Chapter 257


In the next instant, the domain of the clean land enveloped everything that Yuan Zhisheng could see.

Seeing such a large field in front of him, Yuan Zhisheng was not surprised at all.He can also do it in this range,
But Yuan Zhisheng's lack of surprise doesn't mean the men in black around him aren't surprised.

They looked at the field field that passed by them in an instant, and looked at the surrounding area in horror.

The speech spirits of mixed races all have a general range.Although the scope of each other's spirituality has a lot to do with the degree of blood, it has little to do with those guys whose blood is barely B-level, but even if it doesn't matter, you have to be logical and common sense, right? ! !
Leaving aside the other exploratory speech spirits, just talking about the offensive speech speech and defensive speech speech, in the periodic table of speech speech, there are very few speech speech that can exceed 20 meters, and even the more dangerous speech speech, the more powerful The speech spirit, the smaller the field.

For example, Chu Zihang's "Jun Yan", a high-risk speech spirit with a serial number of No. 89, would only have a limited range of 5 meters if it did not explode.Ordinary speaking ranges are at most about ten meters in size.

Today, when they saw that Yuan Zhisheng was able to cover the surrounding 50-meter long corridor, the ghost crowd was still very surprised.But they also rely on the other party's means of narrowing the width and extending the length to force understanding.

But what is the situation now!
Directly cover this layer with a diameter of nearly [-] meters within the words spirit!What does it mean? !

Who is the ghost! !

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the ghost crowd with horrified eyes, and a strange emotion flashed in their eyes.

This kind of emotion can be simply understood as the world where the eagle embraces the sky is incomprehensible to the sparrow.

As a super hybrid, Yuan Zhisheng knew very early on that there was an insurmountable gap between himself and ordinary hybrids.

Although there are not many hybrids like him who are born with strong fighting power, there are still some.Only now there is one more.A super hybrid from the bloodline of the Black King!
"I allow them to enter the field, but there is no way to stop their subsequent attacks. Are you still okay?"

The moment Fu Nian's voice landed, his body suddenly disappeared from the spot.Holding the black short blade in his hand, he instantly entered the crowd among them.

"Of course there is no problem!" At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng and Fu Nian seemed to be on the same channel, and the moment the other party raised his toes, the whole person disappeared from the place in an instant.

Fu Nian followed closely like a black cheetah hunting like a black cheetah.The spider was cut in the golden eyes, reflecting the ancient golden luster.

Yang Fei's scarlet was mixed with eardrum-tearing screams.



"Tired and tired, the hairpin is a proof, the emperor gave it personally in the past~

There are many ways to go... The way back is lost, and looking back is nothing. ..."

The voice full of drama echoed in the slightly luxurious room at the moment.This is a pure Japanese kabuki, but the repertoire sung by the other party is from the Chinese theme "Yang Guifei".

A woman with a beautiful appearance and a cold temperament sat respectfully on the edge of this top-level suite.

Traditional Japanese tatami mats are laid underneath her, and as far as the eye can see is a simple white paper screen, which separates the living room from the bedroom.

There is a small wooden coffee table beside the white wooden screen, and a white porcelain vase is placed on the coffee table, and a spring peach blossom that has not yet bloomed is inserted in the vase.

Beside the spring peach blossoms, on the tatami mats filled with moonlight, a man wearing a blood-red wide-sleeved kimono slowly waved his orchid fingers, his thin and clear voice was as clean and melodious as a girl's against the moonlight.

That person seemed to have completely immersed himself in the atmosphere of Kabuki, and the changes in the world made the moonlight shrouded around him cool and helpless at this moment.Scenes from that year seem to be floating around, just like the lyrics, "The soil is alive, whoever is the passing water, the east will never end..."

The man's fair face was full of helplessness that made people cry.

The woman looked at the back of the person opposite, and heard the gentle voice echoing in the air, a tear also silently passed down her cheek.With the coolness of the lingering sound, it drips into the memories of impermanence.

The air was silent for a long time,

The man sighed silently, stretched out a translucent white hand to pick up the spring peach from the vase, tied up his shiny long hair with one hand, and inserted the peach blossom into it as a hairpin with the other, revealing His body is as white as a jade neck.

Under the slanting moonlight, everything seemed as holy and white as it was at first.

The woman couldn't help staring blankly again, half kneeling on the spot, stirring her index finger.

"It's really a sad story." The man's voice flew out along the window, but the woman could hear it deeply, but it was a magnetic male voice.

He is indeed a man, although when he just danced, his waist was so tight and his shoulders were so lonely that people completely forgot his gender.But he is indeed a man.

Because in real Japanese Kabuki, only men can perform, and a man who plays a woman in Kabuki is called a female figure.Female figures spend their whole lives observing, researching and imitating women. They understand the beauty of women better than women, just like some people who look at paintings can understand paintings better than painters.They covered their faces with white powder, and turned all living beings upside down with their singing and gestures.

The man slowly floated his large kimono sleeves, turned around, and the blood-red kimono he was wearing was embroidered with big flowers of the other shore,

This kind of plant, also known as manjusawa, is originally a kind of auspicious witness. There is a meaning in the allusion that those who see this flower will get rid of evil.

But at this moment, the flower of the other side blooming on the man's body was as red as fresh blood flowing from hell, and it formed a very contrasting beauty with the man's glistening white skin.While the man's body was swimming, they seemed to be alive, swaying slowly in the breeze, and blooming in the white moonlight.

The woman looked up at the face of the man who appeared in front of her. Every time she saw this man wearing powder on his white face and singing and dancing, no matter how important it was, she couldn't bear to interrupt him.In the eyes of others, she is a rare beauty, but in front of this man, a woman feels that her beauty is as insignificant as the dust in the fallen leaves, because this man is brighter and more graceful than her. In front of him, women seem to be a superfluous creature.

"The moonlight is so beautiful." The man stood up and slowly opened his arms, bathing himself in the moonlight.The world around me became quieter, with a hint of undiminished sadness mixed with the quietness, as well as a relaxing calm...

The woman gently came to the man's back, and slowly placed a pair of slender fingers on the man's shoulders. She knew that the man didn't like much, but her massage was indeed praised by the man.

"What's the matter?" The man slowly sat on the tatami, enjoying the woman's movements comfortably.The corner of his mouth is still as calm as an ancient well.

"Our mission was successful. The newly developed evolutionary medicine successfully fit Noda Daikichi. After the evolution, he used that medicine to successfully obtain their experimental samples from the family. Now we have been picked up by our people and returned here. side."

"Well, not bad." The man nodded in satisfaction. "What's the name of that medicine?"

"Molotov cocktail." The woman whispered next to the man.

"I have arranged for them to start mass-producing this evolutionary medicine to replace our previous evolutionary medicine. I believe that when we study the evolutionary medicine of our family, we can raise it to a considerable level again. But this requires a process, We still need time."

"Then do we have enough time?" The man turned his head and looked at the woman behind him.Looking back, the air was obviously still for a second, the woman looked at the man's turned eyes, and the movements of her hands froze.

However, she quickly reacted, "According to the report from the spies from our family, our family attaches great importance to this research drug incident, and has sent five groups of executive officers to find the whereabouts of Noda Daikichi. They appeared..."

"That's not the point I want to hear. If there was only such a little content, Xiaomu wouldn't be here, right?" The man's eyes were rippling with calmness.His tone was indeed unusually gentle, like a gentle woman.

The woman nods.

"Is this subordinate misunderstood what you mean?" The woman named Xiaomu nodded. He knew that the man in front of him was not interested in these matters, but as a subordinate, he still needed to briefly explain the matter to the other party. go through.

This is the basic quality she should have as a subordinate.

"However, we still misjudged our family's tolerance for this mission. We seem to have touched their nerves in a certain way. Their high-level leaders this time have absolute will to prevent the evolution medicine from falling into our hands. "

"Who did they send?"

"The current director of the Executive Bureau." Xiaogure's voice sounded, "The current young master of the Snake Ba Family, according to the information we have obtained so far, the other party is different from the previous directors of the Executive Bureau. The thread was once considered by the Snake Hachika family to be..." Sakurai Kogure's voice became weaker and weaker.Finally, it disappeared into the air.

She looked in surprise at the man in front of her who was frowning tightly, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

For a moment, she didn't know whether she should continue the conversation, because the upper part of the other party clearly showed a negative emotion, but the lower part showed extremely positive emotions.
This is the first time she has seen that emotion in a man, it is different from the gentleness towards everyone when he is in a good mood, is it a kind of happiness?
For a moment, Xiao Mu really didn't know whether she should continue talking,

"What are you treating as?" The man looked at the moon outside the window, the moonlight was rippling in his eyes, one side was rippling with happiness, and the other side was showing ferocity.

"It is regarded as the destiny of the contemporary Amaterasu of the Eight Snaki Family." Sakurai Kogure said cautiously in the man's ear.At the same time, the strength in her hand gradually weakened.Do your best to make the other person more comfortable.

"Yuan Zhisheng."


 Thank you very much [Orange Warm Pinellia] for the reward of 1500 points!
(End of this chapter)

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