I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 242 Draw a Sword and Showdown

Chapter 242 Draw a Sword and Showdown

Yuan Zhisheng's eyes became more and more deep at this moment, and he glanced at Shijinzi who had fallen on the wall and had already sat down in his seat. Although the outcome of her battle was extremely embarrassing, she did not leave any injuries on her body.

Judging from what Yuan Zhisheng saw now, the other party's attitude is still relatively gentle, and it seems that they are defeated entirely for the sake of defeat.

No other mood swings.This is currently the most gratifying place for Yuan Zhisheng.If one of the two sides crosses a certain red line, he must personally stop it.

Even at the cost of losing the face of both parties, release your own spirit of speech!Yuan Zhisheng glanced at Inuyama Ka next to him.

At this moment, the eyes of the other party have become sharper, like a pair of swords that are about to be unsheathed, and there is a sharp edge exuding from every bit of his body.The whole person's state has been tense to the extreme.

This is actually not because Inuyama He attaches so much importance to the strength of the opposite Fu Nian.It's Inuyama He's respect for Kendo.In other words, every time he strikes the sword, he is in this state, concentrating and going all out.

He has absolute confidence in himself, with the blessing of his own words, no one except the principal will be able to block his sword.

With his extreme speed cutting, there is also no defense that can stop his attack.


Inuyama He looked at Fu Nian, who looked very lazy and relaxed, and even directly carried the sword on his shoulder. For a while, he had the illusion that the other party didn't take him seriously at all.
But this feeling in Inuyama He's heart was wiped out by him in a flash.

Although he has discovered countless flaws in the opponent's body now, and even himself has countless ways to kill and cut the opponent in an instant, Inuyama Ka has always remembered two things.

The first one is the scene of Shi Jinzi being chopped off by the opponent in just a short second.At that moment, he saw the opponent's absolutely thorough sword technique.A guy who can make profound achievements in kendo will definitely not be a waste full of flaws.

The second thing is that Yuan Zhisheng told himself just now that the other party was once frustrated by the other party.In fact, he didn't really believe in this matter, but in another aspect, this matter expressed Yuan Zhisheng's importance to the other party.

The guy who can make the young master pay so much attention to him, the S-class of Kassel Academy is definitely not in vain.

Inuyama Ka is old, but his heart has not become negligent because of this, but he has become more vigilant and cautious when fighting.Give each of your opponents the respect they deserve.

The fact that the two things happened just now means that the opponent's strength is above an extremely powerful level.Judging from the mission given to him by the family, so far, he has a reason to end the battle.

But he chose to continue to learn more about the level of the other party's strength. Only in this way can they make more reasonable arrangements for the two exchange students.Let them not affect and destroy the family's follow-up actions.

Inuyamaga's breathing began to become extremely slow, and there was nothing between the two of them, only the heavy and suffocating air was still slowly solidifying, like a pot of rice porridge that had been simmered until the soup disappeared.It's so viscous that it sticks together even when you breathe.

A sharp edge became sharper and sharper in the air, like countless blades across a person's neck, so sharp that even the air has the property of killing people with blades.

"Get out!"

suddenly!A low-pitched voice suddenly exploded in the frozen air. The voice seemed to be an order from the king, causing Inuyama Ka's body to change instinctively in an instant.What surprised Inuyamahe even more was that he actually found that he was now a little faster than usual when he was out of the knife.

The clear sound of the sword resounded in front of Yuzao.

Visually!Breathe!The cut of the carp!Pay!cut!Blood shakes!Na knife!

Inuyamaga and Fu Nian passed by, Onimaru Kunisun was still in the scabbard,

Standing behind Fu Nian, Inuyama He bowed his body and maintained the posture of drawing his sword.

This moment is but a moment.

It's over without even blinking from the girls around.

If someone slows down and analyzes the video of this scene carefully, they will find that in the blink of an eye when the two passed by, an extremely short and fierce and dangerous scene happened.

At the moment when the sound of the air suddenly exploded, Inuyama He quickly got up, took a step, drew the sword, swung the sword, held the sword flower, and put the sword back into its sheath.

After finishing a complete set of "Jihe", the seven steps are intact, the figure is as light as a girl dancing on her toes, and her movements are as magnificent as an eagle spreading its wings.This is a knife with strict laws, cutting through any grievances in the world with extreme speed.Like Jinsuke Hayashizaki, the swordsman who avenged his father.

Sixth-order moment, 64 times the speed of cutting!

Cut out time, cut everything into pieces.This is Inuyama He's absolute slash. In the process, he thought he had saved enough life for Fu Nian,

Because he cut the knife to the opponent's abdomen, as long as the opponent is not cut in half by himself, then he has absolute confidence to save the opponent's life,

As for the serious injury, it was just a little lesson for him to disrespect his elders.

But this is entirely an extension of Inuyamaga's inertial thinking based on past experience against the enemy.And the video slowing down is completely belonged to Inuyama He.

The time continued to replay, elongated to the moment when Fu Nian's voice burst out.Like a roaring lion hunting, Inuyama Ka suddenly stretched out his claws towards the world.Inuyama He draws his sword out of its sheath, swings it and cuts it out,

The whole movement is done in one go, the angle of the ninja knife, the movement of the limbs, the landing of the eyes, everything has reached the state of being superb and free-wheeling. At this moment, Inuyama He is completely integrated with the sword. Now, nothing can stop his progress, nothing can go against his will.

But when the ninja knife he clenched in his hand was about to cut through the air through the opponent's clothes, pierce the opponent's skin, and cut the opponent's muscles for a moment,

A Han sword wrapped in white bandages all over his body suddenly appeared on his path of ninja sword.

The thick blade of the Han Sword is like a huge mountain that even the Andean vultures cannot climb, just standing there, just standing there simply, the power emanating from it makes Inuyamaga feel a powerless impulse.

This force extends along his blade to his wrist, along his wrist along his arm to his heart, and then flows along the heart to his limbs.

In an instant, that thick powerlessness pressed down on his shoulders like a mountain.

The two passed by.

Inuyamaga maintained the posture of withdrawing the knife, arched his body, and lowered his eyes. The sharpness of his whole body seemed to be consumed in an instant. At this moment, he once really realized that when Yuan Zhisheng said he was defeated ,
That faint sense of powerlessness contained in it.That kind of feeling is simply a mountain, a huge mountain that is thick and stretches for tens of thousands of miles, and weighs hundreds of billions of tons. This is something that can be cut off with a single knife by some human power.

He is Inuyama He, he is not Chen Xiang!
Suddenly, Inuyama Ka, who was bowing his head, suddenly raised his head, and a vigilant ominous premonition suddenly flashed across his expression.

Seventh-order instant, 128 times the speed of cutting!


The surrounding time became stagnant and difficult to flow again in an instant, and Inuyama Ka suddenly turned his head within his own domain to look at Fu Nian, whose back was facing him.

But in the next second, his expression became extremely horrified. In his line of sight, Fu Nian also turned around slowly, with the bandage-wrapped Han Bafang in his hand.

look!Tuna!The cut of the carp's mouth!

Although the opponent's speed is still a bit stagnant in Inuyama He's eyes, it's like a movie screen with one card after another.But this is a movie screen that Inuyama Ka has watched countless times.The range of this movement, the precision of this expression, and even the vibration of the air due to swinging the knife are exactly the same as his current Juhezhislash! !

Pay!Cut off!
Knowing that he couldn't retreat to avoid the opponent's swinging sword, Inuyama He tensed his nerves, and quickly swung the ninja sword in his hand. Relying on the speed of his speech, he kept up with the opponent at the moment of the second attack. above the unified frequency.

The sound of knives colliding together reverberated in every corner of the room like shattered glass.

Inuyama He's Ninja Sword and Fu Nian's Han Bafang collided fiercely.

Blood shakes!Na knife!

Fu Nian's speed began to become faster and faster, and the two of them were doing uniform and standard movements in unison, as if there was a mirror between them.

Except for the difference between the sword holder and the sword holder, the two are exactly the same in terms of body movements, sharpness of expression, vibration of the air, and even the will emanating from their bodies.

The two passed by again, and Qingyue's trembling and clashing knives were still echoing in the air.

The two turned around at the same time,
Visually!Breathe!The cut of the carp!Pay!cut!Blood shakes!Na knife!

The third round of Iai's slash collides,

Continue to turn around, the fourth round, the fifth round... Inuyama Ka and Fu Nian stick to the body and go back and forth. Every time, Inuyama Ka pours out a torrential rain of sword light, and Fu Nian puts Han Bafang in front of him to block each other Actions.

The sound of the knife cutting through the air is like the impact of a huge wave hitting a stone at high tide. Even the trembling air is mixed with the sharp smell of piercing the skin.

As the collision between the two deepened, Inuyama Ka's lingering question became more intense.

His movements and even his understanding of kendo are obviously at the level of a kendo master, but!

But why is the opponent's actions so rigid! !
Obviously you don't have a scabbard! , why are you still doing the action of drawing the knife? Shouldn't you just skip the other steps and draw and pay!Cut off!
Pay!Cut off!
Pay!Cut off!
But what does that mean?
Outright mockery of me?

For a while, Inuyama He even forgot why the other party caught up with his speed!
(End of this chapter)

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