I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 254 He needs to vent

Chapter 254 He needs to vent


The scarlet color rains down on every corner of the corridor.

"Who fired the shot! What happened!!" At the end of the corridor, the sound of explosions and restless sounds buzzed like headless flies.

But no one answered him. The men in black in front of them were imprisoned on the ground like scarecrows, and they knelt down on the ground one by one as if they were facing a king.Everyone knelt down towards the man in the middle.But their fate was not pitiful because they knelt down, and countless blood flowers bloomed in mid-air with magnificent and beautiful colors.It is like a group of roses blooming in the valley, enchanting and beautiful.

"Damn hell! We are ghosts! Why do we kneel down to others!!"

The man in black looked at a large number of his companions who were kneeling on the ground from the middle fault in front of him, and the tyrannical emotion in his eyes almost jumped out of his eyes.


A difficult growl came from 20 meters ahead.

The people behind them couldn't feel the coercive power because of the distance, and they didn't know why they knelt together.But he was only 51 meters away from the man in front of him, right at the junction between power and release.

He only felt that all the blood in his body was flowing backwards in his body, and his brain seemed to be filled with lead and hit the back of the head with a stick, and he wanted to fall to the ground immediately.

His condition is still good. One meter in front of him, the companion there has completely pressed his head on the concrete floor, and the position closer to the center of the man is covered with blood. It was like the scarlet that splashed out when a stone hit hard on the flesh.

"Shoot!!" The man shouted with all his might.He was really going crazy, looking at another man who was only ten meters away from him.

The other party opened a pair of golden pupils that were as dazzling as the sun, and walked in the middle of the kneeling crowd with a short knife in his hand. Every time he raised the knife in his hand, he could see something that rolled down and separated from his body.Although the opponent's speed was very slow, every step was so heavy that he could even see the god of death sticking the sickle to his neck.

He wanted to raise his hand to shoot, he wanted to pull his legs back, but his arms were as heavy as lead, and his legs were as stiff as petrified.The only things that could move were the eyelids that were blinking crazily, and the lips that were struggling to open.

Bang bang bang!
The farther they were from the man, the less coercion they received. The man in black behind the man quickly recovered from his dazed state just now.

Under their control, the burst chambers fired wildly at the only two people standing in the distance.

The crimson sparks illuminated the darkness in the corridor like a torrential rain, covering the pale golden golden pupils.

The man who felt the heavy pressure seemed to have returned to the night when he escaped from the Bajia of Sheqi, the same dark night with no five fingers visible, and the same roaring and bursting gunfire.He struggled to climb up to a man with a red-faced mask of a ferocious ghost, and the man handed him a red potion, the potion was like an agate that shone intoxicatingly red in the gunfire.

He told him that this is faith on the path to holiness.

He looked at the palm of his hand, at the test tube that had been cracked by himself, and the liquid in his hand stretched out towards his throat with difficulty.


Yuan Zhisheng spread his arms out and stood in the center with a posture embracing the world. The people in black around him felt the pressure of their souls under the heavy pressure. Those people near Yuan Zhisheng's feet had completely lost Life, under the heavy force, was reduced to a pool of blood like fleshy mud.

Standing on the other side not far from Yuan Zhisheng, Fu Nian chopped off the head of the man in front of him with one hand, but there was no scene of blood splattering as usual, scarlet lumps came from the other's severed wound. Sliding down, with suffocating pressure like congealed jelly.

Fu Nian stared at the blood that was almost solidified under the pressure of the surrounding gravity, and from the corner of his eye, he inadvertently fell to Yuan Zhisheng behind him.The other party's speech spirit is actually a speech spirit belonging to his own Earth and Mountain series, which somewhat surprised him.

The other party's speech spirit is actually very simple, it is to manipulate the surrounding gravity and make the gravity in a certain area around it extremely heavy.Of course, the heavy multiple and the scope of the field need to be judged according to the physical condition of the caster.

Fu Nian looked at the area covered by the other party. Normally, it was an oblong area of ​​about 20 meters, but because the terrain here was a long corridor area, Yuan Zhisheng also extended the area to a long passage area.In the passage of 20 meters before and after, all the people in black bear dozens or even hundreds of times the weight. The blood will break through the skin and flow from the bottom of the body. Their brains are severely ischemic. Kneeling and bowing the head can barely relieve the situation.

But even prostration may not survive, the closer to Yuan Zhisheng, the greater the pressure on those men in black, and as the power exerted by Yuan Zhisheng continues to rise, the releaser can easily let the people in the field Anyone's bones cracked, leaving their corpses level with the ground.

And now Fu Nian feels that the other party doesn't seem to be doing his best at all. Judging by Fu Nian's current assessment of Yuan Zhisheng's strength, the other party can at least cover the entire field of the current floor, whether it is the nearly [-]-meter corridor or the sides of the corridor. room interior.

Just like what Fu Nian said, Yuan Zhisheng can indeed achieve that level, but that level of release of words and spirits will make the power that Yuan Zhisheng bears back on himself

Not only the men in black on this floor couldn't stand it, he couldn't stand it either.Of course, with Fu Nian, they can kill everyone here in a short time.But in that case, Yuan Zhisheng will become a burden without physical strength, which will have a huge impact on the follow-up tasks that cannot be ignored.

boom! !

Suddenly, a beautiful crimson fire flashed from the deep part of the corridor, and the moment the fire burst out, bursting sounds appeared in Yuan Zhisheng's ears at the same time.

Yuan Zhisheng knew that they had reacted.Feeling the fast-moving ballistic trajectory in his ears, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and a series of rapidly enlarged large-caliber brass bullets suddenly appeared in the golden pupils.

Quantity 58, speed 435m, estimated time of arrival...

Yuanzhi stared at the bullet in front of him, just as he was about to apply gravity to it, a blue-white mask suddenly appeared in front of his retina, in front of his domain.

"Yan Ling, the dust-free land?"

Yuan Zhisheng's pupils reflected a mask that rotated rapidly clockwise, and countless tiny blue and white fine lines revolved around one of the centers like streaks of blue light.
Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian who was standing far in front of him,

Fu Nian was facing forward with one hand, and a traffic policeman stood in front of him in a no-passing posture.

In Yuan Zhisheng's feeling, his domain was covered with a layer of domain, which covered himself and the other party like a protective cover,
Letting the brass bullets fired from a distance float in front of the mask one by one, the only thing that makes Yuan Zhisheng more puzzled is that the opponent's expanded field is a huge circle, not only covering his own field in it, but also The rooms around the corridors inside are covered in period.Doesn't he know that he needs to save energy in battle?
"Just to remind you, it's best not to save your strength when fighting. It's easy to get into trouble." Fu Nian turned his head to look at Yuan Zhisheng who was still holding his arms.

The outstretched palms were suddenly clenched.

The walls of the corridors on both sides shattered in an instant, and countless debris flew around, but just halfway through the flight, they suddenly fell collectively, like a pair of big hands slamming down from midair.

The moment the dust was shot to the ground, there were countless men in black who were just about to stand up. They appeared behind the wall from the corridor along the room in a short period of time. They wanted to face them from the side under the cover of gunfire They launched an attack, but an invisible field suddenly sent them flying. Before they could fully react, another stronger force suddenly blessed them.

The strength made them unable to move at all, and they crawled on the ground one by one, and their entire bodies were squeezed downward as if they were about to be crushed.The skin is about to burst.

Fu Nian didn't hesitate at all, and he didn't care about how the bullets roared outside. The whole person wandered in the field like a walk. With the knife in his hand, it was another man in black who was pocketed by the god of death.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the opponent's actions, and without any hesitation, he took out a stick-shaped shielding signal device with blue light on it from his pocket, put it safely in a corner, and pulled out his own Spider cut began to slaughter.

His plan was not actually like this at the beginning. Even if the worst happened, his plan was to use shielding devices to block their chance to transmit signals outside.Then rely on your own force to fight them with spider cuts.

He never thought of releasing his speech spirit in the first place.Because his speech spirit is a speech spirit with extremely side effects, once he can't control the strength a little bit, the speech spirit will say that his whole body is drained.

But he still used the spirit of speech, not because he saw enemies all over the place the moment he landed.It was because of Fu Nian's golden pupils that suddenly rose.

The other party's golden pupils aroused a violent desire in him, and he became extremely irritable when he was in the vent, that force was suppressed in his heart like a seed, and he urgently needed a release, an uneasy feeling. He spared no effort to release it, and then in that situation he unconsciously released the spirit of speech.

But luckily, he managed to control the speech spirit when it exploded, and kept him within a range that he could bear, but it was inevitable that he still hadn't finished venting his inner rampage.

He needs to vent.

(End of this chapter)

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