape of a line,
Fu Nian and Yuan Zhisheng launched an attack at the same time, and everyone felt a sharp knife light flashing around, blowing across a thick and impenetrable wall.

The two ghosts, surrounded by everyone, experienced a moment of power that they had never obtained in their entire lives, and at the same time experienced fear that they had never experienced in their entire lives.

Space is cut by sharp knife light, and time is blocked by thick mountains.

They only felt the light of the world knife flash and their shoulders sink.The line of sight began to tilt, including the surrounding black night scene and the snow-covered canal...

(End of this chapter)

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