I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 240 Pull Payment! 【2 in 1】

Chapter 240 Draw and pay! 【[-] in [-]】


This kind of thing is too small, so small that they don't even care about the impact it will cause after they tear it down.

Anyway, Ange asked himself to come here for experience. Since it is an experience, it must be to brush monsters and upgrade, and it must have experienced some things.

Can this count?
Fu Nian hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and smiled helplessly.This must be too small, even if Ange took it for granted and sent it to his own file, he himself was a little embarrassed. This is like a county magistrate who asked hunters to go up the mountain to fight tigers, agreeing to include it in the county annals.

In a certain year and a certain month, the hunter Fu Nian went to Jingyang Gang and caught a certain frog and a grasshopper.

Does this still require the county magistrate to include it in the county annals? !Hunters are embarrassed to go up and lose face!

This is the case with Fu Nian now.If Angers' thick-skinned counted him, it would be this format that was placed on the school board.

In a certain year and a certain month, Fu Nian defeated the maid so-and-so in front of Yuzao.

Even if Angers thinks this is a very good record, this is an A-level mixed race master who is proficient in kendo.But Fu Nian didn't want him to be ashamed to be placed on the school board.

Even so, it didn't affect Fu Nian's mood, after all, meat the size of a sesame seed was also meat.Moreover, Fu Nian raised his head and glanced at Inuyamaga who was sitting in the middle.

Standing up slowly in the eyes of everyone.

"It's natural to learn from each other, and it's also okay to want to see my strength, but well," Fu Nian glanced at the girl opposite him with a clear face and a knife-like expression. The girl had already taken off the loose kimono on her body. He had already changed into a tight flesh-colored combat tights.This is obviously prepared by the other party, as long as the outer kimono is taken off, the flesh-colored tights will be inside.The skin is almost integrated with it, it is difficult to distinguish the gap.

The moment the clothes fell to the ground, his fiery figure was completely exposed to the air.But Fu Nian obviously didn't have this interest. He only glanced at it, then turned to look at Inuyama He.

"It's just that she is afraid that Patriarch Inuyama will be disappointed."

After finishing speaking, Fu Nian hurriedly turned his head to look at the girl opposite, with a trace of scrutiny in his eyes.

Shi Jinzi chose two small swords on the weapon shelf.This kind of sword is only two-thirds of the normal sword, about [-] to [-] centimeters in length.

This is a medium-length knife generally used by Japanese samurai as a secondary weapon for the tachi, and is sometimes called a wakizashi or wakiza.Kodachi is usually used in places where it is inconvenient to draw a sword, and because of its short size, it is easy to carry and use. It can be used as a weapon even without training in using a katana sword. Therefore, in a sense, it is often regarded as a weapon. It is a weapon for the weak, but no matter how weak a weapon is, it is still a weapon, and it will show different styles in the hands of different people.

At this moment, Shijinzi's swordsmanship school, which holds two small swords in both hands, is called "Little Taidao Two Swords Style". Its speed and excellent and flexible fighting style are impenetrable, known as "unbreakable defense".

Of course, the two-knife style is the most important thing about eyesight, because the eyesight must be excellent to predict the opponent's attack. This is also the essence of the premise of "first practice the eagle eye, and then practice the chopping method" in the two-knife style.

At this moment, Shi Jinzi was staring at Fu Nian who was facing him with full eagle eyes. Wherever his gaze passed was like a sickle sweeping across, even the air was cut into a stagnant vacuum by the sharp edge.It made Fu Nian feel like he was in a wheat field with needles on his back.

"Young master, what do you think of Shijinzi's aura practice?"

"Very good."

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the girl's gaze like a hunting eagle, and nodded involuntarily.His teachers are all Japanese kendo masters, and they once told him very clearly that the first thing kendo needs is a pair of eyes, a pair of determination to stare at the opponent even if the eyes are burning.Although there is still a little gap between Shijinzi's eyes and Zhizhen's own, this gap is not enough to have an excessive impact on the battle.

In other words, Shijinzi's two swordsmanship is now extremely close to the realm of a master. This is a terrifying talent. You must know that too many warriors have spent their entire lives on this road. Ended with regret.

The current Shijinzi has reached this state at the age of 20. Although there are many innate advantages brought to her by the mixed race, this cannot conceal her own talent in kendo.

"If there is no accident, Shijinzi will soon get the title of master of swordsmanship." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Shijinzi who was walking slowly with his body arched in front of him. This is a very common gait for swordsmen before attacking. Sending off is a way of advancing like gliding.

"There is still a lot of difference from the young master." Inuyama He looked at Yuan Zhisheng next to him sincerely and respectfully, with a hint of pride in his voice.

Yuan Zhisheng is indeed worthy of his pride, worthy of the pride of the family.Over the years, relying on his amazing talent, Yuan Zhisheng has shown amazing talent in various kendos. He even won the Munisen Medal of Natural Rishin-ryu Kendo at the age of 20, becoming the youngest in Japan The honorary title of Kendo Master.

"Does the young master think that Shi Jinzi has a chance to win?" Inuyama He looked at the two people facing each other in the open space in front of him.

In fact, it was a confrontation, and Fu Nian stood there in a daze, while Shi Jinzi circled the opponent like an attacking mother leopard with two small knives.

The fierce eyes, the tight corners of the mouth, and the downturned eyebrows, in every move, every moment of opening and closing, added an extremely amazing wild call to the refreshing Shijinzi's temperament.

Isn't it a way to add atmosphere to the wine game by beauties dancing with knives and guns?

Yuan Zhisheng: "No."


"Does the young master value him so much?" Inuyama He was not surprised by the other party's reaction at all, because he thought so too.

The appearance of Yuan Zhisheng here meant to treat the visitor with a gentle attitude in a certain sense. Although he respected this young master very much and was extremely willing to give him face, the family has family tasks.

He has his mission, which he cannot change.

"If you give me 3 minutes to tell my husband what I have experienced, you will be able to truly understand the true meaning of my words." Yuan Zhisheng looked at the battle ahead. The two people who were together seemed to have seen through the end of the matter at a glance.

"It's a pity." Inuyama He shook his head. It's not that he didn't give Yuan Zhisheng 3 minutes, but that Fu Nian didn't give Yuan Zhisheng 3 minutes. The other party stepped up the stairs, and Hasegawa Yoshitaka's pick-up team appeared Downstairs.

"The young master thinks that Shi Jinzi can let him use his strength? He can see Shi Jinzi's A-level hybrid strength at a glance, which proves that his own strength is not in vain." Inuyama He also understands that Shi Jinzi can't do it Fu Nian's opponent, it's not that he doesn't believe in Shijinzi, nor is he fancy the S-level status of Kassel Academy, but he believes in Angers' vision.

Fu Nian was sent by Angers to the Japanese branch as an exchange student, and he sent the most sincere greetings to Inuyama He in advance, signaling that as his junior, he should take good care of him and fulfill his duties as a senior .Don't make threats that are difficult for both parties to end.

He didn't know how sincere Angers' words were, but he knew that it was rare for Angers to send him an email for a student in person.At least for so many years, this is the first time.

Inuyama Ka is still very clear about the meaning contained in it.

Yuan Zhisheng hesitated for a moment, looked at Fu Nian on the opposite side, and then at Xia Mi who was sitting on the other side eating sashimi.

"Sir, I actually fought against the other party before I came here." Yuan Zhisheng finally planned to briefly tell the other party in this public place.

The smile on Inuyamaga's face visibly froze, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Yuan Zhisheng, looking at him strangely, even with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

He has never fought against Yuan Zhisheng, but Inuyama Ka, as the head of the Eight Great Families, and a core member of the Sheqi Eight Families, naturally knows what Yuan Zhisheng represents.

He is the emperor of Qishe Bajia, and Amaterasu Ming who has the blood of the emperor.The guy who was born to be above all living beings, and who can fight him without getting hurt, definitely has his absolute strength.

Yuan Zhisheng's current combat power is even more unattainable when they were young, and even now Yuan Zhisheng has surpassed most of the older generations and has become the top existence of the Eight Sheqi Sects.

But now Yuan Zhisheng is still growing and getting stronger. Inuyama He believes that he will definitely lead the Qishe Bajia to glory, but not now, he is still too young now.

"What's the result?" Inuyamaga looked at the open space ahead,

Because the battle there has already started, Shi Jinzi suddenly launched an attack holding two small knives, and a lot of Shi Jinzi appeared in the small open space in an instant, her speed was extremely fast, and her aura was also extremely strong .Since the beginning of the battle, she has been charging her own sword for a long time, the sharpness wraps her body, and the two katana wraps her palms,

It was not a person who launched the attack, but a sword, a sword with the will to kill. The two katanas in her hand merged back and forth, and the whole person turned towards Fu Nian like a rapidly rotating drill. Chest start.

"We lost." Yuan Zhisheng looked at the side face of Inuyamaga next to him, and there was no emotion in his voice.

In the next moment, it rubbed against the air violently, and the trembling Qingyue knife sang like a phoenix in the mountains and forests.One of the two small knives in Shijinzi's hand pierced Fu Nian's chest and heart, and the other knives were hidden on the back of his thighs in a defensive posture. With a suffocating sword roar.

But this resolutely Qingyue sword cry that contained pure will only sounded for a moment, when everyone was thinking hard about how to break Shijinzi's blow,
Fu Nian slowly stretched out his left hand, which was placed by his side, leaning on his toes and shifting slightly to the right, with one hand straight in front of him, bent, and ejected.

In Xia Mi's eyes, the whole movement was extremely slow, but in the eyes of Shi Jinzi and everyone around him, it was like lightning flashing across the ground, arriving in an instant.

The speed was so fast that Shijinzi only felt a gable suddenly appear in front of him, as if some mountain range disappeared in a flash, and then it was dark for a while and dizzy.

When everyone's eyes were half blinked and they didn't know why.

A sharp small Taidao suddenly fell from the sky, and the tip of the sword was stabbed obliquely in the center of the long table.

The shivering sound of the knife moved all the porcelain on the long table.

Immediately after everyone's incredulous gazes, a slender and graceful body fell among the girls, and the power remaining in Shijinzi's body was transmitted along the back to the girl holding Shijinzi without hindrance.

In an instant, a whole row of girls turned backwards in unison, and the kimono skirts on the toes neatly soaked their long white legs in the vast sea of ​​air.

The girls leaned heavily against the wooden white grid wall behind them.

There is still a trace of dust flying in the air.

"Pufu!" Inuyama He stared at Fu Nian's slowly lowered arm opposite him, and frowned inadvertently.

Visually!Breathe!The cut of the carp!Pay!cut!Blood shakes!Na knife!

These are the seven steps of Iai Zhan in Japanese Iai Dao. This set of procedures may seem simple, but it is an extremely difficult task to truly reach the state of perfection and reach in an instant. If you want to achieve any of them A single dismantling action used in combat requires ten years of repeated practice and absolute swordsmanship talent.Because the simple slash of Iai Zhan not only requires the talent of the swordsman, but also a sword move that requires the effort of the swordsman.For so many years, Inuyama Ka has certainly achieved the ultimate level of Iai Slashing.

That's why he was able to see the mystery of Fu Nian's casual wave at a glance.

The only one who saw it with him was Yuan Zhisheng who was beside him.

"The other party has a high attainment in swordsmanship?"

Inuyama Ka looked at Minamoto next to him with doubts. In fact, although it was a question, Inuyama He already had the answer in his heart. The other party was completely up to the standard of a master in terms of details and the profound meaning of moves. If so, that's all.The reason why I asked it myself was because I was too surprised in my heart!
The opponent's age seemed to be only in his early twenties, and he could actually understand their Japanese swordsmanship so thoroughly.He would never have believed this before, but one person changed his attitude a few years ago.

It was also a person who made him attach great importance to talent, and that person was Yuan Zhisheng next to him.Since Yuan Zhisheng came to Qishe Bajia, he began to learn various schools from Japanese kendo masters.From Beichen Yidao to Shendao Wunian and then to Jingxin Zhizhi, he has won the highest honor for his amazing talent and learning comprehension.

You must know that Japan is a country with an extremely long and profound history of kendo. Every school in Japan that has been handed down to the present is a school with an extremely large system and extremely rich content. It takes at least ten years to obtain the title of this school. 20 years, or even a lifetime of hard work.

But this process was shortened countless times by Yuanzhisheng. From the first year of Jingxin Zhiliu, who had just learned, he relied on his true strength to win the title of exempting everyone with a score of [-] times. The whole family was shocked, and then the patriarch arranged for him the Beichen One-Sword Style and the Shinto Wunian Style, and now he is learning the One-Sword Style for two days.

Yuan Zhisheng also looked at Fu Nian who stood in the center and looked at them with great doubts. Although he had a short fight with the other party, he didn't know much about him. He only knew that the other party was very powerful. very strange.Other than that nothing is known.

But now it seems that he has to label the other party as a master of swordsmanship,

But there was one thing that made Yuan Zhisheng very puzzled.Just now Yuan Zhisheng was not like Inuyama He was horrified by the fact that he had lost, Yuan Zhisheng's attention had been on Fu Nian from beginning to end.What made Yuan Zhisheng extremely puzzled was that,
Although Fu Nian used his hand instead of the knife, and the movements of drawing and paying were extremely amazing, his level was basically the same as his own.However, his movements before drawing and paying were as casual as he wanted, it was not like a sword move at all, even the gaze of Juhe Zhan!Tuna!The cut of the carp's mouth!It doesn't stick at all.

If you let Yuan Zhisheng describe it, the previous action is completely like a person lying on the bed and sleeping in a daze, then waving a fly on his face, the action is full of laziness, fatigue,
But it was followed by the bitter and venomous Pafu.There is no waste of any extra limbs at all. Under the extremely fast rendering, even if you face it yourself, you need to go all out.

The contrast between the front and back of the moves is so strong that Yuan Zhisheng couldn't figure out what the opponent's intentions were for a while. Could it be that he was using this way of suppressing first and then raising to confuse Shijinzi?
But is it necessary?According to the strength of the opponent just now, according to the strength of the fight with him, the opponent is not at the same level as Shi Jinzi in terms of strength, speed, or even the level of swordsmanship.

Is it really necessary to use this method to confuse Shi Jinzi?
Yuan Zhisheng couldn't understand this.It can't be said that the other party has cumbersome steps first and is too lazy to use it.

On the contrary, Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian who was standing in front of him, and also looked at Fu Nian who was showing a different skill from the earth and mountains in surprise. Of course, Xia Mi knew that Fu Nian was not lazy.

Although Fu Nian is often lazy.But not this time.

Xia Mi recalled it a little seriously, and finally, at the moment when Yuan Zhisheng cut off the travel train that day, he thought of the source of the other party's moves.

That day, Yuan Zhisheng also used Juhe to cut the train. Although Fu Nian changed the direction of cutting, the essence is still roughly the same after all.

As for why Fu Nian only used one of them.

Xia Mi naturally knew the reason, because he saw this style!

 Thank you [Suit or White Shirt] for your 5000 point reward!
  I owe it today.

(End of this chapter)

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