I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 261 Bliss Hall 1st Floor

Chapter 261


The division of labor between the two is extremely simple. According to Yuan Zhisheng's intention before, he went to the direction of the fifth floor. The purpose was simple but clear, but the process was extremely difficult.Although Fu Nian's task was to solve the remaining three strongholds, it was relatively simple.

When the two were silent, they raised their knees and walked on the stairs between the basement and the upper floor with leather shoes on.
As Fu Nian said, except for the fierce ghosts on the bottom floor, there are basically not many people in the basement of the Bliss Hall. film.

Except, of course, for the cannon fodder they are now lying under their downstairs.

Fu Nian glanced at the floor they had just left. At the corner of the stairs, there were two men in black windbreakers lying.At the position of their necks, two shallow bloodstains happened to be right in the middle of them.

The bloodstains were neither long nor short, just enough to kill them.The bloodstains were neither thick nor thin, just enough to prevent the blood from splashing in all directions,

This is of course Yuan Zhisheng's handwriting. The battle between him and the two of them fully demonstrated the gap between an emperor and an ordinary mixed race, even if this mixed race is still two ghosts.

The combat contact was over in just a split second. Of course, according to Fu Nian's efficiency, it might also be over in a split second, but their deaths would definitely not be so graceful.

According to Fu Nian's guess, they might just be cannon fodder placed here by the ghosts. The reason why they can be seen to be cannon fodder is entirely because they have been eroded by dragon blood to a stage where they are almost turned into ghosts, and they are about to lose Losing the only rationality that human beings have, they are about to completely fall into the abyss of power.

Not throwing them into the confinement room is already the greatest tolerance of the demons to them.

If you look carefully, there are blue and black scales everywhere around their temples, which is a state where they can no longer control their physical strength.

In fact, to a certain extent, the hybrids they encountered before were also cannon fodder.They are all hybrids who have suffered from severe negative emotions. In other words, they are members of the fierce ghosts who will completely become Deadpool at any time.

Of course, after they became dead waiters, it was not the members of the headquarters of the ghosts who cleaned them up, but threw them on the territory of the Snaki Bajia, and asked the executive bureau to deal with them.

But now they appear here, to a large extent, it also proves that the ghosts abandoned them.

The two quickly disappeared from the stairs on this floor. When heading to the upper floor, Yuan Zhisheng chose to take the initiative again, and appeared behind them before the ghosts could react.

Spider Che left a bright red bloodstain between their necks like a shooting star across the night.

The ghost's body slowly fell to the ground.

The backs of Fu Nian and Yuan Zhisheng disappeared into the darkness at the end, and only the slow and rhythmic sound of leather shoes touching cement remained in the air...


"The above is the hall on the first floor." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian beside him and said.

Under the distance between the upper and lower floors, Yuan Zhisheng could still barely hear the noisy sounds above. Yes, the clatter of high heels on the smooth tile floor.

Yuan Zhisheng has been to similar places several times, of course he is not here to play, but to find crows and Yasha with Sakura.

He knew what girls in high heels looked like, or they couldn't be called girls anymore,

He knew how those young women dressed, some of them were young and immature, they would wear school uniform skirts and white stockings to show off their cuteness to attract customers, some were glamorous and enchanting, they would wear red-soled high-heeled shoes and high-slit cheongsam to show off enchanting.

There are also some with a busty figure, wearing a see-through low-cut white gauze dress, stepping on grid stockings, and having big breasts and fat buttocks with an unconcealable smell of the world...

When he found Yasha, he was sitting in front of a pachinko drinking a glass of coke with a woman in a white gauze dress, smiling sweetly with a touch of peachy scenery.

Later, the crow told himself that his sudden appearance at that time actually delayed Yasha's chance to show off his glory.But Sakura also told herself that the two of them were the same thing.

Crows may not be the only ones showing off.

"What are you thinking? Why do you show such an expression in such a place?" Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng opposite him in a little surprise,
"You don't think about the regretful first love, do you?" Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhisheng opposite him with horror. "A certain woman who had a first night with you was bought into this place because some Jialin had no money. Because you are the boss of the local young master, the girl suffered..."

"Hey, young master, although this kind of plot is very bloody, but we are gangsters, if there is any disagreement, we will go up and force it..."

Fu Nian's voice stopped suddenly, looking at Yuan Zhisheng who was leaving him behind, he actually felt a deep helplessness in the other party for a moment,
This is already more than one time he has expressed this emotion today.

"You are so annoying." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Fu Nian, and finally choked out these three words.

"Um." Fu Nian blinked his eyes twice. One day, he would use a reason to be hated with Mr. Fingel.

Yuan Zhisheng turned his head and did not intend to talk to the other party.He turned around and walked towards the two men in black underneath.

Not long after, Fu Nian saw the other party bring up two guys from the ground,
Then Yuan Zhisheng pulled off their clothes and threw them to Fu Nian, "It's a little different from what I expected. For the success rate of the mission, we need to change into their clothes."

Fu Nian nodded indifferently. "I don't have a cleanliness at the moment."

"Then get ready to go."

Fu Nian nodded, looking at the time on the watch, they still have 10 minutes.

"I hope you don't need me."

"No." Yuan Zhisheng looked seriously at the airtight door of the basement directly in front of him, and spoke slowly.


White light poured in.

"Hey! Old Wang, lend me another five thousand and I can't take this little girl!!"

"I'll tell you, 80!"

"500 million!!"

"[-] million, press them all!!"


The moment the door was opened, it was as if Pandora's box had been dropped on the ground. The noises in the room were like a curse, and Fu Nian was surrounded by viruses from all directions.

In the next moment, the deep red Italian marble floor, the crystal clear red crystal glass wall, the delicate skin of the girls, and the enchanting soft voice of the young woman.

The world seems to have reversed its poles. The basement behind it is dark and only has simple concrete walls, but in front of it is a magnificent royal palace.

The hall is the gambling hall of the Bliss Hall.Half of it is the pachinko area, and the other half is various gaming tables.

Pachinko is a gambling game suitable for all ages in Japan. You can play it with a few pennies. The girls sitting in front of the pachinko machine are all girls drinking Coke and stuffing marbles. All of them are so beautiful that they can be photographed in magazines. cover,

Fu Nian stood alone in a corner by the door, he was insignificant in the huge world like a leaf falling among fallen leaves.Not to mention being discovered by the ghosts, even the staff here did not notice that the door leading to the basement was opened.

Yuan Zhisheng disappeared from the spot the moment the door opened.

Fu Nian shook his head, bypassing the dealers and waitresses who exposed their bodies, dressed in a jet-black security uniform, and went straight to the direction he felt in his mind.Yuan Zhisheng's time is relatively urgent.His time is also precious.

Also because he was wearing a black suit at the moment, the waitress who was standing in the center of the hall and was responsible for entertaining the guests was afraid to step forward.

Fu Nian didn't hesitate at all, and rushed towards a certain direction with big strides.In his feeling, the direction there seems to be a private room.

It is at the junction between the first floor and the lower floor.But Fu Nian just didn't find that location on the basement floor.

Guessing that the road leading to that direction may only have one route, that is to enter directly from the gate,

"Sir, let me borrow your hat." Fu Nian passed by a group of tables who were concentrating on Texas Hold'em, and took off the peaked caps on top of each other's heads.

"Aren't you tm..." The man who noticed that his head had turned cold suddenly grabbed the bet in his hand and angrily turned towards Fu Nian's direction.

At this moment, he was furious like a tiger whose ass was touched, and his eyes were full of unconcealable anger.

But in the next second, the imposing tiger instantly turned into a kitten hiding in a corner,

Staring at the man who sneered at him, the man's handsome face had a pair of pale golden pupils that are the signature of ghosts.

The man knows these eyes, this is the symbol of the staff of this bliss hall, and every staff member here is not something that players like them can shout loudly.

"Do you disagree?" Fu Nian looked at the reluctance on the other side's face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly disappeared.

"No, no, I'm extremely happy. I'm very happy, very happy..." The man hurriedly said tremblingly. Just for a moment, he found a chill on his back. It seemed that as long as he said no, he might die on the spot it's here.This is also the root cause of zero conflicts in the Bliss Hall in the casino environment.

"That's good." The man nodded slowly, the smile returned to his eyes, and he turned and walked into the crowd.

Seeing the man's disappearing back, the man slowly picked up his mobile phone and dialed the report number of the Bliss Hall.He didn't dare to refute these people face to face, but it didn't mean they didn't have the means to counter them.

Bliss Pavilion is a casino.It must abide by the principle that the customer is God. Although they are more interested in the staff, they value the rights and interests of customers more. For this reason, in order to prevent them from being bullied similarly, they also prepare a rights protection notice for each customer. s method.

The reported staff will be severely punished by the headquarters, especially for the security personnel of the Bliss Hall.

"It's a security guard in a black windbreaker, right?"

"Yes, you stole my hat and threatened me with evil words!" The man's voice was full of anger.

 Thank you [Suit or White Shirt] for your 5000 point reward!
  Thank you very much [book friend 20211011222023709] for the 600 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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