I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 259 In that case, listen to me later.

Chapter 259 In that case, listen to me later.


Fu Nian spread his hands helplessly, of course he didn't know if it contained a ton of TNT, or even if it contained TNT or ordinary high explosives, Fu Nian didn't know.

But the only thing that was certain was that it was explosives, because not only did he hear the extremely low beeping sound.At close range, there is also a very strong smell of gunpowder, (this smell of gunpowder is the smell of real gunpowder.)
Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian who didn't speak but just looked at himself,
"Is it really a bomb?"

"Anyway, it's not what you said. I don't think a person can make a beeping sound like a machine no matter how excited he is."

Fu Nian didn't answer Yuan Zhisheng's question directly, "And don't you think the information they gave you was wrong from the beginning? Why was the person who was not found by the three teams of your executive bureau accidentally found by the camera in this place?" In addition, when we came in, we also found a large number of members of the fierce ghosts who were ready. Thanks to us, if it were anyone else, the nearly [-] ghosts would chop everyone to death with one knife. You still count on the information given to you by your executive bureau to be useful?"

Fu Nian stood beside Yuan Zhisheng's ear and whispered.

Of course, these details were not discovered by Fu Nian himself, but were analyzed by Xia Mi before he came here, so that he could take care of them and tear them down if they couldn't do it.

After paying attention, Fu Nian found that the following series of things were indeed in line with this point of view.But there is a lack of strong evidence that can really be implemented.Now when he smelled gunpowder, he finally found strong evidence for Xia Mi's guess.

The higher-ups of the fierce ghosts must have been able to anticipate their arrival.And set a trap for them.

The door opens and people die.

As for whether they will also demolish this bliss hall.Fu Nian didn't know.But if the Bliss Pavilion is exchanged for a young master of the Bajia of Snake Qi, a future emperor, Fu Nian thinks it is worth it.

Yuan Zhisheng remained silent. He is not a fool. On the contrary, as the director of the executive department, his combat experience and intuition are extremely keen. The current situation has indeed deviated from the original plan, but they have no choice.

He had already reached the door, even if there were nearly a hundred ghosts inside, he still chose to open the door to find Noda Daikichi.

But now that Fu Nian told himself that there was nearly a ton of TNT inside, he had to consider the seriousness of the matter.Because this is not only related to his life, but also the lives of all ordinary people in the Bliss Pavilion at this moment.Although they came here to gamble, ordinary people are ordinary people after all, and they shouldn't lose their lives because of the war between the mixed races.

This is the principle and his justice.

"Is Noda Daikichi in there?"

Yuan Zhisheng tried to keep himself quiet and listen to the voice inside, but unfortunately, his hearing is not so outstanding, although his mixed-race physique makes him superior to ordinary people in many aspects, even better than 90.00 Ninety-nine hybrids, but superiority also has a focus, and focus does not mean invincibility.

It is impossible for him to be able to hear the sound inside through the thick concrete wall like a hybrid with a hearing spirit, and this concrete wall seems to be soundproof.


Fu Nian shook his head.That's something he's sure of.

"Unless Noda Daikichi died inside." Fu Nian added, this is something he can be sure of, because they have stood in front of this door for a long time, and this time is a time when a person needs to breathe, even if he does not Breathing must have a heartbeat.

But until now, Fu Nian hadn't heard anything.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian who was very positive, and sighed helplessly.

"Are you really half-breed?"


"I think I'm already at the peak of the mixed race, and I can only be the real emperor, but since I came into contact with you, I found that the emperor is just like you."

"Are you praising me?" Fu Nian glanced at Yuan Zhisheng.

"I'm telling the truth. If your bloodline hadn't been affirmed by the headquarters, I would have thought you were the bloodline of our King Bai."

"I'm not the blood of your white king." Fu Nian's voice was a little dissatisfied.

"I know, but the appearance of your abnormality among the stable bloodlines of the Black King's bloodline really makes it difficult for those of us who can easily cross the threshold of the bloodline and the White King's bloodline to adapt."

"I'm not a pervert either." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng,
Yuan Zhisheng stared at the serious Fu Nian for a moment.

"I'm not interested in men."

Yuan Zhisheng glanced at the corner of his mouth. "Your jokes are so cold."

Fu Nian didn't care about spreading his hands.Looking at Yuan Zhisheng who had regained his serious state, he shook his head helplessly.He found that Yuan Zhisheng was a little restless from the moment he heard about the explosives.The most obvious manifestation of this is his heartbeat.

"We don't have much time now. It's less than half an hour before their helicopter takes off, but we have lost all the clues." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian and said.


"No." Yuan Zhisheng looked at the time, "We still have 10 minutes."

But Fu Nian didn't see any hope in the opponent's pupils.See only firm.

"Actually, I have a safer solution." After hesitating for a while, Fu Nian said.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian.

"We can catch them all when they get on the plane, can't we?"

"Do you really think we are invincible?" Yuan Zhisheng interrupted Fu Nian without hesitation. "You still think they are rotten cabbage. The biggest reason why we were able to slaughter so many of them just now is because of the terrain, which is our home field in the narrow terrain.

The second is that the cooperation between our words and spirits can not only suppress their power more directly.This is of course our hard power and our most powerful means, but we are not a machine that can release the power of speech indefinitely, nor can I spread the scope of kingship endlessly.

Especially within the wide range of the airport, we are the live targets of their sniper rifles, and there are too many spiritual powers to suppress us.Even if you shrink the dust-free land, under the heavy firepower of the cannon,
You'll lose your stamina pretty quickly, too.It's not our home field.Our only chance is to kill them before they go. "Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian like a lunatic, and his attitude was very firm.

"That means you have no choice but to search blindly and pin your hopes on luck?"

Yuan Zhisheng thought about it and nodded. "It can't be said that I'm pinning my hopes on luck. This kind of situation still happens frequently when I perform tasks. Now it's the two of us working together. According to our efficiency, we still have a good chance of successfully completing the task."

Yuan Zhisheng closed his eyes and recalled the map of the Bliss Pavilion in his mind, judging how they should act in the next moment.

Looking at the serious Yuan Zhisheng at the moment, Fu Nian nodded.

"That being the case. Listen to me later. I'll tell you where they are."

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Fu Nian who was opposite him.

"Oh, that's right. How long will the evolutionary medicine of the fierce ghosts last on the body?"

"The time is uncertain, but usually the stronger the effect of the medicine, the longer it will last. According to the current data of our executive bureau on beheading people who have taken evolution medicine, the duration of the medicine effect will be eight to twelve hours. Different The strength of the potion will have different time intervals.

During the duration of the evolution medicine, they will be crazily controlled by certain negative emotions.The power in the body will always be in a very excited state, with extremely strong activity. "

"Then how long do you think Daikichi Noda's evolutionary medicine will last?"

"There were ten guards in the Executive Bureau team that Noda Daikichi was in at the time. Judging from the fact that they can raise a hybrid with a dragon blood concentration as low as that of ordinary people to the strength to kill them,

The evolution medicine he holds should be of a strength we have never seen before, and this strength should have a longer duration.The facts are also proving my guess. Judging from the photos Kaguya Ji got, the other party's eyes were indeed in a state of extreme excitement at that time.

According to the other party's escape time, it was ten o'clock in the noon.It should still be within the duration of the opponent's evolution medicine. " Yuan Zhisheng spoke.

"Will your heart beat faster?"

"It's about two to three times that of human beings." Yuan Zhisheng nodded, "And the biggest effect of this effect is between the opponent's blood, which will form an extremely fast flow intensity and speed in the body. It's like a turbulent drop Great river."

"Yeah." Fu Nian slowly closed his eyes.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the other party strangely, he always felt that the other party had to rely on the ear to find the other party's location.

But don’t be kidding, okay, the Bliss Hall has at least dozens of high-rise buildings up and down. Exploring such a large area should at least be possible for a hybrid with an exploratory language spirit.

But Fu Nian's speech spirit is a dust-free place.

This guy really thinks he is...

Wait, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly thought of something, and looked at Fu Nian in horror.

At the same moment, Fu Nian who had just closed his eyes suddenly opened them and looked at Yuan Zhisheng.

(End of this chapter)

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