Chapter 235 Five-Headed Snake


the next two days.

Fu Nian and Xia Mi saw the snow on Tiangou Mountain, went to Funamizaka in Love Letter, and even admired the Music Box Hall.

Of course, Yuan Zhisheng was not idle either. During these two days, Fu Nian really let Fu Nian see the true strength of the Qishe Bajia, or the arrogance of the underworld.As soon as things ended that night, the local area became a city that could only enter but not exit.On the main thoroughfare of a small city, there are dark vehicles everywhere, gangsters wearing black trench coats and holding black guns.If Fu Nian didn't know that they were looking for someone, he would almost have thought they were going to massacre the city.

The Qishe Bajia even sent a large number of mixed-race executives from their own family to the city that night.They investigated the airport, railway network, road network and waterway network, and even hot spring hotels, hotels, homestays, hospitals, and other online and offline records.

All are checked one by one.Made Otaru go crazy.What is surprising is that no one complained, or no one dared to complain. Even the local police station seemed to ignore it.

Finally, on the last flight the next night, the executive bureau led by Yuan Zhisheng completed the arrest of the last two ghosts.

"What about them?"

Yuan Zhisheng stood in front of a homestay in Otaru and looked at the empty room. This is a room full of books. There is a large stack of books in front of the desk, on the bookshelf, and even next to the cabinet under the bed. Thick books, history books, painting albums, and even newspapers from 20 years ago.Every corner of the room is filled with the scent of books.

This is a homestay on the upper and lower floors, and this room is Xia Mi's room.Downstairs is Fu Nian's room, but according to Yuan Zhisheng's observation, the downstairs room is neatly arranged, and there is no trace of anyone sleeping there. The only thing that makes him feel more puzzled is that the hot spring outside The amount of water has been greatly reduced.

"Sorry, young master." The man lowered his head and bent over, "They seem to have heard my call with Patriarch Inuyama last night, and when I woke up this morning, they were gone."

"Patriarch Inuyama? What did you say?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

"This... this..." The man hesitated.

"Say it quickly, or you will be set on fire!"

Yasha kicked the man in the chest, and the huge force directly smashed the desk behind him.The dominoes of the bookshelf behind him usually collapse one after another.

"Patriarch, Patriarch said, let me keep them in Otaru, and people from the family will come invite them back to the family."

"Trash! I've been tossing around all day, the young master is here, and I still need him..."

"Yasha! Shut up!" Yuan Zhisheng interrupted Yasha's words sharply.

Turning around and walking behind.

"Yasha, you stay here and restore them to their original state."

Yasha: Huh?

Yuan Zhisheng: "Sakura helped me connect with Miss Kaguya Hime of the family."




Sapporo, New Chitose Airport.

The girl flipped through the photo page of her passport, and she felt as if she had returned to the scene where she confessed her first love. The boy shouted on the stage of the principal's speech, I like you.His face was blushing, his eyes were sweet...

The girl's heartbeat is abnormally fast. She is 26 years old and has been working in the immigration hall for six years. Her daily job is to sit at the counter and review foreign tourists. Over the years, she has seen the romance of handsome French men and handsome Italian men. The passion of the Latin guy, the melancholy of the Latin guy...

The faces of handsome men all over the world bombarded her over and over again, and finally when she was basically immune to the beauty and ugliness of men, in front of today's man, in front of this Asian man, she suddenly recovered crazy ability.

I fantasize that I am the heroine in a TV series. This man is wearing exquisite handmade leather shoes, wearing a cape, and smoking a cigar, standing gracefully in the slanting rays of the sun.
In front of his boss, he grabbed his hand, took off his overalls, and was greeted by the housekeeper behind him, and put on ten-centimeter high-heeled shoes inlaid with ten-carat diamonds. The red carpet of luxury cars...

"Hi! We're going to be late, sister." A crisp female voice broke the girl's fantasy world.

The girl came over in an instant, looked at the passport photo in her hand, and then looked up at the tall and straight figure of the man in front of her. The man was indeed as elegant as she imagined, and the sunlight did leave a faint smell of killing mites on his body.

And the exquisite handmade leather shoes, that gentle and decent smile... except that there is no cape and no cigar, everything looks so perfect.

However, the heroine is not herself, but the girl next to the man wearing high heels and a bright white one-piece dress,

The girl wore two strings of long tassel-like earrings by her ears, and a pair of Louis Vuitton classic black sunglasses on her small nose.At this moment, the whole person was holding the man's arm, and reminded him softly with a bright smile on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The girl woke up quickly, looking at the man's name on the passport, Fu Nian.

The girl memorized the name silently, and knocked down the "Entry Permitted" stamp in her hand.

The two chapters fell heavily on the front desk, and the crisp sound was as crisp as water droplets falling on a bluestone board.echoes in every corner of the hall.

But the ripples seemed to be endless, spreading along the ripples towards the surroundings, getting farther and farther...

The surrounding noisy hall became extremely quiet.It seems that the falling action became the sound effect of turning off the lights.Everyone held their breath and looked at the darkness around them quietly and suspiciously.

The dazzling lights flashed, this was the moment when the headlights of the car opened its arms wantonly, but it was not a car that opened.But densely packed...

The airport gate that was still entering and exiting was completely gone, and black cars stopped at the entrance and exit.

In the next moment, the quiet ripples that were still spreading in the air disappeared instantly, and the orderly and intensive sound of footsteps began to spread towards the surroundings.

Men in black suits poured into the pick-up hall from different entrances, their waists were bulging, and it was unclear whether there were short knives or guns hidden under the suits.They formed a row side by side, blocking all the exits, and those who tried to enter and exit were frightened by their cold and stern eyes.

The girl was stunned suddenly, and she suddenly understood, she has worked here for so many years and lived in Japan for so long, she already knew what kind of people this is, they are gangsters!It's the underworld that blocked the airport! !
But the girl's flustered heart suddenly calmed down again.She hurriedly handed the two passports in her hand to the man and woman opposite.Thinking that they can take advantage of this time to leave here with their passports, although the possibility of them leaving is very small, but I will buy time for them... I am a staff member, they should not dare to mess around, they should...should
Teng's passport, which was moving rapidly in mid-air, was suddenly slapped down by a pair of big hands.It's like a fluttering butterfly being caught by someone's wings.

In the passport photo, an old hand appeared on the face of the man in the photo,
It was a cobra, with five ferocious snake heads wrapped around his five fingers, each with a high crown of flames.That is the so-called "Naga" in Buddhism. It is a huge snake like a dragon. The more heads it has, the more powerful it is.In Cambodia, the five-headed naga symbolizes the devil.

The old man slowly tried to pull the passport out of the girl's hand, but the girl grabbed the passport with all her strength, and signaled the man next to her with her eyes,
Fu Nian understood, the other party's eyes seemed to tell him to leave here quickly.

She is really a kind girl, she is clearly surrounded by evil wolves, but she still does not forget to feed the tiger with her body, to fight for opportunities for herself.

Thinking of this, Fu Nian suddenly showed a very bright smile to the girl.

The girl stared at Fu Nian in a daze, and even the strength in her hands relaxed at this moment.

He was suddenly pulled out by the old man.

The girl woke up instantly, staring blankly at the passport held in the hand of the old man, with a look of guilt almost overflowing from her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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