I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 260 The Yuan Zhisheng Withdrawing Money

Chapter 260 The Yuan Zhisheng Withdrawing Money

"Your dust-free place can't cover the entire building!"

"There are a lot of mixed races here!"

The two spoke at the same time, but there was a huge fork in their question.

"Are you kidding me? If you don't treat me as a monster, how could it cover as far as the entire floor?" Fu Nian directly denied the other party,
Am I a monster?of course not!

I am Longye.

"There are a lot of mixed races?" Yuan Zhisheng also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he said that he couldn't. If he nodded, Yuan Zhisheng was terrified that he would draw out the spider and fight the opponent directly.

To be able to cover such a large area, only pure blooded dragons can do it.

"very many."

Yuan Zhisheng nodded. This is something he knew a long time ago. They are in the newly established core stronghold of the ghosts. A very large cake.The fierce ghosts will naturally pay special attention to it.This is something he has long been prepared for.

"But there are basically no bloody, blood-speeding, or irritable guys here, and their heartbeats are all stable." Fu Nian's voice was full of curiosity.

"How stable is it?" Yuanzhi asked abruptly.

"It's more than 210 heartbeats per minute."

"Pfft!" Yuan Zhisheng staggered suddenly, more than 200 times, which was basically equal to Deadpool's heartbeat!
Is it!

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly placed his wrist on the handle of the spider knife at his waist.The state of the whole person is rising in an instant

"Oh, I lied to you. Don't be so excited."

Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng, who was about to enter the fighting state in an instant, with a hint of helplessness on the corner of his mouth. Why can't this person be so joking? If Finger is beside him instead of himself, Fu Nian would feel that the other party May be exhaled cerebral hemorrhage.

Yuan Zhisheng stood in the dark shadow, between the pupils of his eyes, instinctively made Fu Nian feel a slight squint.

This is an act of sizing up. As for what will happen after sizing up, it is probably anger.

"Fu Jun, the current situation is very urgent. Please don't make such jokes. After the matter is over, I will definitely buy you a drink."

Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng who was in the state at this moment, and nodded.This is actually a very small behavior of Yuan Zhisheng that he was deliberately probing. The purpose is actually to determine Yuan Zhisheng's character.Although there will be great errors in the results obtained in this way, but in such a short time and such an anxious moment, he does not have too much time to refine and determine.

In fact, Yuan Zhisheng already has a general personality on Fu Nian's side. He should be a person who pays great attention to commitment, or a person who pays great attention to the overall situation.
Although he is also a murderer in the eyes of outsiders, but unlike Chu Zihang, the senior brother is a lone wolf, and he has a task that must be completed in his heart. For this matter, he can do everything, even if it is own life.

But Yuan Zhisheng is different. From the beginning of contact to Xia Mi's observation of him, he is a person who pays attention to the whole and shoulders great responsibilities. In other words, he is a person who bears faith.Just as Amaterasu's life shines on all living beings, he also bears the mission of Amaterasu's life in his heart.

He is the young master of the Ba Family of Snake Qi, and when he is right, he is not just himself.Many of his decisions are based on the interests of the family, and he may even sacrifice everything for the justice he believes in.

It was for this reason that Fu Nian watched Yuan Zhisheng slowly return to a serious state with peace of mind,
"I have found the conditions you mentioned, but there is a problem that may be more serious."

"A lot of people?" Yuan Zhisheng asked.

"Not really," Fu Nian shook his head. "I don't know if they are Deadpool or hybrids of experimental evolution medicine, but there are indeed quite a few of them, and they are extremely scattered. So far, there are four directions in total." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng and spoke.

"Where is it?" Yuan Zhisheng asked directly without any hesitation.This was something he had prepared for a long time ago, and even later when they found that the hybrids who had just attacked them could not be contacted, they would disperse more hybrids to confuse them.

Fu Nian told the other party one by one what he had heard.

"I don't know whether what you lost is the experimental data or the experimental samples, but what I can tell you is that I didn't find any clues about this, because they have no sound, but I found a special one in the four directions. The place."

Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian on the opposite side and said nothing, but the state of his whole person was telling his concentration all the time.

"One of the directions gives me a particularly strong feeling. There are not only Deadpool, but also many hybrids. Judging from the current situation, it is not the experimental sample, but the location of Noda Daikichi."

Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng and spoke slowly.

"But I don't rule out that they are also in other positions." Fu Nian added at the end.

"Is this the entire location of the Bliss Pavilion?"

"Of course not. I'm not a Yan Ling who has a hearing system. Of course I can't hear the whole situation of the whole building." Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng who was opposite and said.

"Then what is the approximate scope now?" Yuan Zhisheng asked.

"It's about five stories high."

"Just to the first floor?" Yuan Zhisheng looked at the house number in front of him, and the 501 on it was vivid in his memory.

"Oh no, it's the fifth floor. I've been hearing better since I was a child." Fu Nian corrected, and then ignored Yuan Zhisheng's surprised eyes, looked at the other party and said slowly.

"At present, I have heard a total of four areas, two on the fourth floor, one on the first floor, and the last one on the fifth floor, but their power distribution is not the same.

Among them, there are only three guys who use evolution medicine on the first and fourth floors. I don't know whether the other party is Deadpool or something, but they are indeed a bit pale compared to the one on the fifth floor. "

"Leave the fifth floor to me." Yuan Zhisheng said without hesitation.

"Are you sure you can eat it alone, I haven't said the exact number yet."

"I can eat as many deadpools as I can." Yuan Zhisheng said firmly.

"It may be a small laboratory, although I don't know why they put the laboratory on the fifth floor. But there are at least ten deadpools in them.

It's the fully-formed Deadpool, not the incomplete emotional lunatics we encountered in the underground who used evolutionary drugs to temporarily break through to gain power. "

Yuan Zhisheng's expression fell silent.After a while, he opened his mouth slowly. "Doesn't that just prove that they are right there at this moment, and with luck, Noda Daikichi and our lost things will be found together."

"Then if you are unlucky, although their dead servants may be imprisoned in them now than some instruments, but once they go crazy and release those dead servants, then you will not only have to face a dozen of them alone The standby Deadpool of the members of the Demon Ghosts has to face more than a dozen deadpools in full body state.

Even if you are the emperor of your Sheqi Eight Clans, it will be extremely difficult to face these things.What if your luck is still bad, and you find that the laboratory you occupied with serious injuries is empty and doesn't have what you want?At that time, you have completely lost your combat effectiveness, and you will be helpless in the face of the subsequent fierce ghosts and generals. "

"Isn't there still you? What is different from the past is that we now have a fault tolerance rate. Even if our bet fails this time, we will still have a chance to complete the mission. No matter how bad the situation is, I believe we will be safe and sound Yes." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian with a very serious attitude.

"I'm good at it." Fu Nian stroked his chin.

"If this task is completed, the Sheqi Bajia will promise Fu Jun any request, as long as the request is not excessive. I guarantee it as the head of the Yuan family and the young master of the Sheqi Bajia." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu swearingly. Read it.

Fu Nian's eyes lit up suddenly.Then hesitantly stretched out a finger.

"One hundred million?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

"Uh," Fu Nian looked at the other party's frown, wondering if he was going too far.Originally, he came here to be a free bodyguard, but after half of the protection, he still charged money.

"No problem. I will apply to the family to give you a hundred million dollars." Yuan Zhisheng said straightforwardly.He really didn't expect the other party to withdraw money from him.Because the last thing they need to look at at their level is money. (Although he also has money).

Fu Nian was taken aback for a moment, looking at Yuan Zhisheng who spoke so readily, he suddenly realized whether he had been reckless.

According to the other party's current decisive state, he seems to be missing.

"Can I go back on my word?" Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng opposite.

"Of course, as long as the task can be successfully completed, you have room to make a decision. The requirements remain the same."

The moment Yuan Zhisheng's voice just fell, he suddenly found that the eyes of Fu Nian on the opposite side suddenly lit up.

 Thank you very much [Orange Warm Pinellia] for the reward of 1500 points!thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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