I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 243 This power is wrong!

Chapter 243 This power is wrong!


When the speed between the two became more and more intense, an incomprehensible posture appeared in front of Inuyama He instantly.

Inuyama He looked at the Han Bafang sword that suddenly flashed in front of him, and his expression was suddenly surprised.

Just when he was still thinking in his heart why the opponent didn't directly omit the steps and directly attacked him, the opponent actually omitted the step of Juhe's Slash in the next hedge.

Draw out the babu from Iai's slash as you like!Cut off!

The broad Han Bafang long sword appeared in front of Inuyama He in an instant, and the heavy force in the air blew Inuyama He's loose skin back and trembled.
In the blink of an eye, Inuyama He knew in his mind that he couldn't stop this attack, not because the opponent omitted extra steps to make the opponent's speed extremely fast.

It was the power that the other party blessed Han Bafang that made him feel an extremely terrifying pressure, which he had never experienced before. At this moment, he seemed to be an insignificant fly in the storm and tsunami.For a moment, he felt that he was hallucinating.

How could human beings emit such terrifying power! !
The air was torn apart rapidly, and the sharp whistling sound was like the explosion of an atomic bomb compressed in a narrow trajectory.The strong wind and huge waves destroyed Inuyamaga's inner pride like a wasteland.

In the next tenth of a second, this force will completely roar on his ninja sword, and will bring this thorough power along the ninja sword from the wrist to all corners of the whole body.I would also fly out like a cannonball, falling from the third floor in front of Yuzao to the door on the first floor in front of my daughters.Eventually continue along Tokyo's buildings and extend to the bay...

Is that right? !Angers!Is this the sample of the model disciple you brought to me after more than 60 years?
Powerful, young, and even terrifyingly inhuman!Even in terms of temperament, even in appearance, he will throw his former self one block, two blocks.At a glance, the gap between the two is no longer unattainable to describe, but a gap like an abyss that makes people unable to raise the strength to resist.

Is this proving your vision of Angers to the disciple who once made you deeply ashamed? ! !

Time flies back in an instant.He still remembered the figure who beat himself to the ground with a bamboo sword in the kendo gym.

"I don't despise gangsters, I just despise trash! Want dignity? You can! Just beat me!" Anger sneered in his ear.The sound seemed to come from the roar of artillery fire, slaughtering the American troops.

That undisguised mocking tone, that undisguised look of contempt.In an instant, Angers' old figure seemed to walk behind Fu Nian from the long river of time.

Both of them had just raised their chins and raised their swords high.

Inuyamaga's brain was suddenly blasted blank, and only a broad sword was left in his sight after the blank.

He instinctively waved the Onimaru Kunizun in his hand.

Ninth-order instant, 512 times faster cut!

cut!cut! !cut! ! !

The 18-year-old boy in Inuyamaga's soul let out a roar like an angry lion, Onimaru Kunisana unsheathed, and the arc drawn was like a flash of light on the dusk horizon.Because of the extreme speed, the blade had already bent, and this ghost-slaying sword was on the verge of breaking.

There has never been such a fast knife in history, and there has never been such a killing intent of Jiazi. The lonely time is enough to cut time.Cut off the past!
I am very pleased!

Onimaru Kunizun finally surpassed the speed of sound at this moment, the effect of the sonic boom swept across the room, the high-frequency vibration of the air was faster than a knife, and the crazy trembling turned every particle of dust and every strand of hair around into a murderous weapon.An invisible field appeared between the two.Everything in the field is his weapon!
This is not just a blow of the sword, but a blow of his will, his Juhe ultimate will bring the surrounding screaming and trembling surrender.It is bound to destroy everything on the opposite side.

Even if there is a mountain on the opposite side!He wants to chop it up too!
A tenth of the time it finally ends its life anyway.

At the moment when the time in the room ended, the reins under the feet of time were finally loosened, and time began to flow rapidly.Everything around has returned to the normal flow of time.

Amidst the surprised expression on the girl's face, a figure suddenly flew out from the center of the collision, with unparalleled defeat, smashing the sliding door of the door like a shell.

But after all, it stopped at the edge of the red railing on the third floor.It's not that the quality of the railings here is so good, one is stronger than steel, but that the force of the impact has come to an end at this moment.dissipated in the air.

When the girls had a complete look at the faces at the end of the railing, the surprise on each face turned into horror, and then one after another, they rushed towards the railing with all their might.

Fu Nian stood where he was, looking at Inuyamaga at the opposite end with his chin raised slightly.

At this moment, his body is almost the same as before, the black suit is still so neat, and even the hair on the tip of his eyebrows is the same as before.

But Fu Nian looked at Inuyama He with a strange expression.Seeing Inuyama He getting up slowly under the support of everyone, Fu Nian slowly raised Han Bafang in his hand,
Offset one finger down in the middle of the blade.The torn bandage left a gash cut by a sharp knife.Under the flickering lights above the head, the pale golden blade was revealed.

"You are very good." Fu Nian looked at Hanbafang in his hand, and slowly raised his head to glance at Inuyamaga who was already standing opposite him.

Although in the eyes of the girls around them, the two of them only watched a single firework for one minute, but there was a fierce speed collision between the two of them.

And what surprised Fu Nian was that at the moment when the other party broke out just now, the speed of the whole person made him feel a kind of trance illusion. have encountered things.

The burst of speed at that moment really gave Fu Nian the feeling that he might be hit. Although even if he was hit by the weapon in the opponent's hand, it would not leave Fu Nian with any injuries, at most he would be cut a little. layers of clothing.


This is a shame!If I am a dragon king who owns the double thrones of earth and mountain bronze and fire, if he is hit by a hybrid who doesn't even have the blood of a pure-blooded dragon.

Even if it was hit by negligence, it would be a life-long shame, and there was another little female dragon watching the battle.To put it more seriously, I'm afraid it will lose the right to mate.

Fortunately, Fu Nian reacted the moment Inuyamaga's sword was about to fall on him, and presented the Han Bafang in his hand on the final path of his attack at a speed and angle that Inuyamaga could not understand.

Relying on the speed at which the air can be ignited into flames, relying on the meteorite hitting the earth, the aura that would rather die than return, the sword slammed into the blade of Han Bafang, and Inuyama He immediately faced a force that was stronger than the meteorite hitting the earth. A more powerful force field.

The force that bounced back to his blade was not a wall at all, but a mountain, a flaming mountain that was boiling and burning from the inside out.

At that moment, Inuyama He really thought that he was going to die, and under that indescribably huge force, he even saw his past life played out in front of his eyes.

Newborn, child, youth, adult, old age...

Inuyama He knew what was going on, when his elder sister was on the verge of being beaten to death in the street for the sake of the family, and the elder sister whose blood couldn't stop lay in his arms and told him what happened at this moment.

She said: "Ahe, it turns out that what Dad said is true. When a person dies, he can really see his own life clearly, moving forward slowly like flowing water, illusory and cold..."

At that time, the eldest sister's body was indeed cold, and she lost her human warmth little by little in his arms.

At that moment, he seemed to have returned to his eldest sister 60 years ago. At the moment when the blade touched, he pulled his entire soul back to the past in history, which was a fragmented childhood.

Memories of the past flowed quickly in front of his eyes. The faces of the eldest sister covered in blood and the second sister covered in festers, which he will never forget, waved to him through the veil of time, just like what the elder sister said, Unreal and icy...

Startled! ! !
Suddenly, the picture in front of Inuyama He dissipated quickly, and everything was broken like the glass of the floating cloud in the past, followed by the scorching power transmitted on the wrist, which completely threw his body out.

The broken door, the splash of sawdust, the shock of the back hitting the railing.

But Inuyamaga showed a puzzled expression, staring blankly at the luxurious glass world in the sky.

This power is wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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