I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 237 Love is boundless

Chapter 237 Love is boundless

As night fell, the pitch-black convoy stopped in front of the black crystal-like building, and a man in a black suit respectfully walked up to Fu Nian to help him open the car door
"Sir, here we are."

Fu Nian slowly raised his head and looked at Hasegawa Yoshitaka behind the man, who was looking at Fu Nian with a "smile".

Fu Nian looked past the other party and looked at the huge neon sign behind the other party. Under the starry sky shrouded in darkness, the brightly colored neon lights were as dazzling as a rainbow hanging in the sky.

The words "Tamamoqian Club" on it carry a distant and hazy mystery. It seems that at this moment, Yuzaoqian really turned into the nine-tailed demon fox in the fairy tale, wearing thin gauze and stretching his legs , with bare feet, walking on the colorful rainbow, when the dance music is played, it will also dance with the music, and the moment when the breeze blows the veil, the charming fragrance ripples with the trembling jade skin In every corner of the air, in every pupil of the audience...

"Demon fox." Fu Nian said slowly.

Hasegawa Yoshitaka froze for a moment, then smiled,
"That's right, Mr. Fu is indeed well-informed and knowledgeable. Yuzao is the name of the nine-tailed demon fox in mythology. According to legend, she is a beauty who wreaks havoc in the world. She turned into Daji in China to seduce King Zhou, and was Jiang Ziya pursued and killed him, and after he fled to Japan, he was favored by Emperor Toba and given the name Tamamo-mae."

Hasegawa Yoshitaka helped Fu Nian explain when he got off the car.

Fu Nian reached out to take Xia Mi's little hand, and helped him tidy up his sleepy hair.

"So this place can't be a serious hotel." Fu Nian tilted his head and smiled.But there was no emotion in his eyes at all.The other party said to take him home, but the first stop was actually this custom industry.

"The head of the family has prepared a reception banquet for Fu Jun and Miss Xia Mi here, and we have already made arrangements for the hotel. We will send you two back to the hotel after the banquet is over." Yoshitaka Hasegawa looked at the two patiently. answer.

Then, he casually pushed open the door to the world behind him.

The golden light blooms along the crack of the door, followed by the ethereal and clear, like the glazed world mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures.

The ground is made of crystal glass seamlessly, the five-color lights change under the feet, but the sky is full of quaint wooden pillars and red-tooth cornices, and the vermilion wooden stairs spiral along the four walls.It's like the demon spirit hall in the mythical world.The magical beauty of science and technology and the elegance of Guhua are ingeniously blended together.

Before anyone steps into Tamamo for the first time, there is an unreal feeling that he is soaring in the sun.The temptation full of monsters permeates into every corner of your heart along the smell of the air, and seduces the most primitive throbbing with the softest fingertips.

Girls in dark red gorgeous kimonos step on high-footed clogs, and small steps slowly appear from behind the red curtains in each room like maple leaves.

They leaned sideways, and their large kimonos were largely exposed in the air, immersing their seductive bodies in a full 360-degree immersion into the air.

But what is surprising is that what the guests see is not white and tender, so greasy that water can overflow after taking a bite, but pieces of shining golden gold powder. Their skin is as delicate and gorgeous as golden satin. The nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao in the movie is covered in gold in front of her body, and even the emperors cannot resist her golden body.
Tamamo asked dancers to smear gold powder to reproduce the myth.Let them learn the charm of a fox, let them learn the grace of a noble lady, so that they can reveal a trace of superior delicacy in the moment of frowning and smiling, and in the moment of cleverly smiling and curling their fingers, and become the nine-tailed demon fox. She is as charming and soft as she is enchanting.The guests can't help being in awe of them, but at the same time mobilize their hearts to try to conquer their evil desires.

They know that what conquers men never depends on their pity, but their appetite. The wealth code of this appetite is called, a man's desire to conquer them...

dance music played,

The golden dancers danced gracefully, with dozens of pairs of long golden legs stretching out graceful arcs.Lin-like jade legs rose and fell in front of Fu Nian and Xia Mi's eyes, and the flying gold powder carried a fascinating aroma.Just like lingering in the ocean of tulips, the bees waiting to pick them up in the rich aroma...

Fu Nian subconsciously looked at Xia Mi beside her.

Xia Mi glanced at him, "What? You like this?"

Fu Nian was very keen to find that Xia Mi did not address the word "brother".

"I don't like it." Fu Nian hurriedly shook his head vigorously.

"Then forget it. Originally, I thought that if my brother likes it, I might dress it up another day and show it to him. If I don't like it, forget it..."

Fu Nian froze.


The sound of dance music comes from the second floor.

That's a band.The band is also a group of girls.They wore cherry-white traditional kimonos with wide open necklines, and their white and jade-like skin was completely soaked in the air at the collarbone.

Compared with the enchanting and charming women like datura flowers at the bottom, the girls playing musical instruments on the second floor are as pure and tender as the cherry blossoms in spring. They are all moving slowly amidst the ups and downs of the music. Swimming, the wind blew between their hanging and wide sleeves, and the enchanting red and the softness of white formed a sharp contrast.

No wonder Yoshitaka Hasegawa has so much confidence in the girls in front of Tamamo. At a glance, there are beauties everywhere. There are hundreds of girls with different looks and humors.

They greet different guests at different times.There may be nightclubs here that are more luxurious and bold than Tamamomae, but no one dares to say that they can form a more gorgeous team of beautiful girls than Tamamomae.

But this is the strength of the Inuyama family. From ancient times to the present, the Inuyama family has always been the guardian and guide of the Japanese custom industry.

The song is over, and the flowers are over.

The girls clustered together like flower clusters.He stared closely at Fu Nian who was standing at the door, as if he was expecting something, and also seemed to be waiting for something.

They are all people who have seen the world, and what's more, they have spent nearly half their lives in the custom industry.Some of them have experienced countless men in their lives, seen countless burly and handsome men, and seen too many cowherds with tongues and tender faces, but even they who have experienced many battles, they are still rising. With a pure girl's heart.

In the long past, due to various reasons, their original heart was buried in the corner of history along with the withered roses by the dust of time.

But being buried doesn't mean they won't be dusted off.Doesn't mean they won't keep growing.

Now this sincere girl's first heart is growing crazily in their hearts, time seems to return to their youth, staring at the handsome figure of the man standing at the door, they seem to have seen the wonderful love of the first love The pure and innocent girls, each with a light shining in the eyes that makes Yoshitaka Hasegawa inexplicably afraid.

This look is a bit like a hungry wolf facing a lamb.Hasegawa Yoshitaka muttered secretly in his heart.

"It's really welcome, brother." Xia Mi quietly pressed his body behind Fu Nian, looking at the burning eyes with golden pupils in front of him, Xia Mi really felt a little bit of himself at this moment. superfluous.

"Everyone is very happy, isn't it. Isn't it great that I can help them recall their first good memories in this way." Fu Nian looked down at Xia Mi, but actually said it to Hasegawa Yoshitaka who was next to him.

"Is there such great love?" Xia Mi's tone sank.

"Boundless love." Fu Nian didn't hear anything wrong.He looked at the girls in front of him with a smile.

"So you mean you want to give each of them a home?"

Fu Nian's expression froze.

"Forgive me, Mr. Fu." Hasegawa Yoshitaka understood what was happening in an instant, and hurriedly opened his mouth, looked at the two with a smile, and waved his hand to signal the woman in the hall to step back.

Then he pointed to a place on the third floor, "Fu Jun and Ms. Xia, please follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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