I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 249 Xia Mi, let's be reasonable!

Chapter 249 Xia Mi, let's be reasonable!


"Actually, we have a safer choice, Dad."

Yuan Zhisheng slowly extinguished the cigarette in his hand. During this silent process, he kept thinking about whether he should tell his father about it.Because this kind of thing is completely within their family and has nothing to do with other people,
But the moment his father mentioned ghosts, he still thought of the conversation by the car that night when he sent them back to the hotel.

At that time, after I finished saying the three words Mengguizhong, there was an extremely brief silence in the car.After the silence, there was an extremely crisp female voice.

The female voice said, my brother likes this kind of nosy thing the most.If so, please give him a dozen.

He didn't know if Fu Nian thought the same way, but at least the other party didn't refute it.

"You're talking about the two exchange students from the headquarters, right?" Tachibana Masamune said.

"According to the owner of Inuyama, I arranged for them the best hotel and the best personnel service, but two days ago, you asked me to arrange some work for them, and I gave them some clerical matters, But what surprised me is that they are worthy of being the excellent commissioners sent by the headquarters, even in the most ordinary operators, they are so good."

"But the father arranged them all unnecessary side jobs." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"You have seen them, and you are also the ones who witnessed the battle between him and the owner of the Inuyama family. You should know that they are not people sent by Angers simply to experience. They are a test by the headquarters for our lack of cooperation over the years. Even a time Suppression, we must take them seriously. I can't just give up on what I've prepared for so long."

"What if they're not?" Yuan Zhisheng looked directly into the other's eyes.

"But we can't take this risk, can we?" Tachibana Masamune's tone was still gentle.

The air between the two was silent.

"Let them try it, father. I believe in them, and with their participation, this operation will go very smoothly. As I was a witness to the battle between him and Master Inuyama, I am more Will know what he can do in this fight. That's what we need right now, isn't it?"

Yuan Zhisheng thought back to the scene where the other party was calm and unruly in front of him.The corner of his mouth suddenly became serious.If possible, he naturally didn't want his family to be a stepping stone for the other party.

But in this scene, he couldn't tell his father that his father was the ruler of a family, he was the head of the family, and when he knew that someone would talk so much about the family, he would use all means to completely wipe him out, even if this This matter will arouse the anger of the headquarters in Kassel, but for the sake of the family, Dad doesn't care at all.

But this is not the solution Yuan Zhisheng wants to see.Because then the family may have to experience a heavy loss before facing the wrath of Kassel Academy.That kind of loss is not something they can afford.

The air between the two fell into silence again, and after a long time, the man opposite Yuan Zhisheng spoke slowly.

"If this decision can really allow you to complete the task from the blissful sky safely, it is worth taking some risks for this old guy."

The corners of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth began to rise.He knew that his father had let go.Even if he knew there was still a follow-up.

"But!" Tachibana Masamune paused.

"But one of them has to stay on the headquarters side."

"A job as an operator?" Yuan Zhisheng was a little dissatisfied with the clerical job of operator arranged by his father.

"Whatever you do. You know the salary I arranged is purely superficial." Tachibana Masamune said.

"I'll go talk to them." Yuan Zhisheng nodded.

Tachibana Masamune sighed helplessly, but at the moment he looked at Yuan Zhisheng with gentle eyes,

The sound of fingertip keys in the room became clearer, and Yuan Zhisheng looked up at the girl who was sitting next to him in front of the screen, concentrating on it.

For a moment, the curvature of the corner of the mouth became more relaxed.

He stood up slowly, walked behind the girl, and watched the scene on the screen of the muscular Long being forcefully bleeding from the girl's attack.

Under the control of Eri Yi's hands, Chun Li repeatedly used the light foot punch and the thousand cracked foot.Long is also working hard to use defense, while trying to accumulate rage points, while trying to find a strategy to defeat the enemy.

Yuan Zhisheng used the reflection of the screen to see the pupils of the girl in front of him who were extremely focused. Under the light of fluorescent light, the dark red pupils were like fireballs flashing across the night sky.

He put his palm on the top of the girl's head, and he didn't wait for Eriyi's match to end before saying goodbye to her.Although he knew that was the girl's favorite way of saying goodbye.

But he also doesn't want to interrupt the girl's concentration at the moment. He knows that few people can make Erika enter this state. Erika is very strong, so in many cases, ordinary opponents will not let the opponent become Such concentration is why the other party looks forward to fighting with him.He is her brother is one reason, but the more important reason is that he is very good at playing games.

He was very relieved to watch the anxious battle at this moment. Regardless of the outcome, Erika would become very happy, because the change of emotions is something that Erika cherishes very much, whether it is good or bad.

But Yuan Zhisheng still hopes that Erika will win, because he is an older brother, and the older brother naturally hopes that his younger sister will be in a happy mood!
Retracting and putting down the palm on the opponent's head, Yuan Zhisheng planned to leave.He knew Erika could feel it.

Even if I can't feel it now because I'm focused on the game, Erika will definitely remember it afterwards.


Yuan Zhisheng, who turned around and was walking, suddenly stopped.A backward traction momentarily stopped his movements in place.

His clothes were grabbed by someone.

Turning his head, a piece of paper was stretched out in front of him at a rapid speed, and then the paper quickly slid down from the air.

In less than a second when he turned his head, the hand that was handed over had disappeared, and the sound of game buttons that had stopped fell on the game handle again.

Yuan Zhisheng stretched out his hand to take the note flying in the air,

On the note, the words "goodbye, brother" are clearly and scrawled.

This was obviously written by Erika the moment she turned around, but the girl is still loyal to the battle of the game...

The corners of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth raised slightly, and he looked up at the picture of being KO'd on the screen.The inadvertent depression between the eyebrows finally dissipated.


"Xia Mi won." Fu Nian tried hard to raise the corners of his mouth, trying to use his actions to get away from the low air pressure around him.

"Shut up!" Xia Mi raised his head and glared at Fu Nian.There was an unconcealable depression in the bright eyes.

"Oh." Fu Nian shrank his neck.

Smiling and looking away, trying to find a more relaxed atmosphere.

But as far as the eye can see, there is an endless grassland covered with green grass, only where he is, there is no grass growing.

Alas, women who play games are horrible.

Fu Nian propped his head, and quietly glanced at Xia Mi who was sitting there, frowning and depressed.

"What's wrong? Why are you still not happy after winning the game?" Finally Fu Nian asked.

The moment Fu Nian's voice fell, Xia Mi's face collapsed instantly.Stretch the game console in your hand forward

"Brother, come and help me fight! The other party just released the water. He actually stood there motionless!! This is a provocation to me, Chi Guoguo!"

"I'm not as good as Xia Mi..."

"I don't care, you come here. If you can't win, you go and tear down the game company for me!!"

"Xia Mi, let's reason..."

Before Fu Nian finished speaking, he froze in place for an instant.

Looking at the elevator slowly stopping on this floor in the distance, a group of men in black windbreakers strode out of the elevator.

There were two young men and a woman. One man had a tough look and movements, as if he was from a street gangster, and the other had a fair complexion and thin-rimmed gold-rimmed glasses, like a street thug.Although the last girl looked British and beautiful, her face was expressionless, and her eyes were cold with murderous intent.As if born a killer.

Fu Nian finally set his gaze on the man in front of the three of them. The man's face looked a bit feminine from a distance, but he had to say that he was a very handsome young man, and at the same time he was also a young man with a lot of aura. .

Standing in front of the three guys behind him, he really looks like a street boss. Fu Nianxiang is worthy of being the headquarters of the underworld, and they are worthy of being the guys from the underworld.

Sure enough, he looked like a street gangster.


"Little Lord!"

When the man approached Fu Nian's position, the head of the class who had been sitting in a separate space rushed out of the office in a hurry.

On his face, he looked like the emperor was coming, and the minister was terrified.

"It's none of your business here." Yasha glared at the man beside Yuan Zhisheng, who was the only man on this floor besides Fu Nian.

Fu Nian didn't know why a man was appointed as the head of the class on a floor full of girls. Could it be that he was trying to satisfy the other party's evil taste?
The head teacher stepped back obediently.

Yuan Zhisheng went straight to where Fu Nian was.

"Someone is here, Xia Mi." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng who had appeared within five meters of them in an instant. The other party was like a mixer stepping into the grassland, stirring up the surrounding air. It is the fragrance of the grass soaked in rain and dew.

Fu Nian slowly reached out to take Xia Mi's game console, and slowly moved her body over.

"Miss Xia, Mr. Fu." Yuan Zhisheng looked at the two and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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