I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 246 Fu Nian: Pay attention to your tone of voice!This is Genji Heavy Industries!

Chapter 246 Fu Nian: Pay attention to your tone of voice!This is Genji Heavy Industries!


Genji Heavy Industries.

"Mixi Missi, this is Genji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., and I am Xiao Nian, your operator this time. Do you need any help?"

Fu Nian sat in a square in the office hall, on a standard work chair, propped his chin with one hand, and held the landline in the other hand to his ear, with a polite and standard smile on the corner of his mouth .

If the space is far away, the entire office hall is full of standard squares, but inside each square is a beautiful girl with a soft voice. They are all in black professional standard attire, holding a On the phone, trying to record something with a pen in one hand, every corner of the whole floor is filled with the voice of Hai Hai...

"Hello!? Why are you still a man? Where's my Xiaomi operator? Tell Xiaomi operator to answer my call, and hurry up, otherwise I'll make a report call!" A fiery male voice came from the opposite side. There is no room for threat.

The corner of Fu Nian's mouth froze in a smile,
"Pay attention to your tone of voice, this is Genji Heavy Industries! This is the underworld headquarters! Believe it or not if you dare to threaten me and get someone to kill you later!"

The voice on the other side froze for a moment, and 2 minutes later, Fu Nian received another report and feedback.

Fu Nian cast a helpless glance at Xia Mi, who was sitting next to him, curled up in a chair with a pillow in his arms, playing games.

Xia Mi directly ignored Fu Nian's eyes at this moment, and moved his fingertips quickly on the screen.The pale black pupils flickered between the eye sockets, and the focused golden pupils were almost released.

She is playing a game called "Street Fighter IV". The original name was Street Fighter. It was discovered by Fu Nian and Xia Mi when they were shopping in Tokyo at night in Japan, but it is not a discovery, because this The poster of the game is too obvious, and it can always be found on the fluorescent screen outside every relatively large shopping mall.

On the poster, one, two, three, four, five... a lot of muscular men and women roaring arrogantly and passionately in fighting postures.

Originally, Xia Mi didn't like this at all, because she felt that the above actions were exaggerated and not fun at first sight.

But Fu Nian was more interested in this, so he took Xia Mi to the game store to buy a set of game consoles.

But the facts have proved that the works that can become popular have their own excellence and attractiveness, and Fu Nian even underestimated the degree of Xia Mi's duplicity.

Since Xia Mi came into contact with this game last night, until now, except for the time of eating, he has no intention of stopping at all. Every moment, Fu Nian can hear the gas consumption, gas consumption, K ... O's voice, Xia Mi is completely like an Internet addicted girl, ignoring everything around her.

She didn't even bother to pay attention to her own work, leaving it to Fu Nian to handle.

Although Japan didn't intend to make Natsumi work hard, their presence here was entirely a task they asked Saki Hachika or the Japanese branch to arrange for themselves.

After meeting Inuyama He that night, I don't know whether Yuan Zhisheng played a role or they were conquered by Fu Nian's strength.

When Fu Nian returned to the hotel, it was as if he had been forgotten by the Sheqi Bajia. Not only did he not receive the deliberate suppression as expected, but the food was delicious and delivered, and he stayed for nearly half a week with food and accommodation included. Someone will follow.Fu Nian really thought that the Sheqi Bajia had forgotten them. (Of course following their underworld is also here to help them pay.)
But this is not a matter. Finally, when they were feeling bored, Fu Nian called Yuan Zhisheng.

At that time, Yuan Zhisheng seemed to be performing some mission, the scene was chaotic, and even Fu Nian could hear a lot of screams, but it is undeniable that after 5 minutes, they received a call from the deputy director of the Japanese Branch Executive Bureau Telephone.

Tell them that someone will pick them up and drop them off to work at Genji Heavy Industries the next day.And they also prepared more than a dozen job options, but without exception, they were all clerical jobs.

Just when Fu Nian was about to get angry, Xia Mi chose a job as an operator, and then helped Fu Nian choose a job in strategic planning.


Then they go to work.

Today is the second day of work. One of the reasons why Fu Nian appeared at Xia Mi's side was that Fu Nian's work was purely a decoration. Apart from punching cards at get off work and getting paid after work, the rest of the day was spent playing cards and sleeping with colleagues.

But Xia Mi's side was different. From the second hour she went to work, Xia Mi's hotline was blown up.

Because all the mafia gangs who have been offline have heard that there is a single girl with a sweet voice and a beautiful appearance among the operators.

Those people don't know whether they are beautiful or not, and they also don't know if they are single, but they have a sweet voice that they are absolutely sure of.

All the customers that Xia Mi has received, without exception, spread like a virus, one spreads to ten, ten spreads to hundreds, and within half an hour there will be countless calls to the hotline of the family.

The operator is the waiter of the hotline of our family, and the phone is open 24 hours a day. For the underworld members affiliated to our family, they are the most powerful evidence that our family shows that we collect protection fees to protect them. There will always be people on this floor of Genji Heavy Industries. Hundreds of operators waited to hear their calls for help.

When setting up this hotline, the family requested that the service must be better than the police call from the Metropolitan Police Department, and the tone and attitude should also be friendly.When encountering earthquakes and tsunamis, they also answer calls for help from civilians,
In other words, this is a call for help equivalent to 110. As long as you have needs and difficulties, our family will listen to your appeal more intimately than the police station, and arrange corresponding medical treatment for you according to the extent of the matter. rescue operations.

But one day when Xia Mi went online, the hotline of my family, which was relatively deserted at one time, was blown up, and Xia Mi's single-line phone was so crowded that my family was helpless. Hearing whether the voice of the operator named Xiao Mi has the magical power to penetrate the soul as his companion said.

So the underworld gang who were lucky enough to receive Xia Mi's call listened to the hung up call, and then vividly narrated the excitement in their hearts to their unknown companions.So the companion is talking to the companion of the companion...

On the second day of becoming an operator, Xia Mi's novelty of curiosity was finally exhausted.

A phone call called Fu Nian who was playing games upstairs, and answered the phone for him.

I found a comfortable soft chair from the operator's office and sat on it to play games for Fu Nian.

Then, Fu Nian received tons of letters of report.

Just like the current inquiry calls, Fu Nian himself didn't know how many calls he had received, so he casually wrote down the phone numbers, and then passed them on to the commanders of the executive bureau upstairs, asking them to arrange for their men to beat these disturbing calls. Public order guys.

Xia Mi cast a glance at Xia Mi, who had knocked out the opponent with the Dragon Fist. He originally thought that the opponent would put down the game console and take a look at him.

To his surprise, Xia Mi clicked the button to start the game again.Quickly select characters...

From the beginning to the end, there was no intention of turning his head away.

Fu Nian sighed helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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