Chapter 238


Fu Nian stepped on the steps of the solid wood stairs, held on to the vermilion railings, and followed Yoshitaka Hasegawa step by step to the third-floor stairs.

The third floor is different from the two floors below. There are obviously a lot of closed wooden sliding doors in the corridor. Through the plain wooden grid and white paper, Fu Nian can see that there are private private rooms that are as luxurious as the bottom. .

Fu Nian's gaze slowly followed the stairs to the sliding door of the deepest room at the end of the corridor. There, the door was half-closed open, and girls in plain white kimonos were bending over respectfully. The hair falls like a waterfall on the smooth back of the neck, along the wide neckline, along the collarbone to the shoulders, and then continues to look deep behind the back.

The girls here are different from the two floors below. Even the maids who welcome them are more like fairies who came out of fairy tales in temperament. a field.At this moment, they are smiling sweetly and shining brightly.

Behind them is a plain Japanese room,
Fu Nian and Xia Mi followed Hasegawa Yoshitaka and slowly stepped into it.

The paper windows outside are surrounded by white paper-pasted wooden grids, and tatami mats are spread in the middle of the room, and a long table is placed on the tatami mats.
On one side of the long table is a copper basin filled with clear water, on which pink and white cherry blossom petals are sprinkled.In the middle of the long table is a grand platter, in which there is a very appetizing bluefin tuna that has just been processed.The color is pink, and the plump slices of raw meat infuse the surrounding air with a faint sweetness.It is extremely harmonious with the surrounding elegant and simple atmosphere, giving people a refreshing feeling of walking in the mountains and forests and breathing into the lungs.

At the end of the long table is a kind old man wearing a black haori.The old man simply sat there, as if he was a hermit in the mountains, with a heartfelt conviction.

The old man looked at Fu Nian and Xia Mi.

The air fell into silence, and Hasegawa Yoshitaka, who led them into the room, bowed respectfully and saluted the old man.Then he quietly exited the room and closed the door.

After a long time, Fu Nian saw a ripple in the old man's eyes.

The old man laughed, raised his finger and pointed to the positions on both sides of the long table, motioning for Fu Nian and Xia Mi to sit down.

Only then did Fu Nian turn his attention to the sides of the long table around him. The overall atmosphere of the room here was fundamentally different from the outside. If the outside was a sensual world of mortals, then this place seemed to be isolated from the world. Bamboo hermit.Listening to the breeze, drinking the clear spring, everything is the most natural and clean artistic conception.

It's just that this place is still in front of Yuzao after all, so girls are naturally indispensable.

Fu Nian stared at the long tables on both sides. There were two rows of girls kneeling in each row. They were also wearing the most plain cherry blossom-colored kimonos, but against the backdrop of their respective auras, they each had their own beauty, just like A man's ten romantic encounters happened at different times and places in his life, from the most innocent love at the beginning, to the mature charm at the time of marriage, to...they happened to all gather in this Japanese room today.Compared with them, the sexy or elegant dancers Qin Ji suddenly became vulgar fans, and even the outstanding maid who greeted them at the door on the third floor was really just a maid.

At this moment, in front of their tables, there is a plain white vase each, with various flower branches inserted in the middle of the vase.There are snow plums, cherry blossoms, and spring peaches... Each of them represents the girl's own personality and the beauty in her heart.At the same time, it also represents their youth at the moment.

What surprised Fu Nian was that he actually saw a familiar face on the side of the girl Cong.At the moment when Fu Nian's eyes drifted away from the other person's face, not only did he not feel that it was inconsistent, but he also felt that it fit inexplicably. It seemed that after the experience from the beginning to the end, it should be such a face, with a hint of handsomeness. feminine beauty.

Yuan Zhisheng? ! !
Why is he here.

But at this time, the old man opposite Fu Nian was slowly getting up,

Everyone started to stand up with the old man, and the girl's stretched and undulating kimono skirt was as fragrant and charming as a group of blooming flowers.

"The Inuyama family, Patriarch, Inuyama congratulations." The old man looked at Fu Nian and spoke slowly, his old voice was full of magnetism that could not be ignored.

"Cassel College 09, Fu Nian. Xia Mi." Fu Nian looked at the other party for a while, and then spoke slowly.Staring at the opposite Inuyama He's eyes were indescribably strange.

"This is the current head of our Japanese branch, Minamoto." After Inuyamaga finished speaking, he pointed to Minamoto next to him and said.

"We know each other." Fu Nian said.

Inuyama He was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized.

"Since this is the case, you don't need to bother me, an old guy, to go into too much detail. Please sit down." Inuyama He seemed to be easy to talk and laughed.Sign them to sit at the reserved table.

It's just that the way Fu Nian looked at him was even more strange. After Hasegawa Yoshitaka picked him up at the airport, he saw this old man all the way.

To be honest, although he was curious about why Yuan Zhisheng appeared here.

But he was not surprised that Yuan Zhisheng appeared here. Yuan Zhisheng is the director of the Japanese branch of Kassel College. They are exchange students of Kassel College. It is natural for the minister to meet him.

But what does Patriarch Inuyama mean by meeting him, and he also sent out such a big fight, as if if you don't come, I will force it.Originally, Fu Nian thought it was the head of the Bajia of Snake Qi who came to meet him.But unexpectedly, it was actually the head of the Inuyama family.

However, this idea existed in Fu Nian's mind for less than half a minute, and it was completely destroyed by the voices of the two of them one after another.

Yuan Zhisheng seemed to have seen Fu Nian's doubts. After Inuyama He's voice fell,
Then I gave a detailed introduction to Inuyama He. "To us, Patriarch Inuyama means not only the meaning of Patriarch Inuyama of the Eight Families, but also the meaning of being a senior to us."

Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng curiously, not knowing why.

"Because Patriarch Inuyama is not only Patriarch Inuyama, but also the first minister at the beginning of the establishment of the Japanese branch. He has always been the most respectable senior in our Japanese branch. He has a strong influence on the growth of our juniors. Guidance recommendations."

The first branch minister?

Fu Nian finally had a slight change in his gaze towards Inuyama He, quietly glanced at Xia Mi who was dozing beside him, Fu Nian silently poked Xia Mi's waist with his hands.

Xindao, come and save my brother, diplomacy is not my strong point.If you don't interject, the next one will be cold! !

Xia Mi lazily opened one eyelid and glanced at Fu Nian, and continued to indulge as if nothing had happened.

Fu Nian's face froze.

Looking at Inuyamaga with a smile, he nodded.

Fu Nian: "Senior."

The smile on Inuyamaga's face grew brighter.

The air is quiet.

keep quiet

The girls in both rows looked down at their knees, and Inuyama He looked at Fu Nian and was still smiling.

The air is still still,

"Is the principal okay?" Finally, Inuyama Ka asked on his own initiative.

Time seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at this moment, and quietly slipped out through the gap in the window.

"Principal?" Fu Nian was taken aback, his brain circuit never expected that the other party would suddenly throw the topic on the old man.Although this old man does have something on him.

But you shouldn’t ask me how I’m doing, you shouldn’t ask me why it took me so long to come to the branch, you shouldn’t…

"very good."

Fu Nian smiled lightly.The appearance looks like an elegant and calm diplomatic genius.The corners of the mouth, eyes, posture, and even the tone of voice are all vivid.

"He was still trying to condolence to my movement track yesterday, and was still trying to locate me through Norma, but I refused. You know, the old man is a bit annoying."

"Hahaha." Inuyama He seemed to have heard something very interesting, and laughed heartily from the corner of his mouth.

Even Yuan Zhisheng on the side looked at each other inexplicably.This is obviously a disrespectful remark to the principal, why does Inuyamaga smile so happily.

"It seems that time still left traces on him after all. Back then, we tried our best to make him suffer, but we couldn't do it at all. Every time we lifted a rock and shot ourselves in the foot.

I didn't expect to hear the news that this man was deflated in my lifetime today.I have already vividly thought of the old guy's expression, it must be like eating a fly.Hahaha……"

Fu Nian looked at Inuyama He and shook his head.

"It's actually not the senior. The principal's expression is very gratifying. After I hung up on him last night, he sent me a nose-picking expression. I know the principal is very happy. He is an educator and will Sincerely proud of his outstanding students, he has always been like this, our behavior yesterday was nothing more than a little 'daily interest' between students and teachers. Didn't seniors experience it?"

Fu Nian stared at Inuyamaga opposite him with a curious baby look,
For a while, the atmosphere that had just eased in the air suddenly stagnated again, and the atmosphere suddenly became anxious for a while.

What Fu Nian said was actually the truth, Ange did call him last night.

Because of Yuan Zhisheng, when the Japanese branch learned of Fu Nian's presence, Kassel College also got the trace of Fu Nian.

Then Ange, who missed him very much, took the initiative to make a long-distance transoceanic call.

Then Xia Mi hung up with a finger.

Because they were watching TV at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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