I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 256 The Shocked Yuan Zhisheng

Chapter 256 The Shocked Yuan Zhisheng

But the strange thing is that the wound on Yuan Zhisheng's body was not that deep, even just a little bit.It seems that the kind of wound was not cut by five half-meter Tai knives, but by five small daggers.

Fu Nian nodded slightly as he looked at the sharp claws that were blocked only by injuring the superficial skin.

Yuan Zhisheng is very confident. While he believes in his own defense, he also believes in his own speed.The moment he relied on the keel defense to block the opponent's sharp claws, Yuan Zhisheng chopped off the opponent's arm with absolute explosive power.

But he is also extremely ruthless. He didn't choose to expand and strengthen his royal power to directly suppress the opponent on the ground, but chose to chop off the opponent's arm by sustaining injuries and dedication.A slight mistake in this decision could result in serious injury.

Although this may seem like a trade-off.But this is not the case, Wang Quan's speech spirit consumes a lot of him and the recovery process is very slow, but the injury is not worth mentioning in terms of his strong recovery ability.This is the wisest decision so far.

But at the same time, today's Yuan Zhisheng also let Fu Nian see the opponent's real defense, or the top defense level of the mixed race.The sharp blade that could easily cut through the steel plate was blocked by the opponent's outside the body.Although it was under the severe shock of the collision between the two sides, the real internal organs inside were basically intact and protected.

Is this the true strength of the super hybrid?The super high concentration of dragon blood brings powerful recovery ability, super strong bone defense, and extreme reaction speed.

At that moment just now, Yuan Zhisheng retreated from being attacked, to the boy cutting the ground, to giving up defense, and cutting off the opponent's arm with swordsmanship. These series of actions took the opponent less than two seconds.

And the moment he landed, he cut off the opponent's arm with a boy cut.

At this speed, the men in black present just saw a terrifying Deadpool appearing suddenly, saw Yuan Zhisheng fall down, and a golden light flashed in front of him.In a daze, things were over.Only Fu Nian could see clearly what happened between them.

But the matter didn't stop there, the ghost whose wrist had been severed seemed to become even crazier, and the red pupils floated in the air like burning fire.The remaining palm attacked Yuan Zhisheng who fell heavily on the ground at a more rapid speed.

But at this moment, Yuan Zhisheng had completely fallen to the ground, and his heavy body exposed all his weaknesses to the opponent's attack range.But Deadpool looked down from top to bottom like a tiger pouncing on its food, its sharp claws fixed on Yuan Zhisheng's chest.

But now he has no short-term price, the opportunity to cut off the opponent's arm, the only thing left for him is to increase his speech! !
But Yuan Zhisheng didn't panic at all, but opened his jaw suddenly.

"Fu Nian!"

Yuan Zhisheng yelled at the hideous wriggling body directly in front of him!
The five sharp blades as thick as katana rapidly enlarged in the pupils of Yuan Zhisheng's eyes.Its blade gleamed with crimson flakes of muscle.Glittering bone pale yellow lines...

Yuan Zhisheng only felt that his eyes suddenly became scarlet black, and the huge monster within the range of his pupils instantly turned into a puddle of mud under an invisible force.Like a blazing wind blowing through the fine sand raised in an hourglass.The whole body disintegrated and dissipated in an instant.

Yuan Zhisheng lay heavily on the ground, the center of gravity was still falling downwards, he instinctively covered the wound on his waist with one hand, and frowned,

But his attention was not on the wound at all,
His ears were pricked up, and with the sound of "paji", he felt that the world around him was still.

That's the sound of mud piled up on the wall...

A tall and straight figure stood in front of him, waving with one hand, but it was just a casual waving, like a hug between friends, but it brought Yuan Zhisheng infinite shock.

For a while, Yuan Zhisheng lay on the spot with mixed feelings. He knew the ghost's physical fitness. Deadpool is at an extremely high level.

Of course, Yuan Zhisheng also recognized Fu Nian's strength very much. He believed that it would be very easy for Fu Nian to defeat the opponent.

but!This is a bit too easy! !

Yuan Zhisheng immediately closed his eyes.

He was recalling, he wanted to watch the details of the collision between Fu Nian and the other party carefully!He didn't believe that the other party didn't use other means!

The moment his voice fell, Fu Nian's entire body disappeared.

Immediately following the next second, while Yuan Zhisheng was lamenting the opponent's speed, the collision between a person and a ghost also appeared in his mind in an instant.

The surrounding air oscillated rapidly, and a force from bottom to top scraped across Yuan Zhisheng's cheeks, and the heaviness in the air of the carrier collided with five sharp claws like katana in an instant.

Yuan Zhisheng only felt the violently turbulent air in front of his eyes suddenly stop, as if a moving sports car collided with a mountain in an instant.

The sports car was crushed under the violent impact, and the scenes of the surrounding battles also began to become fragmented.

The blooming scarlet liquid splashed in mid-air like splashing ink, and under the impact of heavy forces, the ghost's body was rapidly torn apart, and the torn apart continued to be torn apart, the shattered torso, the blooming scarlet.

As the opponent's waving hand began to disintegrate little by little, in the end, the entire torso was suddenly slapped on the wall behind the ghost.Broken white bones interspersed with black scarlet.Not to mention the internal organs, even the bones alone could not be found at all.

Yuan Zhisheng opened his eyes in a daze, looking at Fu Nian standing in front of him, his eyes widened for a moment.The half of my arm that I chopped off only because of the injury was really smashed by the opponent's slap? ! !

Yuan Zhi stared blankly at Fu Nian's palm which was still in mid-air, the palm was still slender and white, not to mention the injury, even the blood could not be seen at all.

But Yuan Zhisheng looked at it again and found nothing. He found that the moment a person and a ghost collided, Fu Nian seemed to have something attached to his palm, which became thick and sharp.

Like... like a smaller version of Clean Land now?

Yuan Zhisheng once again recalled the feeling he felt just now, and he was a little dubious for a while. Yuan Zhisheng was able to control the scope of the speech spirit, but he concentrated the speech spirit to a palm-sized place.

For a while, Yuan Zhisheng really doubted the authenticity of this matter. It wasn't that Yuan Zhisheng didn't want to believe in Fu Nian's strength. Yan Ling was originally a product of the dragon civilization, and the mixed-blood manipulating Yan Ling was actually more like a child holding a murder weapon. Of course, it is no problem for a child to carry one or two daggers weighing one or two catties, and it is very easy to use,
Even an older child can barely handle a large weapon weighing [-] to [-] catties, but it is a bit of a fantasy for a child to carry a heavy sword weighing more than [-] catties .

But now the Arabian Nights happened next to Yuan Zhisheng. Fu Nian's meticulous manipulation of Yanling was like a toddler wielding a hundred-pound sword. Things that half-breeds can understand.

But the facts really happened in front of Yuan Zhisheng, even Fu Nian not only had nothing to do, but turned his head to look at himself and smiled with a very proper look.

"You used Yanling just now?" Yuan Zhisheng fixed his eyes on Fu Nian's palm position, and now he can still feel the residual power in the opponent's palm by his own intuition.

"Yeah, you saw it."

Fu Nian looked at his palm and nodded. He did condense a little wind element in his palm just now.

He really didn't want to have any physical contact with that ghost, so he had to use the wind wall as a barrier to isolate the opponent's attack from his body.Then under the blessing of gravity, he slapped the opponent to death.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't speak any more.

Instead, he turned his gaze to the man in black who was fearing in the distance.The scene just now was also short, but the chat between the two of them was not so short.

Now this time has made them aware that things are not right ahead.

"Can you still expand the spirit of speech?" Fu Nian looked at them with a hint of calmness in his eyes.

He is really in a calm mood now, these guys can only be regarded as pre-dinner snacks, what he wants to eat is a real meal, not to use them to waste time.

"The spirit of words can naturally expand, and my injury will recover soon. These are not problems, you don't have to worry.

But if I expand the speech spirit to the entire basement, then I won't be able to exert any combat effectiveness in the subsequent battles, and even become a drag on you. "Yuan Zhisheng stepped forward as he spoke, and at the same time as he took steps, the gravity covering his entire body also moved accordingly.

The men in black who were close to each other retreated one after another. They didn't want to be enveloped by his gravity and become a waste to be slaughtered.The companions in front of them are their best role models.

"Then let me do it. I don't want to waste time and drag it on."

Fu Nian looked at the men in black who were trying to exit the basement.

The whole person's eyes lit up instantly.

Yuan Zhisheng only felt that there was a powerful force spreading towards the surroundings, and the dust-free land that was only covering the surface of his speech spirit began to spread towards the surroundings in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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