I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 253 Surrounded by People

Chapter 253 Surrounded by People


"Is what you said reliable?" Fu Nian followed Yuan Zhisheng, and the two of them looked like caterpillars wriggling slowly.

This is the second time Fu Nian has climbed the exhaust fan, and he is still following other people's buttocks.

The only difference from last time is that this time Yuan Zhisheng does not have Fingel's terrifying and almost huge body.It made Fu Nian, who liked to follow closely behind, feel a little relaxed.

"Did you find anything?" Yuan Zhisheng lowered his head, looking at Fu Nian behind him, his voice was very low.

They have already moved their position by relying on their excellent stature, and entered their interior through the drainage system at the bottom of the Bliss Hall. According to Yuan Zhisheng's idea, as long as they accidentally enter the exhaust pipe of each other, they will be able to shorten the time. Within a short period of time, the gods enter the opponent's interior without anyone noticing.

This is the most advanced infiltration plan in their plan, although it is simple, it is very practical.

As for the medium infiltration plan, when they entered the sewer, they were noticed by the guards on the side of the demons.Then they relied on absolute violence to completely subdue them before they fully reacted, Yuan Zhisheng believed that the two of them could do it.

But after the medium plan takes place, they have to face the action of quickly completing the task in a short period of time.

Because once the contact here is lost, the fierce ghosts in the bliss hall will quickly realize that they have been invaded in a short time.

At that time, although they hadn't been exposed yet, they seemed to have been exposed.

Of course, if there is a middle-level plan, there will naturally be an inferior plan.That's the worst scenario they can think of right now,
Then, within a short period of time when the middle situation occurred, the members of the fierce ghosts quickly gathered to block them in this area, and then they quickly evacuated their current target, Noda Daikichi.The research report from the Yanliu Research Institute will be taken away, and their mission will fail here from then on.They even have to face the siege and pursuit of them by the fierce ghosts and their high-level officials. Even if they can escape from the many ghosts of the fierce ghosts, their mission will still fail.

They have now successfully moved from the sewer to the interior of the vent, and according to the extent of their plan, they are now making a rapid leap towards the completion of the plan along the way.

At least Yuan Zhisheng thought so, but in Fu Nian's feeling, they were about to fall into the lower plan.

"There are people all around." Fu Nian lowered his voice, as if this would prevent them from hearing.

Yuan Zhisheng was taken aback when he moved forward, looking at the iron passages on both sides that were close to his body, their size could only wrap their curled up bodies.

According to the map given to him by his subordinates, their current location should be in the corridors on both sides of a basement at the bottom of the Bliss Hall.Their goal was actually a certain room deep in the corridor. In that room, they quietly came out of the vent. According to the topographical map, they still needed to climb a few more floors of the basement to reach the floor where the other party was.Of course, if the situation was bad, they would have to climb over the crowded first floor and head straight to the upper floors of the Bliss Hall.That way they will face more dense enemies.

"It's all human?" Yuan Zhisheng stretched his hand somewhere around his waist.His nerves have been stretched to the extreme, although he is now trying his best to sense the surrounding environment by hearing.

But after all, there is a layer of iron, and it is difficult for him to hear the sounds around him without turning on any modes.

"They seem to be judging our position."

Fu Nian tilted his head, his eyes seemed to be able to see outside through the iron sheet.Looking at a certain direction of the iron sheet.But in fact, he couldn't see anything, and he didn't even know if there were mixed races around him.

But he could hear the sound of heartbeats all over the surroundings, and the sound of heartbeats resounded like a giant drum beating in every corner of the surrounding area.

Every corner.

The air between the two froze the moment Fu Nian's voice landed.

In front of Fu Nian, a dark golden pupil slowly appeared in the dark corridor like a sharp sword piercing the darkness.A coercion belonging to the emperor made the surrounding air extremely heavy.

Yuan Zhisheng slowly extended his hand to his waist, like a sharp arrow ready to go, just waiting for the moment when Fu Nian opened his mouth to attack.

The whole person was not surprised at the first reaction after being discovered, and there was a tense and serious mood, as if they were not experiencing an exciting story of sneaking into the enemy camp.It was a simple and relaxing trip, and the friend next to you told you that the tire had collapsed.

You let out a casual oh.Stop, get out, change the spare tire.The whole movement is calm, unhurried and clean.

But Yuan Zhisheng still gave Fu Nian a different feeling than usual.

In the feeling of Fu Nian, this person's body seems to have undergone extremely rapid changes. In a short period of time, his entire body and bones were in Fu Nian's ears, and there was a loud noise like setting off firecrackers. What he saw was the tumbling blood, which began to accelerate like a turbulent river, and began to flow in his limbs.

But the voice was controlled by Yuan Zhisheng to an extremely low-key level. If it weren't for Fu Nian's extraordinary hearing, perhaps only the mixed race with hearing and speech-like spirits could hear it.

In the next second, Yuan Zhisheng tensed up from the beginning to the end. If the opponent was still a soft noodle in the previous second, the next second it became a piece of steel with a strong defense. The strength of titanium alloy is invincible and cannot penetrate steel.The kind where it doesn't matter if you get hit by a missile. (Of course, it's still a bit exaggerated.)
But Fu Nian felt that the bullet might not be able to penetrate the current Yuan Zhisheng. The other party had condensed his own bones into one at this moment, and wrapped his internal organs with thousands of bones that were very close to dragons. Yu made himself an extremely strong bone defense under the skin, and this bone is also a super strong hybrid bone.

But to control one's own bones, this is not something that hybrids can do!Fu Nian can understand that you have high-purity dragon blood and have a high-strength and unique body structure.

But you forcibly changed your body structure. At this time, Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng in amazement. If Fu Nian was surprised for the first time that the other party possessed extremely dragon blood, then Fu Nian was really surprised this time. The ability of the other party has already surpassed the scope of human beings.

Immediately after the physical transformation of the other party, there is the lore steel-like will that appeared on Yuan Zhisheng's body,

This is also the top-level consciousness of the mixed race that Fu Nian has seen. It has a hot temperature like steel coming out of a furnace, but it has absolute ice degree after being chilled.That was the complete match between his strength and murderous aura. The current Yuan Zhisheng is not killing people, but tempering his knife with killing people. This is something that he has never seen before in this world. of.

Even on Chu Zihang's body, Fu Nian only saw a little will to get close to him when the other party turned on the burst blood.But close does not mean equal.

The emperor of Japan seems to be really interesting.

"Are you ready?" Fu Nian's voice reached Yuan Zhisheng's ear as accurately as fine lines.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't speak, but Fu Nian felt a stronger aura in the air.

Fu Nian smiled slightly, looked at the serious Yuan Zhisheng, and slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng in front of him suddenly felt a burst of cold sweat unconsciously on his back, and the keel state he had just entered unconsciously started to be released.Yuan Zhisheng was shocked inwardly.He suddenly pressed his hand on his waist, and the green veins on his arm bulged fiercely.

In the next second, a pair of more dazzling golden pupils slowly illuminated the passage ahead, and the originally pitch-black vents were filled with turbulent pressure like a golden ocean.


In the black corridor and on the concrete floor, there are men in black windbreakers holding heavy pistols. The pistols in their hands are heavy tactical pistols produced by Israel's "HS Precision Company". They use large-caliber Magnum bullets. The kind that can pierce a police bulletproof vest.

At this moment, all the pistols in their hands were raised in the palms of their hands, the safety was released, and they leaned side by side on the wall of the corridor, with nervous seriousness in their eyes.

Looking around, this is a long corridor of nearly [-] meters. There are men wearing black trench coats everywhere on both sides, and even more men are hiding in the rooms inside the corridor. Without exception, they are all fierce ghosts. All the defenders who were placed here this evening.

Everyone waited tensely for the signal from the radio in their ears.


A golden light showed that neon lights suddenly leaked from the gap of the air vent above their heads, and the gold in the gap showed the specimens collected on the glass slide, and clear light particles rippling wantonly and suspended in it.

It was like someone had suddenly sprinkled golden rain on a pitch-black starry sky scroll, adding a different color to the already dark space around in the haze.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and at the moment when the light appeared, the dark passage was like a bat's nest in the deep valley, and countless pale golden bright spots slowly emerged, from far to near, the golden ocean undulated and moved forward.more and more……

Finally, the air vents emitting golden light burst suddenly in the eyes of all the dazed men in black around them.

A long golden arc of ancient blue color appeared in front of them in an instant. Before everyone could react, a huge force, like a mountain, suddenly pressed down on their shoulders.

The men in black near the blast vent only felt their heads sink, and then the world began to tilt in their eyes.

boom! !

The sound of two bursting gun barrels roared towards the surroundings like a roaring lion on the grassland.

(End of this chapter)

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