I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 248 It's been a long time since Hui Liyi met an opponent on the same level as his broth

Chapter 248 Erika hasn't met an opponent at the same level as her brother for a long time


"Is what Dad said about this evolutionary medicine? Although there are indeed some problems with this matter, I am letting them deal with the details. I believe that a specific report will appear on Dad's desk soon. Come on. Please rest assured, father."

Yuan Zhisheng looked at Tachibana Masamune opposite with firm determination in his eyes.

He has always been like this, and he will always do what he promised. He has a sense of justice and a responsibility in his heart, and he has always been fearless for that responsibility.But it was also that responsibility that made him lose a lot of things in the past.

Although the current appearance makes him look more like an adult.

"Maybe I'm going to disappoint Zhisheng, according to the latest news I just received." Tachibana Masamune looked up at Yuan Zhisheng who was opposite him,
Yuan Zhisheng still sat upright on the spot, looking at him opposite, with deep and firm eyes, as if no matter how desperate things he said from his mouth, he would not be moved.

He knew that Yuan Zhisheng didn't hold on to anything, indeed after that incident, he had already made up his mind, and there was nothing in the world that could easily scare him.

"Just now, the executive bureau just sent me the news that Noda Daikichi, who was protected by us at the headquarters, has been confirmed to have escaped.

And before leaving, he attacked the staff of the Yanliu Research Institute branch we stayed here, and took away the latest results of the evolutionary medicine we were researching inside.At present, the head of the branch, Genichiro Ryoma, has listed this matter as the focus of attention, and dispatched three executive bureau teams to pursue it. "

Tachibana Masamune looked at Minamoto who was opposite him and was not talking.But Yuan Zhisheng knew that there was a but behind the other party.

Otherwise, Tachibana Masamune would not have appeared here while he and Erika were resting. Dad is a very considerate guy.

If you can talk during working hours, I will never chat with you during leisure time.When the subordinates have the ability to solve it, they will never let the captain do it.Even if this matter has already burned his eyebrows, as long as he can't kill anyone, he will definitely be able to hold back until the second before his eyebrows are burned.

"But?" Yuan Zhisheng looked at the squirming lips of the man opposite.

"But I think things may not be that simple." Tachibana Masamune looked at Yuan Zhisheng, "I always have a bad feeling that this matter will not be so simple, and I always feel that something will happen. So I secretly sent two teams ahead of the three teams of the executive bureau to search for clues about Noda Daikichi.

Without exception, all were not found.Noda Daikichi seemed to have evaporated from the world. He completely disappeared from the world after attacking our experimental base. "

"Dad suspects that the ghosts have sent people to meet him?"

"Currently, the only ones who can do this in Japan are the ghosts."

"We seem to be too late?" Yuan Zhisheng knew that he could pick up Noda Daikichi when they were negligent, so they must have taken the action of the Eight Snakes to stop them.So now the place where they are most likely to appear can only be the stronghold of the ghosts.Even the documents stolen by Noda Daikichi are most likely to have been in the hands of the high-ranking demon ghosts.

"No." Tachibana Masamune slowly shook his head. "If this is really the case, then I won't appear here. After the incident, I focused on making Kaguya Ji pay attention to the Goklekan area. According to Kaguya Ji's network penetration, an hour ago, A group of unidentified men in black appeared. Their goal was to go to the Gokle Pavilion. Through Kaguya Ji, our satellite tracking and photographing showed that we got this photo."

Tachibana Masamune put a photo in his hand in front of Zhisheng, on it was a somewhat blurred side face, but the moment he saw that face, Yuan Zhisheng recognized the other person's identity at a glance.

Daiji Noda!

"Gokulekan? Noda Daikichi?" Minamoto looked at Tachibana Masamune.But in fact, he already understood what the other party asked him to do.

"The Bliss Hall is a casino recently established by the Devils, but there are a large number of members of the Devils gathered in it, and even according to our internal information, the leader of the opponent, Ryoma, is also among them.

This is something we have learned, but at this stage we are not yet able to launch a large-scale attack on the ghosts.

But we can't let the evolution medicine of Yanliu Research Institute fall into the hands of fierce ghosts. The taboo door cannot be opened, and what is hidden behind it is definitely not heaven but hell!If you pursue the power of the dragon, you will be devoured by the dragon! "The man frowned deeply.

"Father, I will go in alone and bring the other party out." Yuan Zhisheng's voice did not hesitate at all, he knew that this was the purpose of the other party's coming here, although it was extremely dangerous inside.

But it was also because of the extreme danger that he had to go all the more.Not only because of his status as the young master, but also because he is the most suitable.Because he is also the emperor!

"I've wronged you." Tachibana Masamune looked at Yuan Zhisheng and nodded.

"To be able to share the responsibility for the father and the family, isn't this what the young master should do."

"The executive board and your personal status in the family have been rising recently, and I am very pleased. In this way, I can safely pass on the position of the head of the family to you, and I will hand over all of this to you as soon as possible." Tachibana Masamune spoke.

"Father knows that I don't want this." Yuan Zhisheng looked into the eyes of the man opposite.

The air is quiet.

Tachibana Masamune sighed helplessly.

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a long time before opening his mouth slowly,
"I have never been interested in the position of the head of the underworld. If you let me take over this position, aren't you afraid that I will disband the family? After disbanding the family, I can go to France... I heard that there is a good place to eat and die place, I met a French friend from the Internet, he has a small shop selling sunscreen on Montalive Beach, he is very comfortable."

"Is it still that place?"

"Yes, every summer he goes to the beach to open his business, and he can see hundreds of thousands of naked women in one summer. He only wears a sun hat and walks on the beach, carrying a wooden box containing various sunscreens. If he meets a woman with a good figure He gave the trial pack to the child.

After summer, the beach gradually became less crowded, so he locked up the shop, went to Paris to receive unemployment benefits, and reopened the next year. Yuan Zhisheng looked seriously at Masamune Tachibana with longing in his eyes, "How wonderful is that kind of life, you don't have to stuff a gun under your pillow when you sleep, and you can drink until you're dead drunk."You can go wherever you want..."

Tachibana Masamune looked at the boy who was talking so eloquently across the way and remained silent. He had nothing to say, and he had nothing to say. The grown-up child thought about the sea, and he was an old bird who tried to imprison the bird in the cage. It is completely incomprehensible, even though this birdcage has power and power that the outside world does not have, the young bird's yearning for freedom far exceeds these.

"Let's not talk about this. Dad. When do I leave?" Yuan Zhisheng looked at the man opposite to change the subject.

"I have arranged four teams of support personnel from the executive bureau for you, and they have now secretly gone to the Osaka area, but because there are a large area of ​​the ghost gang's subordinate gangs, in order not to expose unnecessary troubles, we can only To meet you in a stealthy way.

And they won't follow you into the Bliss Pavilion. Our large-scale entry into the Bliss Heaven will inevitably trigger the reaction of the ghosts. At that time, the situation will become even more uncontrollable. Before we are ready to destroy them, this It's what we try to avoid. "

"Then my task is to enter it and find Noda Daikichi?"

"After entering, we will have someone to support you. Noda Daikichi has been injected with evolutionary medicine. You can choose to kill him on the spot, and then destroy the things that brought him into Paradise. And anyone who knows the contents of the things will be destroyed! "

"I understand." Yuan Zhisheng nodded.

"Zhisheng, your mission this time is to go deep into the enemy's rear. The degree of danger is naturally very important. The mission is naturally important, but your life safety is even more important. You must remember that once the mission is out of control, you must leave immediately. If the situation does not allow, You just use him." Tachibana Masamune took out something similar to a fire pocket from his pocket.

"Ignite it, and those of us hiding nearby will go to the rescue immediately."

"But at that time, the balance between us and the ghosts will be completely broken!"

"Then break the balance!" Tachibana Masamune looked at Yuan Zhisheng with sincere firmness in his eyes, "You must not have any accidents!"

The room suddenly became quiet, Yuan Zhisheng was smoking a cigarette, and looked at the man with firm eyes opposite him, he knew that the man in his words was under pressure that could overwhelm ordinary people.

Going to war with the fierce ghosts is something that can cause a sensation in the entire family, and on this matter, the heads of the family may not necessarily hold an attitude of approval.

Otherwise, the Bajia of Sheqi would not let the fierce ghosts erode their strength bit by bit under their noses.

On the other side of the room, the clicking sound of the game buttons was crisp and rapid, like an allegro of tapping, and the person who tapped did not seem to notice the heaviness of the air at this end of the room.

Erika stared at Ryu who was opposite Chunli with high concentration. This was already the third round of the battle against Ryu.

Although without exception, she can rely on superb detail operations to grind away the opponent's blood bar little by little every time,

But what can't be ignored is that every time the opponent fails, he will take the initiative to invite himself to fight again, and every time he fights, the opponent's operation in details will show an extremely obvious improvement.

Just like now, Erika can no longer defeat the opponent in the same way that she defeated her opponent twice, which makes her even more surprised.

The opponent actually imitated his own manipulation in the first two rounds with a very high awareness of manipulation.

This feeling made her feel like she was fighting against herself.The atmosphere surrounding her became even more anxious.Like a blazing brazier.

Erika hasn't met an opponent at the same level as her brother for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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