I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 252 My name is Xia Mi.what is your name

Chapter 252 My name is Xia Mi.what is your name

It may be that the girl has a really bad temper today, or it may be that the surrounding environment has just changed and made her feel very insecure.

The Impossible has now happened.

It even caused more than three times the usual consequences, and once made their team face the serious consequences of group destruction.

And after this incident, all of them have to review it with their parents.

But now they have more important tasks than that.That is injecting the girl with serum.This is something that must be done even if they are wiped out.

"How is the instrument in use?"

"Everything is normal!" The staff suppressed their excitement that had not completely calmed down.

"Report body data indicators again."

"The body data are all normal, and the serum injection experiment can be carried out."


The man looked at the girl lying quietly behind the glass. The girl's dark red hair floated behind her like red seaweed in the deep sea. Generally without a trace of look.His eyes were facing the incandescent lamp, and the incandescent lamp shone on the girl's body.

You must not resist anymore, it will be soon, it will be soon.Don't resist anymore, it will be soon...

The man looked at the quiet and unwavering scene in front of him, his inner tension was firmly grasped by his hands, and the voice like a spell was quickly played back in his mind.

What follows is today's extremely critical moment, and it is also an extremely dangerous moment, but it is the simplest moment.If it goes well, the girl will be successfully injected with the serum, her dragon transformation will be suppressed, her life safety can be guaranteed, and their life safety can also be guaranteed.But this extremely simple moment is hidden undercurrents.

The girl lay quietly on the bed as if she was really a good child.But the director knew that this opportunity might be false, because every time before the girl broke out, she would not have any emotional fluctuations, just like now, the water surface in the middle of the lake is as quiet as the breeze, and there is no ripple in it.

But once the other party erupts, it is equivalent to a tsunami rising from the abyss in an instant, and you will be able to experience the chill of death touching your scalp in an instant.

The man stared at the needle that was about to be injected into the girl's body, looked at the swaying liquid at the end of the needle, and put his hands together in front of his chest involuntarily. He never believed in any religion, but at this moment he felt that he should believe in all religions, whether it was Allah is still Jesus God Buddha, in the face of death, he has expressed the highest respect to them.Everyone behind him looked at the scene in front of him with longing.

I hope the needle can be inserted into the girl's body smoothly.I was able to finish the injection quietly without crying or fussing.

Finally, the needle at the end of the instrument pierced into the girl's arm as soft as white jade.

All the staff stared at the still calm air and the rapidly disappearing liquid, and finally let out a long breath.

So far, their task for tonight was completed. Looking at the still quiet girl in the middle of the room, the director of the command suddenly stepped down from his shoulders. The heavy pressure gave his nerves a stimulating marathon run.

"Congratulations, everyone, for successfully completing the task." The director's weak voice revealed trembling excitement.He survived and finally served as the director for a full year.Because the directors in front of him were all extremely short-lived guys with a lifespan of only half a year and a few months.

There was no cheering at the scene, only the sound of hurried footsteps, they were evacuating quickly.

This is like a completed task. After the task is successfully completed, everyone can't wait to leave here. In fact, it is true. They can't wait to leave here, and they don't have the slightest idea of ​​wanting to stay here.

The person in charge here looked at all the normal instrument data, and looked at the slowly retracted and recovered experimental instruments.Nod.In the room where everyone left one after another, the identity of the last person in the future closed the airtight door of the room.

This is an independent space. Although it is within Genji Heavy Industries itself, it does not belong to Genji Heavy Industries. It is like a small world contained in a big world. Even Genji Heavy Industries has very few leaders. Knowing that there is still such a closed space in their building.

In the slowly closed airtight door, the room here not only did not become dark at all, but became brighter, with incandescent lights shining on every corner of the long passage, a tall girl standing under the light, standing Inside the airtight door that has been completely closed.

On the other side with only one door away from her, a group of medical staff who are both physically and mentally relaxed are slowly walking towards their dormitory.The girl stood on the other side of them, looking at the long corridor of the room before her.

The room is full of white. Looking along the passage to the end room, it is a very spacious medical room, or it is more appropriate to call it a hospital.

The girl looked around, sniffing the air that smelled of disinfectant all over the room, and nodded in satisfaction.

She seems to be in the right place.

She walked forward slowly, and the room was filled with all kinds of first aid equipment, from the simplest oxygen tank to blood filtration carts, cardiac resuscitation machines, high-pressure flushing pumps, angiographic X-ray machines, linear accelerators, etc. A large medical device worth millions of dollars has everything.

"Did the Sheqi Bajia specially open a large hospital here?" The girl looked at the instruments and equipment everywhere around her, touching this and looking at that.It looks like I am curious, touch you are all me.

When she continued to walk forward, the girl's footsteps suddenly stopped, and she looked at the huge glass door in front of her. The glass door said it was a glass door, but in fact it was the middle piece that was a glass door, and the rest of it was completely a glass door. A huge iron gate is usually erected in front of her. The girl believes that according to the level of defense of the gate, it can at least withstand the bombardment of heavy tanks occasionally without getting hurt.But now that the glass door has been adjusted and photographed by the previous staff's equipment, it is no longer possible to see the scene inside.

"As expected of something used to shut down monsters, Sheqi Bajia is really willing to pay for it." The girl reached out and stroked the part where the silver iron gate was in contact with the ground.

The slender fingers slowly left shocking cracks on the iron gate as if across the lake.Like a piece of wrinkled A4 paper, with twelve safety locks under the girl's caress lightly, the hard alloy door with a thickness of 20 cm began to wrinkle rapidly, and was slowly pinched by the girl in the palm of her hand.

The girl squeezed the steel plate tightly, felt the direction of the force with satisfaction, nodded, and in the next second, the alloy steel door nearly four meters wide and six meters high fell off instantly.

The alloy gate left a deep hole in the ground.He was slammed to the ground again, making a mess like waste paper.

The hospital and the subsequent rooms were opened up, and the girl waved her hand to open up.

But to the girl's surprise, what appeared in front of her was not the big ferocious monster with bared teeth and sharp mouth that she imagined.

It was a girl in white plain clothes sitting by the bed. The girl sat there quietly, looking down at her feet, with her hands on her lap. She was as quiet as a little rabbit, except for this The little rabbit has a head of crimson fire-like hair and red crystal red eyes.

The surroundings are all white, the same as when the girl walked in. This is a relatively small room similar to an operating room, and it also has various medical equipment, but compared with the ones outside, the ones here are more upscale. Look at it. It seems that the technological content is more advanced.

"Why is it a girl? I thought it was a big monster." The girl stepped on the alloy airtight door that was thrown to the ground by herself in boredom.

Looking up at the girl opposite,
"Hi, my name is Xia Mi. What's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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