Chapter 258 One Ton of TNT

Fu Nian looked at the last ghost that Yuan Zhisheng cut down, and his eyes calmly watched the opponent slowly wipe the spider with a handkerchief.

This action is usually done by Yasha or Crow, but they are not here now, so he can only do it by himself.

The spider cut has a unique meaning to him, and this meaning makes him regard the spider cut not only as a weapon, but as a companion, a partner who will accompany him for life.Yuan Zhisheng has always treated his companions with the most sincere affection.

Fu Nian walked lazily on the corridor covered in blood.

On the nearly [-]-meter-long concrete floor, after losing the suppression of the kingship of the words and spirits, everything here began to become wanton, and the disordered entropy showed its dominance wantonly here.

The gurgling scarlet river slowly gathers the bright red debris flowing in it, and diffuses to the black windbreaker debris scattered around,
Scarlet gurgling rivers, black clothes debris flying across, broken bones, and brass bullets can be seen everywhere...

Looking around, this place seems to have become a purgatory on earth after it subsides.Only two men in black trench coats stood among them,

One was leaning lazily against the wall, and the other was standing firmly and deeply in the middle, smoking a cigarette.

It's just that the only thing that doesn't fit the atmosphere is the surrounding cement walls.

The grainy texture of the mud black was in close contact with Fu Nian's smooth and supple black suit.This is probably the smoothest thing cement has come into contact with in this life.

But Fu Nian doesn't care whether the cement is rough or not, he only cares about whether it is dry or not.

But fortunately, it was basically the same as before. After watching a live broadcast of a massacre, Fei Fei was not stained with the slightest scarlet color, but was cleaner than before.

"They all seem to be talking on radios?"

Fu Nian looked at the black earphones next to their ears. This was something he had discovered at the very beginning, but because the timing and circumstances did not allow it, he never took it seriously.

Now that the matter is over, looking around and removing the corpses rolling on the ground everywhere is the Deadpool rolling on the ground.Although there are pioneers who set an example for them, under the threat of death, there are still many members of the fierce ghosts who swallowed the half-failed evolution medicine in the test tube.

But to Fu Nian's surprise, half of the ghosts among them couldn't bear the berserk power of the evolution medicine, and when they swallowed the evolution medicine half of their bodies, they blew up and disappeared on the spot.The rest of the hybrids who could withstand the evolution medicine also got the bonus of evolution rage to varying degrees.

But Fu Nian felt that this could only be regarded as a semi-successful evolution medicine.Or one of the worst evolutionary medicines.

The reason why it is said to be a semi-successful evolutionary medicine is because Fu Nian feels that the evolutionary medicine has indeed given them a great blessing in strength, although this is at the cost of a huge life risk.But from another point of view, when they swallowed evolutionary medicine and turned into Deadpool, wouldn't they already be dead?
The only difference between the two is that one is the mutual demise of the soul and the body, and the other is that the soul seal of the body is opened, releasing the real ghost in it to devour itself.In Fu Nian's opinion, the truly superior evolutionary medicine is a way for the host to coexist with subjective consciousness and power.

"I brought a signal jammer with me when I came here?" Yuan Zhisheng stood on the spot and looked at Fu Nianli's eyes on Deadpool on the ground, quietly smoking a cigarette.He is taking advantage of this short time to quickly recover his physical strength.In the sudden battle just now, his body was still affected to a certain extent.

"Is the range enough?" Fu Nian looked at the jammer placed in the corner by Yuan Zhisheng.

"This range can at least cover the upper and lower floors around the basement." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"Oh, that's good." Fu Nian nodded, he didn't know much about these things, since he said yes, so be it.Just when Fu Nian was about to get up and take a serious look at the surrounding environment.

The action that had just started stopped instantly.

Yuan Zhisheng, who had been focusing on Fu Nian, froze suddenly, and his hand appeared on the handle of the spider-cut knife in an instant.

"What happened?" Yuan Zhisheng's face tensed.The voice is short and low.The whole person entered the fighting state again in a blink of an eye.

"You have shielded the upper and lower floors. Does it mean that if there are enemies around and abnormal situations occur, then our position has been exposed?" Fu Nian tilted his head and looked at Yuan Zhisheng seriously.

"When I entered this room, I had already adjusted the range of the jammer, and when I just launched an attack, I performed a more precise adjustment." Yuan Zhisheng looked helplessly at Fu Nian and said, Then the whole person relaxed, he thought that there were enemies around again.

"Besides, if there were really enemies around, they should have appeared long ago. They fired during the battle just now." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian and said.

"Oh, yes. They shot." Fu Nian nodded seriously.He forgot about it.

"Let's go." Yuan Zhisheng looked strangely at Fu Nian, who looked harmless to humans and animals in the distance, and slowly moved his body.

His physical recovery ability is extremely fast. The hideous wound that was just torn by the dead servant's blade has now slowly opened together. In this short period of ten minutes, he has already recovered as much as an ordinary person for two months. .

This is a very scary thing.According to this level, as long as Yuan Zhisheng is not directly hit by a fatal blow, no matter how serious the other injuries are, as long as he is given time, he can survive. Who among the students of Kassel College can beat this guy alone.

Oh, almost forgot.Doesn't include anything but yourself.

and many more!

Fu Nian suddenly stopped his body again.

"There are gunshots, so what's the point of opening the jammer?"

Yuan Zhisheng was taken aback.The expression on the corner of the mouth froze instantly.


After half a minute,

inside the stairs,
Fu Nianqian Mimi followed the other party, and their current location was probably within the basement area of ​​the Bliss Pavilion.

The surroundings were not as gorgeous as Fu Nian had expected, and even the surrounding decorations were considered crude.

Concrete floor, concrete stairs, dilapidated staircase fence, for a moment, Fu Nian seemed to have come to a residential building that had been in disrepair for a long time, and the surrounding was very quiet.

It was even a little unusually quiet. The two of them walked towards the top of the steps one after the other. It seemed that what they had just experienced was all the members of the ghosts here. Kill them, and there will be nothing here that can stop them from moving forward. .

But the more this happened, the more curious Fu Nian became.According to their reasoning, the gunshots they just had in battle were not small.The team that followed up to capture them should have already appeared.It shouldn't be this quiet.

Finally, Fu Nian still focused on his ears, he was about to open his seal!

In the next second, at the moment when his ears were completely opened, he heard noises from all directions.

But the place where the sound is most concentrated is on the upper floor, about a dozen meters away, where there are footsteps everywhere, including the crisp sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the tile floor, and the sinking sound of leather shoes falling on the soft mat.Of course, the sound of pachinko turning coins and the crackling of mahjong landing are more important.And the cheers of those gamblers after winning money.

Fu Nian frowned helplessly. He seldom opened up his hearing on such a large scale. The most important reason was that the surrounding environment was so complicated that he was almost irritable. He is a little dragon who likes to be quiet. When he is in a bad mood, he will get angry.

But now he still has the patience to control his hearing.

The location more than ten meters away should be the location of the lobby on the first floor, and the opponent should not be so stupid as to block the opponent in such an upright corner.

He moved his hearing down, and after moving out of the first floor, his ears instantly cleared up. If it was a vegetable market just now, it is now a library.

Breathing, heartbeat, and... is that smoking?
Fu Nian frowned subconsciously when he heard the heavy and rapid breathing in his ears.

In front of him, Yuan Zhisheng, who was advancing, had reached the end of the stairs and landed on the edge of the corridor on that floor.

There is no difference between this floor and the previous floor, the same concrete floor, the same simple decoration, and a room with only doors.

But the only difference between this floor and the previous ones is that there are red and white house numbers on their wooden doors.The house number starts from 501 and counts backwards.

Is this the fifth floor of the basement?Fu Nian was also curious and set his eyes on the house number. They walked up from the bottom, so they didn't know how many floors they were on.

But it doesn't sound right to me, the first floor is the hall.The second floor of the negative floor is... the collective smoking area, the third floor, the fourth floor, and the fifth floor only have two relatively gentle breathing sounds on each floor. Fu Nian doesn't know what it is for.

But aren't they on the fifth floor now?Fu Nian looked at the house number on it curiously.Breathing……

Fu Nian turned his head and glanced at Yuan Zhisheng next to him,
its not right.Plus they should be four.

"According to the internal information obtained by the executive bureau, Noda Daikichi was placed in the Bliss Pavilion for experimental data research because of the evolutionary medicine. The data in it is the fifth floor of the basement."

"But do you think this is a place for research? Will your Sheqi Bajia put the laboratory in the unfinished building?"

Yuan Zhisheng shook his head, "I don't know, I haven't been to all the Yanliu research institutes, but I know that if the situation is special, they will set up the research institutes in unfinished buildings."

"But you are hesitating now." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng and said.

"Yes. I have a bad premonition. I always feel that this place is too quiet. Except for the members of the ghosts who appeared on the bottom floor, the rest of the floors seem to be forgotten, and there is no one. "


"We still have to try after all, don't we?" Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian and made a choice.

"Then what if I tell you that what you are installing is nearly a ton of TNT? The moment you open the door, it will be their detonation switch, which can raze everything on this floor to the ground in an instant. Not even my Clean Room will keep us safe."

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Fu Nian with wide eyes.There was an unbelievable feeling for a while.

"Do you know how powerful a ton of TNT can produce?" Yuan Zhisheng stared at Fu Nian with horror in his eyes. "You need to know that the bullet that tears a big hole in the human body contains four grams of TNT. The TNT that weighs one ton is 25 times that of him!! That thing can directly lift objects in four to five hundred tons One meter! Don’t the ghosts want all the people in the Bliss Hall to be buried with us?” Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian who was facing him in a gaffe, although he wanted himself not to believe this, but he instinctively Already believed this thing.

 Thanks again [Orange Warm Pinellia] for the 1500 point reward!
  Thank you very much [Black Rock] for your 500 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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