I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 239 A He, Long Time No See

Chapter 239 A He, Long Time No See


But Angers showed that he did not give up,
As a gentleman, the headmaster sympathetically thought about what important and important things Fu Nian might be doing, and then asked Norma to send Fu Nian a few text messages in encrypted form.

But the text message was so true that Fu Nian didn't understand the headmaster's brain circuit.

Angers text message to him is a memory of the past, which briefly describes the character of a disciple named Inuyama He.In fact, there is not much content, and even Ange didn't tell him what the purpose of sending it was, what he was asked to do, and he didn't even say a word of vigilance.It's like giving him a piece of material, but not giving him the topic of material analysis.

But when he knew that this person was called Inuyama He, Fu Nian found that Ange had actually told him the answer to the material analysis.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned slightly.He sensed something wrong in the air.Or it could be said that Inuyamaga's mood was wrong.

Yuan Zhisheng felt right. After hearing Fu Nian's voice, the smile on the corner of Inuyama He's mouth became obviously stiff, as if a certain sentence from the other party had poked his weakness.But his rich experience allowed him to still maintain a polite smile.

"Oh, that's right." Fu Nian carefully looked up and down Inuyama He as if he remembered something again, and continued,

"Maybe I will disappoint Patriarch Inuyama even more. I haven't noticed that time has left any traces on the principal."

As he spoke, Fu Nian took out a photo from his pocket,
"When I came here, the principal asked me to pass it on to you. The photo was taken in front of the sculpture on the Bermuda lawn of Cassel College after the principal was discharged from the hospital after fighting Deadpool this year."

A girl reached out to take the photo in Fu Nian's hand.

"The owner of the Inuyama family has never been to Kassel College, so he may not know about the Bermuda lawn. This is a lawn that the principal likes very much. It took him many years of hard work..." Fu Nian began to chatter uncommonly, as if This will ease the embarrassment of being cold.

When the photo was passed to Inuyama He, Fu Nian's voice slowly stopped.

Inuyama He looked at the smiling face of Ange in the photo, and the smile on the corner of his mouth could no longer hold on.

This is an old man who looks younger than him.

Although the old man is full of white hair, his spirit is exceptionally full of passion. In the photo, there is an almost excited laugh at the corner of his mouth, as if the other party is watching an exciting football game. It just so happens that the team he believes in kicks Kicking the balance of victory into the embrace of the champion, someone happened to capture this scene for the other side.Freeze the time in this old man laughing like a child.

Although there is a deviation in fact, it is not too big. At that time, the principal who had just escaped from the hospital was engaged in an exciting brainstorming output competition with Elisabeth Laurent of the school board.The two compete against each other to solve the number of math problems.

From elementary school, middle school, high school, university...

When Anger showed this excitement, it represented the first time that he, a Ph.D. student from Cambridge University, fell into a disadvantage in the competition.He is very relieved.Because he is an educator.It is a very satisfying thing for him to watch the gratified junior surpass himself.

The hearty laugh in the photo shows his happy and wanton mood at the moment.Although this doesn't match his image as an old school board member, it still has a bit of a connection with his image as an aristocratic old gentleman.

Inuyama He looked at the man in the photo, and there was a ripple in his expression that others couldn't understand. He remembered that when he first saw him, he was still a young boy, and the other person looked like a white-haired old man.When the other party left, he was just a middle-aged man, and the other party was still gray-haired.

But now nearly 60 years have passed, and he has also changed from an upright middle-aged man to the unsmiling pillar of the family in charge of everything in the past, and has also turned into the gray-haired old man of the other party, but Inuyama congratulated him. Unfortunately,

Instead of getting older, the other party was much, much younger than at that time.Time seems to have forgotten this old man of the last century.Let him play hooligans and fool girls in every corner of the world...

Yuan Zhisheng looked at Inuyamaga's state at the moment, and was keenly aware of a strange mood swing in the air.

This mood swing is very light, so light that it almost disappears in a flash.This is something he can hardly detect in Inuyama Ka.

After a long time, I saw Inuyama He put down the photo in his hand and looked at Fu Nian opposite.

"Did he say anything?" Inuyama He looked at Fu Nian and asked.

"The principal said, Ah He, long time no see." Fu Nian's voice instantly made the room audible.

In the hearts of everyone in the room, Inuyama Ka is the head of the family who must be respected with all his life.With his majesty and status, there is absolutely no one of the younger generation who would talk to the other party like this.In addition, the country of Japan has always been known for its dignity and order. In the dark world of the underworld, this rule is as deeply rooted in the hearts of the people as an iron law.

Even Yuan Zhisheng, who is the young master, will show due respect to Inuyamaga.

Ahe's name was something that Yuan Zhisheng would never say, something they would never dare to hear.

Yuan Zhisheng also subconsciously glanced at Inuyama He, the reason why he can appear here is because he wanted to supplement with a brief message from the other party.I hope that the other party can recognize the strength of the other party and not cause trouble for the family.Although the communication between them ended before it started.

But fortunately, Inuyama Ka at the moment didn't seem to feel that there was anything inappropriate. After listening, he silently glanced at the photos on the table.

"I see."

As he said that, Inuyama He suddenly picked up the wine glass in his hand, and slammed at Fu Nian.

All the girls around hurriedly picked up their wine glasses.Looking towards Fu Nian.

Fu Nian also slowly picked up the wine glass that was prepared in front of him.

There is sake in the wine glass, and the golden yellow liquid seems to be the purest sunlight from the top of Mount Fuji.

The elegant taste filled the air with a different aroma.

Fu Nian looked at the liquor in his hand, and inexplicably thought of whether the other party would mix it with psychedelic poison. After all, although they looked peaceful on the surface, there was no guarantee that they would not suddenly attack suddenly in the next moment. After all, Japan is a country that pays attention to emotions and anger.

But in the next second, Fu Nian laughed by himself, definitely a little too cautious.Because this kind of method is too low-level, one is that he doesn't believe that the other party will attack in such a small way.Second, even if he did, it would be of no use to Fu Nian.

Just kidding, can a dragon be picked up by a glass of poisoned wine?
Unless it's made of mercury.

"Regard the principal! Our great dragon slayer!" Inuyama He said sincerely.It can be seen that he is really speaking from the bottom of his heart at this moment.

"Regard the principal." Fu Nian said.

"Regard the principal!!" All the girls around said together.

In the scene, only Xia Mi obediently knelt and sat next to Fu Nian, as if she really fell asleep.

Everyone drank it all in one gulp, and the moment the wine flowed down their throats, the light atmosphere around them suddenly became warmer.It seems that at this moment they have a common topic and a common emotional channel. While the wine is acting on the body, the air is slowly unfolding in his respective emotions.

For a time, the host and guests enjoyed themselves.

If this continues, it will be an extremely joyful feast of hospitality. The head of the Sheqi Hachi Family, Inuyama, the first-generation executive director, and the current executive director personally manage the village. Harmony.The girl on the third floor spoke softly and softly, everything seemed so beautiful.


Yuan Zhisheng, who was drinking with his head down, suddenly raised his head. At this moment, he was extremely sensitive to the emotional changes of the old man next to him after drinking the glass of wine.

There is a feeling of being a confidant one moment and an enemy the next moment.This glass of wine seemed to be the cutting line between them.

"Fu Nian." Inuyama He's voice carried the vicissitudes of time.

"I heard from the young master that you are an extremely rare S-level student in this department."

The surrounding atmosphere was quickly covered by another breath, just like a burning fire was suddenly poured with a basin of cold water, and the surrounding scorching environment instantly became deserted.

There was even a hint of coldness mixed with the desertedness.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned.Is Patriarch Inuyama finally going to show his ultimate purpose, is he finally going to meet him after drinking?

He rushed from Otaru to Tokyo, and rushed to Inuyama He before Fu Nian, there was only one thing.

That is to explain Fu Nian's strength to Inuyama He very well, even if it is to show his failure vividly in front of Inuyama Patriarch.He was prepared for this.I just hope that the family can pay attention to the young man sent by this academy, so that the family's past small tricks can end here.

But fate made a joke after all. Yoshitaka Hasegawa's team rushed to Yuzao when he entered the room a second before him at a speed not weaker than his own.He didn't have time to explain anything to Inuyama He.

All eyes fell on Fu Nian.Waiting for the other party's answer.

"No," Fu Nian shook his head slowly. "Although I'm S-rank, at least I'm not the best." Fu Nian looked at Inuyama He opposite, with a faint smile in his eyes.

Fu Nian didn't seem to notice the changes around him at this moment, making people smile and look at each other, as if they were really old friends they haven't seen for many years.

"Fu Jun is humble." Inuyama He said with a smile.

"Without humility, at least Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire who invaded Cassel Academy a few months ago, was not killed by me."

Fu Nian's voice was like a thunderclap, sending a bolt of lightning into the air that had just cooled down around him.
The room was terribly quiet. When Inuyamaga didn't express his opinion, none of the girls dared to speak. Even their breathing became cautious, as if they were really afraid that their breath could blow out the burning candles behind the room.

Inuyama He suddenly laughed, looking at Fu Nian facing him, the corners of his mouth rose, "There are indeed a lot of talents in this department,"

"The head of the family is humble," Fu Nian looked at Inuyama He with a smile on his face, "Does the branch also have many excellent commissioners? Look, everyone here must have at least a bloodline that is not weaker than A-level."

Fu Nian looked at the two rows of beautiful girls around the long table, with a hint of envy in his voice,
"There are so many excellent mixed races, and there is an S-level raw child master, which is rare in the headquarters, and all of them are so beautiful. I am afraid that only the Japanese branch can cultivate this kind of background. It seems that the Patriarch attaches great importance to me."

Inuyama He's eyes suddenly narrowed at the moment the other party's voice fell to the ground, looking at Fu Nian on the opposite side, suddenly he felt that he might have underestimated the other party.

Not everyone can have the ability to tell at a glance that the opponent is a mixed race, but also to judge the level.At least I can't do it now, thinking of Inuyama Ka, I looked at Yuan Zhisheng on the other side,
Yuan Zhisheng shook his head at him.

For a while, Inuyama He became more curious about Fu Nian.

"Since you can tell that they are of mixed race, I wonder if you are interested in them?" Inuyama He looked at Fu Nian with a smile in his eyes.

After finishing speaking, Inuyama He looked at a girl on the other side and spoke without waiting for Fu Nian to answer.


"Yes." Among the girls, a girl with a kendo girl's high ponytail straightened her body.Her face was very refreshing, and she was wearing a very loose cherry-white kimono.

Standing up slowly in Inuyamaga's voice.

"Patriarch Inuyama." Yuan Zhisheng reminded.

He didn't think that Inuyama He asked Shi Jinzi to get up to sit next to Fu Nian, or to sit on Fu Nian's lap.

The girls here are carefully cultivated by Inuyamaga over the years. Among them are popular stars, kendo geniuses, musicians, dance masters, etc., and all of them are indispensable in today's Japanese society. key figures in status.

They are the pride of Inuyama He for so many years, maybe he will give them away when he is happy, but this happy time is definitely not now, and the person who sent them will not be Fu Nian.

"It doesn't matter, young master. It's just a sparring session. Shi Jinzi will take care of it. And I also want to see if the S-level commissioner of our headquarters has the level of our A-level mixed race. After all, the previous Exchange students are very weak."

At this moment, Inuyama Ka has completely torn down the curtain in front of the stage.Looking at Fu Nian on the opposite side, there was a hint of provocation in his smiling eyes.This was his purpose in the first place, this was the purpose of the family to let him appear here.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at Shi Jinzi who had completely got up and walked to the knife holder, and looked at Inuyama Kaga who was determined to test the opponent's strength, Yuan Zhisheng sighed helplessly.

After all, he came a step too late. When the opponent started, he should explain to Inuyamahe how he fought against the opponent.

But it was too late now, all he could hope for now was that Fu Nian would be merciful, or he could only trust himself.Thinking of Yuan Zhisheng, he slowly put his hand where his scabbard was.

Fu Nian looked at Shi Jinzi who walked up to the knife holder step by step and chose a weapon.

Silently glanced at Xia Mi next to him, Xia Mi nodded indifferently.

 Thank you very much for the 5000 point reward of [Luobashan Runtang]!
(End of this chapter)

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