I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 262 Fu Nian: "Look at me."

Chapter 262 Fu Nian: "Look at me."


He told Yuan Zhisheng that the five-story building is the limit of his hearing. In fact, Fu Nian was lying to the other party. Regardless of the exploratory speech skills that Fu Nian can use, only his hearing range can cover the entire range here.

But although Fu Nian deceived Yuan Zhisheng, he was not completely deceived.At least on the fifth floor, there really is a laboratory like a research institute, and there really are guys with strong physiques and fast heartbeats in the laboratory.But whether there is really Noda Daikichi among them, Fu Nian is not sure.

Because there are quite a few guys with the same physique as Noda Daikichi in this building. Although many of them are experimental products, they are the experimental products of Deadpool. Although in Fu Nian's eyes, Deadpool is just That way, one finger can crush it to death.

But in the eyes of the mixed race, it is a powerful thing that can match them, the powerful defense ability brought by the dragon's blood, and the excellent attack power.Everything is beyond the reach of ordinary mixed races.

Standing at the corner door of the hall on the first floor, where no one went, Fu Nian looked at the slightly ornate hardcover solid wood door in front of him, and there was indeed a guy with shortness of breath in the voice inside.

It's just that Fu Nian knew that the dead waiter in it was not even a hybrid who used evolutionary medicine. Although the other party also used medicine, this medicine had nothing to do with evolutionary medicine, and they couldn't even be compared together.

But Fu Nian still decided to open this room, not because he wanted to see what they were doing.

He actually felt three thick and heavy breaths inside, and judging from the heavyness and frequency of the breaths, they should all be men.

The three men, all of mixed race, seemed to have taken some kind of medicine.

For a while, Fu Nian was really curious, bah, Fu Nian was really concerned about whether there was Noda Daikichi.

Looking at the tight solid wood door inside, Fu Nian slowly put his palm on the doorknob.

In the next second, a lava-like temperature began to rise around, and the red air wave seemed to come from the flames of the spicy pot.

There was only a tick and the sound of water dripping in the air, and Fu Nian felt the resistance in his hand loosen.The doorknob was still safe and sound in Fu Nian's palm.

But the cumbersome eight-fold door locks were all dissolved into a drop of crimson juice without exception. The juice continued to evaporate during the fall, and the second before it was about to penetrate the solid wood door and land on the stainless steel threshold, it was like fog. Generally dissipates into nothing.

Fu Nian leaned forward, ready to enter it like a curious baby.

But in the next second, Fu Nian's body, which was leaning in, suddenly stopped.

"I'm sorry." Fu Nian looked at the three white and red bodies in front of him.

The three men also stopped their hands the moment they opened the door, and collectively turned their heads to look at Fu Nian's position.

In an instant, the eight eyes intersected, and the air froze in this instant.

"Excuse me." Fu Nian was the first to recover, and hurriedly closed the door of the room with his body.

The three people in the room looked at each other blankly and at the door that opened suddenly.Then he looked down at the small table where the three of them sat around, on which bottles of sake were neatly arranged in a row.

"Fishing at work was discovered?"

"Will drinking be punished?"

"Why did he open the door?"

All of a sudden, three people and three questions appeared among several people one after another.

Just before they came to a conclusion, the closed door of the room suddenly opened again,
Behind it, a face wearing a black peaked cap that impressed them once again appeared in front of them.

"I'm sorry, since you have discovered this serious matter. Then I can only disturb you again and let you go to see the god of death."

The three of them looked at the "colleagues" who were not familiar with this line of work, and they were about to get up immediately. Although they didn't know what the other party was going to say for some reason, the threat of death was clearly in their ears.

But in the next second, they found that the person standing at the door had one hand stretched out like a claw. Just when they were puzzled, they suddenly found that the temperature in the air began to soar.

No, it's not the temperature of the air around them, but the temperature of their bodies, one by one looking at each other, the body with white stripes on each other's body starts to become hot and red.Like crabs thrown into a pot of boiling water.

Their emotions became hot, and their attempts to stand up became more rapid.But at a certain moment, they unexpectedly found that their eyes were still at the same level as the bed, and they were still climbing upwards at a very fast speed.

It's the bed that's climbing.

They started to be horrified, but what was even more horrifying was the other person watching this scene. He found that his two companions were dying at a rapid rate, starting from feet, legs, waist, and chest, so far, they could only Seeing them squatting in place with only one head left, rolling their eyes in horror, looking at each other, panicked.

Finally, everything in front of him disappeared, everything was as empty as if it had never existed, only the small table in front of them on the tatami mat, neatly placed sake bottles on the small table.

The other two companions disappeared without a trace as if they disappeared out of thin air.Not even the slightest bit of bone exists.

He froze on the spot alone, watching them dissipate and leaving only air on the ground, but he was always paying attention to the figure of the man at the door from the corner of his eye.

Suddenly, he found that the man moved, slowly walking in the footsteps of death, and appeared in his sight.

"you you!"

Fu Nian looked at the other party in horror until only needle-like pupils remained,

"I then suddenly thought of a question, just one question."

"I don't know, I don't know anything, I..."

Suddenly the man saw the opponent's palm raised in the shape of a claw.The scene that was too terrifying just now appeared in his mind again.

"No, no, I know, I know, I know everything, don't kill me, I know everything."

"Isn't that all right? Let me threaten you, look how obedient you are now." Fu Nian shook his head helplessly. "I just have one question. What floor is your boss on?"

This is indeed the answer that Fu Nian wants to know. Although he and Yuan Zhisheng are one, their purposes of coming here are still somewhat different.

Different goals will lead to different ways of unfolding naturally. His goal is to kill the bosses of the fierce ghosts and win a good result for his trip to Japan.

But Yuan Zhisheng's purpose is only to obtain the lost experimental samples. Although this Fu Nian is also very interested, no, to be precise, Xia Mi is very interested. If Xia Mi is interested, then Fu Nian will naturally share his as the main purpose.

But now they are acting separately, without any delay, so in terms of time, he has time to do other tasks.And he went to contain the local boss, this is a great thing, is there any.

"Hurry up. There is only one question. After you finish asking, you can go to see them." Fu Nian's eyes shone brightly.

"Boss... Boss is..."

The man's tone suddenly paused, and he looked at Fu Nian, "I... Shall I go see them?"

"Yes." Fu Nian nodded seriously.

In the next second, Fu Nian noticed a scorching light flashing in the other's eye sockets, and the pale golden pupils narrowed rapidly in the pupils.It spread towards the body like a little snake about to be ejected from its shell.This is a sign that the opponent is about to attack.

The corner of Fu Nian's mouth twitched, looking at the other man who couldn't suppress his irritable mood with so much sake.

Reluctantly stretched out his hand.

He grabbed it, but in the eyes of the other party, it was like lightning grabbing the neck of his own destiny.

The man was shocked to find that his strength was disappearing at the speed of light, and then his whole body began to become limp and weak, like a noodle, he couldn't straighten his body no matter what.

"look at me."

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded in his mind. The voice seemed to come from a noble emperor, conveyed from the throne, and obeyed by countless dead servants in the world.

The man found that his neck, which he couldn't control no matter what, actually raised his neck and stared at the man's face in front of him.

He couldn't see anything, only a pair of huge golden pupils occupied his whole world.



Half a minute later, Fu Nian slowly closed the doorknob of the room door.

Glancing at the empty room behind him, he walked up to the room in the hall on the first floor with a satisfied corner.

(End of this chapter)

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