I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 247 Don't worry my brother, Huiliyi will listen to the chapter carefully.

Chapter 247 Brother don't worry, Erika will be obedient. (seeking subscription)

at the same time,

The door of a certain Japanese room was pulled open.A man in black feathers walked into the room lightly.

Sitting in the living room is a man and a woman. Without exception, the two pressed the buttons on their hands quickly. In front of the screen, two anime characters quickly jumped around during their operations, waving each other to attack, and launching skills. .

The blood bars of each other's characters on the screen are also rapidly disappearing, but the expressions of the two people off the screen are becoming more and more dignified. The man focuses his gaze on the girl sitting cross-legged on the right. The girl is wrapped in dark red hair. Occasionally, the small ears twitch quickly, like an elf floating among the treetops in the deep forest.Relying on the dexterous posture to capture a different world floating in the air.

The girl is born with a face that is neither sad nor happy, even though it is her favorite thing to do at the moment, playing games with Yuan Zhisheng next to her.

At most, her eyes are shining, and there is a slight smile on the corner of her mouth. That smile is like the light leaves falling from the willow branches in the middle of the lake. Even though the ripples are only a little bit, they are silently warming the man's heart. world.He wanted the girl to smile happily, because that would be a very beautiful thing.It's like the moment when the cherry blossoms are fluttering under the cherry blossoms in spring, and even the breath has an irresistible warmth.

But this is a difficult thing, so difficult that the man once thought it was impossible. He has watched her grow up since he was a child, and has never seen her laughing, but they get along very well after all. After growing up, both Yuan Zhisheng and the man can feel the emotional changes of the girl from every move of the girl.Even a look.

Many philosophers in the world regard the eyes as a window through which emotions are most truly expressed. In fact, this is true. A man’s emotional fluctuations towards a girl are mainly through observing her eyes.

When she is happy, her eyes will be more vivid, just like the smiling mouth corners of the girl next door, even the air will become soft between her soft eyes, but this is rarely, very rarely, his only The few times I saw it was when the girl was playing games.And it was still when he was playing games with Yuan Zhisheng.Guys and girls playing games have always been disliked.

Other times her pupils are more like a mirror, clean and clear.But only this single world that reflects the outside world.

When many people see a girl for the first time, they feel that she is like a doll, with a beautiful face, a tall figure, dark red hair like a burning maple leaf, everything is perfect.But it is extremely lacking in vitality,

It's like the craftsman used the best glass for her eyes, but many people will be afraid if they stare at her eyes for a long time.It was a kind of grand and empty fear, as if falling into the boundless universe, surrounded by terrifying forces.

The man actually doesn't understand what game they are playing now, he is already old, and the most obvious feature is that there is a clear deviation in hobbies from the children.

But the men are immersed in it with relish just like them, but what they immerse in is the wonderful battle between each other, while what the men immerse in is the memories of their growth in the past.

Finally, the battle between the two finally came to an end, and a KO that was very familiar to men brought the world of the room back to reality.

It's just that at this moment, the man is looking curiously at the sullen girl sitting beside her. She doesn't have the excitement that the corners of her mouth turn up after winning the game, and even her eyes don't have the slightest light of emotional flow.The whole person sat there motionless, with his head down, looking at the buttons in his hand.

He didn't speak, and he didn't look up.

"Erikai obviously won the competition, why aren't you happy?" the man finally asked with a voice.

As he spoke, he stretched out his big old hand to stroke the girl's crimson hair.He is old, like a father and daughter, with kind concern in his eyes.

"Brother, don't concentrate." Erika typed this sentence on the game screen with the tip of her hand.

Yuan Zhisheng was taken aback, even the man was taken aback.

The two looked up at each other.

Yuan Zhisheng sighed helplessly.

He knows that Erika is a very sensitive girl, especially when there are not many things in her world, she will be more concerned about everything.

Yuan Zhisheng knew this, and he also knew the importance of himself in the girl's heart, so he never lied to her, and never let his emotions affect her, no matter how heavy the pressure he was bearing outside, he would When facing Erika, try to make yourself forget about these things.If he can't forget, he will choose not to come.

Even in such trivial matters as playing games.Every time he played against Erika, he would go all out, and he would rarely release water just to make her happy.On the one hand, Erika is really strong, and if he is so strong, he may fail in the end if he is a little careless.

The second is that Erika knows his tactics too well, and it will be seen if he releases water.Tonight, he didn't release the water on purpose, and when he entered the room to play with Erika, he set up a line of defense for the outside world and his current self, letting go of everything, but that line of defense is too weak, or the outside Things were stressing him out too much.

After all, when the man entered the room, the line of defense collapsed. He thought of the task he was about to face tonight, and thought of the figure of the man who had been his focus all along.

During this gap, Erika caught his flaw and knocked him out of the game.

"It's true, Erika." Yuan Zhisheng looked at the girl, with an apologetic expression on the corner of his mouth, "I've had too many things these two days, so I'll play with Erika when I'm done, okay? "

Erika looked up at Yuan Zhisheng in front of her.

In those deep rose-colored pupils, Yuan Zhisheng felt the desire to shake his head.

But in the end, the girl lowered her head, rummaged through the small pocket of her maiden uniform for a long time, and took out a pen and a small note from it.write down
"Big brother, don't worry, Erika will be obedient."

The corners of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth suddenly turned up, looking at the sparkling pupils in the girl's eyes, he seemed to see the blue sky rippling in the middle of the lake for a moment.Even the things that made him have no clue in his heart were no longer bothering him.

The man standing next to the two burst out laughing, looking at Yuan Zhisheng and Erika at this moment, he unconsciously thought of Erika's evaluation of Yuan Zhisheng after the two met for the first time.At that time, he arranged for the two of them to go to the playground to play, which was rare and one of the few outings for Erika.

The day after he came back, Yuan Zhisheng sat in his room, looking at the note in his hand, on which was written Erika's comment on him today, the comment, "Brother is lazy".

He smiled and told Yuan Zhisheng, "Zhisheng! This is really her highest compliment to others! You should cherish it!"


"Father, why are you here?" Yuan Zhisheng looked at the man standing beside them.

The man's name is Tachibana Masamune, the owner of the upper three Tachibana families of the Saki Hachi Family, and the current patriarch of the Shoki Hachi Family. He has held this position for decades, and once saved Japan from the abyss of the abyss. He is the benefactor of the entire Qishe Bajia underworld family, and the most respected and highest-status man in all the underworld families!

In other words, he is now the emperor of the Japanese underworld!
Yuan Zhisheng usually called him Daddy. The reason why he called the other party Daddy was not that the other party was really their father, but that he resembled their father. For so many years, Tachibana Masamune treated him and Erika He has always been with them as a father, caring for them with the most tender and kindest care.

Although he is not their father, in Yuan Zhisheng's heart, he has long been his only father.So he has always called each other by the title of daddy in informal occasions where there are no outsiders.

"It's true that people have been looking for you for a long time, and they finally learned that you are here. I don't have much to do. I thought I didn't have time to take a look at Erika for a long time, so I rushed away. come over."

Tachibana Masamune sat casually somewhere in the living room, glanced at Erika who was next to her with her head down, fiddling with the game console in her hand, and thought about it.

"Erika, you can play alone for a while, but don't make any noise, okay, my brother and I have something to talk about."

Erika's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly looked at Tachibana Masamune's obedient nod.Immediately, the game sound effects were turned off, and the whole person clicked on the game to start and select a character with extremely fast hand speed.

She couldn't understand what they were talking about, and she wasn't interested in hearing what they were talking about, but she was happy for them to talk in her room, because then she would have a very different feeling, feeling that there was warmth all around her. Satisfied, that feeling made her very comfortable.She loves it.

Of course, if she could play games beside them while they were talking, then she would be even more satisfied...

The game started quickly. This time she was playing "Street Fighter". She quickly selected Chun Li, which she often used. Chun Li is a Chinese character. In the background of the character is a beautiful and beautiful ICPO (Interpol) special investigator.

His opponent is Ryu, but this is not unusual, Ryu is a character she often encounters, and there is nothing unusual about it.

It's just that this time, what makes Erika more curious is that the other party's ID is actually a name called, taking my brother to the supermarket.In fact, the name is nothing unusual.

But the reason why Erika noticed this thing was because she knew what a supermarket was, and her elder brother Yuan Zhisheng took her to sneak away from the family's guards late at night one day.Although it was only once, her impression was exceptionally deep, and it can be said that it left an indelible memory in the girl's heart.

I didn't care about these, because the battle had already begun.

"Haoyougen!" Xia Mi's fingertips danced on the skating rink like the tip of a knife, and the ups and downs of each other brought his own uncontrollable emotional fluctuations.

Fu Nian, who was just laying down the stall next to him and not doing business, carefully looked at the expressionless Xia Mi, for fear that if he accidentally breathed too heavily, Long's last trace of blood would die under Chunli's heavy blow.


Finally, Fu Nian's breathing became a little smoother, and he let out a long sigh of relief looking at Xia Mi who lost the first game today.

Just halfway through the battle, he found that the air was covered by a low pressure. Although the surrounding operator girls were working hard to invigorate the atmosphere, the low pressure of this model was like an ice sheet that would not melt for thousands of years. Thoughts.

It was just on top of Fu Nian's head.

Finally, the battle was over, and so was the air pressure.

Although Xia Mi was defeated, Fu Nian breathed a sigh of relief.

"So you are happy?" Xia Mi raised his eyelids.There was a hint of depression familiar to Long in the deep eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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