I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 236 Welcome to the 2 Zhang Family

Chapter 236 Welcome the two of you home

"This is the office of the Japanese Customs...you...you don't mess around! I...I know karate"

The girl cautiously warned the other party.

The old man looked at the girl with a smile, and there was a faint smile in his eyes, "It makes you nervous."

"But we are here to invite people, and it will be over soon. Please work with peace of mind." The old man turned his eyes away from the other party, twisted his body, and bowed deeply to a group of shivering airport security guards around him.Doing the most embarrassing things with the strongest aura.

"Please don't be impatient, we won't mess around." The old man looked at Fu Nian on the opposite side, and glanced casually at Xia Mi next to him.

The old man looked at the passport he held between his fingers in his hand. The ferocious snake head squirmed slowly between the other's old fingers as he breathed, as if five snakes were slowly spitting out their cores.

The great contrast of the aura rendered an extremely incongruous weirdness to the kindness that the old man tried his best to show.At a glance, people can see the camouflage roughly worn by the other party.

In addition to the rows of bodyguards in black with expressionless faces behind the other party, the old man's words were even less convincing for a while.

Especially girls who are in close contact with each other,
You don't look like you are here to invite someone, you are here to kill someone! !The girl felt that she was going crazy, and the oppressive atmosphere around her made her have a fantasy that she would be kidnapped and trafficked while walking on the road tonight.But her intuition told her that this fantasy was not a fantasy.

The old man didn't care about the other party any more, looked at the passport photo in his hand, looked at the other party's name, and slowly pulled out a long and thin note from his suit pocket with the other hand, with a series of names on it.

But the name above is just the name of a person, and the name of a person is written in three different languages: Chinese, English, and Japanese.

The old man looked at the passport on the slip of paper, stared at the photo, and after careful comparison for a long time, he seemed to confirm something. A smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he nodded.

At this moment, the girl's heart was suddenly grabbed by a pair of big hands. She had been observing the details of the old man, observing the actions of the old man from flipping over the passport, comparing the passports, and finally a sneer on the corner of the other's mouth, eyes inadvertently Violent details flashed in between.

The other party was obviously looking for someone. The underworld led so many people, and they all held weapons.Who can let the underworld use such "courteous treatment" to block the country to find them?Traitor in the family?The boss of the rival gang?Should they be taken away after they are found, or executed on the spot?Cut off the fingers or the legs?

And the person the other party is looking for is not the same, the girl suddenly looked at Fu Nian who was still smiling slightly.

Seeing her gaze, Fu Nian smiled slightly.

"Run! They're going to kill you!" The girl became even more anxious, trying to hint at Fu Nian in spoken words.


The old man suddenly put down his hands.Slowly stuffing the note into his inner pocket, his eyes wandered around, and finally stopped on Fu Nian and Xia Mi who were opposite the girl.

There was a dead silence in the hall, only the sound of heavy breathing and heartbeat.

"It's over!" The girl revealed her powerlessness in her heart.

The other party has discovered Fu Nian, so the next thing is that the old man will smile cruelly at the corner of his mouth, wave his hand, and the underworld behind him will draw out the long knife and short blade from his waist, and rush forward.He hacked to death the man in front of him who surprised him, and violently captured the girl next to him and sold him to the Diva Ballroom...


"Excuse me, are you Mr. Fu Nian and Miss Xia Mi?" When the girl was still trying to figure out the plot, the old man's old voice suddenly spoke.

The girl froze.The beginning of the plot is wrong...

Fu Nian was also stunned.Looking at the middle-aged man in a suit standing in front of him.

Tilting his head, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, he waited for the other party to give him an explanation.

He really didn't know who the other party was.As for why he appeared here today, it was entirely because Fu Nian wanted to go to Mount Fuji on a whim.And considering the privacy of the two of them, Fu Nian didn't really want to burden the driver with him.

So after discussing with Xia Mi, the two of them showed up at the airport early in the morning.

(Telephone? What phone? Which of the two of them do you think would eavesdrop on a driver's call?)
The old man stepped forward, stretched out the two passports in front of Fu Nian with both hands, and bowed suddenly.

This posture gave Fu Nian a big jump.He still has a certain understanding of Japanese bowing culture.Although this is an extremely [standardized] behavior in their major events,

But in more ordinary moments, it is a very strict etiquette, which usually appears in the occasions of meeting elders and meeting people who are nobler than themselves,

But what the hell is this coming up!

Fu Nian didn't think he could make a guy who looked twice his age bow to him with such a great charm.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief!

Fu Nian narrowed his eyes gradually, looking at the hands that stretched out the passport in front of him. The ten fingers of both hands bowed their heads like ten giant snakes. No one would know when they would suddenly explode.Biting the neck of the prey fiercely with the tip of the ferocious tongue.

(Then the teeth are knocked out by the prey)

Fu Nian reached out to take his passport, looked at the intact seal on it, and nodded. They were actually smuggled into Japan at the beginning. It was a big trouble to get caught, but it doesn't matter now, as long as you continue to If you don't come up with a gun and shoot the Japanese police, other things are nothing.

"You are?" Fu Nian looked at the old man who slowly raised his head.There is no wave in the eyes.He has no interest in who he is, unless he can come up and give himself a gold brick.You can smash it...

"Inuyama's head, Tanigawa Yoshitaka, welcome the exchange students Fu Nian and Natsumi to Japan! You have worked hard all the way! I didn't recognize you just now, so damn it." Furukawa Yoshitaka had a sneer that couldn't fault it at all. (Actually he was trying to smile kindly.)
This is obviously a rights holder who is usually unsmiling.

This action made Fu Nian even more confused.

"So you?" Xia Mi looked at Furukawa Yoshitaka and asked.

"Welcome home both of you." Furukawa Yoshitaka replied with a smile.

Fu Nian curled his mouth.

The 24-day round-the-island tour I planned is over.

He knew that this person was different from Yuan Zhisheng.Although Yuan Zhisheng is sharp, he never hides it, but this man is different. The moment he met him, he gave himself enough face and promoted himself to a very high position, but he wanted to Those who have the strength to stand in this position.

When I don't solve the other party's trouble, I'm afraid I won't feel at ease when I go out to travel around the island.

"Brother." Xia Mi's voice echoed in Fu Nian's ear.

"I understand." Fu Nian knew that Xia Mi was telling himself not to reject him.

Fu Nian looked at Yoshitaka Furukawa opposite him with a smile, looked at him for a while, and shook his head.

He stretched out his hand and patted Furukawa Yoshitaka on the shoulder in the posture of an elder, then helped him straighten his tie under the horrifying gazes around him, and finally took out a white paper from the other's exquisite suit pocket. Square towel.


He took out a pen from his pocket, and wrote the two Chinese characters Fu Nian on the white scarf like a snake.


Pen sheathed.

Fu Nian's eyes fell on the face of the girl opposite, who was frozen in place in horror at the moment.From the moment the old man bowed to Fu Nian, he froze.

Didn't I meet a handsome guy, this is a nobleman, and he seems to be a son of the underworld family, in the girl's heart, Fu Nian was enveloped in a domineering 360-degree rotation without dead ends field……

Under the girl's horrified and puzzled eyes, Fu Nian slowly placed the tissue in front of her.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Fu Nian. This is for our souvenir today. How about it?" Fu Nian looked at the girl with a smile.

The girl stared blankly at the other party's handsome smile, recalling her tender heart that had just been bombarded by the other party's domineering aura, she felt an illusion of being in a trance.Originally thought he was a romantic and melancholy man wanted by the underworld.In the end, it was discovered that the other party might be the noble king of the Sopranos family.

But this is right, only humans who stand at the top of mankind can cultivate such a dignified, elegant, and calm temperament.

If I can have a sweet match with him...

The girl looked at the white scarf in her palm in surprise and joy, and her mind was once again immersed in her own world.
The moment he suddenly recovered, he noticed the black figure that had gone farther and farther away.The surrounding men in black flowed behind each other like a black tide.

"My name is Hatsune, the Hatsune of Suzuka Hatsune." The girl's voice came from behind her.

It's a pity that there is no longer a man in a black suit around.

 Thank you very much [Bo Xun] for the two rewards totaling 3000 points!
(End of this chapter)

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