Chapter 245


Fu Nian sat on the back seat of the Hummer and looked at Yuan Zhisheng in front of him.

This Hummer was brand new, and Sakura was sitting next to Minamoto.

There was another Hummer behind them, but that Hummer was broken, the front of the car was on the verge of being scrapped, and it followed behind them humming,
Yasha tried hard to control the steering wheel in his hand, while the crow tried to control the direction they were going.

Xia Mi raised her head and looked at Fu Nian who was sitting next to her, with a faint smile in her bright eyes.

Fu Nian looked at the glass on the window next to him, and the street lamps outside were moving quickly behind them.

Fu Nian naturally knew what the smile in Xia Mi's eyes meant. The only person present in the battle between him and Inuyama Ka could know the disparity between them was Xia Mi.

"Why did you appear here. I remember you were still in Otaru this morning?" Fu Nian focused his attention on Yuan Zhisheng in front of him.

"I learned about Patriarch Inuyama's actions this morning, and I think the things here are more important than the things over there." Yuan Zhisheng looked at the night scene in front of him, and said slowly.

"I'm here to help, I'm afraid I'll hit too hard and your family won't be able to bear it." Fu Nian raised the corner of his mouth.

"Not really."

Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng who was staring at him through the rearview mirror strangely.The other party's eyes are serious, like a child in love saying I love you.

Fu Nian knew that this guy was telling the truth.But the more this happened, the more strange Fu Nian felt.

"You look like a strange guy now. Standing on your own side to protect the interests of your opponent? Shouldn't you be judging me on the side of the Snake Bajia? You look a bit like the second child in the Sopranos." Wu Zai, according to your philosophy of loyalty, your fingers will be cut off and you will be expelled from the family."

There is an irritable smell in the air.

"First of all, you are not our opponent, let alone our enemy. Although the Japanese branch has some prejudice against the commissioner of the headquarters, we have always been allies.

Secondly, the problem you mentioned is not a problem at all. I am the young master of the Bajia of Snake Qi. Naturally, I want to protect the overall interests of the family. For the family. " Yuan Zhisheng spoke slowly.

The air was silent again.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the passage ahead, with a different charm in his eyes.

Finally at a certain moment, Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian in the rearview mirror and spoke slowly.

"However, thank you for your mercy tonight."

Fu Nian was taken aback suddenly, and inexplicably glanced at the childish eyes in the rearview mirror.

Yuan Zhisheng's voice continued,

"I was able to rush here from Otaru today because I wanted the family to dispel Patriarch Inuyama's mission against Fu Jun. But according to the current situation, I have failed."

"I'm actually what I call it." Fu Nian shook his head.

"Of course I can see that Fu Jun has no malice towards us, so I thank Fu Jun again. The family's attitude towards you is a bit problematic. I believe that after I contact the parents in the follow-up, I will definitely respond to it. There is some compensation."

"I'm very content if you can keep them from having any follow-up troubles, but I don't really care if there is."

"I understand that according to Fu Jun's strength, there are very few people in the family who are your opponents. Except for a lot of trouble and feeling a little tired in my heart, it doesn't have much influence on Fu Jun. Instead, we have to Face Fu Jun's consequences after their failure." Yuan Zhisheng spoke to Fu Nian.

"Actually, that's not the case." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng and shook his head. "In a sense, I look like you are here to make trouble for me."

Yuan Zhisheng was taken aback.

"Let me tell you the truth." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng and said frankly,

"Although your branch and our headquarters are said to be a superior-subordinate relationship between the alliance, you don't think so. You have even always felt that being a vassal was a shame in Kassel College, and you have always wanted to get rid of this relationship. In fact, you Now it seems that it does have this strength.”

At least in the appearance of the Japanese branch that Fu Nian sees now, they do have this strength, just among the girls who attended Inuyama He's third-floor banquet tonight, all of them are A-level mixed races lineage.

Although having A-level pedigree does not mean having A-level strength.But among them, Shi Jinzi, who fought against Fu Nian, also had at least the strength of the A-level mixed race of Kassel College.

Although I don't know if the strength of those girls is like this, just in terms of the number of bloodlines they have.The number of A-level hybrids appearing now is almost the same as the number of A-level hybrids in the Kassel College Student Union.

And this is only what Inuyama He showed Fu Nian tonight, so does Fu Nian have the power to see it, and this is only the Inuyama family in the eighth family of Snake Qi in the next five families.

In terms of high-level combat power, although Inuyamaga's strength made him feel that he could not keep up with Ange, he followed the opponent's weird and extreme sword speed.Fu Nian felt that there were not many people in Kassel College who could be their opponents.At least not the vice-principal who drank all day, although the old guy's advantage is not fighting.

And there is also a super hybrid whose bloodline is almost dragon-like and whose consciousness is completely unaffected by dragon emotions.

If it weren't for Lu Mingfei, who can inexplicably become a dragon in Kassel College, and whose strength can rival that of a dragon king, he would be standing up against a real dragon king like himself.

For a while, Fu Nian felt that in terms of the high-end combat power of the students, there really was a balance between the two sides.Although Kassel College has accumulated a strong foundation for a century, the Bajia of Sheqi is not a soft persimmon.

"This is also the reason why the commissioners of Kassel College have been bullied and suppressed when they came to Japan over the years. You want to tell the college in this way that you are not a soft persimmon that was randomly manipulated by others, and you are no longer It used to be the post-war ruins full of gunpowder.”

"Don't refute. Because this is something that the academy is confirming." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng's throat that was about to speak.

"I didn't intend to refute it, it is indeed a fact." Yuan Zhisheng nodded.

"So these years, Kassel College has sent fewer and fewer commissioners to the branch, so that in the first two years, there were almost none. You may be very happy for this kind of thing to happen, because this will be the key to your victory in the struggle. A proof."

"However, I'm here. The principal even announced in a very high-profile way that our best S-level students in the past century will soon arrive in Japan.

Then you also happily prepared a welcome ceremony for me at the airport.I want to use your best super hybrids and the headquarters to have a collision of strength.But unfortunately I didn't show up. "Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng's still calm eyes in the rearview mirror and continued.

"A few days ago, your appearance and your uniqueness made me think that the Japanese branch had discovered my tracks, indirectly teaching me a lesson.

But after tonight, I found out it wasn't.Or to be precise, I didn't know it was when I was at the airport.

Because the one who really came to test my depth is not you Yuan Zhisheng, but the head of your Inuyama family, Inuyama Ka. "

Yuan Zhisheng nodded, in fact it is true.

In fact, it was he who the family expected to test the opponent's strength at first, but Fu Nian appeared too late, late, and the current Yuan Zhisheng was busy with the tasks of the executive bureau.

Therefore, the Patriarch of Qishe Bajia handed over this matter to Inuyama He.

"As you can see, I am provoking Patriarch Inuyama tonight, first of all I have the strength.

Secondly, it is the purpose of my coming here. "Fu Nian paused.

Yuan Zhisheng looked closely at Fu Nian in the rearview mirror, while Sakura was driving the steering wheel.

"It's very simple. My resume is too clean. It's so clean that the school board doesn't agree to let me enter the door of the conference room. There's no way. The principal can only prepare some hard tasks for me to upgrade.

Therefore, Setsuko, Inuyamaga, you, and even Saki Hachika will be stepping stones on my way forward. "Fu Nian's voice instantly turned the already quiet air into a dead sea.

Sakura suppressed her breathing to an extremely low frequency, and she was a little thankful that she let the two guys Yasha and Crow go to the hummer behind.

Otherwise, if they heard such words, they would have to overthrow the sky. Of course, they were more likely to be thrown out by the other hand before the overthrow of the sky.

"Although saying this makes you feel that I am underestimating you, it doesn't matter, what I need is your unconvinced, and I am extremely happy for you to make things difficult for me next.

Because you don't know what kind of powerful existence this year's Kassel Academy ushered in, and you don't know what kind of monster Angers threw into your Japanese mainland. "

Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng in the rearview mirror, and the golden pupils in his eyes flickered suddenly, but this moment caused Sakura who was driving to stop suddenly, and his breathing became heavier instantly.

Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were instantly covered by golden pupils.

"Oh, that's right. I would like to advise you not to do any stupid things like assassination. We are still allies, not enemies. Although my methods are overbearing, I also have a sense of proportion, but you alone have the red line to try to cross that step.

You'd better pray that I die directly, because then, you may only face revenge from Kassel College.

But once I don't die, you will face devastating despair. "

Fu Nian tilted his head and thought for a while, then looked at Yuanzhi Shengdao seriously.

"Emmm, the threats and the confession are all finished. It's your turn."

The air was silent for a long time.

Until Fu Nian thought that Yuan Zhisheng would not speak anymore, a hoarse voice appeared in Fu Nian's ear.

"Actually, we don't necessarily have a hostile relationship, and you don't necessarily have to step on our shoulders to step into the palace of power. Although I know you have this strength, you don't..."

"Wait, wait. Let me interject." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng, "It is true that I stepped on your shoulders, but what I stepped on was not a palace of power. It’s just a small shop. I’m done talking, you continue.”

Yuan Zhisheng paused, and glanced at Fu Nian.

"There is a special organization in Japan. They are rooted in Saki Hachi, but they are hostile to Saki Hachi. If your goal is just to make your resume look good, I think they will be your good target. "

"Oh? What is it?"

"Fiendish ghosts."

(End of this chapter)

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