I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 234 Are you teaching me to do things?

Chapter 234 Are you teaching me to do things?


"Stay alive."

The shrill screeching knife cry was suppressed by Yuan Zhisheng's deep voice.

Fu Nian stretched out one hand, holding a half-evolved ghost in the palm of his hand. It wasn't the one in Fu Nian's hand, but the ghost's evolution was incomplete. It was simply because the blood in the ghost's body didn't dare to continue to evolve.

Fu Nian stared down at Yuan Zhisheng, glanced at the other ghost who was stabbed in two by the opponent,

Gently squeeze the palm of your hand.

The sound resounded like a watermelon bursting in the ears of everyone present.

Splashes of scarlet splashed ink on the snow-white rice paper.

The surrounding environment became extremely quiet, and the air completely froze at this moment.

Everyone was staring at the headless body slowly falling in the air, and the splashed blood flowed from the bottom of Fu Nian's feet along the snowy water to the tip of Yuan Zhisheng's knife...

next moment,
All the gangsters in black trench coats stepped forward, and the standard sound of raising their guns was like that of a uniformly trained policeman. The muzzles of the swarthy shotguns pointed directly at Fu Nian's position.If someone ordered at this moment, nearly a thousand rounds of bullets would slant on the body of the person opposite. At that time, even if the body of the opponent was made of Deadpool, it would be smashed into a puddle of mud.

Fu Nian stood where he was, looking at Yuan Zhisheng opposite him without moving, and suddenly laughed.

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

Looking at the expressionless Yuan Zhisheng opposite, the surrounding air suddenly became choppy, bending down like water ripples.

"Put down the gun!" Yuan Zhisheng was extremely keenly aware that something was changing around him, and suddenly yelled towards the surroundings,

"It's late." A pleasant female voice sounded.

Under the confused gazes of everyone around, a gun suddenly appeared in Xia Mi's hand behind him, and the gun pointed directly at Yuan Zhisheng who was facing him.


The bullet flew out of the chamber in an instant, and the roaring flames suddenly illuminated the surrounding darkness.

Pointing directly at the center of Yuan Zhisheng's face.

The spider cut out of its sheath from the palm of Yuan Zhisheng's hand, the sharp blade light was like the moment a comet slipped into the sky, and the sparks of the collision were as dazzling as the sun under the dim street lights.

Yuan Zhisheng stood on the spot safe and sound, and the bullet fell in front of him with extreme speed.

The only thing that can prove that this scene just happened is Qingyue's sword sound echoing in the surrounding air, the blade is still trembling violently, and a drop of blood slowly falls along the handle along the back of the blade to the tip of the blade.

This brief scene took place too hastily, the people in black hurriedly put down the guns in their hands, and the next moment they realized that they had to raise them again!

"Put it down!" Yuan Zhisheng yelled towards the surroundings.The golden pupils of red gold exude a vast depth like an abyss.

He stared fixedly at Xia Mi who had snatched the black gun from nowhere, and said nothing.

"They shouldn't have pointed a gun at my brother," Xia Mi looked at Yuan Zhisheng and said slowly. "Birds will die at the hands of farmers for stealing millet, hunters will be wrapped up in wild animals for hunting. Gangsters will die at the guns of their enemies for revenge.

Everything in the world has a price, you are their leader, and you should be the first to bear the fire of karma. "Xia Mi's voice was very cold, so cold that the surrounding wind and snow could hardly cover their trembling skin.

"But you withstood the shot, so the matter of your men threatening your brother with a gun will be exposed."

Xia Mi casually left the revolver in his hand on the ground, as if it wasn't a king cobra that could pierce a giant bear with a single shot, but a piece of rubbish that had been wiped off the stains on the table.

Yuan Zhisheng was silent and did not speak, his red and golden eyes fell on the opponent, and he looked him up and down seriously for a long time.

In fact, his attention has always been on Fu Nian. The reason for this is entirely because from the time we met to now,

The light shrouding Fu Nian's body was too strong, and Xia Mi had been hiding behind him all the time.Let him subconsciously ignore the girl next to him.

But now he found that he was wrong, and it was an extremely fatal mistake. Now he has every reason to believe that this is an illusion deliberately created by the other party.He had never been a careless person, and it was impossible not to notice someone who should have noticed.

But now this impossible thing has appeared!

If my vigilance and reaction were a little slower just now, I might really be hit on myself. Although according to my own system, it is not fatal, but my body will definitely be affected by the follow-up tasks.

What made him feel even more horrified was that he didn't even know when this girl got a revolver from among them! !You must know that this pistol is carried by this group of people, they have only been in contact with it for less than 5 minutes!

"I know that there is an activity among your high-level officials to demonstrate to the commissioner of the headquarters," Xia Mi's voice did not stop immediately, but watched Yuan Zhisheng continue to speak, "I hope you'd better dismiss this idea, of course this is just a suggestion. We It is not the previous commissioner of the headquarters, and we do not have the attitude of the previous commissioner who lived in a foreign country and endured it if he could. I just need you to remember that any challenges you may make about us in the future are completely fine, but you must be able to bear it We are prepared to give back, otherwise you will be the ones who will be hurt in the end, no, it must be you."

Yuan Zhisheng saw that they didn't speak, and shook his head slowly after a long time.

"There is no intention of threatening you, and there is no demonstration activity. Their actions are just a temporary response."

"Hopefully so."

"Then please explain to us, the young master Yuan Zhisheng, why the other party reappeared on the road we must pass?" Fu Nian asked Yuan Zhisheng.

"This way." Yuan Zhisheng pointed to a hotel next to the canal, indicating that this is not a place to talk.

Fu Nian glanced at Xia Mi, who nodded.

"Take them back and continue to search for the whereabouts of the next group of people!"

The man in black responded.

"Actually, I also want to know why they always appear by your side." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian and said as he walked.


"According to the intelligence survey we have now, they are gathering in a certain direction, as if something is attracting them." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian.

Fu Nian suddenly understood.

Yuan Zhisheng suspected that there was something in them that attracted them.But Fu Nian knew that this was impossible, Yuan Zhisheng didn't know what was on them, didn't they themselves know what was on them?

Xia Mi told himself that there were only daily necessities in the bag, so it was really only daily necessities, as for other things that could make the mixed race peep.Fu Nian will not exist, and there is absolutely no need to exist.They're dragon kings, and there's very little that hybrids find useful.

and many more!

Suddenly, Fu Nian looked at the Han Bafang sticking in his schoolbag.

Alchemy weapon?

After hesitating for a while, Fu Nian slowly shook his head, using a bunch of trash to snatch him from Han Bafang?Fu Nian felt that he was really insulting the other party's IQ by speculating about the person behind it.

Unless the other party is so stupid that they don't even know his details, they just force him.

If that's the case, Fu Nian doesn't need to pay attention to it at all. This kind of mixed race with low IQ can be handled by himself.

After thinking about it, Fu Nian finally realized that he was the only one who didn't read the almanac when he went out today, and went to recite the words.In other words, the aesthetics of their brothers and family are relatively consistent, and they all have a peeping heart towards them.

"I can clearly tell Young Master Yuan." Xia Mi said at this moment.

"We don't carry any contraband that violates the customs. If you have doubts, you can take a look in that bag." Xia Mi pointed to the big long bag behind him.

This is their only luggage along the way.

"No need." Yuan Zhisheng shook his head, "If this is the case, there is really only one explanation for them appearing in front of you many times, you are too outstanding, and their evolution medicine happens to be about lust... "

"Didn't you make it out of disgusting our little thoughts?"

"No!" Yuan Zhisheng interrupted Fu Nian's voice with certainty.

After hesitating for a moment, he continued.

"Actually, three months ago, the family arranged for me to pick up the plane. According to the family's plan at that time, there was indeed an action to sharpen your edge. The executor was also me.

But what happened this time was so unexpected that we didn't even know where the other group of them was?Where might it go? "

"And when I met Fu Jun for the first time, I already dispelled my small thoughts that the family's follow-up might make me target you. Fu Jun's strength is no longer something I can bear."

"I hope it's the best." Fu Nian said.

"However, if we meet them again in the future, please ask Fu Jun and Miss Xia Mi to leave us alive. We need to judge the people behind the scenes based on their information. Avoid innocent people from being victimized."

"Why didn't you keep alive just now? I remember I didn't snatch another half-breed for you."

"The other party has been completely evolved into an irrational ghost by the evolution medicine, and we have lost our best time to capture them, so we can only perform beheading. But the mixed race in Fu Jun's hand has not yet fully evolved into a ghost. Ghost, if the main body still has reason, we still hope to get the whereabouts of their companions from the opponent."

Yuan Zhisheng explained to Fu Nian.

"That's it." Fu Nian quietly glanced at Xia Mi beside him,

"In the future, please ask Young Master Yuan to explain this kind of thing earlier, otherwise in the future..."

"Yes." Yuan Zhisheng nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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