I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 244 It's Out!They are out!

Chapter 244 It's Out!They are out!

The power is really weakened.

At the second when Fu Nian blocked the swing of the sword, his power instinctively lost its weight, and it was about to reach 50.00% of the Dragon King's power.

You must know that if this power is released, not to mention Inuyamaga, even the entire Tamamo-mae, and even all the buildings on the line [-] meters in front of Tamamo-mae will be reduced to ruins in an instant, and will even be burned to the night. For the raging fire of the day.At that time, not to mention the Japanese branch would be at a loss, I am afraid that even Angers as far away as Chicago would become at a loss.

Fortunately, at the moment when the final aura was about to condense, Fu Nian reacted, recovered his strength, and the aura collapsed, controlling it to a level that Inuyamaga could accept with skill and experience.

But even so, this force is so huge that the gravity carried by Inuyamaga when he opened the ninth step can stop it.

So there was the scene where Inuyama He appeared on the railing.

In fact, this result was a bit beyond Fu Nian's expectation. According to his judgment of his own strength just now, Inuyama Ka is at least going to fly out of the front gate of Yuzao.

But it only stopped at the railing on the third floor.And what surprised Fu Nian was that when the two weapons collided, there was a gap in the bandage he was wrapped around.

This is something that he has never encountered before using Han Bafang to directly touch the bullet.

Fu Nian looked at Inuyama He who stood up silently with the support of everyone, and looked at the Taidao obliquely inserted beside him.

Inuyama He pushed away the support of the girl beside him, and stood silently opposite Fu Nian, looking at the man's expressionless face, but at this moment, the other party gave him a different feeling.

That is no longer a boy who looks good but looks bad.It's a mountain standing on the top of a mountain overlooking them.

The mountain is majestic and straight, vast and long.

"Ange has taken in a good disciple."

After a long time, Inuyama He's voice slowly sounded from the opposite corridor. The old man turned his body and started to walk slowly towards the corridor on the second floor. At this moment, Fu Nian's eyes were filled with infinite curiosity in the eyes of Fu Nian. curtain down.

"Patriarch Inushan." Fu Nian's voice sounded behind the other party.

Inuyama He stopped moving forward, but did not turn around.

"Principal Angers asked me to give you a letter." Fu Nian glanced at Xia Mi who was sitting on the seat and stared at him intently.

"Huh?" Xia Mi was taken aback.He had been paying attention to Fu Nian just now, and didn't hear what the other party said.

"In the second pocket of our bag, I put a letter." Fu Nian whispered to Xia Mi.

Xia Mi hurriedly flipped through the schoolbag, and took out a crumpled letter from it.This letter was indeed given to Inuyama He by Angers. Angers gave it to Fu Nian when they set off.

It is said that it depends on the mood of the other party, but of course it is not necessary to give it to the other party.

Fu Nian asked, to see whose mood it is.

Angers said, look at Inuyama He's mood.

At that time, Fu Nian didn't know who Inuyamaga was, nor did he know what mood Inuyamaga should give him.The letter followed him across the ocean, soaked in the smell of the sea.

But now Fu Nian felt that everything was so appropriate, even the smell of the sea was so appropriate.

Shi Jinzi quickly walked out from the girl, took the letter from Fu Nian behind him, and followed Inuyama He.

"Yoshitaka, send Fu Jun to the hotel." Inuyama Ka turned his head and glanced at Hasegawa Yoshitaka who had been standing at the door, and then glanced at Minamoto who was still sitting where he was.

Yuan Zhisheng nodded slightly,

Then there was the sound of low footsteps, followed by a group of girls in gorgeous dresses and delicate faces.

The girl followed behind the old man, and the clogs made no sound when they touched the floor.

"Fu Jun..." Yoshitaka Hasegawa was about to speak when he was interrupted by a raw voice from the other side.

"Let me take Fu Jun to the predetermined location."

Hasegawa Yoshitaka glanced at Yuan Zhisheng in surprise and dared not speak, he had no room to refute, even though Yuan Zhisheng was talking to him in a questioning tone, he couldn't disagree.

Yuan Zhisheng glanced at Fu Nian, and Fu Nian nodded.


"Sakura, tell me, why has the young master been away for so long and hasn't come back? Will they fight?"

The crow looked at the girl sitting next to them with cross-legged legs. The girl's jet-black hair fell from her shoulders like a waterfall. At this moment, the girl was looking at the mobile phone in her hand, her slender fingers sliding down the screen, something light blue The light curtain illuminates the girl's soft and fair skin extremely softly through the ripples of the air, like a soft jellyfish in the deep sea, making people want to step forward and pinch it.

This is a very rare moment for a girl, or a very rare moment for the other party to relax. In their long life as a partner, Crow rarely sees such a relaxed posture of a girl.As for going up to touch it, even if the crow jumped from here, he didn't dare to reach out.

The three of them sat side by side on the edge of the roof of a building tens of meters high.This is a hotel opposite Tamamo-mae.They swayed their feet in the air, and underneath was the asphalt road dozens of meters away. Rows of light yellow orange lights on the road were like fireflies flying in the grass at night.

In their eyes, the cars passing by on the asphalt road at any time are like beetles passing through the grass.

Everything is so small at this distance, even the rainbow-like Tamazamae in front of them.

Sakura crossed her legs and looked lazily at the mobile phone in her hand, while Yasha bored herself playing with pushing a train with a deck of cards.

The crow sat between the two of them and looked at this and that.

In fact all his attention had been on the slim girl on the right.In his observation, girls who don't usually play with mobile phones have always been immersed in the world of mobile phones.

Under the bright blue light curtain, the crow appreciates the ultimate charm, but it is only charm.

"Yeah, they haven't come out for a long time!" Yasha impatiently joined the ranks of ready to chat, it was so boring, he now has the look of playing poker and feeling that life is full of wisdom .

Although it is not the first time they have waited for the young master outside, it is the first time that they have waited so long, because the young master is very fast every time, and it does not exceed 10 minutes from the time he enters the room to when he comes out look.

The longest and the longest is only half an hour, this situation is completely the state of the other party after taking the medicine.Afterwards, the young master will be very tired.

But now they have been waiting outside for nearly two hours, entering from the young master, followed by Fu Nian.

How strong the opponent's character is, and how powerful the combat power is.Crow and Yasha witnessed it with their own eyes. Although the original intention of the young master was to go in and persuade the fight, but at this time, it doesn't look like he was successful in trying to persuade the fight.

If it hadn't been for the fact that there hadn't been any explosions inside, they probably would have rushed in with Chicago typewriters.

"Sakura, what do you think?" Crow ignored Yasha who was approaching beside him, looked at Sakura, and stared hard at the screen of Sakura's phone.

It's a pity that Sakura was extremely keen to discover the crow's intentions and glared at him.

"Warning, peek again, I'll throw you down from here."

The crow looked embarrassed.Although he didn't quite believe Sakura's vicious tone, he also knew that he shouldn't keep peeking.

When he was about to turn his head to play poker with Yasha, Yasha next to him suddenly let out a cry.

"Out! They're out!"

Yasha pointed to the wide open door in front of Tamamo.At the same time as the door, a large group of girls in gorgeous kimonos lined up densely, leading to the black stretch car at the end.

Then a group of bodyguards in black windbreakers appeared, and surrounded by them was an old man in black haori. The old man walked slowly among them, followed by a group of beautiful girls.A group of people walked slowly towards the car.

After 5 minutes, the car starts.Heading towards a certain direction in Tokyo, he went away.

"It's Patriarch Inuyama." After a long time, Yasha looked at the crow beside him and said.But there was a hint of a different metaphor in his eyes.

He looked at the crow, and the crow also looked at Yasha in amazement, both of them saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"The Patriarch is injured?" Yasha looked at Yasha and spoke in spoken language.Because when they just watched with the binoculars, it was extremely easy to find that Patriarch Inuyama's movements were not smooth, even extremely sluggish, like an old man who just got out of a wheelchair and tried to walk.

But before the crow could reply in spoken words, he heard Sakura next to him glaring at him suddenly.

Yasha hurriedly covered his mouth tightly.Indeed, this kind of thing is not something they can discuss.Even if they were behind the scenes, once they were discovered, their end would be to use their ashes to dedicate their remaining value to the city.

Crow inherited Yasha and turned her head to look at Sakura with horror.What Yasha can discover, he naturally discovered.

Although Patriarch Inuyama is trying his best to cover his body, and the people around him are also trying their best to form a dense human wall to avoid the eyes of idlers, but no matter how they shade the sun, they will never think that there are these three people at an altitude of tens of meters. Guy, witnessed this scene with binoculars.

Although Patriarch Inuyama tried his best to cover up his sluggish actions, they, who had been fighting on the front line of the streets all year round, could tell the clues at a glance.It's so obvious.Patriarch Inuyama's actions were too obvious.It took the other party a full three minutes to walk through the short passage of less than five meters.

It can only be said that the injuries of the Inuyama family are too serious, so serious that it is difficult for a powerful opponent to maintain the situation.

For a moment, the crow was really terrified.It can seriously injure the head of the Inuyama family! !

He didn't even dare to think, would such a person really exist! !Others may not know what Patriarch Inuyama's words are, but they follow the young master all year round, so they know it very well!
Setsuna!Who can seriously injure a man with extreme speed! !

"Young master!" Crow exclaimed suddenly.

When he reacted, he found that Sakura had already run to the end of the stairs.

On the mobile phone that was thrown on the rooftop by the other party casually, it was playing the beautiful night view they saw on the tall buildings in Tokyo tonight...

Sakura shoots the Tokyo night scene for Minamoto.

 Thank you [Book Friend 20210803161137507] for the 1500 point reward!
  Thank you [Book Friend 20210721172251883] for the 500 point reward!
  In addition, I still remember that I owe a watch.

(End of this chapter)

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