Chapter 250 Bliss Hall


In the mountains on the outskirts of Osaka,
Fu Nian sat in front of the car and looked at the three words "Bliss Pavilion" shining with lights in front of him. The huge neon lights illuminated the surroundings like daytime.

Different from the luxurious appearance of Tamazamae located in the center of the city, the surface of the Gokkakukan is a big house in the mountains.

In front of the big house is a mountain stream and a delicate bridge. Beautiful girls in kimonos welcome and send off guests by the bridge.
Their samba dancers waving flamingo feathers stepped on drums and shook their chests, and waiters wearing Indian headscarves came and went to carry luggage for guests.

The winter is cold, and the men who get out of the car embrace the enchanting women in furs. The high heels of the women knock on the rocks.

There were men in suits wandering around the front and back of the big house.Their arms were open, showing the handles of their guns. They were heavy tactical pistols, using high-caliber Magnum bullets, so powerful that they could penetrate even police body armor.But the heavy recoil is also not something ordinary people can control.But what surprised Fu Nian was that all the guards here wore this kind of bullets.This can only show that they can completely control this kind of heavy firepower bullet.The profile also highlights the fact that they are not ordinary people.

However, Fu Nian looked around, and he was not surprised that there were mixed races. Yuan Zhisheng had told him before setting off that this might be a stronghold of the ghosts.But this amount is a bit too much.

As far as the eye can see, a team of hundreds of people is densely packed and distributed in every corner.

But the guests here didn't seem to feel anything wrong or uneasy, because they knew that as long as they didn't violate the rules here, they were absolutely safe, and these men were there to protect them.The more people there are, the more assured they are to play.

Fu Nian sat next to Yuan Zhisheng, and the two leaned against the inside of an ordinary black car, staring intently at the men in black walking around not far ahead.

"You seem to be curious about what it looks like here?" Yuan Zhisheng smoked a cigarette, looking at the guests coming down from the parking lot ahead.There was an expression in Fu Nian's eyes that he couldn't understand.This look is a bit like the stars shining in the distant sky in the dark night, hazy, but contains light.I don't know how other people are, anyway, Fu Nian feels that he can't understand why this guy has such a look in his eyes.

"It's really curious, but it's limited to curiosity." Fu Nian hesitated. The root of his curiosity was purely because he had never experienced such a strange thing.It's not that he has never experienced the combination of nightclubs and casinos. This kind of thing is everywhere. He even went to Yuzao a few nights ago.It's not that he hasn't experienced a heavily guarded base.At least from Fu Nian's point of view, Yuanshi Heavy Industry's defense is quite strict.

But the combination of the two is the first time Fu Nian has encountered it.And the more important thing for me next is that I have to kill and rob someone from among their nearly a hundred mixed races.It's exciting just thinking about it, isn't it?

"Then do you know what the Bliss Pavilion does?" Yuan Zhisheng continued to smoke, as if the thing in his hand was the only restraint that could calm him down.

"It's the casino. I don't know about the others." Fu Nian shook his head honestly.

Yuan Zhisheng nodded and said.

"The Bliss Palace is one of the casinos that the family has been paying attention to a few months ago. One of the biggest reasons for focusing on it is that the reason why it appears here is very strange, even very inexplicable."

Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng.

"You know, our Sheqi Bajia has always had a hostile force named Mengguizhong, but do you know why we keep them active under our noses but don't take action? Even this time the Noda Daikichi massacred A branch of the Yanliu Research Institute stole the evolutionary medicine that is currently extremely important to the evolution of the bloodline. All the evidence points to the ghosts, and even the ghosts do not deny it, but the family still has not made a decision to eliminate them. Just sent us to eliminate the evidence and clean up the killer. Any idea why?"

Fu Nian continued to shake his head. "Actually, what I'm more curious about is why you study evolution medicine."

"The root of the family's research on evolution medicine is to curb ghosts from the root. What we study is the medicine that curbs evolution, not the medicine of evolution." Yuan Zhisheng explained.

Fu Nian nodded half understanding. "Go on."

"The reason why we didn't choose to attack the fierce ghosts is because they are members of our family." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian who narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued, "Or they used to be members of our family, but for some reason Let them become bloodthirsty and murderous ghosts, they betrayed the family, and even in recent years, the time has grown bigger and bigger, the whole force has reached the point where the family has to pay attention. They are opposing the Bajia of Sheqi In the process, it gradually eroded our family's territory,
But the family has never taken any large-scale action against the ghosts except for the occasional cleaning up of the wandering ghosts.Do you know why? "

Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng and said nothing.He knew that Yuan Zhisheng didn't want him to talk either.

"Because all the ghosts are children of our eight families, if we have a war with them, then we will push them to the opposite side with our own children. This is a very cruel thing, and it is also a sad thing. Desperate thing."

"You really told me everything." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng helplessly, "Aren't you afraid that I'll tell Anger about it?"

"Principal Angers knows about it. He stayed in Japan for so long, it's not something we can hide." Yuan Zhisheng stared at Fu Nian intently.

Few people can meet their own eyes under his gaze, but Yuan Zhisheng has an illusion at this moment, he is a little afraid to look into the other's eyes, and instinctively wants to avoid it subconsciously.

"Tell me about the Bliss Pavilion. I'm not interested in why you don't go to war with them." Fu Nian shook his head.

"Before that, I have one more thing to thank Mr. Fu."


"Thank you Fu Jun for trusting us."

Fu Nian frowned, "How to say?"

"Fu Jun can leave his sister in Genji Heavy Industries with peace of mind, isn't it an act of reassurance for us. While I thank Fu Jun, please rest assured that her safety will be given the best at Genji Heavy Industries High-quality guarantee." Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were serious.

For this mission, both Fu Nian and Xia Mi readily agreed to Yuan Zhisheng's request.Xia Mi stayed at Genji Heavy Industries, and Fu Nian appeared in the suburbs of Osaka.

"You don't need to guarantee her safety." Fu Nian cast a glance at Yuan Zhisheng, "You'd better pray that Yuanji Heavy Industries is fine."

"Genji Heavy Industries will be fine." Yuan Zhisheng vowed.Obviously, he didn't really understand what Fu Nian meant.

Then Yuan Zhisheng gave Fu Nian a detailed account of the Bliss Hall.

Bliss Pavilion is a large casino that has only opened in the last two months.It is said to be a big casino, but it can accommodate not many gamblers. It is less than half of other casinos.

But there is no limit to playing here, so gamblers carry ten times the stakes of other casinos.

All the gamblers who came here knew that Bliss Pavilion had a gangster background, but it was normal for the casino to have a relationship with the gangsters, and the casinos they frequented before also had gangster backgrounds.

But the difference between Bliss Pavilion and other casinos is that it claims to satisfy all kinds of wishes of gamblers. Winners will be respectfully invited to the VIP room and served with vintage wines. The manager had a drink with him, and asked the guests if they had any wishes after getting a little drunk.
The important thing is that they can make any exaggerated wishes, such as spending a good night with the heroine of a popular Japanese drama, or having dinner with the Prime Minister. Of course, guests can also propose to have dinner with a popular actress, or with The Prime Minister spends a good night together... These wishes are still decent. The ulterior wishes are like buying a young virgin from Thailand to increase your luck, or even ruin the business opponent's long as the customer wins enough money and Hope to transfer the money to the wish fund set up by the Bliss Hall, and they can all get their wish.

No casino in Tokyo dared to be so arrogant, no matter how close their relationship with the underworld was.Illegal industries also have their own rules. For example, in the custom industry, young girls who voluntarily accompany old men in drinks are ignored, as long as they pay a certain percentage of protection fees to the local underworld.

But if a female high school student is forced to sell herself, someone will intervene, and the result may be that the forcer loses a finger or two.

The gangsters also have to abide by the rules. Japan is a place of rules and traditions. No one dares to cross the border. If they cross the border, they may die.Because they have a family of Sheqi Bajia that maintains order.But the Bliss Pavilion is a place without rules, where the winners speak, and the desires of the guests can be satisfied to the greatest extent. No one will pursue dirty, illegal or even bloody desires, and all risks are borne by the Bliss Pavilion.

The Bliss Museum is a place where you can do whatever you want, a lawless place, it doesn't matter whether the law is not the law or the rules are not the rules, and only money is used to talk here.

Guests who are slightly related to the Japanese underworld are in awe of the Gokle Pavilion. The casino here is like a demon flower blooming in the mountains of Osaka, which violates the season and never fades.

But those who have experienced it in the Bliss Pavilion can hardly resist the charm of this demon flower. They drive here from all directions to gamble with boxes of cash as if possessed.

Because only gamblers who have won big money can raise their wishes, such small bets are very rare in the Bliss Hall. No matter the gamblers who win or lose, everyone pushes out more chips with a grim expression.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing the enchanting female manager kneeling beside him when the chips piled up in front of him, inviting him to the VIP room for a drink. , until the door of the VIP room is closed.

(End of this chapter)

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